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Integrated Hardware Devices

/dev/-----: The folder containing files that are the pointers to devices.
lsmod: shows the active modules installed on the system
modprobe: instert a module into the system.

Removable Devices in Linux:

lsusb(ubuntu): shows usb devices that are connected in the system.
usb-devices(ubuntu): gives a long look information of the device.
lspci:(ubuntu) shows pci devices.
dmesg: shows kerenl message and system events.

Dealing with devices:

/proc/: process information are put in this folder.\generated by procfs
/sys/: information about system configuraton.(kernel 2.5) genertared by sysfs
/dev/: pointers to the differnet devices (kernel 2.6) generated by dbus

Linux Boot Process:

BIOS/UEFI --> Activate onboard hardware and turn things to the boot device.
MBR/ Master Boot Record--> contains the bootloader and partition info.
GRUB /Bootloader-->lanches kernel and intird.
initrd (intial ram disk)--> minimal linux kernel that detects what kernel modules to load.
kernel -->load the programs using the init process.

Boot Time Kernel and Init Systems:

single mode is used to change the root password
you shoud modify the kernel arguments by addin "single" at the end
sysVintit: the way we start processes in most common linux distrib
upstart: used method for intiating processes on ubuntu distribution.
Systemd: used with start dependency conditions. cd /etc
systemctl: controls the start of daemons and processes.
* enable:
* start:

Managing Runlevels with SysyVinit:

runlevel: define the enabled features of the system.
0: Halt
1: Single user mode
2: Multi user, no net
3: Multi user, with net
4: Not used
5: Multi user GUI
6: Reboot
telinit r: command to switch to a run level (r)
init r: the same as the telinit.
runlevel: to show the actual running level.
/etc/initab: file where to define the default running level. (id:r:initdefault:)

Managing Boot Targets with SystemD:

boottarget: equivalent ons systemV to runlevels.
systemctl: used to switch between boot target
isolate: to set a target
get-default: to get the default set target
set-default: to set a the default target.
/etc/systemd/system/ : where resides the information about the targets.
/usr/lib/systemd/system/: same as the previous

Proper Halting and Rebooting the system:

telinit 0: equivalent to poweroff target.
teliniit 6: equivalent to reboot target on systemD.
powerof: sends ACPI power off signal
halt: somyimes doesn't power off.
reboot: as it saids.
-f : kill the process with forced manner before rebooting.
wall: send a message to all terminals.
echo "Message" | wall
shutdown: to shutdown the system with options
-r : reboot now
-h +t:in t minutes.
-P T: specifie the time T
-P +t "Messages"

Partitions and Mount Points:

Partitions: define portions of storage drive, virtually mentionned on the MBR.
/boot: a folder that must be readable by bootloader from the GRUB.
0 we should separate noramally active folders (/var for exepmle) from other less active
but critical partitions.

RAID:Redundant Array of Independents Disks.
LVM: Logical Volume Manager. It can combines Drives to appear as one logical space agregating

Boot Loader GRUB vs GRUB 2:

GRUB: Grand Unified Boot system. The first sector of the hard drive where specified the
indications of boot process:
--> Stage 1: MBR
-->Stage 2: /boot
/boot/grub/menu.lst : file containing the configuration for the GRUB 1 (legacy)
/etc/grub2/grub.cfg: file containing the configuration for the GRUB 2
/etc/default/grub: place wher to make grub configuration modification
/etc/grub.d/--- : Same as the other one
grub2-install: command to take grub configuration effects.
grub-mkconfig -o "grubfile": command to configure grub parameters.

Managing Shared Libraries:

shared libraries : the libraries that are used # programs at the same time.
/etc/ld.so.conf: tells the system where to look for library files.
/etc/ld.so.conf.d: it is actually pointed from the previous file. It contains the libraries for each
/etc/ld.so.cache: cache file (binary) created by ldconfig rapid pointer to file libraries .
ldconfig: comand to create ld.so.cache file.
ldd: shows the libraries toused by the followinf command
to add a path to a library temporarlly:

Using APT:
APT: Manager used to install software for debian distributions (Ubuntu)
/etc/apt/sources.list: contain the information about the repositeries to be used
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/: contain the repositeries listed i separated files.
apt-get : commande to interact with packages
update : update the cache of the information repository
upgrade: upgrade ths system except the kernel
dist-upgrade: upgrate everything including the kernel
install :install a specific package
remove: remove a specific package
purge: remove a package and its configuration file
apt-cache: gives information about packages
search :information for a specific term
show: details on specific package
aptitude: alternative command use for apt management
dpkg-reconfigure : to recunfigure installed packages on the system.

Using YUM with RPM's:

YUM: Yellodog Updater Modified, manager used to insall rpm packages.
RPM: Redhat Packet Manager.... files/ packeges for software installation.
yum: command used to interact with the yum manager:
search: looking for info about a specified package.
info : gives information about the specified package
install: to install the package.
remove to rmove the package.
provides: shows the packages that provided the specifies file.
updates:update installed package. if not specified, it will updated al the installed
/etc/yum.conf: configuration paramters for yum resides in this packages.
/etc/yum.repos.d/: directory where we specify the repository on which we download the
rpm2cpio and yum downloader:
cpio: concatenate differnet files of a software package into one.cpio file (first step of rpm
-idvf > file.cpio: recover the original package structure into the different files (reverse)
rpm: agregate cpio file with its belonging description and dependencies to create rpm file.
rpm2cpio: extract the cpio file from the rpm file.
This is used to recover files deleted unintentiolly from our system.

Commad Line Intro:

cmd1 ; cmd2 : the ";" used to execute the cmd and cmd 2 recurssively with the outputs in #
cmd1 && cmd2 : the output is the same as ";" but the second command isn't executed if the
first didn't success.
TAB (touch): autocompletion feature on bash
history: shows you the history of commands executed.
-c : to clear the history of the comand line.
.bash_history: file where hitory is stored, it is specified in the perosonal folder of the connected

Working with Environment Variables:

env variable: define parameters that are set when loged into the system
env: shows all the system defined variables.
PATH: variable that mention all the folders where we look for commands to execute.
export: set a value to the specified path
export PATH=/folde:$PATH
unset: to remove the variable with its value from the current process execution.

Manipulate Text:
head: show the first few lines of a text file.(normally the first 10 lines)
-n: for specifying the number of lines.
tail: show the last few lines of a text file. Often used for viewing log files.(normally the last 10
-n :for specifying the number of lines.
cat: concatenate and display different files. Often used to display files.
split: divide one text file into multiple files
-l : spcify the number of lines into each new created file.
paste: merge data from different files side by side horizontally
join: merge data from different files combing a specific parameters (number for example)
(communality should be find between lines so that it will apear)
expand : converts "tab" into spaces.
unexpand -a :convert spaces into the "tab"
sed: stream editor, used to substitute, nest and simple regex
1 sed 's/this/that/g' file.txt'
s--> for substitute
this--> the text to replace
that--> the text to be replaced with
g--> global , to keep searching through each line.

File Management:
pwd: presents actual working directory
"." : shortcut signifing the current directory.
".." : shortcut for the folder above.
~ : shortcut to the home directory of the connected user.
ls : listing the contents of a folder
-R : shows recursively the content of each sub-folder.
-l : show long listing
-a : showing even hidden files or folders
.file: makes the file hidden by adding the "." at the start.
touch: creates empty file, or update time stamp.
rm : remove files (or folders for a recursive use)
-rf: recursive and force the hidde file.
mv: moves files or folders, used to rename .
cp : copy files ( or folders for a recursive use)
-R :to copy a folder withs whole contents.
mkdir: make folder.
rmdir: removes folders that are already empty

Find Command:
find :look for a file or a directory on the system :
find <location> options... -exec commands
- type d/f (directory or file)
- name (file name)
- iname (case insensitive name)
- mtime (modified in last x days)
- mtime +/- (more than /less than days)
-cmin -60 ( changed in lat 60 minutes)
- size +S : for size criteria

Using TAR, CPIO and dd:

dd: this command is used to interact with block devices instead of filesystem. It is used
normally to copy complete block file from one device to another on:
dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/dev/sdb [bs=4k]
if= for input file
of= for output file
bs= block size.
tar :tape archive, used to create archive and extract file from archives:
-cvf: to creat archive : tar -cvf output.tar what-to-includ
-xvf: to extract files from an archive.
cpio: concatenate differnet files of a software package into one.cpio file
idvf <file.cpio: recover the original package structure into the different files
-ov: > file.cpio: to create the cpio file.

Compressing Files with Gzip Bzips

gzip: compress files with normanl compression ratio .
gunzip: uncompress gzip compressed files.
bzip2: compress compress files with higher compression ratio .
bzip2: uncompress bzipz compressed files.
zip: do archiving and compression at the same time.
-r: should be used when zipping folders with its entire files.
unzip: uncompress and unarchive files ziped
Standard Input/Output/Error:
Each application on the system running can have the three different entries
STDIN: Normally is the keyboard input by default
STDOUT: signify the expected result that is shown on the Console
STDERR: the errors generated that are shown on the console
redirection to or from files can be done by those Methods:
< : redirect STDIN
>: redirect STD
2> :redirect STDERR
read : invoke to input a string using the keyboard
read VAR : what is typed by keyboar will be the value of the VAR variable.

Pipes, Data Redirection and Xargs:

Pipe "|": dump the STDOUT of an APP in the STDIN o the next app.
Xargs: a program that listen on STDIN and paste it on the end of the next command
STDIN --> xargs command STDIN
Tee: to redirect to STDIN and to the screen a the same time
cmd | tee file.txt
We can mention STDOUT in our commnd with &1
cmd > file.txt 2>&1 : here the STDOUT is the file.txt.

Fourgreound and Background Jobs.

& : this is used to launch a job in the background gf fg
cmd arg1 arg2 ... &
Ctrl+z: to suspend a commnd
bg : to put a job to run in the background .
bg %[jobnumber] :jobswithout arguments return the most recent one .
jobs : shows the running jobs with the launching command
fg : return to a specified job.
fg %[jobnumber] : without arguments return the most recent one .
NB :All the launched jobs are kolsed after the terminal session si closed.
nohup : launch the command and protect the process from stopping after terminal closing
nohup cmd arg1 arg2 .... &
disown : protect backrond launched job
disown %[jobnumber]
screen: create a kind of new virtual terminal we can go back to if we want to intract with a
backgroud job.
ctrl+a+d : disocnnect from the screen and keep the jobs running in the backround
-dr : option to bring up the the command we want to interact with.
exit :to exit from the screen and return to normal erminal window.

PID, Signals and the kill command:

PID : process identifiers
Signals: the way we communicate with the processes on the machine.
SIGHUP : 1 : Hangup: notifying the child porcesses that they should stop.
SIGINT : 2 : Interrupt: it's the eaquivqlent to Ctrl+C
SIGKILL: 9 : kill : To force the dying of the process.
SIGTERM : 15 :Terminate : close propoerely a process
Those signals are used to tel a process to finish
kill: the command used to send the signals to processes.
without argument : it sends the SITERN 15 to the process
- 9 : to kill the process
Advanced Process Management:
killall: kill all the procceses running the command given as argument
kill cmd.
pkill: can do the same us killall, but we know only a part of the command.
-f : the same as in the pgrep
pgrep: returns informations about the processes containg a word given as an argument.
-a : a flag to show all information about the processes.
-f: a flag to search for the word on the full command line (we combine -af)

Process Priorities:
Nice-level/ Priority level : define the much of the time cpu to use by a process. The Nice level is
defined as following:
-20 : The highest Priority level
0: the Default level
19: The lowest priority level
nice : specify the priority level to launch an application :
nice -l application: l defines the level (from -20 to 19)
ps -alf : to show processes with priorities
renice : this command change the priority o already running process
renice l -p PID

Grep, fgrep & egrep:

grep: searches for tex , return line if found.
^: begining of the line
$: end of line
.: any character
|: or
[ ]: ranges
egrep: extended grep, used normally when using ranges or |, for different hypthesis as a search
ps : must be used with single cotes
fgrep: fast grep, it doesn't take in consideration regular expressions

The VIM usage:

vi : The editor that has two modes:
Command mode : save, quit, search, replace, navigate aroud, execute macros, initial mode.(ESC
for returning to the mode)
Insert/Append/Open mode: enter from command mode, interactively edit text, navigate with
aroww keys.
H-J-K-L: Used as arrow keys.(Kiets go up)
:w--> write the current file
:w filename--> write to new file
:q--> quit
:q!--> quit even if not saved.
/term: search forward through the document.
?term: search backward through the document.
:%|s/term/replacement/gic: to search for a term and substitute it with another one.
%: search on the hole document.(optional)
s : for substitution.
term: what you want to replace
replacement: what you want to replace with
g: to replace all the terms even at the same line.
i: case insensitive
c: confirm each replacement
dl-->delete character
d5l--> delete 5 characters
dw:-->delet a word
d3w--> delete 3 words
dd--> delete line
d4d --> delete 4 lines
yy--> yank (copy) current line
y5y--> yank 5 lines
y3w--> yank 3 words
p--> paste yanked text after current line.

MBR(Master boot record): a part o the hard drive that describe its content (partitions
informations). It resides on the first sector of the drive.(2TB max of HD and 4 partitions)
GPT (GUID (Global unique identifier) Partition Table): Same as MBR but stored in multiple
locations , with unlimited number of parttions per hard drive
PS: Each parttion is named in system as sda

fdisk: a tool used to format Hard drives, and make partitions. with MBR mode
gdisk : a tool used to format Hard drives, and make partitions. with GPT mode

Formatting Partitions in Linux:

ext ( Extended File System) : File system used for formatting partitions in Linux. (Versions are 2,3
and 4)
journaling: keeps records on changes .....(kind of safety system)
swap: it is a non-filesystem, it is a kind of paging file.
mkswap : create swap partitions or file.
mkfs: create filesystem on
-t : specifies the type of the file system.
.ext2/.ext3/.ext3/.msdos/.ntfs: when attached to the command, it specifies the
filesystem type
mke2fs: to create a file system (without options makes ext2)
mke2fs -j : make ext3 filesystem.
parted: commad to manipilate partition on hard drive (parted /dev/sdb)

Maintaining File Systems:

fsck(file system check): detects the fs type and checks its integrity. It
PS: The file system must not be mounted while to be checked.
-N : shows the command it will execute when checking a system
-f: repair the filesystem.
tune2fs: change ext2 to ext3
dumpe2fs: show all superblock info
debugfs: interactive filesystem editor.
xfs_info: shows info
xfs_check: complete check of file system
xfs_repair: checks and fixes problems
-n : similar to xfs_check (recommanded than the check command)

Mounting and Unmounting :

mount: to mount a file system on a directory
-t fstype device location (-t ext4 /dev/sdb2 /home)
-o to specify the read only , read write of the system
without options shows the mount point on the system.
umount: unmount a file system on a directory
/location or /dev/sdbx
/etc/fstab: file containing the mount point that should be made on boot

Drive Quotas :
Setting limitations to users on hard drive space usage. Two types of quotas exist:
Hard : Permissions are limited to hard capacity
Sof: limited with an amount designed as a limit , when the limits exceed, there is a timer that
gives ane time extension until we return bach down the limit.
quota: package that should be intalled using the package manager.
- on the /etc/fstab , we should add usrquotq,grpquota as options.
- we should remount the partition : mount -o remount /dev/sdb2
quotaof: to make sure that the quota are off on the partition
quotacheck : to check and create quotas
-cug /dev/sdb2
edquota: to edit and set quotas for groups and users
-u user /dev/sdb2
repquota: reports existing quotas on a device.

File Ownership and permissions:

chgrp : to change the group to wich belong a file
chgrp grp1 file1
chown: to change the owner of a file.
chown user file1
umask: define the default access permissions parameters.The default parameters resides in teh
following files:
- /etc/bashrc
Special Permissions:
SUID: executes a file ithe permissions of the file owner.
GUID: executes a file with the permissions of the group , and create files on the folder with
group membership
Sticky Bit: only the owner can delete the files.
chmod : to change the permissions into the special ones
chmod u+s --> SUID
chmod g+d-->GUID
chmod o+t--> Sticky Bit

Hard and Sof Links:

inode : the block where every file starts.
Hard link : the same file is linked to 2 different names (Files) on the same hard drive, and
modifications affect both the files, the link is used within the inod.
Symblic link : It is a kind of pointer to the a file name, and can be created in different hard
ls: to list files :
-li : to show the inod where the file starts.
ln: to create a link to file
ln file1 hardlink
-s : to create a softlink.

File Hierarchy Standard:

/ : the base level of the FS (root)
/bin: contain system binaries
/boot : where the boot loader are stored.
/dev: listing of the devices
/etc: contain the configuration files
/home: contain user files.
/lib : the systeme libraries needed for single user mode.
/proc : virtual filesystem ,
/root : root's home folder.
/sbin : essential system binaries.
/tmp: temporary storage location.
/var: where temporal files (logs, mail.....) stored
/media: this is for removable storage.
/mnt: temporary file system for mount.
/usr : where programs and binaries are stored.
/usr/bin: : binaries for programs .
/usr/lib: whres libraries are stored.
/usr/local: specific things to the system lives
/usr/local/bin: binarie directory for local.

Find and Locate:

which: gives the path for the program we are looking for (used to locate binaries)
whereis: gives the result of which and add the man page location also
find: search in real time to the whole hard drive for what you are looking for.
-name : to look for a file that its name contaning the parameters we look for.
locate : can locate where a file existe.
updatedb: update the indexation of files so that locate command will be updated.
/etc/updatedb.conf : configuration file for updatedb command
User Profiles and system Profiles :
Login shell:this is the shell used when connecting with ssh mode, that load profile settings.
It loads the following files in this order:
/etc/profile --> /etc/profile.d/* -->/home/user/bash-bash_login_profile
Interactive shell: doesn't load profile settings, it is launched in the GUI mode.loads the two files:
/etc.bashcrc -->/home/user/.bashrc

Scripting Basics:
#: used to make a line as a comment that it's not interpreted on the execution exept the first
shebang : the first line that begin with "#!" tha specifies the interpreter for the script. this is
followed by the path to the interpreter (#!/bin/bash
echo: it prints on cmnd line the specified String.
echo " What to print".
Variable: a way to store information during the script execution.
$VAR: it returns the value of the variable VAR.
Substitution : replace the value of a variable by the result of a command
MYFILES=$(ls -l)
command: you can just specifie the command to excute on the script and then it returns the
command result during the excutions.
NB: you should change the permissions of the file to be executed. If it cannot be changed, you
can use : bash script1

Scripting: Conditionals and loops:

if/then/else: this is the manner to treat conditions in scripting. (else part is not a mandatory
if [conditional expression]
other cmd3
other cmd4...
conditional expressions:
== : to compare for eguality and matching
-lt: less than
read: it convoques the user to enter a statement on the cmd line.
for loop: can do a sequence of commands of a variable in a sequence of values.
for VAR in some sequence ;
stuff with $VAR
Sequence: it specifies a set of value that a variable takes when executing a loop command
val1 val2 val3 ...;
range: particular sequence that startswith a number "a" and finishes with a number
b {a..b}
susbstitution ( sequence replaced with the results of a command)
while loop: this loop can a execute a set of commands while a conditional statement is true.
while [conditional statement]

let: this command is used to change the value of a variable (let VAR=VAR+1)

SQL Data Management:

mysql: command to interract with mysql DBMS already installed on the system.
-u: specifies the user (mysql -u root -p food)
show tables: shows the tables belonging to the database.
select: command that return the content of the table.
*: show all the fields belonging to a table (select * from fruit)
where: specifies a condition. (select * from fruit where color="yellow")
AND: to add a condition on the where statement (select * from fruit where
color="yellow" and size="small")
order by : to specifie the order of the result by a criteria (select * from fruit order by
group by: to specifie the groupping of the returned results.
INSERT: adds a row of data to the table
INSERT INTO fruit (fild1, field2, field3....) VALUES (value1, value2, value3... )
DELETE: to delete a row from a table.
DELETE FROM fruit WHERE name= "pineapple"
UPDATE: to update a row on the table with the a new value of a field.
UPDATE table SET field = "new value" WHERE field 2= "value1"
JOIN: join and displays 2 tables that have a specified fields with commun values.
SELECT * FROM fruit JOIN vegetable ON fruit.color=vegetable.color
quit: to exit from the mysql mode.
X11 (Xorg) Configuration :
xorg.conf: old configuration file for X11 display protocol. On old systems it existed in
xwininfo : it displays information about a sceen.
xdpyinfo: gives informations to deal with X11 server.
xhost: it speciefies which users (localhost, or remote) can connect to xserver
$DISPLAY: Environment variable that contain the IP @ where to execcute xcommands.
SSH -X: redirect Xdiplay from a remote computer to the current one.

Display Managers:
Diplay Manager: GUI inteface you can login when you are running graphical interface on the
computer.(exemple lighdm, XDM, KDM, GDM)
/etc/lightdm: configuration files for the lightDM.

Nothing Special to mention.

Managing Users & Groups:

passwd: command ro change the password.
sudo passwd user1 : to change user1 password with the root priviliges.
useradd : this command is used to add a user .
-d: to specifie the home directory
-m: create the home directory.
-s : specifie the shell .
-G: to add additional groups .
-c : to comment (used for specifyeing the name and the purpose of the accound)
usermod: to modify a user account (most of the useradd options)
-L : Lock account
-U: unlock account
-aG: add to group.
userdel : to delet a user on the system
-r : delete the home folder.
id : to get information about a user .
id user1 .
getent passwd: shows the content of the password file.
groupadd: to add a new group of users on the system .
-g: to specifie a specific id for the group.
groupmod: to modify an existant group.
groupdel: to delete a group on the system.
Password Group, and shadow Databases:
/etc/passwd : file where we store information about users included in the system.
user:(old versions passwd encrypted): uid:ugid:comment: home directory: shell
/etc/shadow: the file that contains real encrypted password for each user on the system
chage: shows and change infomation about password user expiration information
-l : to specify the user to list info for.
-E: specify expiration date when changing
/etc/group: contains informations about groups.
/etc/gshadow: the shadow file for a group.

Personal Job scheduling with AT and Cron:

cron: set the scheduling of jobs,applications, etc... using the following scheme.
* : minute
* : hour.
* : day of month
* : month
* : day of week
* : command to execute.
instead of using 5 fields we can have those exceptions:
@reboot: on rebooting the system.
@daily: daily scheduling.
x,y,z: in the field it means th xth , yth and zth min, hour, day or month.
x-z: to specify a range
*/z every z minutes or hours ...
crontab -e: to edit job scheduling on the system.
/var/spool/cron/crontabs : folder containing personal crontabs.
at: one time schedular (cron is for periodic scheduling).
at "moment"
at> cmd1
atq: to show the queue of the scheduled tasks with at tool.
atrm : to remove the scheduled task with at tool.
/etc/cron.allow : where we specify users allowed to cron scheduling.
/etc/cron.deny :where we specify users denied to cron scheduling
/etc/at.allow : where we specify users allowed to at scheduling
/etc/at.deny :where we specify users denied at scheduling

System Job scheduling with cron and Anacron:

/etc/crontab: file containing system-wide crontab.
/etc/cron.d/: the folder wher a program can add system-wide cron files.
/etc/cron.daily/ : folder containing executable files with a daily frequency.
/etc/cron.weekly/ : folder containing executable files with a weekly frequency.
/var/spool/anacron: where timestamps are stored for scheduled jobs. (It notice the run jobs
within the not run - it is checke at the boot time.)

Localization and Internationalization:

tzselect: to identify the time zone of the system.
/usr/share/zoneinfo/: contains all information about time zones that the system needs.
/etc/timezone: where the timezone setting is set
/etc/localtime: it is the binary file from the 2nd folder (/usr/share/zoneinfo/: ) that is copied
to the /etc folder
locale: to show environment variables that tells what system languages are we using.
LC_ALL: the variable tha overwrite everything with the spcified value.
iconv: a command that deal with encoding (converting)
-l : to list encoding possibilities.
iconv -f (Source-Encoding) -t (Destination-Encoding) file_to_convert

Maintaining System Time

Hardware Time: the time on the motherboeard that is kept using battery.
date: command show the set system clock
- s: to set a system time.
hwclock: to show the hardware clock value.
--set: to set a new value.
hwclock --set date="mm/dd/yy h:m:s"
-u : for setting the UTC
-w : to set the value of the hwclck on the system value.
/etc/adjtime: it shows the setting time of the Hwclock
NTP: Network Time Protocol. (www.NTP.ORG)
ntpdate: command that sets the system time on the value of the ntp server given as a
ntp service : it is a service that do continually sync the system clock with an ntp server.
service ntp start : to start the ntp server.
/etc/ntp.conf: configuration file for the ntp deamon.
ntpq: the cmnd to deal with ntp
-q: show ntp servers that the client is connected to.

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