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Animal Farm .

Snowball is blamed for

destroying the windmill, &
everything else that goes wrong.
Animals begin rebuilding windmill
Harsh winter
Humans refuse to believe Snowball destroyed windmill.
Animals run out of food
Now Hens must give 400 eggs/week to Mr. Whymper
Hens rebellion- Hens sat in the rafters and dropped their eggs to the ground.
Hens are starved out. 9 die. The rest surrender.

Snowball is sabotaging the farm at night!

Snowball is accused of having been on Farmer Jones side the whole time.
Mass execution
Napoleon gathers all animals for a serious meeting.
Some animals confess to crimes such as working with Snowball in secret to sabotage the farm.
All animals that confess are executed by the dogs.
Animals are sad afterwards.
Boxer says something is wrong. The solution is to work harder.
Beasts of England = banned. Rebellion is over, so no need for the song.
Replaced with Animal Farm, Animal Farm, Never through me shalt thou come to harm!

Animal Farm-Chapter 7
Napoleon In this chapter, Napoleon begins to take power by striking fear into the animals.
Snowball (mentioned) Snowball is now blamed for everything gone wrong on the
farm, and is accused of having been Farmer Joness secret agent all along. He is blamed for
sabotaging the farm at nighttime.

Hens The first act of rebellion since Animal Farm began was put into action by the hens. They
refused to give their eggs away, so they led an unsuccessful rebellion.

Boxer Boxer inspires the other animals through his hard working spirit. He is disheartened after
the mass execution, & believes that the farm has gone wrong. He says that to fix it, he and everyone
must work harder.

Dogs The dogs are the instrument of Napoleons process of terrorizing the animals into
obedience. They are his ruthless bodyguards. They are the ones that killed the animals during the

Animal Farm-Chapter 7
Name calling links a character to a negative symbol
Snowball is a traitor (Orwell, page 81)
Every bad thing that happens is associated with Snowball.
Glittering Generalities links a person to positive symbol
Our Leader Comrade Napoleon (Orwell, page 81) When [Napoleon] did emerge, it was in a
ceremonial manner (Orwell, page 75)
Treated Napoleon like an idol. Napoleon is associated with all good things.
Fear warns of a disaster if one doesnt follow a certain action
Napoleon used a mass execution to strike fear into all the other animals, giving him more power over
them. Fear to rebel. (Orwell, page 82-83)
When the hens rebelled, Napoleon used threats and starvation to stop it. This also created a fear to
rebel in the animals. (Orwell, page 76-77)
Bad logic Logic is twisted in the favor of a certain party
Whenever anything went wrong it became usual to attribute it to Snowball (Orwell, page 78)

Animal Farm-Chapter 7

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