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This part is about my understanding on anisotropy nature of com-

pact star

Our main focus in this paper is to un-

derstand and study the anisotropy effect in
compact star.There are lot of reasons why
physicists are so busy with this anisotropy
model of compact stars and I will discuss
it later.From the physical point of view,we
always want to observe anything in its sim-
plest form(as simple as possible) for the
very first time.So, people initially thought
about compact stars as an isotropic fluid i.e
equal stress in all directions inside the com-
pact spherical object.In simple words,Pressure
is same in all directions inside the compact
star.We can imagine this as Pascalian char-
acter of fluid which says that a pressure
change occuring anywhere in a confined in-
compressible fluid is transmitted through-
out the fluid such that same change occurs
everywhere.This model is widely known as
Perfect fluid model(isotropic nature of
pressure).In the beginning,there was no such
theoretical evidences (or deep thought!) for

which people could imagine beyond isotropic
model for high density sphere like objects
and hence for a long time physicists used
this model as standard one for studying
and understanding high density gravitational
compact objects like white dwarfs or neu-
tron stars by solving Einstein Field Equa-
tions keeping the pressure constant every-
where.But nature is not so simple and it
needs time to understand the complexity of
nature.At around 1985,people first started
thinking about the anisotropy of compact
star.Ruderman[1] first investigated that for
a highly compact object,beyond the nuclear
density( 1015gm/cc) there can be pressure
anisotropy i.e. uniformity of pressure will
no longer be there and the pressure will be
divided in two parts one is radial pressure(pr )
and another is tangential pressure(pt) which
is orthogonal to the radial pressure.This
can be physically explained in the following
way .Say we are considering a big spherical
ball with fluid and the system is very much
uniform because the density,distances be-
tween all the particles(I mean to say num-
ber of particles in a given volume) in such
a way that we can fully apply and think
about classical model and hence we can
also think the fluid system as Pascalian na-
ture.So,if we dont go beyond a significant
density and if we want to relate anything(like
a gravitational object) with our observable
world and our surrounding physical phe-
nomenon,then all this constant pressure and
density model is very much acceptable.But
will it be same if we go beyond that signif-
icant density or if the density of a gravita-
tional system is really very very high?With
a huge amount of discussions and study
people started thinking out of the box and
with the suggestions of theory and mod-
els,they said that things will not be same
or simple like isotropic fluid model when
the density of that spherically symmetric
gravitational object is extensively high and
since then the new born baby anisotropy
in ompact star became favourite among
many scientists and it is still growing up
with the help of new theories.The most
fundamental reason for this anisotropy in
pressure is the high-density itself.If one re-
ally wants to deal with this high density
compact star,then it can not be possible to
live in the classical world only because the
classical or Newtonian physics could not
reveal the nature in such a large density.If
we take large number of particles inside a
bounded region fill with air and an exter-
nal pressure has been applied then with the
increase of external pressure the molecu-
lar movements become very faster and it
also becomes random and now lets think
more deeply for the case of compact star
where the gravity is approximately 1011 or-
ders higher than that of earth,the particles
become tremendously random at that un-
usual large gravitational force which is ob-
vious.Here the behaviour of the particles
is very much relativistic and we have to
consider special relativity for the ultimate
understanding of their nature.Here the as-
sumption is that under tremendous pres-
sure(or force),particles almost reach the speed
of light and special relativity has to be used
and we can definitely say that it is very cor-
rect assumption for compact star model.This
is just the first digging for approaching to-
wards compact star.The major reasons that
scientists have thought so far for defining
the anisotropy in pressure in compact stars
are :
Existence of a solid core of type 3A su-
exotic phase transitions[3]
strong electromagnetic fields[4]
rotation of a fluid[6]
The study of anisotropy in compact star
has importance in various ways such as sta-
bility of the system.Previously the stabil-
ity of any gravitational object had been de-
fined only with Virial theorem i.e balancing
of gravitational energy and thermal energy
but anisotropy has given a new dimension
in the definition of stability of high density
gravitational object.It has been shown that
small anisotropies may drastically change
the stability of compact star system(Chan,
Herrera and Santos (1993)).So anisotropy
arises in compact star due to variety of rea-
sons and it causes unequal radial and tan-
gential pressure throughout the star.Various
phenomenon mainly like pion condensation(Migdal
1971),other nuclear interactions at very high
densities and short ranges(shorter than we
could imagine!) act as perturbation in the
system and pressure becomes non uniform
inside the star.The difference of this two
component pressure (pr and pt) is the de-
gree of this perturbation which is denoted
as ptpr = ,where = Anisotropyf actor.Now
any type of perturbation is the reason for
a force and so this anisotropy factor will
create a force 2r (pt pr ) and this force is zero
at the centre because the centre is acting
as a complete unperturbed isotropic sys-
tem or more specifically if the centre was
not free from anisotropy then the star it-
self could not be spherically symmetric as
anisotropy would unstable the centre and
so the surface of the star had to adjust ac-
cordingly to maintain the spherical symme-
try which is impossible as our whole jour-
ney started with this spherically symmet-
ric model(for creating the metric of line el-
ement).In physics,questions could be infi-
nite but we could not doubt all the assump-
tions because ladder is the mathematics
which always loves assumption in as cor-
rect way as possible!So anisotropy starts
not from the centre but just away from the
centre.This force due to anisotropy is de-
pendent on its magnitude.If < 0 i.e pt < pr
then the force is inward and if > 0 i.e.
pt > pr then the force is outward[7].We can
physically think for the first case like if the
radial pressure is lower than the tangential
pressure then then we can think like the
field due to to charge separation from the
centre is lesser(and also due to other inter-
nal nuclear interaction near the centre) so
the outward force by the system is lesser
and the pressure dominates in the tangen-
tial direction hence with the help of gravi-
tational force and tangential force, the net
inward force is higher or dominating than
the outward force.For the later case the ra-
dial pressure is higher than the tangential
pressure and in this situation the charge
separation from the centre to the surface
is large enough and thus the electric field
is large which produces large amount of ex-
ternal force radially from centre to the sur-
face (and also due to sufficient nuclear in-
teractions).So from this point of view we
can define that anisotropy largely deter-
mines the stability for a compact star.For a
large stability,we would expect the anisotropic
factor must be greater than zero and as
large as possible but if we find the stabil-
ity is low of a compact star than it was
expected classically then the reason will
be lower anisotropic factor.It was proposed
that degree of anisotropy is induced by shear
viscosity so the stability of the compact
star is dependent on the viscosity of the
star.Due to super high density mainly near
the core of the compact star,the particles
stay very very close with together and if
we consider the star as a fluid then this
so much density of of particles produces a
very high coefficient of viscosity like for ex-
ample if we can imagine the difference be-
tween water and honey then it will be eas-
ier to visualize.the drag force is higher in
case of honey and in the same way,the drag
force will be higher for compact star.Just
to describe the viscosity in terms of large
density will be a little bit cheating because
we have to atleast briefly consider the other
effects regarding this high viscosity near
the core of a compact star.Here the strong
forces of nucleus and the condensed states
of quarks and gluons and pions (and more)
are the main reason for a tremendous inter-
action of those particles which causes the
high viscosity actually and thus anisotropy.These
strong interactions are comparatively lesser
near the surface of compact star and hence
the drag force due to shear viscosity is lesser
there.How this viscosity could increase the
anisotropic factor,can be described in this
way that if we think about very high vis-
cous liquid(like Honey or gum),it is very
difficult to move the liquid as the drag force
in between the layers is high which pre-
vent the liquid to flow smoothly against
it.Similarly,in compact star ,the core re-
gion experiences very strong nuclear inter-
actions and various condensed states(like
Bosonic,Pionic) act as a catalyst for drag
force. If we think this drag force radi-
ally,then this drag force will prevent any
significant outward radial force so we can
say viscosity will play a positive role for
anisotropic factor near the centre.But this
is only w.r.t viscosity term,there are other
effects as we already mentioned and anisotropy
inside a compact star is the ensemble ef-
fect of all of those factors.It was shown that
more positive the anisotropy factor,less com-
pact the star and more negative the anisotropy,more
compact the star[8].It is easy to imagine
as already we have discussed that if > 0
then pt > pr so outward radial force is lesser
so gravity will dominating more as inward
force and hence existences of this repul-
sive force(pt > pr ) in this case will help
to build more compact star.On the other
hand If < 0 then pr > pt and outward
radial force will be dominating hence in
this case the compact star will be less com-
pact(both the cases have been compared
w.r.t the isotropic fluid model of compact
star).So the anisotropy factor in the com-
pact star is also responsible for its size de-
pendency and we can even think about the
stability of the compact just from this size
dependency point of view.There are var-
ious charge models of compact star which
actually helps us to think about the anisotropy
as well.As compact stars are large gravita-
tional objects,so there must be charge neu-
trality in the star.It is believed that posi-
tive charges of baryons or quarks must be
balanced by the negative charge of elec-
trons but in some model they consider the
local charge neutrality not global and this
is the reason for charge separations inside
the star and this separation creates the elec-
tric field which has very important contri-
bution for generating radial pressure and
tangential pressure i.e effect on anisotropy.Exotic
phase transition is one of the model which
is believed to be one of the main reason
for anisotropy in compact star.At very high
density near the centre of the compact star,various
condense states start to form as they are
much more stable at that density like for an
example transition to a pion( )condensed
state which actually helps to soften the equa-
tion of state and providing an enormous re-
lease of energy[9](mainly neutrino) which
want to move away from the centre of com-
pact star and this actually amplify the ra-
dial pressure and reduce the anisotropy fac-
tor which means stability decreases due this
states from this point of discussion.
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