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Improved Self-Assembly of Poly(dimethylsiloxane-b-ethylene oxide)

Using a Hydrogen-Bonding Additive

Yingdong Luo,1,2 Bongkeun Kim,1 Damien Montarnal,1,3* Zoltan Mester,4 Christian W. Pester,1
Alaina J. McGrath,1 Glake Hill,5 Edward J. Kramer,1,6,7 Glenn H. Fredrickson,1,6,7
Craig J. Hawker1,2,6
Materials Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106
Laboratoire de Chimie Catalyse Polymeres et Procedes (C2P2), Universite
 de Lyon 1, CPE Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5265, Villeurbanne,
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University, New Jersey 08544
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi 39217
Materials Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106
Correspondence to: C. J. Hawker (E - mail: hawker@mrl.ucsb.edu) or G. H. Fredrickson (E - mail: ghf@mrl.ucsb.edu)

Received 20 January 2016; accepted 23 February 2016; published online 17 March 2016
DOI: 10.1002/pola.28093

ABSTRACT: Block copolymers with increased FloryHuggins the amount of LTA in the blend increased, allowing for further
interaction parameters (v) play an essential role in the produc- control over self-assembly. To understand the mechanism of
tion of sub-10 nm nanopatterns in the growing field of directed this phenomenon, we present a novel field-based supramolec-
self-assembly for next generation lithographic applications. A ular model, which describes the formation of copolymer-
library of PDMS-b-PEO block copolymers were synthesized by additive complexes by reversible hydrogen bonding. The
click chemistry and their interaction parameters (v) determined. mean-field phase separation behavior of the model was calcu-
The highest v measured in our samples was 0.21 at 150 8C, lated using the random phase approximation (RPA). The RPA
which resulted in phase-separated domains with periods as analysis reproduces behavior consistent with an increase of
small as 7.9 nm, suggesting that PDMS-b-PEO is a prime candi- the effective v in the PDMS-b-(PEO/LTA suprablock). V C 2016

date for sub-10 nm nanopatterning. To suppress PEO crystalli- Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem.
zation, PDMS-b-PEO was blended with (L)-tartaric acid (LTA) 2016, 54, 22002208
which allows for tuning of the self-assembled morphologies.
Additionally, it was observed that the order-disorder transition KEYWORDS: block copolymer; lithography; click chemistry; poly-
temperature (TODT) of PDMS-b-PEO increased dramatically as mer blend; supramolecular assembly; phase separation

INTRODUCTION For the semiconductor industry, directed is a measure of the incompatibility between the A and B
self-assembly (DSA) or block copolymer lithography offers a blocks, which in turn determines the domain periods, d, of
promising complement or alternative to emerging patterning self-assembled morphologies according to the formula dv1/
6 2=3 15,16
technologies, such as extreme UV lithography (EUV).17 Key N: Therefore, decreasing the size of the domain in
to the success of these approaches is the self-assembly of AB order to shrink feature sizes for lithographic applications17
diblock copolymers 813 with parameters governing morphol- requires that the polymer chains be lower in molecular
ogy including the overall degree of polymerization (N), the weight (decreased N) and consequently the polymer blocks
relative volume fraction of each individual block (f), and the need stronger incompatibilities (higher v) to maintain segre-
FloryHuggins interaction parameter, v (T21).14 The latter gation strengths large enough to achieve self-assembly

Yingdong Luo and Bongkeun Kim contributed equally to this work.

Edward J. Kramer passed away on December 27, 2014.
*Present address: Damien Montarnal, Universite Lyon 1, CPE Lyon.

Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.
C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


(vN > 10.5). A high v parameter therefore plays an important ters between the PDMS and PEO/LTA supra block and the
role in shrinking feature size in directed self-assembly (DSA) PDMS and free LTA molecules determined.
lithography, allowing one to order sub 10 nm self-assembled
morphologies by manipulating substrate topology and chem- EXPERIMENTAL
istry. Examples include contact hole shrink,1822 and line-
Materials and Methods
space patterns from grapho-epitaxy7,13,2327 and chemo-
Unless otherwise noted, all reagents were used as received
from Sigma-Aldrich. Synthesis of x-Azido-PDMS and x-
Poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) is the cur- Alkynyl-PEO are summarized in the Supporting Information.
rent industrial and academic standard for patterning applica- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were recorded on either
tions due to facile selective etching of PMMA by UV a Varian 500 MHz, or a Varian 600 MHz instrument. All 1H
irradiation and the ready availability of PS-b-PMMA diblock NMR experiments are reported in chemical shift, d, units,
copolymers.32 Further, nearly balanced interfacial interac- parts per million (ppm), and were measured relative to the
tions with the free surface33 enable perpendicular morpholo- signal for residual chloroform (7.26 ppm) in CDCl3, unless
gies to be prepared.34 PS-b-PMMA, however, suffers from a otherwise stated. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) was
low v parameter ( 0.04 at 150 8C), limiting the smallest performed on a Waters 2695 separation module with a
obtainable feature sizes to around 20 nm.35 With demand Waters 2414 refractive index detector in chloroform with
for ever smaller domain sizes within the semiconductor 0.25% triethylamine as the eluent. Number average molecu-
industry, intense research has been focused on high v block lar weights (Mn), weight average molecular weights (Mw),
copolymers for nanopatterning. High v candidates include, and polydispersities (Mw/Mn) were calculated relative to lin-
but are not limited to, poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) ear polystyrene standards. Microwave reactions were per-
based,25,3638 polytrimethylsilylstyrene (PTMSS) based,3941 formed in an Initiator Eight Microwave System (Biotage).
and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) based
BCPs31,4245 with all systems having high contrast in oxygen Small Angle X-Ray Scattering
plasma etching and inherently low compatibility with organic Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements of bulk
polymers. For PDMS-based systems, commercially available samples were conducted using a custom constructed SAXS
PDMS-b-PS has been widely studied for DSA lithography instrument. The instrument used a 50 micron microfocus, a
leading to 10 nm pitch size12,25,4648 and we recently Cu target X-ray source (k 5 1.57 ) with parallel beam multi-
reported sub-10 nm patterns for PDMS-b-PMMA.49 layer optics and monochromator (Genix from XENOCS SA,
France), high efficiency scatterless hybrid slits collimator
In this study, we sought to access even smaller nanoscale developed in-house, and a Detris Pilatus 100 K hybrid pixel
features by further increasing v. PDMS-b-PEO was chosen detector. The typical q range for the measurement spans
based on the amphiphilic nature and synthetic accessibility. 0.010.25 21. Samples for SAXS were melt-pressed inside a
However, one major drawback of PEO-containing BCPs is the metal washer and annealed in a vacuum oven (20 mTorr, 70
crystalline nature of PEO, which can be detrimental to the 8C) for the designated amount of time. The metal washer
formation of well-ordered nano-structures. To address this was then carefully sealed with a Kapton film on both sides
challenge, Watkins has elegantly demonstrated that blending with epoxy glue.
with hydrogen-bond donating polymers and small molecules
can suppress PEO crystallinity and simultaneously enhance General Procedure for Preparing a PDMS Diblock
self-assembly.5054 We present a synthetic and theoretical Copolymer by Copper Nanoparticle Catalyzed Click
approach based on reversible association to increase our Reaction
understanding of how hydrogen-bond donating small mole- A 5 mL microwave reaction tube was charged with 5 mL of
cules influence the effective interaction parameter of PDMS- toluene, copper nanoparticles (8.0 mg, 0.12 mmol), x-
b-PEO. By blending PDMS-b-PEO with (L)-tartaric acid, crys- alkynyl-PEO (Mn 5 2 kDa, 200 mg, 0.1 mol, 1 equivalent),
tallization of PEO is successfully inhibited and effective v and its counterpart, x-azido-PDMS (Mn 5 1.7 kDa, 187 mg,
simultaneously increased. In addition, recent theoretical 0.1 mmol, 1.1 equivalent).49 The mixture was kept at 150 8C
studies based on a field theoretic model have considered for 1 h in the Biotage microwave reactor. The reaction mix-
reversibly bonded copolymer melts, for example, supramo- ture was filtered by 0.45 lm PTFE syringe filter. The filtrate
lecular diblock55 and triblock,56 binary difunctional poly- was then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5 min. A clear top
mers,57 and multifunctional supramolecular networks.58 layer was carefully decanted and concentrated. Flash chro-
Here, we build on these studies to treat site-specific interac- matography was performed in order to remove the excess
tions along the polymer backbone and account for the asso- PDMS. The excess PDMS homopolymer was removed first by
ciation of PEO with hydrogen-bonding small molecule eluting with CH2Cl2. PDMS-b-PEO was then obtained by
additives. For simplicity, we employ a coarse-grained bead using MeOH/CH2Cl2 (v/v 5 1/10) as the eluent. The fractions
spring model15 to represent monomer species and small were combined, concentrated and dried under high vacuum
molecule additives alike. With this model, the spinodal phase to yield pure diblock copolymer with a typical yield of 50
boundaries of the block copolymer blends and small mole- 80%. Representative 1H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl3-d1, d): 7.53
cule additives are obtained and the FloryHuggins parame- (s, 1H, triazole), 4.68 (s, 2H, -O-CH2-triazole), 4.31 (t, 2H,


bind to B beads on the diblock to form D beads of increased

size on a new effective diblock. During this event, the overall
volume is conserved; for example, the volume of a D is twice
the volume of an individual B or C bead. We further assume
that the solution is incompressible.

To describe the chemical equilibrium of hydrogen bonding, it

is convenient to work in the grand canonical ensemble. The
activity of the AB diblock is defined as zAB and the activity of
the C solvent is defined as zC. The activity of a diblock with
nC beads attached to produce nD beads is denoted by zABn.
Expressions for zABn are constructed from the following
equations of chemical equilibrium:
FIGURE 1 Schematic illustration of the PDMS-b-PEO (DO) 5Keq ) zAB1 5zAB zC Keq ;
zAB zC
block copolymer structure and the corresponding bead-spring
model. A (gray), B (blue), C (red), and D (purple) circles stand
5Keq ) zAB2 5zAB1 zC Keq ;
for beads representing coarse-grained monomers of PDMS, zAB1 zC (1)
PEO, (L)-tartaric acid, and PEO-tartaric acid complex, respec-
tively. The reversible reaction of hydrogen bond is described zABn
5Keq ) zABn 5zABn21 zC Keq
as B1C
D. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, zABn21 zC
which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
where Keq is the equilibrium constant and it is assumed that
PDMS-(CH2)2-CH2-triazole), 3.67 3.61 (m, PEO backbone), binding events are uncorrelated between different sites. We
3.38 (s, 3H, CH3O-PEO), 1.95 1.88 (m, 2H, PDMS-CH2-CH2- see that once Keq, zAB, and zC are specified, all of the deriva-
CH2-triazole), 1.59 1.50 (m, 1H, CH3-CH(PDMS)-CH(H)CH3), tive activities of the reaction products are uniquely deter-
1.19 1.09 (m, 1H, CH3-CH(PDMS)-CH(H)CH3), 0.96 0.89 mined. However, the constraint of incompressibility further
(m, 6H, CH3-CH(PDMS)-CH(H)CH3), 0.57 0.49 (m, 3H, CH3- renders only one of the two fundamental activities independ-
CH(PDMS)-CH2CH3 and PDMS-CH2-CH2-CH2-triazole), 0.20 ent, so we make the simple
 of the arbitrary constant,
zC and define Keq 5exp 2 DGH2bonds , where DGH2bonds 525:0 k
20.07 (m, PDMS backbone). RT
J=mol approximately from the general ether oxygen and
Bead Spring Field-Theoretic Model hydrogen from carboxylic acid,59,60 so that the binding of C
To describe the reversible site-specific interaction of PEO beads toward B is preferential.
and LTA, we used a bead-spring model in the framework of
Pairwise interactions between non-bonded beads are speci-
self-consistent field theory (SCFT).15 In this model, the num-
fied by FloryHuggins parameters where L 6 K and L5
ber of beads along the chains is kept constant during the
fA; B; C; Dg and K5fA; B; C; Dg in all cases. vAB is fixed from
reaction between PEO (B) and (L)-tartaric acid (C) (see Fig.
experimental measurement on the pure diblock and vBC, vBD,
1), but each type B (PEO) bead gains volume and changes its
and vCD are set to zero as B and C make hydrogen bonds
interactions with the other components when a C molecule
and form D. vAC and vAD are iteratively derived from the RPA
(LTA) is bound to it (state D). To determine the stability of
modeling by fitting to experimental TODT data as described
the disordered phase against microphase separation and
in Supporting Information 2. The binary interactions and
extract a shift in the effective v associated with LTA binding,
incompressibility constraint in the grand partition function
the random phase approximation (RPA)14 was used. RPA has
are decoupled with auxiliary fields, transforming the
the advantage of simplifying the SCFT model and, thus,
particle-based model into a statistical field theory according
allowing for the efficient analysis of the phase behavior of
to well-established techniques.15 A saddle point (mean-field)
our system. The PDMS block is represented as a series of
approximation to that theory leads to a set of self-consistent
beads that we term species A, connected by linear entropic
field theory (SCFT) equations for the associating diblock
springs. Each bead occupies a volume vA 51/q0, where q0 is
model. The relevant expressions are developed in the Sup-
the total density (of all types of beads) in the blend. The porting Information 1A.
root-mean-square length of a spring is the statistical segment
length b and we adopt b/61/2 as the reference unit of length. Random Phase Approximation
The polar block (PEO) is represented by a series of beads The spinodal or stability limit of the homogeneous blend
denoted B. The beads occupy the same volume as the type against microphase separation, which is very close to the
A beads (vB 5 vA) and are connected by entropic springs order-disorder transition envelope predicted by SCFT, can be
with the same harmonic bond potentials as in the A block. found by a simplification of the SCFT equations known as
The diblock is immersed in a solvent of free (non-polymer- random phase approximation (RPA).14,61 This method will
ized) C (tartaric acid) beads that we assume to have the suffice in the present paper for predicting the role of solvent
same volume as the A and B beads. The C beads reversibly association on TODT and identifying an effective interaction


TABLE 1 Characterization Data Summary for PDMS-b-PEO behavior investigated by differential scanning calorimetry
Copolymers (DSC), as shown in Figure 2. During the heating cycle, pure
D2.2O5.0 showed a strong endothermal peak due to the melt-
Samplea Mn - b
D Dc Mord d0e (nm) TODTf (8C) ing of PEO crystallites [Fig. 2(A)]; upon cooling, the corre-
D1.1O1.9 3.0 1.08 41% (lam) 7.9 80 sponding exothermal crystallization peak was observed [Fig.
2(B)]. Both peaks dramatically decreased and shifted to
D1.1O2.1 3.0 1.08 38% (lam) 8.1 80
lower temperatures when D2.2O5.0 was blended with either 5
D1.7O2.0 3.7 1.10 50% lam 10.2 175
or 10 wt % LTA, indicating an effective partial suppression
D2.2O5.0 7.2 1.04 34% lam 15.3 n/a of PEO crystallization. Significantly, no crystallization peak
D9.0O1.8 10.8 1.07 86% bcc 14.4 n/a was observed in the cooling curve when using 15 wt % or
greater LTA. Instead, glass transitions at 230 to 250 8C
Sample name refers to the components (D 5 PDMS; O 5 PEO) and sub-
scripts refer to the number average molecular weight (in thousands) of were observed in both cooling and heating curves, suggest-
each block. ing the formation of a glassy PEO/LTA complex. Although a
b -
D is polydispersity, Mw/Mn. cold crystallization and corresponding melting event were
fD is volume fraction of PDMS, calculated based on monomer volume
of each block. m(PDMS) 5 0.138 nm3,65 m(PEO) 5 0.069 nm3.65
observed above the glass transition in each heating curve
Mor refers to morphology, which was determined by the q-ratios of
SAXS peak positions. Lam and bcc indicate lamellar and body centered
cubic (bcc) sphere morphologies, respectively. (Lam) refers to morphol-
ogies classified as lamella based on the volume fraction of PDMS, but
the secondary peaks were not observed in SAXS.
Domain periods were calculated by d0 5 2p/q*, where q* is the posi-
tion of the primary Bragg reflection.
Details of order-disorder transition temperature measurements are
summarized in the Supporting Information.

parameter for the PEO/LTA suprablock with PDMS. Here, we

extend the approach of Mester et al.58 in transforming the
bead-spring SCFT model15 into an RPA expression for the
multicomponent polymer system.62,63 Unlike RPA calcula-
tions for non-reactive block copolymers, in the present
model the concentrations of species and auxiliary fields in
the homogeneous base state must be computed numerically
using the self-consistent field equations. For this purpose a
Newton-Raphson method64 is used. An analytical linear anal-
ysis about this base state leads to equations described in the
Supporting Information 1B and 1C that can be used to iden-
tify the spinodal instability to microphases. We use this sta-
bility limit as a proxy for the order-disorder transition.


Based on our synthetic experience preparing PDMS-b-PMMA,49

we used facile and modular azide-alkyne click chemistry to
prepare a library of pure PDMS-b-PEO diblock copolymers with
different molecular weights and narrow polydispersities. Poly-
mer details are presented in Figure 1 and Table 1. Successful
coupling of the two blocks was confirmed by 1H NMR (Sup-
porting Information Fig. S1), and by size exclusion chromatog-
raphy (SEC), showing a clear shift in retention time towards
higher molecular weights and the absence of any homopolymer
(Supporting Information Fig. S2).

For PDMS-b-PEO block copolymers to be useful materials for

nanopatterning applications, the overriding crystallization of
the PEO domains must be suppressed. Inspired by studies in
which the crystallization of PEO was controlled by blending FIGURE 2 Differential scanning calorimetry profiles of D2.2O5.0
with hydrogen-bonding polymers51 and small molecules,52,53 blended with different amounts of (L)-tartaric acid: (A) cooling
PDMS-b-PEO (D2.2O5.0) was initially combined with various curve; (B) heating curve. Exothermal peak is positive (up). Crys-
amounts of (L)-tartaric acid (LTA) and the crystallization tallization of PEO was effectively suppressed by LTA.


periods. These changes were observed as shown in Figure 3

with the principal scattering peak shifting to smaller q
(larger domains) as the amount of LTA increases. SAXS
experiments on the blends were carried out at 60 8C to
exclude any influence of PEO crystallinity and corroborates
domain size expansion resulting from the formation of a
supramolecular block between LTA and PEO.53

Having demonstrated that the assembly of low molecular

weight, highly immiscible PDMS-b-PEO block copolymers can
be tuned by the addition of H-bonding additives, a theoreti-
cal understanding was sought. Initially, the block copolymer
was represented by a bead-spring model where the molecu-
lar weight of each block was converted to degree of poly-
merization with a correction to account for differences in
repeat unit volumes. These volumes of 69 3 and 138 3 for
PDMS68 and PEO,69 respectively, were scaled to the reference
volume for LTA of 108 , calculated by ChemAxon.70 The vol-
ume ratios of PDMS and PEO to LTA were then used to cal-
FIGURE 3 Small angle X-ray scattering profiles of D1.7O2.0 culate the corresponding numbers of beads to represent a
blended with different amounts of (L)-tartaric acid. The num- PDMS-b-PEO chain at each molecular weight. For example,
bers designate the weight percent of LTA in the melt. L/C refer we used 21 and 33 beads for D1.1O2.1 and 21 and 30 beads
to lamellar or cylindrical morphologies. for D1.1O1.9.

using 1525 wt % LTA, crystallization events were com- Selective Binding Leading to Stronger Segregation and
pletely absent in blends containing more than 30 wt % LTA, Increasing TODT
demonstrating efficient suppression of PEO crystallization. To quantify the increased phase separation behavior of
PDMS-b-PEO in the presence of LTA, we quantitatively com-
The ability to control PEO crystallinity allows the domain pared the FloryHuggins parameters of neat BCPs to blends
periodicities and morphologies of neat PDMS-b-PEO BCPs of BCPs with LTA. Initially the v parameters of neat PDMS-b-
and their blends with LTA to be investigated by SAXS. At PEO were obtained by analysis of SAXS profiles in the disor-
room temperature, all neat PDMS-b-PEO BCPs showed a dered phase at various temperatures. The analysis was based
broad primary scattering peak due to the presence of PEO on Leiblers mean field theory14 and modified to account for
crystallites with a broad distribution of grain sizes. These the polydispersity and asymmetry of the block copoly-
crystallites disrupt microphase separation. Upon heating the mers.71,72 To ensure accessibility of the temperature window
samples above the melting point of PEO (60 8C), this peak of the disordered state and reliability of the calculations, the
was replaced by a new set of well-defined scattering peaks, two lowest molecular weight BCPsD1.1O1.9 and D1.1O2.1
suggesting the existence of well-ordered nanostructures. The with low order-disorder transition temperatures (TODT 5 80
domain periods were calculated via d0 5 2p/q* (q* is the 8C, see Supporting Information Figs. S3 and S4) were sub-
position of the principal SAXS peak), and produce values jected to this analysis. Four parameters, including the statis-
below 15 nm for all samples (see Table 1). These domain tical segment lengths of both polymers (bEO, bDMS) and
periods are much smaller than domain period of PS-b-PMMA, fitting constants K and v, were optimized to fit the SAXS pat-
the current industry standard in DSA lithography. Remarkably, tern at a particular temperature. The data analysis is sum-
D1.1O1.9 self-assembled to form lamellae with d0 as low as marized in Supporting Information Figure S5. Both polymers
7.9 nm, one of the smallest domain periods reported for the have similar FloryHuggins parameters (v (D1.1O1.9) 5 16.4/
self-assembly of a linear diblock copolymer.43,66,67 From the T 1 0.17 and v (D1.1O2.1) 5 22.8/T 1 0.15) as shown on
ratio of scattering reflections, the underlying morphologies for Figure 5. These values are significantly higher than the v val-
D1.7O2.0 and D2.2O5.0 (lamellar) and D9.0O1.8 (body-centered ues of both PS-b-PMMA and PDMS-b-PS, and slightly higher
cubic spheres) were observed (Table 1). Higher order scatter- than for PDMS-b-PMMA (Table 2) suggesting that PDMS-b-
ing peaks were not detected for D1.1O1.9 and D1.1O2.1 due to PEO could achieve smaller, nanoscale features.
the low overall molecular weight (see the Supporting Informa-
tion for additional information on SAXS profiles and Shifting attention to the LTA blends, the effective v parame-
morphologies). ters, veff, of PDMS-b-PEO/LTA could not be obtained by the
same method used for neat PDMS-b-PEO. Considering the
On a molecular level, addition of LTA to the diblock copoly- onset decomposition temperature of LTA, 150 8C,41 the dis-
mers leads to an increase in the effective molar volume of ordered phase temperature windows of these blends for veff
the PEO repeat units and a corresponding change in the analysis would be higher than the LTA decomposition tem-
effective molecular volume of the PEO block and domain perature. Therefore, a theoretical model was used to


TABLE 2 FloryHuggins Parameters of Selected Block


Sample va v at 150 8C
PS-b-PMMA 4.46/T10.028 0.039
PDMS-b-PS49 6.85/T10.072 0.088
PDMS-b-PMMA 24.4/T10.13 0.188
PDMS-b-PEO 16.4/T 1 0.17 0.208

FloryHuggins parameters were obtained by analyzing disordered
SAXS profiles based on Leiblers random phase approximation.14 The
reference volume for each case is 0.1 nm3.

quantitatively evaluate veff of the PDMS-b-PEO/LTA blends.

The random phase approximation (RPA)14 applied to a FIGURE 4 The TODT curves as a function of the volume ratio of
supramolecular bead spring model allowed us to predict the LTA additive for two PDMS-b-PEO samples. Scattered points
increase in TODT resulting from addition of LTA. The spinodal are drawn from experiments with D1.1O2.1 (circle) and D1.1O1.9
phase boundary (the stability limit of the homogeneous dis- (square), and lines are from the RPA modeling using 2130
ordered phase) can be calculated by solving equation C.1 beads (dashed) and 2133 beads (solid).
(see Supporting Information). The order-disorder transition
ture of LTA.73 Using the best fit parameters, the RPA analysis
temperatures, TODTs, are fit assuming a temperature depend-
predicts that approximately 80% of inserted LTAs are hydro-
ence of the various v parameters of the form v 5 a/T 1 b.
gen bonded to the PEO block of D1.1O2.1 at 140 8C, according
The two parameters characterizing vAB (PDMS, PEO) were deter-
to Keq calculations (see Supporting Information Fig. S6).
mined using the neat block copolymer experimental data.
vBC (PEO, LTA), vBD (PEO, PEO/LTA), vCD (LTA, PEO/LTA) were set to From fitting the a and b variables in the v parameter expres-
zero, assuming that the EO segments are mostly consumed by sion, we were able to predict the effective interaction param-
hydrogen bonding to produce a supramolecular PEO/LTA eter of the block copolymer-LTA blends. Previously, the v for
block which is compatible with LTA. The four a and b parame- PDMS-b-PEO without LTA was measured to be 16.44/
ters contained in vAC (PDMS, LTA) and vAD (PDMS, PEO/LTA) were T 1 0.169 for D1.1O1.9 and 22.8/T 1 0.148 for D1.1O2.1. Figure
the only unknown variables to appear in the RPA equations 5 shows that the anticipated increase in v when LTA was
and were matched with experimental datasets obtained from added to the block copolymers was correct. Fitting the TODT
D1.1O2.1 and D1.1O1.9. For vAD (PDMS, PEO/LTA), the effective curves from the RPA-based field-theoretic modeling to the
FloryHuggins parameter was expected to be larger than that
of the bare block copolymer, vAB (PDMS, PEO), due to an unfavor-
able interaction between the bound LTA and PDMS segments.
For our study, the fitting to the RPA expressions is difficult
because of the limited data on TODT from the two low molecu-
lar weight samples below the thermal decomposition limit of
LTA.73 To improve the statistical significance of the fitted
parameters, we assumed that vAC (PDMS, LTA) and vAD (PDMS,
PEO/LTA) are the same, that is, free and bound LTA interact
with PDMS segments similarly. Thus, a single a and b pair
were the only two fitting parameters for the D1.1O1.9 and
D1.1O2.1 analysis.

Improved Phase Separation Shifts TODT

As shown in Figure 4, TODT curves derived from the RPA
modeling were obtained by fitting to the corresponding
FIGURE 5 The FloryHuggins parameter, v, as a function of the
experimental data by adjusting a and b of vAC (PDMS, LTA) and
temperature. The experimentally measured v of PDMS-b-PEO
vAD (PDMS, PEO/LTA) iteratively. The close match between calcu-
from two samples D1.1O2.1 (blue) and D1.1O1.9 (red) are plotted
lated results and experimental observations demonstrate a as dashed lines with data points (lower pair) and the derived v
simple trend: as the amount of LTA added to PDMS-b-PEO of PDMS-b-(PEO/LTA) by RPA are plotted as solid lines (upper
was increased, the ODT increases nearly linearly and then pair). The derived v from the higher volume fraction of PEO
flattens as LTA binding sites on the PEO backbone begin to (D1.1O2.1) increases from the original v of PDMS-b-PEO more
saturate. The RPA modeling was terminated at 10.5% LTA than the smaller volume fraction of PEO (D1.1O1.9). [Color figure
for D1.1O1.9 and 15.0% for D1.1O2.1 because at these incorpo- can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
rations, the TODT moves above the decomposition tempera- wileyonlinelibrary.com.]


experimental data shows that the effective v, both vAD (PDMS, The specific H-bonding, supramolecular assembly of LTA
PEO/LTA) and vAC (PDMS, LTA), between PDMS and the PEO/LTA with the PEO domains of the block copolymer decreased the
suprablock increased from 16.44/T 1 0.169 to 57.0/T 1 0.23 PEO blocks tendency toward crystallization and improved
for D1.1O1.9 and from 22.8/T 1 0.148 to 75.0/T 1 0.26 for phase separation. This supramolecular driven assembly was
D1.1O2.1. The difference between the extracted v expressions modeled via the random phase approximation (RPA) utilizing
for the two PDMS-b-(PEO/LTA) samples is likely due to the dif- a bead-spring model with the model predictions, obtained
ferences in the bare v parameters of the pure PDMS-b-PEO from fits to experimental TODT data, suggesting a large effec-
copolymers and the different volume fractions of PEO that par- tive v for PDMS and LTA, which drives LTA into the PEO
ticipate in H-bonding. The temperature dependence of the domains and enhances hydrogen bonding of LTA to PEO. The
effective v is much higher after LTA binding, suggesting a large increased polarity of the PEO/LTA supra-block is quantified
unfavorable enthalpic interaction between bound (or free) LTA by a predicted 100% increase in v for PDMS-b-PEO/LTA over
and PDMS. The increase in effective v from vAB (PDMS, PEO) to PDMS-b-PEO, and the order-disorder transition temperature
vAD (PDMS, PEO/LTA) is approximately equivalent to 0.36-0.43 at is observed both experimentally and theoretically to be a
room temperature with the overall increase of vAD (PDMS, PEO/ monotonically increasing function of LTA concentration. The
LTA) being  80120% (see Figure 5). This relatively large higher volume PEO/LTA supra-blocks, further swollen with
effective v parameter excludes LTA from the PDMS domains free LTA can further drive a sequence of morphological tran-
and enhances binding to PEO. When LTA binds exclusively to sitions, consistent with SAXS analysis of the blends. These
PEO, the resulting PEO/LTA supramolecular block copolymer block copolymers achieved lamellar domain periods as low
is more polar than PEO alone, as depicted in Figure 1 with the as 7.9 nm and show promise for next generation block
supramolecular assembly resulting in an increased PDMS-b- copolymer lithographic systems.
(PEO/LTA) v. Significantly, these theoretical calculations predict
a shift towards higher v values, which would improve phase
separation and self-assembly. Experiments were able to further
corroborate this finding: in the pure D1.7O2.0 case at 60 8C, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
only the principal scattering peak was observed, indicating We thank The Dow Chemical Company through the Dow Mate-
ordered domains without long-range ordering. On addition of rial Institute in UCSB and the PREM program of the National
LTA, higher order SAXS reflections (nq* 5 1:2:3) become appa- Science Foundation (DMR-1205194) for financial support. The
rent, confirming our hypothesis that LTA enhances the self- following Dow researchers are thanked for insightful discus-
assembly capabilities of PDMS-b-PEO and allows for tuning of sions Phillip Hustad, Matthew Christianson, John Kramer,
phase separation, effective molar volume and domain period. Bryan Barton and Paul Clark (DOW). Project assistance by
Hazel Sprafke (UCSB) and insightful discussion with Weichao
As the amount of LTA was increased in D1.7O2.0, the morphol-
Shi, Brian Stahl and Nicolas Treat (UCSB) are gratefully
ogy gradually evolved from lamellae (5%  20 wt % LTA) to
acknowledged. The computer simulations presented in this
cylinders (25 wt % LTA), as pindicated
p by the characteristic
work were performed using computational facilities at the Cali-
peaks position at ratios q*: 3q*: 7q* (see Fig. 3). Similarly,
fornia NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) and Materials Research
as the amount of LTA was increased for D1.1O2.1, D2.2O5.0 and
Laboratory (MRL) at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
D9.0O1.8, the morphology changed from lamella (<5%) to
The MRL Central Facilities are supported by the MRSEC Pro-
gyroid (>20%), from lamella (<10%) to hexagonal cylinder
gram of the NSF under Award No. DMR 1121053; a member of
(>25%), and from bcc sphere (<2%) to hexagonal cylinder
the NSF-funded Materials Research Facilities Network
(>5%), respectively (Supporting Information Figs. S7S9). If
(www.mrfn.org). C.W.P. acknowledges the Alexander von Hum-
we assume homogeneous LTA binding to PEO for all PDMS-
bolt foundation for financial support.
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volume fractions of PDMS can be decreased from f 5 0.5,
0.38, 0.34, and 0.86 without LTA to feff 5 0.42, 0.32, 0.29,
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