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2016 | 2017

Vienna School of International Studies

cole des Hautes tudes Internationales de Vienne

2 Preface
3 Diplomatic Academy: Overview
4 Who we are and what we stand for:
The Director of the DA
6 Institutional Profile
7 Academic Profile
8 History
9 Studying in Vienna
10 DA Campus
12 Study Programmes Overview
14 Master of Advanced International Studies (MAIS)
16 Master of Advanced International Studies (MAIS)
Exchange Programmes
18 Master of Science in Environmental
Technology and International Affairs (ETIA)
20 Diploma Programme
22 Study Trips
24 Extracurricular Activities
26 Career Centre
28 Graduate Network
32 Research & Publications
34 Executive Training Programmes
36 Languages
37 Summer Course for
German Language and Austrian Studies
39 Francophonie
40 Association for the Advancement of Teaching
41 Public Events
43 Course List
67 Faculty List
72 Applications
73 Fees and Financial Assistance
74 Academic Calendar 201516
75 The Administrative Staff of the DA
76 Contact & Imprint
2 Preface

In order to address the new and manifold challenges that lie ahead, future political
and economic leaders need to be equipped with the requisite knowledge and skills. We
are proud of our close and longstanding connection with the Diplomatic Academy of
Vienna (DA). This venerable institution offers an outstanding academic framework for
acquiring both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will serve its graduate
students well when it is their turn to achieve positions of leadership and responsibility.
We are pleased that many of the DAs graduates have found a place in our own ministry
or in those of their home countries. Similarly, others now work for one of the many
international organisations which are headquartered in Vienna or of which Austria is
an active member, and with which we closely cooperate on all levels.
Austria is committed to multilateralism and global partnership. These are values shared
by the DA, further strengthening the ties between our two institutions.
Austria is a key location for dialogue and negotiations, as demonstrated by the recent
negotiations with Iran on the nuclear issue, which we were pleased to host in Vienna.
Austria remains a resolute advocate of a world free of weapons of mass destruction.
Human security and stability are fundamental to development. Austria therefore takes
pride in its contributions to UN peacekeeping missions around the world.
In 2016 Austria will join the OSCE Chairmanship troika and take over at the helm of the
Organisation in 2017. The OSCE, based in Vienna and home to a number of DA gradu-
ates, currently plays a crucial role in the international efforts to stabilise the situation
in Ukraine.
The barbaric terrorism of ISIL/Daesh represents one of the international communitys
greatest challenges, menacing the cohesion of our societies. Foreign fighters from Eu-
rope joining Daesh are posing a considerable threat to our security. It is paramount to
stay united against terrorism and to remain firm in our determination to protect and
defend the values of our open societies. Austria continues to contribute to this effort by
all means. We are committed to strengthening national and international cooperation
against radicalisation and delivering humanitarian aid for the victims of Daesh in Iraq.
The rule of law, democracy, and human rights are universal values which are central
to Austrias international commitment. Promoting respect for human rights and fun-
damental freedoms is also essential to furthering a sustainable development agenda.
Based on its past and present role in European and international affairs, Austria is in a
perfect position to make a difference. I am confident that studying at the DA, with the
multicultural orientation of its faculty and in Viennas stimulating international envi-
ronment, will promote a vision for international cooperation, dialogue and friendship,
as well as a sense of shared global responsibility which will define the success of future

Sebastian Kurz
Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria
Diplomatic Academy: Overview 3


The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (DA) is a postgraduate academic institution which
prepares young graduates for the varied challenges of an international career. The DA
is open to graduates of any discipline and of any nationality.

Around 170 regular students study every Diploma Programme
year at the DA. Each of the DAs pro- By means of a competitive examination
grammes offers a unique opportunity which can be sat either at the DA in
to acquire a wide and comprehensive Vienna or at an Austrian mission outside
knowledge of international affairs. The Austria.
DA places special emphasis not only
upon the highest academic standards in Doctoral Programme
teaching and research but also on put- For information on admission please con-
ting theoretical knowledge into practice. tact the DAs registrar Genny Chiarandon:
In addition to the academic training and genny.chiarandon@da-vienna.ac.at
research, great value is attached to crit-
ical discussions of topical events in Eu- FEES AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE
rope and the world, to promoting inter- Fees cover:
cultural awareness, to foreign languages tuition
and to management techniques. accommodation including breakfast
during study trips to Brussels and
ADMISSION the Western Balkans
MAIS and ETIA Programmes infrastructure
By means of filling in the online ap- (library, reading room, sports facilities
plication form and the provision of all including a swimming pool, etc.)
necessary documents. All applications are
assessed by the MAIS/ETIA commission. Scholarships and student loans are
Candidates may also be required to sit a available.
written exam and/or be invited to a per- 11 For further details seepage 73
sonal interview.

11 For further details seepage 74

11 For further details seepage 72
Who we are and what we stand for:
4 The Director of the DA

Selbst Absolvent der Diplomatischen Akademie Wien, war es mir eine groe Freude,
nach 40 Jahren praktischer Erfahrung im diplomatischen Dienst und der Politik im Ap-
ril 2009 als Direktor hierher zurckzukehren. In diesen Jahren als Direktor habe
ich besonders die Atmosphre einer internationalen Familie mit Studierenden aus
der ganzen Welt genossen. Im Studienjahr 2014/15 hatten wir beispielsweise 182
StudentInnen aus 57 Lndern.

Eines der Grundprinzipien, das ich den jungen KollegInnen aufgrund meiner eigenen
Erfahrungen ans Herz legen mchte, lautet: Seid offen fr alles, ergreift die Chancen,
die sich euch bieten. Nehmt die Herausforderungen an, die sich durch die Globalisie
rung der Wirtschaft und Politik auf eine vollkommen neue Art und Weise darstellen,
und ntzt euer erworbenes Wissen, um kreativ zur Lsung dieser komplexen Frage-
stellungen beizutragen.

Die Diplomatische Akademie Wien bietet Ausbildungsprogramme an, die junge Men-
schen, die vor einer Berufswahl stehen, speziell auf die Herausforderungen unseres
globalisierten und vernetzten Weltdorfes vorbereiten. In der Gestaltung der Ausbil-
dungsinhalte bercksichtigt die Akademie immer die aktuellen politischen und wirt-
schaftlichen Entwicklungen und adaptiert das Curriculum in entsprechender Weise.

Gleichzeitig blicken wir auf eine lange Tradition zurck vor 260 Jahren, 1754, grn-
dete Maria Theresia die Orientalische Akademie, die spter in die Konsularakademie
berging und 1964 als Diplomatische Akademie Wien wiedererffnet wurde. Damit
ist die Diplomatische Akademie Wien weltweit die lteste Institution ihrer Art. Heute
ist die Diplomatische Akademie Wien eine der weltweit fhrenden post-gradualen
Bildungseinrichtungen. Neben dem traditionellen einjhrigen Diplomlehrgang bietet
sie zwei Master-Programme und bereitet Studierende auf eine internationale Karriere
und Fhrungspositionen vor.

Neben den akademischen Qualifikationen, dem Sprachtraining und der Vermittlung

anderer Fertigkeiten, ermglichen wir unseren Studierenden auch laufend die Teilnah-
me an hochkartigen Konferenzen und anderen Aktivitten auerhalb des Lehrplans.
Wir untersttzen unsere StudentInnen auch bei ihren Aktivitten innerhalb der DASI
(Diplomatic Academy Students Initiative), die neben diversen Veranstaltungen jedes
Jahr auch einen Ball organisiert.

Last but not least mchte ich mich bei allen KollegInnen und KooperationspartnerIn-
nen bedanken, die zum Erfolg dieses seit Jahrzehnten bestehenden Projekts, das sich
Diplomatische Akademie Wien, Vienna School of International Studies und auch cole
des Hautes tudes Internationales de Vienne nennt, beigetragen haben. Bleiben Sie
uns alle auch in Zukunft gewogen.

Hans Winkler
Direktor der Diplomatischen Akademie Wien
After forty years of practical experience in the diplomatic service Aprs quarante ans de carrire diplomatique puis politique, ce fut
and politics, it was a great pleasure for me to return to my alma pour moi, ancien lve de lAcadmie diplomatique, une grande
mater, the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, as Director in April joie de retrouver cet tablissement en qualit de directeur en avril
2009. My years as Director have often been challenging but al- 2009. Jai particulirement apprci ces dernires annes dans
ways rewarding, a time in which I have come to value the atmo- cette fonction latmosphre de grande famille internationale qui
sphere of an international family: in the academic year 201415 y rgne, grce aux tudiants originaires du monde entier. titre
we had 182 students from no fewer than 57 countries from all dexemple, pendant lanne universitaire 2014/2015, nos 182 tu-
four corners of the globe. Among the fundamental principles I diants provenaient de 57 pays.
would especially like to entrust to these young people are: Be Et sil y a un principe fondamental que jaimerais transmettre ici
open to everything; seize the opportunities that are presented ces jeunes collgues, sur la base de ma propre exprience, cest
to you; accept the challenges of the globalisation of the worlds celui-ci : Soyez ouverts tout, saisissez les chances qui soffrent
economies and politics, and the completely new approaches they vous. Relevez les dfis qui, sous leffet de la mondialisation de
demand; and, finally, use the skills and knowledge you have ac- lconomie et de la politique, se prsentent dsormais sous un jour
quired to contribute creatively to the solution of these, and other, compltement nouveau, et utilisez le savoir acquis pour contribuer
complex issues. de manire crative la rsolution de ces problmatiques comple-
The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna offers training programmes xes.
which prepare young people embarking on their careers for the LAcadmie diplomatique de Vienne offre des programmes de for-
challenges of our internationalised and interlocked global village. mation cibls, destins de jeunes gens prparant le dbut de leur
In the creation of its curricula the Academy is always attuned to carrire, et visant leur permettre de rpondre aux dfis de notre
the latest political and economic developments, and constantly village global, ce monde reli par mille rseaux. LAcadmie tient
adapts its programmes accordingly. toujours compte dans llaboration des contenus de formation
At the same time we look back on a long and proud tradition. des dveloppements politiques et conomiques les plus rcents et
260 years ago, in 1754, the Empress Maria Theresa founded adapte ses curriculums en consquence.
the Oriental Academy, which was later renamed the Consular Mais nous sommes aussi le rsultat dune longue tradition il y a
Academy and which was finally reopened as the Diplomatic 260 ans, en 1754, limpratrice Marie-Thrse fondait lAcadmie
Academy of Vienna in 1964. The Diplomatic Academy is thus orientale , ultrieurement transforme en Acadmie consulaire,
the oldest institution of its kind worldwide; it is also one of the puis en 1964, lors de sa rouverture, en Acadmie diplomatique.
leading centres for graduate and postgraduate studies in the LAcadmie diplomatique de Vienne se trouve ainsi linstitution
world. In addition to its longstanding one-year Diploma Programme, de ce type la plus ancienne au monde. Aujourdhui, au niveau
the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna offers two Masters programmes, mondial, lAcadmie diplomatique se classe en tte des meilleures
all aimed at preparing young people for international careers and institutions de formation post-universitaire. Elle offre, en plus de
leading positions in their chosen fields. la traditionnelle filire du Diplme en un an, deux programmes de
In addition to their academic and language training, and the ac- master, et prpare ainsi ses tudiants une carrire internationale
quisition of soft skills, we encourage our students to participate et des postes haute responsabilit.
in the numerous top-class conferences taking place at the DA on Paralllement aux qualifications acadmiques, la formation lin-
a regular basis, as well as other extra-curricular activities. We also guistique et lenseignement dautres savoir-faire, nous offrons
give our students every support in the many activities they orga- tout au long de lanne nos tudiants la possibilit de participer
nise under the umbrella of DASI (Diplomatic Academy Students des confrences prestigieuses et dautres activits extra-cur-
Initiative), which range from conferences to numerous charity riculaires. Nous apportons galement notre appui nos tudiants
events, including the annual DA Ball. dans lorganisation de nombreuses activits, dont un bal annuel,
Finally, I would like to thank all my colleagues and the Academys quils organisent entirement par le biais de leur association tu-
many cooperation partners who have, together, over the decades diante, la DASI (Initiative tudiante de lAcadmie diplomatique).
contributed greatly to the success of this institution which is pro- Jaimerais enfin remercier ici tous les collgues et partenaires de
ud to be able to call itself the Diplomatische Akademie Wien, the collaboration qui ont contribu au succs de ce projet fort de
Vienna School of International Studies and the cole des Hautes plusieurs dcennies dexistence et fier de porter ce nom:Diplo-
tudes Internationales de Vienne. May this great work continue matische Akademie Wien, Vienna School of International Studies,
long into the future! cole des Hautes tudes Internationales de Vienne. Restez-nous
lavenir tout aussi fidles.
Hans Winkler
Director of the Vienna School of International Studies Hans Winkler
Directeur de lcole des Hautes tudes Internationales de Vienne
6 Institutional Profile

The academic curriculum in the

four study disciplines is the corner The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna is an autonomous institution established under
stone of all programmes at the Austrian public law. It is substantially financed by tuition fees for its postgraduate
Diplomatic Academy. It is organised courses and income from special training programmes. A part of its budget is borne
by the faculty chairs and benefits by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. The DA
from our cooperation with the also welcomes private and business sponsorship.
University of Vienna and other
leading universities worldwide. The statutory organs of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna comprise the Board of
An individual study programme Trustees, the Academic Board and the Director.
ensures that students can deepen
their knowledge from previous BOARD OF TRUSTEES It is also responsible for the certification
studies, but also acquire a basic The DAs Board of Trustees sets the prin- of academic achievement. Although its
understanding of the disciplines
cipal guidelines in academic, administra- function is essentially advisory, it works
they have never studied before.
tive and financial matters in accordance in close cooperation with the Director
Werner Neudeck
Chairman of the Academic Board with the legal statutes of the DA. In par- and deals with a wide range of topics
ticular, it decides on the annual budget relating to the conduct of the Academy.
and approves the annual accounts. Thus, it usually convenes far more fre-
The Board consists of 11 members re quently than the twice a year required
presenting the federal government, the by law.
federal provinces, academia and business.
It is chaired by the Secretary General for THE DIRECTOR
Foreign Affairs of the Austrian Federal In addition to running the DA on a daily
Ministry for Europe, Integration and For- basis, among the many tasks devolved
eign Affairs. upon the Director are the preparation
The Diplomatic Academy ranks and execution of the decisions of the
among the worlds leading schools ACADEMIC BOARD Board of Trustees.
of international relations. Dating The Academic Board consists of a chair The Director is appointed for four years
back to 1754, it is a first-class elected by the academic staff, a member by the Austrian Federal Minister for Eu-
academic institution with the appointed by the Austrian Federal Ministry rope, Integration and Foreign Affairs fol-
mission to prepare top graduates for Europe, Integration and Foreign lowing the public advertising of the post
for successful international careers
Affairs, plus one appointed by the Board by the Board of Trustees. The Director is
in our globalised world.
of Trustees and the faculty chairs. The responsible for the management of the
Michael Linhart
Secretary General for Foreign members of the Board serve for three Academy and represents it both internal-
Affairs of the Austrian Federal years. The Director and Deputy ly and externally. The Director is assisted
Ministry for Europe, Director may attend the meetings. by a Deputy Director.
Integration and Foreign Affairs;
Chairman of the The tasks of the Board are manifold: it
DA Board of Trustees advises the Director of the Diplomatic
Academy on the establishment of the
curricula; on the appointment of aca-
demic staff and on decisions regarding
the admission and exclusion of students.
Academic Profile 7

The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna is a prominent figures from the worlds of

postgraduate school for International politics, business, the arts and science
and European Studies which prepares regularly visit the DA to present and
students from all around the world for discuss the latest developments in their
international careers. It equips its stu- fields. This emphasis on and proximity to
dents with the academic qualifications, the practical world is a key element of
the language skills and intercultural com- studying at the DA.
petences which are today the essential
and often decisive prerequisites for the The DA also sets great store by the vi-
successful entry into many international brant plurilingualism of its campus. As
professions. The DA is open to graduates well as the formal programme of inten-
of any discipline and of any nationality. sive language training, classes at the DA
The main study areas are: political sci- are taught as a matter of course in one
ence and international relations, inter- of the DAs three working languages:
national economics, international law, English, French or German. Seminars,
European law and contemporary history. public lectures and discussions etc. are
In addition to the academic programme, also held in these three languages.



pluridisciplinary study programmes

highest academic standards
putting theoretical knowledge into practice
international student body and faculty
intercultural environment
individual study programmes taking into consideration both previous experience
and future career plans
strong language training programme
plurilingual teaching (English, French and German), especially in the Diploma
personal skills development.

The DA is an affiliate member of APSIA (Association of Professional Schools of

International Affairs) and a member of UNAI (United Nations Academic Impact). The
European Commission has decided to award the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna with
the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for the whole period of the Erasmus+
Programme until 2020.
8 History

Empress Maria Theresa Prince Wenzel Anton Kaunitz Students in the 1960s Bruno Kreisky

The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna is programme in economics and it created

proud of its long history stretching back the first chair for international law in
to 1754 and the days of the Empress Ma- Austria. At the close of the nineteenth
ria Theresa when the Oriental Academy century it was reorganised as the Impe-
was founded upon the recommendation rial and Royal Consular Academy, which
of her Chancellor of State, Prince Wenzel trained young men for the ever growing
Anton Kaunitz, a towering figure in Habs consular and foreign service of the Aus-
burg politics during the Enlightenment. tro-Hungarian Empire.

The Academys special tradition of lan- During World War II the Academy was
guage training dates back to those times closed down. The modern Diplomatic
when Turkish, Arabic and Persian were Academy was reopened in 1964 by the
taught in order to prepare young men then foreign minister Bruno Kreisky. It
for service in the Monarchys missions was restructured in 1996 and established
to the Ottoman Empire. But even in its as an independent public institution.
early days the Academy hosted a strong


1 January 1754 Founding of the Oriental Academy

1833 Metternich decrees a two-track study programme, covering law, diplomacy and languages
1898 Reorganisation of the Oriental Academy into the k.u.k. Konsularakademie
divided into Occidental and Oriental sections; expansion of the economics programme;
institution of a five-year study programme
1904 The Consular Academy moves from the Theresianum to a new building in Boltzmanngasse
1921 Reorganisation of the Consular Academy; institution of a two-year syllabus
1941 Last year of the Consular Academy
1945 The premises of the Consular Academy become the seat of the US Military Administration for
Austria, later the US Embassy in Vienna
1964 Reopening of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna in the reconstructed Consular Wing of the
1996 Reorganisation of the Academy as an independent public institution
2006 Academic reform and integration of the Academys programmes into the Bologna structure
Studying in Vienna 9

VIENNA: THE IDEAL LOCATION FOR student body with representatives from
INTERNATIONAL STUDIES all four corners of the globe. Every year
As the capital of an EU member state in young people from more than 40 differ-
the heart of Europe and the seat of one ent nations live and study at the DA. This
of the headquarters of the United Na- very diversity ensures that internation-
tions, plus a host of other international alism is not just an abstract, theoretical
organisations (IAEA, UNIDO, OSCE, OPEC item on the syllabus, but something
etc.), Vienna is ideally suited for the study practised on a daily basis.
and analysis of European developments
Quaint coffehouses and beautiful
architecture are just two of the in the context of global relations. DA LEISURE AND CULTURE IN VIENNA
highlights that go to making the students benefit from study visits to such The quality of life in Vienna is amongst
cosmopolitan city of Vienna It organisations and from contacts with the highest in Europe, the city regularly
has truly been an extraordinary ex- leading staff members. Internships at taking a top place in international rank-
perience studying in a city offering the IOs located in Vienna offer a unique ings. Everywhere you can find examples
so many professional career oppor- opportunity for many students and gra of the Imperial past, such as the palaces
tunities yet at the same time offer- duates to acquire practical experience. of the Hofburg and Schnbrunn, or the
ing such a rich culture and history. Austrias geographical location and its Ringstrasse. Classical music and opera
The food does not disappoint ei- special historical relationship with its fans can easily find plenty to delight
ther. Definitely a hidden gem more neighbours make Vienna the perfect them here. Yet not only does Vienna have
students need to discover! place for studying developments in a rich cultural heritage but it is also a
Anta Kah, Central, Eastern and Southeastern Eu- city committed to the contemporary arts,
MAIS 2015 graduate rope. Study trips, as well as first hand modern literature, jazz and avantgarde
information provided by DA students music. For those seeking more physical
coming from the region, deepen this spe- pastimes, why not go for a hike in the
cial focus of the DAs study programme. Vienna Woods, jog or rollerskate in the
St. Stephens
Prater, or take advantage of the great
INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS variety of in- and outdoor sporting
Hofburg The DA is located in a former Imperial facilities?
palace in the centre of Vienna. Here the Vienna is also well known for its atmos-
Opera courses take place and many students are phere of Gemtlichkeit, its famous cof-
accommodated. The spirit of the cam- fee houses and Heurigen (wine inns).
Musikverein pus is characterised by its international


DA Campus
10 DA Campus

The DA provides accommodation for 40 to surf using their own laptops. The ex-
students in single rooms with a shower. tensive library of the Austrian Ministry
The DAs in-house caterers serve three for Europe, Integration and Foreign Af-
meals a day for all those who sign up for fairs, which is adjacent to the reading
full board. International newspapers and room, is at the complete disposal of
magazines, as well as a satellite TV, are students.
available in the common room next to MAIS students have access to the library
the library. There are sports facilities and of the University of Vienna, whilst ETIA
even a small bar. Internet access is pos students may use the facilities of the
sible in the computer room and through- library of the Vienna University of Tech-
out the Academy for private laptops, nology; in both cases this includes access
using cable or wireless LAN system. to the online journal databases in these
The reading room on the first floor offers libraries.
students a peaceful and studious envir
onment for private study. It is also fully 11 Further details under
wired for the Internet, allowing students www.da-vienna.ac.at/campus

Among other tasks, my team and I are responsi-

ble for the catering, accommodation on the cam-
pus,internet access and the technical equipment
in the lecture halls. It is our aim to makethe lives
of the students during their time at the DAas
pleasant and comfortable as possible.
Gabriele Schultze
Head of Administration
12 Study Programmes Overview


An academically oriented two-year pro- INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (ETIA)
gramme which equips participants with A two-year MSc programme in coopera-
the analytical skills needed to better un- tion with the Vienna University of Tech-
derstand and assess major current Euro- nology providing students with both the
pean and global trends. The programme scientific and technical, as well as the in-
is run jointly with the University of Vien- ternational-relations, background to the
Studying at the DA is unique as it na. Students with relevant academic cre- current and future challenges of the en-
combines four very special featu- dentials beyond a first university degree vironment and sustainable development.
res: the tradition of an outstanding or who have relevant professional experi- 11 For further details seepages 18-19
academic institution of inter- ence may be eligible for direct admission
national affairs since 1754; the into the second year. DIPLOMA PROGRAMME
intellectual and cultural diversity 11 For further details seepages 1417 An intensive one-year programme in the
and strength developed in a stu- theory and practice of international rela-
dent body of 182 representatives PhD PROGRAMME IN tions, lasting from October to June. This
from more than 57 countries; the INTERDISCIPLINARY INTERNATIONAL course places equal emphasis on both the
multidisciplinary teaching of inter- STUDIES academic and the practical, with training
national affairs by an international A Doctoral Programme in Interdiciplinary in languages, as well as presentation and
faculty of academics and practiti- International Studies is offered jointly negotiation techniques, rhetoric, media
oners, and the strong institutional with the University of Vienna. Target skills and project management. Students
and professional ties to diplomacy group are particularly qualified graduates who graduate from the Diploma Pro-
and international affairs on a na- who wish to work on an interdisciplinary gramme with excellent academic results
tional, European and international topic under the guidance of academics may be eligible for direct admission into
familiar with the chosen areas of study. the second year of the Master of Advanced
Elisabeth Hofer
Head of Academic The interdisciplinarity of this Doctoral International Studies (MAIS) Programme.
Administration Programme is based on the combination 11 For further details seepages 2021
of at least two of the four disciplines
legal studies, political science, inter-
national economics and history in a
scientific research thesis project.


Special courses of varying duration provid- The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and
ing further training in European and inter- the Fulbright Commission in Austria offer
national affairs for diplomats, civil service jointly a Fulbright-Diplomatic Academy
officials and managers from the world of Student Grant for one year of studies
business and public administration. either in the Diploma Programme or in
11 For further details seepages 3435 the MAIS Programme. Details can be
found on the homepage of the Austrian-
A competitive PhD Programme is SUMMER COURSE FOR GERMAN American Educational Commission.
an important asset for a graduate LANGUAGE AND AUSTRIAN STUDIES 11 www.fulbright.at
school. We are therefore very happy A unique opportunity to learn German or
that we could sign this year a coop- extend your knowledge of this language, RECOGNISED STUDENTS
eration agreement with the Univer- whilst at the same time discovering the Recognised students may follow classes
sity of Vienna on a joint Doctoral politics, economics, history and culture chosen from the programmes of the DA
Programme in Interdisciplinary In- of Austria. within the framework of an individually
ternational Studies. What we want 11 For further details seepage 37 determined syllabus of study.
is to give a few highly motivated
PhD-students the opportunity to COOPERATIVE DEGREE
develop and complete a doctorate AND EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES
project in close cooperation with The DA has long-established cooperative
the supervising professor. The degree programmes with the Johns Hop-
highly demanding programme is kins School of Advanced International
designed to have then PhD-gradu- Studies (SAIS Europe) and Tufts Universitys
ates with excellent prospects in the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
academic job market.
There are academic exchanges with the
Gerhard Sailler
Deputy Director of the DAs Master of Advanced International
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Studies (MAIS) programme, Stanfords
International Policy Studies programme,
MGIMOs Master Programmes in Interna-
tional Studies and Political Science, and
Koreas University Graduate School of
International Study (KUGSIS). Two students
from each institution are selected to spend
the fall quarter in an academic exchange
at the other institution.
14 Master of Advanced International Studies (MAIS)

Under the title Integrating Europe in a Globalised World, the MAIS programme is
designed to deal with the issues raised by the European integration process from a
multidisciplinary perspective. MAIS is a joint programme of the Diplomatic Academy
of Vienna and the University of Vienna.

The two-year programme is intended for courses in other languages are offered in
university graduates of any nationality cooperation with the Language Centre of
The interconnectedness between
who are interested in further academic the University of Vienna and the Confu-
nation states and the rise of private specialisation in international studies cius Institute at the University of Vienna.
economic players and other global with a particular focus on Europe.
actors require students of interna- EXCURSIONS
tional relations to pursue a multi- PROGRAMME STRUCTURE During the first year, a visit to Brussels
disciplinary approach in order to in the first year students assimilate provides an insight into the workings of
confront todays global challenges. the principles of the four core dis- European institutions. In addition, the
The interdisciplinary MAIS pro- ciplines of the programme: political programme includes excursions to inter-
gramme, combining the fields of science and international relations, national and European institutions head-
politics, law and economics, offers economics and international eco- quartered in Vienna (UN, IAEA, UNIDO,
students a curriculum that equips nomics, international and European OSCE, OPEC, EUMC, FRA etc.). A study trip
them to meet these requirements. law, and history to various capitals in southeastern Eu-
Heinz W. Engl the second year offers advanced rope complements the academic courses
Rector of the University of Vienna courses and seminars. Students in the second year.
have the opportunity to deepen
their knowledge in the core disci- ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
plines and to combine insights from In order to be eligible for admission to the
different disciplines. The programme MAIS programme, candidates must hold a
culminates in the writing of an in- university degree (in any discipline). An
terdisciplinary Masters thesis. excellent command of English (Council of
Europe level C2) is a prerequisite for
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION admission; a knowledge of German and
All compulsory courses are taught in French is an advantage. Non-native
The complex problems of todays English. Some optional lectures and sem- speakers need to furnish evidence of their
world require comprehensive solu- inars are offered in German and French. English language skills. The following
tions for which the interdisciplinary
certificates are recognised: a first degree
curricula at the DA offer excellent
academic foundations.
Hanspeter Neuhold
Language training in German and French test (minimum 7.0) or TOEFL test (mini-
Professor em. of International Law at different levels of competence is an mum 627 points (written), or 263 points
and International Relations; integral part of the curriculum. Students (computer based) or 106 points (Internet
Academic Director can acquire an internationally recognised based)). If you hold any certificate not
of the MAIS Programme German and/or French language cer- mentioned above, then it is incumbent
tificate (SD, DALF). Optional language upon you to furnish evidence that it is

PhD PROGRAMME equivalent to the Council of Europes Interdisciplinary Lectures and

IN INTERDISCIPLINARY level C2. Although preference is given to Seminars
INTERNATIONAL STUDIES applicants who can demonstrate a C2 Masters Thesis and the final
proficiency in English, under certain cir- defence of the thesis.
Interdisciplinary International cumstances and at the discretion of the In addition, a minimum of 44 ECTS points
Studies (IIS) is a four-year pro- Diplomatic Academy, applicants with level has to be acquired from at least three of
gramme jointly organised by the C1 may be also be considered. Students the four optional modules offered:
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna with relevant academic credentials beyond International Relations and
(DA) and the University of Vienna. a first university degree may be eligible for Comparative Politics
The new programme is open to direct admission into the second year. International Economics
graduates (Masters degree) who International and European Law
wish to pursue a research project ADMISSION PROCEDURE International History.
linking at least two of the four A completed MAIS programme applica- Included in these 44 ECTS points is the
disciplines legal studies, political tion form, together with all required doc- successful participation in at least three
science, international economics, uments, should be sent to the Diplomatic seminars.
and history. Academy of Vienna (application deadlines During the two years of the MAIS pro-
The target group of the pro- see below). All applications are reviewed gramme at least 4 ECTS points have to
gramme comprises particularly by the MAIS programme committee. be earned within the language module in
qualified graduates who wish to Candidates may also be required to sit a German or French.
work on an interdisciplinary topic written exam and/or be available for an After fulfilling the three requirements
under the guidance of academics interview. mentioned above, remaining ECTS points
from the chosen areas of study. may be acquired by attending courses in
The interdisciplinary character of DEGREE REQUIREMENTS the optional modules
this Doctoral Programme is based A minimum of 120 ECTS points has to be Area Studies and Current Issues
on the combination of at least two earned over the two years of the MAIS Austrian Studies and
of the four disciplines legal stud- programme. Language Skills.
ies, political science, international Of these, 56 ECTS points have to be If B+ is the lowest grade acquired during
economics, and history in an acquired from the following obligatory the two years in the MAIS programme
academic research thesis project. modules: and if at least half of the courses, the
For further information please see Principles of Political Science and Masters Thesis and the final defence are
www.da-vienna.ac.at/programmes International Relations graded with A, a distinction will be men-
or contact the DAs registrar via Principles of International tioned on the transcript.
genny.chiarandon@da-vienna. Economics
ac.at. Principles of International and APPLICATION DEADLINE:
European Law 1 MARCH 2016
Fundamentals of International (for early decision:
History 15 JANUARY 2016)
Master of Advanced International Studies (MAIS)
16 Exchange Programmes

Exchange programmes have been set up between the Diplomatic Academys MAIS
programme and Stanford Universitys Ford Dorsey Program in International Policy
Studies (IPS), MGIMOs Master Programmes in International Affairs and Political
Science, and Korea Universitys Graduate School of International Studies (KUGSIS)
MA Programs in International Studies. The exchange programmes provide for a four-
month exchange between two second-year students from the DAs MAIS programme
for the autumn term and two students from the partner institution for either the
autumn or the spring term. Students are enrolled at the host institution as visiting
students and remain degree candidates at their home institution. Any academic credit
earned at the host institution may be transferred to the home institution in accord-
ance with procedures determined by the home institution.

If we had to describe our experience at Stanford in one word,
it would be enriching. Transplanted to a campus buzzing with
18,000 students we were at first overwhelmed, but soon came
to appreciate the feeling of familiarity it can create despite its
huge size: leading professors were always available to receive
and advise students, and in small class settings we were chal-
lenged in our conventional perspectives. We are sure that we
will continue to benefit from this experience as we begin our
professional lives.
Carla Niediek and
Annabel Tavernier, MAIS 2015 graduates

The exchange semester at MGIMO was an exclusive oppor-
tunity for us to gain academic knowledge in a variety of
disciplines. The classes, theoretical with large doses of applied
exercises, have helped us to gain a broader view of interna-
tional economics, politics, and conflict resolution. Moreover,
the training in foreign languages is an essential part of the
programme for every student. Apart from the academic life,
we were also able to experience the unique social and cultural
activities offered by Russias greatest city.
Maria-Immaculata von und zu Liechtenstein and
Teodora Bozhilova, MAIS 2015 graduates

The newly established exchange programme between the
Diplomatic Academy and the Graduate School of International
Studies of Korea University provides the perfect opportunity
for us to complement our studies and broaden our horizons in
the incredibly dynamic and fast-growing geographical heart of
East Asia. Given our personal interests and future career plans,
we are very much looking forward to experiencing a completely
different culture, to meeting interesting personalities from
all over the world, and gaining a better understanding of this
captivating region.
Martin Jrg and Anna-Sophie Ecker, MAIS 201416
Master of Science in Environmental
18 Technology and International Affairs (ETIA)

The two-year ETIA MSc programme combines international studies and environmental
technology. This interdisciplinary programme is offered jointly by the Diplomatic Acad-
emy of Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology.


This postgraduate programme addresses In the first year during their studies at
university graduates who aim at a career the DA, students may participate in a
in the field of international environmen- language programme in German and/or
tal management. By acquiring knowledge French at different levels of competence.
in the fields of technology, environmental Students can acquire an internationally
policy, environmental law, and economics, recognised German and/or French lan-
graduates are equipped for a rational guage certificate (SD, DALF). Optional
assessment of environmental exigencies language courses in other languages
and for an active participation in the are also offered in cooperation with the
creation of standards. Language Centre of the University of
Vienna and the Confucius Institute at the
This programme offers a unique PROGRAMME STRUCTURE University of Vienna.
opportunity to learn about envi- The first year at the Diplomatic Academy
ronmental decision-making from of Vienna covers EXCURSIONS
both sides the political as well Political Science and International During the first year, a visit to Brussels
as the technological. It is therefore Relations provides an insight into the workings
attractive to anybody actively en- International Economics of European institutions. In addition,
gaged in environmental affairs, be International and European Law the programme includes excursions to
it in the civil service, academia or Contemporary Political History. international and European institutions
the private sector. headquartered in Vienna (UN, IAEA, UNI-
Hans Puxbaum (TU) and The second year at the Vienna University DO, OSCE, OPEC, FRA etc.). The excursions
Gerhard Loibl (DA) of Technology offers during the second year at the University
Academic Directors of the ETIA
General Topics and Seminars in of Technology are to institutions and
Environmental Technology plants such as waste recycling/disposal
Surveillance and Sustainable plants, energy production plants, meas-
Development urement stations for air and water mon-
Air, Water and Waste itoring etc..
Environment and Technology.

All compulsory courses are taught in
English. Some optional lectures and sem-
inars are offered in German and French.


In order to be eligible for admission In each year, a minimum of 60 ECTS
to the ETIA programme, candidates points has to be earned (120 ECTS points
must hold a university degree (in any for the whole programme). In the first
discipline). An excellent command of year, at least 45 of the ECTS points have
English (Council of Europe level C2) is a to be acquired from core and advanced
prerequisite for admission; a knowledge courses in the four core study disciplines
of German and French is an advantage. (international relations and political
Non-native speakers need to furnish science, international and European law,
evidence of their English language skills. international economics, and history).
The following certificates are recognised: 10 ECTS points may be acquired by at-
a first degree in English; CPE; CAE (grade tending lectures and seminars in the
A); IELTS test (minimum 7.0) or TOEFL test fields of contemporary issues, area stud-
(minimum 627 points (written), or 263 ies and contemporary Austrian studies,
points (computer based) or 106 points 5 ECTS points are awarded for attending
(Internet based)). If you hold any cer- the DA Masters Module.
tificate not mentioned above, then it is
incumbent upon you to furnish evidence In the second year, students have to ac-
that it is equivalent to the Council of Eu- quire 45 ECTS points by passing courses
ropes level C2. in the four modules
Preference is given to applicants who can General Topics and Seminars
demonstrate a C2 proficiency in English; Surveillance and Sustainable
however, under certain circumstances Development
and at the discretion of the Diplomatic Air, Water and Waste
Academy of Vienna, applicants with level Environment and Technology.
C1 may also be considered. For writing and defending the interdis-
ciplinary Masters thesis students are
A completed ETIA programme application
form, together with all required docu- APPLICATION DEADLINE:
ments (double set), should be sent to 15 MARCH 2016
the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna by 15
March 2016. 11 www.etia.at
All applications are reviewed by the ETIA
programme committee. Candidates may
also be required to be available for an
20 Diploma Programme

The Diploma Programme is a one-year interdisciplinary postgraduate programme of-

fering a broad overview of the system of international relations. Particular emphasis
is placed upon the relationship between theory and practice, and the promotion of
plurilingualism by means of an obligatory intensive language training programme.
Graduates of the Diploma Programme with excellent academic results may be eligible
for direct admission into the second year of the Master of Advanced International
Studies (MAIS) programme.

Historical analysis and method is TARGET GROUP

useful as a way of thinking. It has The Diploma Programme addresses uni- each of these three languages. Optional
often been said that the past is versity graduates of all disciplines who courses in other languages complement
a foreign country. In this sense, wish to pursue an international career. the language programme. These courses
thinking historically is a good Students are equipped with the necessary are offered in cooperation with the Lan-
training for thinking interna knowledge and skills. guage Centre of the University of Vienna
tionally. and the Confucius Institute at the Univer-
Thomas Row THE COURSE COVERS sity of Vienna.
Professor of History political science and international
relations with special emphasis on STUDY TRIP AND EXCURSIONS
European integration studies A study trip to Brussels allows students to
structure and functioning of inter- study the workings of various European
national organisations institutions at first hand. In addition,
economics and international eco- the programme includes excursions to
nomic relations international and European institutions
international law and the law of the headquartered in Vienna (UN, IAEA,
European Union UNIDO, OSCE, OPEC, FRA etc.). In Septem-
contemporary political history with ber Diploma Programme students may
emphasis on Central, Eastern and choose to do language training in France
Southeastern Europe in cooperation with the cole Nationale
intensive language training. dAdministration in Strasbourg.


The language of instruction is predom- Admission to the Diploma Progamme is
inantly English. A number of classes are by means of a competitive examination
held in French and German. which can be sat either at the DA in
Vienna or at an Austrian mission outside
Language training in English, French and
German aiming at full proficiency is com-
pulsory. Students are encouraged to take
internationally recognised examinations
(Cambridge Proficiency, DALF, SD) in

ENTRANCE EXAMINATION International New York Times, The Finan-

Candidates are admitted to the examina- cial Times, The Economist, Le Monde, Neue
tion if they fulfil the following criteria: they Zrcher Zeitung, etc..
hold a first degree in any discipline from a
recognised university (this includes in Aus- DEGREE REQUIREMENTS
tria a Fachhochschule); they have a very To receive the Diploma, a minimum of 60
good knowledge of English (B2C1), an el- ECTS points has to be earned. Credits are
ementary knowledge of French (A2) , and a based on the European Credit Transfer
In our globalising world, politics, basic knowledge of German (beginner, A1). System (ECTS). A minimum of 40 of these
policy and polity increasingly tran- The entrance examination is divided into ECTS points has to be acquired from core
scend the nation state, giving rise written and oral sections. and advanced courses in all four study
to complex regional and global In the written section, there are 90-minute disciplines (international relations and
political dynamics. Uncovering our exams in each of the following areas: politics, international and European law,
chances to channel these dynamics international relations and 19th and international economics, history), and by
into legitimate and just arrange- 20th century history the successful completion of the final
ments of 21st century governance economics and international eco- presentation.
is one of the great challenges of nomic relations Up to10 ECTS points may be acquired
our times. international law and European law. in lectures and seminars dealing with
Markus Kornprobst Contemporary Issues, Area Studies
Professor of Additionally, and where appropriate, or Contemporary Austrian Studies.
International Relations
language skills in English, French and Additional ECTS points are awarded upon
German are tested in a 90-minute writ- the successful completion of the final
ten exam in each by means of grammar examinations in English, French and Ger-
tests, translations, essays, summaries and man and upon the successful completion
a short oral exam. of a foreign language course other than
The main oral exam takes place before a the English, French and German courses
commission. Candidates are questioned offered at the DA.
in at least two of the three languages of
instruction at the DA on the same areas FINAL AWARD
stipulated for the written exam as well as Diploma of the Diplomatic Academy of
on general knowledge. Vienna. For Austrians the Diploma award-
ed by the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
A reading list is available to help can- is the legal prerequisite for admission to
didates prepare for the entrance ex- the entrance examination for the Austri-
amination. This, together with a past an foreign service (Examen pralable) if
examination paper, may be found under they hold a Bachelor, Diploma, MA (Mag-
https://www.da-vienna.ac.at/programmes/ ister) or PhD (Doktor) degree other than
diploma_programme. Candidates are also in law, political science or economics.
strongly advised to read on a regular basis
relevant reports and analyses in newspa- APPLICATION DEADLINE:
pers and specialist magazines such as the 1 MARCH 2016
22 Study Trips

Among the highlights of studying at the DA are the various study trips.


Students particularly enjoy these trips because they offer a wonderful opportunity
to learn about and experience at first hand the regions of East and Southeast Europe
from a very special DA perspective. The Academys network of locally based alumni
and regional policymakers opens doors which are normally not easily accessible.
Excellent lecturers and meetings with important local actors provide a deeper insight
Ukraine was beyond anything we
could have imagined! In no other
into the politics, economics, culture and everyday life in this amazingly complex and
city in Europe could you so patent- fascinating part of Europe.
ly see such a beautiful mixture of
modernity and the remnants of the
Cold War as in Kiev. The architec-
ture was a battleground, statues
desperately trying to convey the
friendship between Ukraine and
Russia. We learned a lot about
Ukraine and each other. Truly a
once in a lifetime adventure.
Nergiz Abi,
MAIS graduate 2015


By visiting the most important institutions of the EU, for example, the European
Parliament, the European Commission, the Permanent Austrian Representation to the
EU and in meetings with those working in or with these institutions, students gain a
deeper insight into the functioning of the European Union. A visit to the NATO Head-
quarters in Brussels further enriches this study trip.

The study trip to Brussels was a unique chance for us to visit

the European institutions and NATO, to listen to expert talks and
discuss Europes central issues, as well as meet DA alumni keen
to share their impressions of the capital of European politics. All
this, plus a hearty portion of fun, moules frites and waffles, made
this trip truly memorable.
Ksenia Poplavskaya,
ETIA 201416
Our study trip to Romania was an exceptional mixture of
impressions allowing us to visit important local institutions
and meet representatives of the Austrian Embassy, and the
Romanian foreign ministry. This, together with the extensive
sightseeing programme, made our trip to an exciting and truly
unforgettable experience.
Martha Unterasinger,
DLG graduate 2015
Bulgaria is a wonderful country and it offered us a mixture
of great experiences: institutional visits, plenty of networking
opportunities and tourism. The Austrian Embassy in Sofia kindly
arranged some fascinating meetings with members of the
Bulgarian parliament and other institutions. These visits were
followed by an enriching trip around the country, soaking up a
new culture and enjoying its varied cuisine.
David Lnsk y, MAIS 2014-16
The study trip to the Balkans was an invaluable experience. We
were privileged to have many opportunities to meet experienced
political and social leaders from different Balkans states, as well
as to be welcomed by representatives of international organi-
sations in the region. From touring the historic city of Sarajevo
to visiting the KFOR headquarters in Kosovo, each part of the
programme made the journey extraordinarily fruitful.
Hong Ming (Dennis) Chan, MAIS graduate 2015
24 Extracurricular Activities

This year has been particularly spe-

cial as DASI-4 was created exactly The DA encourages its students to take and to use their own initiative as much as
ten years ago. Since then, through possible. It therefore places great emphasis on supporting extracurricular activities
the many initiatives of our student such as student organised conferences or charity events, visits to cultural centres etc..
body, committees and societies A tradition of many years standing is the spring ball organised by the students. Stu-
have flourished. We are proud to dents also take an active role in the publication of Polemics, the magazine of the Dip-
see the great work that has been lomatic Academy, and in various sporting events (skiing weekends, football, basketball
done by all students involved. We or volleyball tournaments etc.).
wish you all the best and thank you
for your passion and commitment! In 2005 students founded the Diplomatic lectures and discussions at the DA held by
Emily Metens (MAIS 2015 Academy Students Initiative (DASI), leading personalities from the worlds of
graduate), Virginia Ottolina
which aims at providing coordination politics, business, science, the media and
(MAIS 2015 graduate),
Clyde Choi (MAIS 2015 graduate), and logistical support for the different culture. Such events, which are open to
Isabel Mank (ETIA 2015 graduate) student projects. everybody, students and the public alike,
provide students with the opportunity to
An important element of student life meet decision-makers, learn from their
at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna experience and sharpen their own think-
is active participation in the numerous ing by engaging in critical discussion.

ETIA Talks is an initiative of the

students of the Diplomatic Acade-
my of Vienna and the Vienna Uni-
versity of Technology which organ-
ises up to three panel discussions
throughout the academic year. In
keeping with our study programme
Environmental Technology and In-
ternational Affairs, ETIA Talks aims
to serve as a forum to explore and
discuss issues of current relevance
in the fields of energy and environ-
ment as well as related technol-
ogies and their intricate relation-
ships with politics, law, economics
and international affairs.
Laura Glasberg (ETIA 2015
graduate), Isable Mank (ETIA 2015
graduate), Jasmin Ploner (ETIA
2015 graduate)

The annual student conference offers a unique forum in which students,

leading academics and practitioners are able to critically engage in dia-
logue and challenge each other on a central issue important to todays
state of affairs. The 11th annual conference was entitled Visible Effects Of
The Invisible Hand: Examining The Challenges Of The World Economic
Order. Proceeds of the conference go to a charity chosen by the students.
DASI Conference Committee:
Nergiz Abi, Olivia Atsin, Tatiana Budeci,
Carmyn Chapman, Madalina Ciasar, Markus Findlay, Gjertrud Fosdal,
The Ball Committee of the Diplo- Anastasiia Gnatenko, Indira de Graaf, Pirmin Getzner, Katharina Hartwig,
matic Academy organises one of Philipp Hermann, Anamaria Iuga, Martin Jrg, David Kranebitter,
the most anticipated events of the Sabine Krassnig, Angelika Donata Lauber, Amaia Lezertua Martnez,
academic year, the annual Charity Paula Mercado Gmez, Valentina Milanese, Priyanka Moonesinghe,
Ball. This traditional Viennese ball Richard Murphy, Claudia Obernhuber, Virginia Ottolina, Daniel Reinhardt,
has been attended by world-re- Yasmin Seyed Assiaban, Annabel Tavernier, Iva Vucicevic, Maria Wirth
nowned diplomats and politicians
as well as professors, students and
friends of the DA. The 2015 motto
was The Congress dances again
and we were happy to welcome
our guest of honour, Secretary
General Michael Linhart. In 2015
all proceeds went to the Rwanga
Foundation charity.
Finja Draxler (MAIS 2015 gradu-
ate), Maddalena Comincini
(MAIS 2015 graduate)
Polemics, the magazine of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, is envisioned
as an outlet that provides our readers with food for thought, while giving
our writers, editors, designers and website developers an opportunity to
hone their skills in critical and analytical thinking, and develop their creativ-
ity. We strive to provide space for all those young minds wishing to express
their ideas not in a polemical but in an intellectually stimulating manner.
Ed Alvarado, Carmyn Chapman, Julie DHav,
Hana ogovic, Victoria Haykin, Zach Kornell, Flora Kwong,
Daniel Laaber, Amaia Lezertua Martnez, Quentin Pache,
Ksenia Poplavskaya, Matthew Rae, Daniel Reinhardt,
Jelena Vicic, Maria Wirth, Andrs Zgoni-Bogsch
26 Career Centre

The DAs career centre was decisive

in shaping my professional path, The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna helps its students to actively prepare themselves
for example, by providing me with for their chosen international careers. Throughout the academic year, both staff and
an internship opportunity at one professors of the Academy offer individual counselling and support in career planning
of Austrias most renowned human tailored to individual needs and career choices.
rights institutions. Throughout
my future work for the German In individual counselling sessions stu- Targeted events for career planning in
chairmanship of the OSCE I am dents learn to analyse their own ideas the form of workshops, lectures, presen
certain to benefit greatly from the and interests in order to facilitate their tations and discussions allow students
excellent training the DA gave me search for a suitable job in a goal-orien to make direct contact with leading per-
in international relations and mul- ted way; they learn how to put together sonalities from the worlds of diplomacy,
tilateral diplomacy. unique and convincing application pa- politics, business, culture, international
Yasmin Seyed Assiaban,
persand carry out the necessary analysis organisations and NGOs.
MAIS 2015 graduate;
Human Dimension Officer, of their own skills and competences as
Permanent Mission of the Federal well as build upon existing experience; The DA also draws on the large network
Republic of Germany to the OSCE they develop a personal strategy for ac- of DA alumni for its career centre. Formal
quiring new experience and improving and informal meetings with DA alumni
their individual skills; they research job working in the international organi-
descriptions and possible employers, as sations located in Vienna (UN, OSCE,
well as successful alumni careers; finally IAEA, CTBTO etc.), in EU institutions or in
students implement the strategies by international enterprises, banks or con-
applying for internships and jobs and, sultancy firms are an integral part of the
with the help of the career officer, then Academys career counselling. Students
analyse the results. also have the opportunity to meet alumni
during study trips, be it at the European
Not only did the Diplomatic Acad- Commission and the European Parlia-
emy offer a thorough, multilingual ment in Brussels, the OSCE in Pristina
academic education, but it also and Belgrade, the Ministry of Foreign
provided valuable help towards
Affairs in Podgorica, or the Office of the
finding a job in my desired field
High Representative or the EU Special
through its practical seminars and
Representative in Sarajevo.
alumni contacts. With the Career
Centre organising meetings with EU
officials and Austrian Foreign Min-
istry interns, I was able to succeed
in the selection processes after
graduating (Austrian MFA for Ver-
waltungspraktikum, EPSO concours
for my job in the EU institutions).
Jan Stadler, DLG 2014 graduate;
Trainee, Austrian Federal Ministry
for Europe, Integration and
Foreign Affairs, 201415; Legal
Officer European Ombudsman,
starting July 2015

Applying for the ETIA programme

was by far the best decision in my To help students prepare individually Students are regularly informed of cur-
life. In my particular case the knowl- for job interviews, the DA offers skills rent employment vacancies, entrance
edge I gained is vital for my current training on communication, presentation examinations and internships in interna-
position as it allows me to examine and negotiation techniques, simulations tional organisations, the EU, the private
sustainable development strategies of job interviews and assessment cen- sector and elsewhere. In addition, a men-
and legislation, as well as carry out tres, and how to prepare CVs in English, toring programme has been established
energy policy research. Studying at French and German. The quality of DA to help new graduates to obtain valuable
the Diplomatic Academy prepared students applications in comparison advice on job hunting in their favoured
me for liaising with high-level to others frequently makes the decisive career choice from professionally suc-
stakeholders such as public bodies, difference. cessful alumni.
international organisations and dip-
lomats. ETIA is a unique programme,
one which opens up to its students
a wide range of opportunities for a
future international career.
Tetiana Temniuk,

Bu vate
Pri .2


ETIA 2014 graduate;

Assistant and advisor to an MP


16 c
Pu ion

in the Verkhovna Rada,


Press and

the Parliament of Ukraine


Eur 5
ope .6
on 1.5 er
Career choices of Oth
alumni of DA
15.5 graduate programmes 5.8
Foreign since 1996 Academic
Service Institution
(in %) s
I was attracted to the Diplomatic
Academy due to its emphasis on 3.
Ed 3
interdisciplinarity and especially its uc
.5 io

multilingualism, something that is n


17 nd
s/NP 2

difficult to find in the United States. a Os

UN er I

Not only did I improve my language o t h


skills in French and German, but I

also acquired a deeper understand-
ing of foreign affairs with a focus
on Europea definite advantage for
the American Foreign Service.
Elvia Valle, DLG 2015 graduate,
Graduate Fellow, Thomas R. Pick-
ering Foreign Affairs Fellowship
28 Graduate Network

The DA impressed me with its mi-

crocosm of different cultures. The OUR GRADUATES
time spent together with my inter- The DA has more than 1,900 alumni of its and civil servants from Central, Eastern
national class in discussions, excur- graduate programmes. They come from and Southeastern Europe, as well as from
sions and joint projects proved very more than 110 different countries. Central Asia, the Pacific Islands and the
valuable. It is still today a deep and Many DA graduates have become dip- Caribbean. Over the course of their ca-
rich source for my international lomats but even more have chosen dif- reers, many participants in these courses
endeavours. ferent careers, in particular in the public have advanced to top positions.
Oliver Kitz administration of their countries, in EU
Managing Director of institutions, international organisations, To honour exceptionally successful
Casinos Austria Gastronomie,
and in the private sector. graduates, in 2010 the DA introduced its
graduate 1984
Alumni Hall of Fame. Since then, each
In the course of its Executive Training year top alumni are inducted into the
Programmes, the DA, since 1990, has Hall of Fame.
trained more than 1,500 young diplomats

ALUMNI HALL OF FAME CLASS OF 2015 (with career highlights)

Gerhard DANNINGER Sales & Marketing Director, PT South Pacific Viscose
Eva Marie HABERFELLNER Principal, Schule Schloss Salem
I really learned a lot through the Thomas RESCH Obermagistratsrat, City of Vienna
element of intercultural exchange. Markus RODLAUER Deputy Director, IMF Asia & Pacific Department;
We were a mlange of 50 percent Chief, IMF Mission to China
Austrians and 50 percent students Georges SANTER Ambassador, Embassies of Luxembourg in Vienna,
from abroad. We had great profes- Paris and Berlin; Secretary-General, Ministry of
sors from Austrian universities as Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg
well as lecturers from Harvard. The Bernhard WRABETZ Foreign Policy Advisor to the Federal Chancellor of the
Academy was trying hard to get us Republic of Austria; Ambassador, Embassies of Austria
the best education we could have. in Lisbon and New Delhi
Heinz Ludwig Sommerbauer
CEO Austro Control,
graduate 1983

The primary function of the Alumni As- Mentors are available to give advice and
sociation of the Diplomatic Academy of support to students who are looking for
Vienna (ClubDA) is to foster and maintain a job. In addition, alumni announce job
contacts between former students and openings on the Clubs website. In this
the Academy. An annual international way the large network of DA alumni is
meeting of DA alumni in Vienna provides able to make a significant contribution to
great opportunities for networking, as the DAs career services. Finally, in 2011
The year I spent at the Diplomatic do regional alumni meetings in big cities ClubDAs General Assembly decided to
Academy had a strong impact on around the world, organised by ClubDAs introduce an Alumni Scholarship System
my perception of international local chapters (see map). providing DA students in need with
affairs and the opportunities for financial assistance in order to enable
cooperation among peoples of dif- Furthermore, ClubDA offers support to them to finish their studies at the DA.
ferent backgrounds. I found myself current students and young alumni.
in a microcosm of the world of
that time: Vienna was a very open 11 You may find further details concerning
city and the Diplomatic Academy ClubDA at
has always been a very pluralistic www.da-vienna.ac.at/alumni
institution, one in which I saw and
I could live for the first time with
people from Eastern Europe, the
then Soviet Union, and from other
parts of Europe.
Celso L.N. Amorim
former Minister of Defence and
former Minister of External
Relations, Brazil, graduate 1968

ClubDA Local Chapters:

Beijing/Shanghai Chapter: China | Berlin Chapter: Germany | Brussels Chapter: Belgium, Luxem-
bourg, Netherlands | Bucharest Chapter: Romania | London Chapter: United Kingdom, Ireland |
Moscow Chapter: Russia | New York Chapter: USA, Canada | Paris Chapter: France | Prague Chapter:
Czech Republic | Salzburg/Munich Chapter: Austria, Germany, Italy | Sofia Chapter: Bulgaria |
Switzerland Chapter | Vienna Chapter: Austria | Warsaw Chapter: Poland | Zagreb Chapter: Croatia

Besides its bi-annual online-magazine DA News, event and information newsletters
and social media platforms, alumni gatherings are the main opportunities for the DA,
its alumni and students to stay in touch. The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, ClubDA
and its local chapters organise a great variety of events that range from the annual
International Alumni Meeting in Vienna to local meetings, talks and panel discussions,
excursions and sporting events. Some examples are:

Your home and anchor after DAs career day DA LINK (HR managers from highly renowned companies and
graduation is the motto the organisations are invited to speak with students and young alumni about career
DAs Alumni Association ClubDA opportunities during this annual event),
adopted to characterise its main talks by and discussions with members of the DA Alumni Hall of Fame,
goal. To achieve this, fifteen local student-alumni meetings on the occasion of study trips to Brussels as well as
chapters all over Europe, in North Southeastern Europe,
America and China serve as hubs sporting events like the DA Ski and Snowboard Championships or the ClubDA
to strengthen the DAs global Outdoor Weekends, and
alumni network. At the same time, the annual St. Nicholas Party & Meet and Greet of alumni with new DA students.
DAs graduates are eager to give
something back to their alma
mater by funding two scholarship
programmes in order to enable stu-
dents in financial need to pursue
and finish their studies at the DA
like so many alumni successfully
did before.
Andreas Ehrmann
Head of Alumni and
Administrative Office
32 Research & Publications

With its emphasis on cross-cul-

tural learning and its tradition of RESEARCH
interdisciplinary approach, the Dip- Our faculty, comprised of resident profes- Many of our non-resident faculty conduct
lomatic Academy is the ideal place sors, postdoctoral fellows and non-resi- research at the highest level. Charles Pear-
to study contemporary European dential professors, has been very active in son, for instance, just published his new
and global history from different publishing research, writing op-ed pieces, book, entitled On the Cusp: From Popula-
perspectives. Its location in the city and organising workshops and confer- tion Boom to Bust, with Oxford University
of Vienna, in the very heart of Eu- ences. This page highlights some of the Press. This new book is expected to have
rope, makes the Diplomatic Acade- activities. an impact comparable to his widely-cited
my the perfect place to get a deep books Economics and the Challenge of
comprehension of Central East and Markus Kornprobst was on sabbatical Global Warming (Cambridge University
Southeast European history and from October to December 2014, complet- Press, 2011) and Economics and the Global
ing a book manuscript entitled Co-man- Environment (Cambridge University Press,
Olga Baranova
Postdoctoral Fellow
aging International Crises: Judgements, 2000).
in International Studies Justifications and Intervention. He is
currently preparing a special section on Thanks to their research output, our
background ideas in the British Journal of postdoctoral fellows have secured much
Politics and International Relations (with sought after positions in the academic and
Martin Senn, University of Innsbruck), and diplomatic worlds. Mauro Caselli will join
a special issue on public justification in a prestigious research project, working
Contemporary Politics (with Uriel Abulof, from Naples. Christiane Ahlborn joined the
Princeton University). His article on Build- UN legal office in New York. In 2015-16,
ing Agreements Upon Agreements: The EU three new postdoctoral fellows will join
and Grand Strategy has been published the Diplomatic Academy: Olga Baranova
The Diplomatic Academy provides in the European Journal of International and David Petruccelli. They will join us
an ideal site for studying the evo- Relations earlier in 2015. from the Institute for Human Sciences
lution of international drug con- and Yale University, respectively. Addition-
trols in 20th-century Europe. With The Routledge New Diplomacy Series, ally Catherine Hecht joins us as SSHRC
an emphasis on both the theory co-edited by Corneliu Bjola (Oxford Uni- Postdoctoral Fellow. Her fellowship is fully
and practice of international gov- versity) and Markus Kornprobst continues funded by the Canadian Social Sciences
ernance and its location in a city
to publish 2-4 books a year. The latest and Humanities Research Council.
that remains today, as in centuries
books published in the series are Bernd
past, at the center of global deci-
Kausslers Irans Nuclear Diplomacy and
sion-making, the Academy offers
a unique opportunity for teaching Corneliu Bjola and Marcus Holmess Digi-
and studying international history. tal Diplomacy.
David Petruccelli
Postdoctoral Fellow
in International Studies

With its location in an international

hub and proximity to international FAVORITA PAPERS
organisations, the Diplomatic The Favorita Papers publish substantive residence, Favorita, donated by Empress
Academy is an excellent place to reports on contributions and events Maria Theresa to the Theresianische
study and conduct research on within the framework of the Academys Akademie foundation in 1749.
multilateralism and international programmes which are of particular Current titles include No. 1/2015: Auf den
relations. Not only is it possible relevance to the understanding of con- Spuren Wallenbergs (joint publication
to speak directly with key policy temporary international problems facing with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for
makers but students also enrich Austria and Europe, as well as on issues Research on War Consequences, Studi-
our seminar discussions with their relevant to the training for careers in enVerlag), No. 2/2015: Europa Russland
impressive range of experiences. diplomacy and international affairs. The USA und die Krise in der Ukraine, No.
Catherine Hecht
series was named Favorita Papers after 3/2015: The long shadow of Austria-Hun-
SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow
the original designation of the Diplomatic gary: A counterfactual exploration (in
Academys home, the Imperial summer preparation).

The Diplomatic Academy perfectly

combines academic research in
international studies, including
international economics, with
real-world practice. The interdisci-
plinary nature of the research con-
ducted at the DA along with the
possibility to speak directly with
key policymakers offers graduates
a unique opportunity to prepare
themselves for international lead-
ership in a friendly environment.
Mauro Caselli
Postdoctoral Fellow
in International Studies
34 Executive Training Programmes

The Diplomatic Academys (DA) many years of experience as a centre of academic ex-
cellence, together with its strong emphasis on the training of soft skills, form the basis
of its high profile role as a provider of tailor-made special courses and seminars for
diplomats, a wide range of civil service officials and those employed in international
organisations and EU institutions.

Since the fall of the Iron Curtain the DA and decisionmaking processes within the
has been proud to host numerous special EU, as well as the concepts underlying
courses for young diplomats and civil specific EU policies and programmes.
servants from the Danube region and the Taking into consideration Viennas special
Western Balkans, the Black Sea region role as seat of the UN, the OSCE and
and Central Asia. In recent years, DA OPEC, the programmes often emphasise
Executive Training Programmes have a dialogue on global security issues and
been provided for African countries, as include a range of study visits to the in-
well as the Caribbean. Courses and ternational organisations and EU offices
seminars are often organised in coop- in Vienna.
eration with the Austrian Ministry for
Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs In order to maximise their practical
with the financial support of the Austrian usefulness, the programmes comprise a
Development Cooperation. broad mix of academic analyses, critical
discussion, simulation workshops, study
Furthermore, the DA organises Executive visits, and the training of soft and practi-
Training Programmes at the request of cal skills. Through personal skills train-
various governments, institutions, etc.. ing employees are prepared for future
leadership roles. The programmes include
The Executive Training Programmes are negotiation techniques, interactive
especially designed to familiarise parti seminars on business diplomacy, crisis
cipants with the machinery of the Euro management and dealing with the media,
pean Union. To that end it is important as well as courses on rhetoric, protocol
to understand the complicated structures and etiquette.

The DA provides training modules for Furthermore, the DA is active in training

Austrian diplomats. Additionally, it or- civil service officials for the specific tasks
ganises training within the framework of they face when their country holds the EU
the European Diplomatic Programme, a Presidency and provides consultancy ser-
common training programme for foreign vices to governments wishing to establish
service officials from EU member states their own diplomatic training institutes.
and EU institutions.

Providing executive training at the

ment of the activities of the Dip- Executive Training Programmes in European and International Affairs
lomatic Academy. Our tailor-made Various tailored two to four-week training programmes for a specific country
programmes flexibly respond to (e.g. Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation) or a region (e.g. Southeast Europe,
the challenges of modern network Black Sea, Southern Caucasus, Africa, Carribean or the Middle East) are regularly
diplomacy and negotiations for held throughout the whole year.
clients from both the state and Seminars/Modules/Workshops
private sectors, and are firmly root- The DA regularly organises short-term tailor-made seminars, modules and
ed in the know-how and skills we workshops from one to five days or longer on various topics (e.g. protocol and
have derived from many decades of etiquette, business diplomacy, energy diplomacy, and multinational negotiations)
experience in the field of interna- for different institutions in Vienna and abroad.
tional relations. Open Seminars
Gerhard Sailler The DA also organises a series of short-term seminars running over several
Deputy Director of the
days or evenings. These seminars in the fields of negotiation training, cultural
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
diplomacy, business etiquette, media training and more besides can be booked
individually. They are particularly suitable for professionals from embassies, com-
panies and international organisations.
Summer School on European Negotiations for the European Studies Institute
(MGIMO University, Moscow)
Since 2008 the DA has organised a one-week tailor-made Summer School on
European Negotiations for Master Students (civil service officials) of the Euro-
pean Studies Institute at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations
(MGIMO University).
Inter-University Summer School on European Policy Making (Institute
for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Diplomatic Academy of
Vienna, University of Vienna)
This Inter-University programme offers participants two weeks of intensive study
on the European decision-making process with lectures, study visits and simula-
tion games in Brussels and Vienna.

11 For further details please see our website or contact seminar@da-vienna.ac.at

36 Languages

Today a facility with languages is an absolute must for anybody seeking a highflying
career, be it in diplomacy, in politics, the civil service, the private sector or an NGO. The
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna continues to focus on its three working languages and
four other UN languages.

Studying languages has not only enjoyed Language training at the DA, however,
a long tradition at the Diplomatic Aca goes well beyond the general acquisition
demy of Vienna but is also an obligatory of a foreign language (vocabulary, gram-
Whatever your chosen career path, component of the curricula of the indi- mar rules etc.). It is conducted within the
much of your working life will be vidual study programmes. Emphasis is framework of the DAs strong and ongo-
conducted in English. The DA will placed on English, French and German, ing commitment to multilingualism and
equip you with the necessary skills the working languages of the Academy. interculturalism, and includes from the
to use the language fluently and In the Diploma Programme study of very beginning the specialised training
confidently in all situations. all three languages is compulsory for in formal and informal communication
Keith Chester non-native speakers, whilst in MAIS and in a professional context necessary for
Coordinator for ETIA a certain number of credits must be a successful international career: po-
English Language Training obtained in a language module (in French liteness, presenting your point of view,
and/or German only) during the course telephoning and emails, writing CVs, the
of the period of study. Further languages language of meetings and negotiations,
are offered in cooperation with the Lan- small talk etc..
guage Centre of the University of Vienna In addition to the regular language train-
and the Confucius Institute. Language ing, the DA offers a two-week pre-term
courses lead to internationally recognised intensive German course for current
certificates, such as Cambridge, DELF/ and future students. This takes place in
DALF or SD. The language trainers are September and provides a perfect oppor-
all highly qualified with many years of tunity for participants to acquire German
Das Deutsch-Team sieht seine
experience in their specialised fields. language survival skills or to refresh their
Aufgabe darin, dem speziellen
pre-existing knowledge of the language
Standort Wien gerecht zu werden
und den Studierenden die deutsche
before the start of the academic year
Sprache und die sterreichische (levels A1 and A2).
Landeskunde, auf akademischem
Niveau, zu vermitteln.
Tina Welke
Koordinatorin fr Notre programme intensif et cibl vise vous en-
Deutsch als Fremdsprache traner parler franais couramment, avec clart et
prcision, dans toutes les situations de votre future
carrire. Que vous le fassiez en fin danne avec
plaisir et brio, quel que soit votre niveau, est pour
notre quipe une rcompense particulire !
Chantal Cali
Coordinatrice pour le Franais
Summer Course for
German Language and Austrian Studies 37

Every year in August the DA organises the Summer Course for German Language and
Austrian Studies. It lasts four weeks and offers intensive German classes for learners
of all levels from beginners to advanced, everybody can find a course suitable to the
individual requirements. The course is open to anybody 18 and over.

METHODOLOGY AND TOPICS practice the new German language skills

Classes are communicative, learner-ori- acquired in the classroom.
ented and geared to the needs of adults,
The Summer Course was a great with the methodology firmly based on the LECTURES, EXCURSIONS AND
opportunity to learn German and latest practice. The Summer Course team LEISURE ACTIVITIES
to experience Vienna and Austria. is comprised of highly experienced and In addition to language training, the DA
There is nothing better than learn- highly qualified teachers with specialist Summer Course provides lectures on var-
ing a beautiful language in one of training for teaching German as a Foreign ious aspects of Austrian politics, history,
the most charming cities in the Language to adults. The trainers use the economics and culture. Participants fur-
world! Also, the Summer Course latest methological and didactic insights thermore have the opportunity to visit in-
was a great opportunity to meet of linguistics. Subjects chosen for the ternational organisations based in Vienna,
people from other countries and to language classes make use of both topical as well as Austrian political, economic and
share our experience and knowl- and authentic materials, and include in- cultural institutions, and to discuss issues
edge. I absolutely recommend the formation on history, politics, economics, with representatives from these bodies.
DA Summer Course to everyone! and culture with, of course, an Austrian An all-day excursion offers students the
Jovan Milic slant, wherever appropriate. Classes take opportunity to discover a part of Austria
Summer Course 2014
place in small groups. As far as possible outside Vienna. In addition, various leisure
the trainers take into consideration the activities are organised, such as hiking in
individual needs and requests of the the vineyards around Vienna, wine-tast-
students. ing and a visit to a Heuriger (Austrian
wine tavern) as well as Waltz lessons.
In the morning, four hours of language CERTIFICATES
training take place for all levels. De- Participants are awarded a confirmation
pending on the course option, lectures, of attendance. They may also sit the
research projects, creative language examination for the sterreichisches
learning activities, excursions and leisure Sprachdiplom (SD).*
activities are organised in the afternoon. * examination fees are not included in the course
The Vienna Research Projects are a APPLICATION DEADLINE:
fascinating way to learn more about the 15 MAY 2016
Austrian capital. These are designed to
enable participants to discover by them- 11 Further details and information under
selves the real Vienna beyond tourist www.da-vienna.ac.at/programmes/
summer_course or contact
clichs and, at the same time, to use and sommerkurs@da-vienna.ac.at
38 Le Monde de la Francophonie
54 tats membres 23 tats observateurs 3 tats associs

Albanie Centrafrique France Mali Rwanda

Andorre Chypre Gabon Maroc Sainte-Lucie
Armnie Comores Gorgie Maurice Sao Tom et
Autriche Congo Ghana Mauritanie Principe
Belgique Congo RD Grce Mexique Sngal
Bnin Costa Rica Guine Moldavie Serbie
Bosnie Herzgovine Cte d'Ivoire Guine Bissau Monaco Seychelles
Bulgarie Croatie Guine quatoriale Montngro Slovaquie
Burkina Faso Djibouti Hati Mozambique Slovnie
Burundi Dominique Hongrie Niger Suisse
Cambodge Egypte Kosovo Pologne Tchad
Cameroun mirats arabes unis Laos Quatar Thalande
Canada Estonie Lettonie Rpublique Togo
Canada Ex-Rpublique Liban Dominicaine Tunisie
Nouveau-Brunswick yugoslave de Macdonie Lituanie Rpublique Ukraine
Canada Qubec Fdration Luxembourg Tchque Uruguay
Cap-Vert Wallonie-Bruxelles Madagascar Roumanie Vanuatu
La Rpublique centrafricaine et la Thalande sont actuellement suspendues des instances de la Francophonie.
Francophonie 39

La Chaire francophone de science politique europenne a t cre en 2007 liniti-

ative de lOrganisation internationale pour la Francophonie (OIF). Elle traduit limpor-
tance reconnue lAcadmie diplomatique de Vienne dun enseignement en langue
franaise sur le systme politique et le rle international de lUE.

Cette chaire francophone poursuit la Le Centre de recherche Flix Kreissler

longue tradition du plurilinguisme lAD sur les relations franco-autrichiennes
en vue de la prparation aux carrires in- travaille en troite coopration avec le
La Chaire francophone de science ternationales. La Chaire est actuellement Centre franco-autrichien pour la coo-
politique manifeste limportance dtenue par le Docteur Julien Navarro, pration en Europe (CFA) et contribue
reconnue lAcadmie diploma- matre de confrences lEcole euro- renforcer les contacts avec les parte-
tique de Vienne dun enseignement penne de science politique (ESPOL) de naires franais de lAcadmie diploma-
en langue franaise au centre de lUniversit catholique de Lille (France). tique de Vienne, comme par exemple
lEurope sur le systme politique de Par ailleurs, lOIF soutient un projet lEcole Nationale dAdministration
lUnion europenne et sur la ques- francophone dtablissement destin au Strasbourg et lInstitut Franais des Rela-
tion de la dmocratie. renforcement de lenseignement de la tions Internationales. Il vise promouvoir
Julien Navarro langue franaise, ainsi que le programme la recherche sur les relations bilatrales
Chaire francophone de la Chaire francophone. Elle appuie franco-autrichiennes et la coopration
de Science Politique en tudes galement la tenue dun sminaire des deux pays avec les chercheurs dEu-
Europennes et Internationales
rgional rassemblant de hauts fonction- rope de lEst et du Sud-Est. Il est dirig
naires des pays du partenariat oriental et par Michel Cullin, professeur mrite de
euro-mditerranen. luniversit de Nice.

Fidle une conception de recherche applique,

le centre Flix Kreissler assume une fonction
de think tank pour toutes les questions ayant trait
aux relations entre la France et lAutriche. Darber
hinaus ist die Forschungsstelle ein Ort der Zwei
sprachigkeit und der Transkulturalitt.
Michel Cullin
Centre de recherche Flix Kreissler
40 Association for the Advancement of Teaching

The goal of the Association for the Advancement of Teaching at the Diplomatic Aca-
demy of Vienna (Verein zur Frderung der Lehre an der Diplomatischen Akademie)
is to support the excellent training of students from more than 110 countries in the
fields of political science and international studies, international organisations and
European Union, international economics, environmental technology, international
and European Law.
With their annual membership fee, members of the Association aid activities and
As a group of institutions and in- events that qualify students for careers in national diplomatic services, international
dividuals we feel connected to the organisations, as well as international economics and finance. Members enjoy a range
valuable work of the Diplomatic of benefits, including exclusive invitations to three high-level talks per year.
Academy. Over many years we have
formed a successful partnership MEMBERS
to support the training of talented Alumni Association of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
young people. Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
Ernst Rosi Erste Group Bank AG
Chairman of the Association for Oesterreichische Nationalbank
the Advancement of Teaching Raiffeisen Zentralbank sterreich AG
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
UNIQA Versicherungen AG
Vienna Insurance Group
Cordt & Partner Management- und Finanzierungsconsulting GesmbH
Public Events 41


In recent years the Diplomatic Academy DIPLOMATIC TRAINING
of Vienna has emerged as an important The International Forum on Diplomatic
seminar and conference centre hosting Training (IFDT) was established at the
numerous public events. Well-known Diplomatic Academy of Vienna in 1972
figures from the worlds of politics, as an annual meeting of Deans and
diplomacy, academia, business and Directors of Diplomatic Academies and
culture regularly gather at the Academy Institutes of International Relations
A multiplicity of public events takes to discuss and analyse current develop worldwide. Its co-chairs are the Direc-
place on the Academys premises ments and trends, making it one of tor of the DA and the Director of the
on an almost daily basis. Students Austrias leading fora for public discourse Institute for the Study of Diplomacy of
have the opportunity to attend on issues of European and international the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign
these events, offering great insights relevance. Service at Georgetown University, Wash-
into past and current issues as well ington, DC. This group meets annually at
as the opportunity to network with
professionals, academics and ex-
11 The DA event calendar can be found the invitation of the Diplomatic Academy
underwww.da-vienna.ac.at/events and Georgetowns School of Foreign
perts first hand. This greatly enrich-
Service, the venue rotating between the
es the student experience, increas-
participating institutions. In 1996 the
ing our knowledge of foreign policy
and international relations. group adopted the name International
Yuri Fenopetov Forum on Diplomatic Training. The Forum
MAIS 2015 graduate is an informal gathering of Deans and
Directors devoted to the discussion of
issues of modern diplomacy and trends
in diplomatic training.

With its particularly rich programme of evening

talks and discussions, as well as day-long work-
shops and conferences, the DA offers first-hand
insider information both for our students and
the general public on issues of foreign relations
and policy.
Jan Claudius Bujak
Event Manager
Course List 43
POLITICAL SCIENCE AND Histoire des pratiques diplomatiques contemporaines (XIXe-XXIe sicle) (core
Le mtier de diplomate a beaucoup chang depuis le XIXe sicle. Pour apprcier cette
volution, la dmarche historique est indispensable. Elle permet de mettre en perspec-
tive la diversification des acteurs intervenant dans la sphre diplomatique, la trans-
formation des grandes fonctions caractrisant le mtier de diplomate (reprsenter,
protger, informer, ngocier), les mutations des pratiques enfin, en lien avec le renou-
vellement de la composition des corps diplomatiques nationaux, la constitution dune
fonction publique internationale, la rvolution des tlcommunications, et lextension
du multilatralisme et de ses dclinaisons.

Fondements de la science politique (core course DLG)Julien NAVARRO

Ce cours dintroduction prsente les principaux outils analytiques et thoriques pour
comprendre les phnomnes politiques contemporains. Il aborde les grandes notions et
problmes de la science politique, notamment le pouvoir, ltat, les rgimes politiques,
lanalyse des forces politiques et de laction publique. Il sappuie aussi bien sur des au-
teurs classiques que sur des illustrations tires de lactualit.

Political Science: Scopes and Methods (core course MAIS)Markus KORNPROBST

The course is designed, first, to introduce students to key questions, concepts, theories
and debates in Political Science (Political Theory, Comparative Politics, and International
Relations). Second, it introduces students to the main issues of how to conduct re-
search (large-n comparisons, small-n comparisons and single case-studies).

Theorie der Internationalen Beziehungen (core course DLG)Heinz GRTNER

Behandlung der Internationalen Beziehungen auf Grundlage der wichtigsten Theorien
und Schulen. Nach einer Einfhrung und einem berblick ber die Lehrveranstaltung
werden folgende Themen diskutiert: Internationales System, Individuum und soziale
Bewegungen, innere politische Struktur, Theorien im Vergleich.

Theories of International Relations (core course MAIS)Markus KORNPROBST

Students are introduced to the academic discipline of International Relations. A survey
of the major theoretical approaches and debates (realism, liberalism, constructivism,
normative approaches) is followed by an in-depth discussion of levels of analysis (in-
ternational system, domestic politics, leadership), concluding with an examination of
the actors of international politics.

Methodology and Theories of International Relations (core course ETIA)

The course introduces students to International Relations. Its goals are to familiarise
students with the methodological foundations of the discipline; to present the study of
International Relations as a field and to survey its main components; and to encourage
the use of conceptual tools and theoretical insights in approaching issues in interna-
tional politics.

Conflict Resolution in World PoliticsA.J.R. GROOM

This course analyses different theoretical approaches to the causes, modalities and
ending of conflicts. It translates theory into practice in the management of change by
means of coercive diplomacy and palliatives to tribunals, restitution and truth commis-
sions, problem-solving.

Comparative PoliticsAnton PELINKA

The course introduces students to the basic concepts of Comparative Politics and
demonstrates the analysis of different political systems by focusing on specific cases.
The seminar combines a theory-based analytical framework and an overview of the
most important phenomena (including the most recent trends) of and within political

Seminar: Advanced Topics in International Relations: Contemporary Geopolitics

This seminar is designed to provide for a more comprehensive and conceptually rig-
orous understanding of contemporary international developments, and the ability to
analyse foreign affairs with the help of theories, concepts and models.

European Security: Concepts, Challenges, Institutions (DLG, ETIA)

Hanspeter NEUHOLD
This course deals with the conceptual foundations and basic options of international
security policy; positive and negative developments after the Cold War and 9/11; and
the main security institutions relevant to Europe (the UN, the OSCE, NATO, the EU).

European Security after the Cold War: Concepts, Changes, Challenges (MAIS)
Hanspeter NEUHOLD
This course covers the conceptual foundations of international security; major changes
in the international system in the wake of the Cold War, 9/11 and the ongoing global
economic crisis; and other recent positive and negative developments and their impact
on international, in particular European security.

Old and New Options for Security in a Changing Europe: The Balkan Laboratory
and Current Challenges (advanced course)Hanspeter NEUHOLD
After looking at international institutions from the point of view of public international
law and International Relations theories, this course focuses on old and new means and
methods of crisis management and dispute settlement as applied by the principal security
institutions (the UN, NATO, the EU, the OSCE) especially in the recent Balkan conflicts.

Crises et relances de la construction europenne de 1945 nos jours

La construction europenne sclaire dune manire nouvelle si on tudie sa dynami-
que politique:cest une succession de crises et de relances qui jalonnent son histoire
depuis quelque soixante ans. Pour mieux comprendre les ressorts de cette dynamique, la
mthode historique sappuie sur lanalyse de documents originaux, ce qui claire le
pass et apprend aussi mieux dchiffrer les documents dactualit.

Analyse politique de la construction europenne (core course DLG)

LUnion europenne est dsormais prsente au quotidien dans la vie des citoyens eu-
ropens; elle reste pourtant mal comprise et conteste. Lobjet de ce cours, en sappuy-
ant sur les outils de la science politique, est de donner comprendre le systme politique
de lUnion europenne, ses principaux acteurs et quelques-unes de ses politiques, dans
toute leur complexit et leur originalit.

Fabriquer de la politique trangre au sein de lUnion europenne

Christian LEQUESNE
Objet: Partant dune dfinition large de la politique trangre (cest dire incluant le
commerce et la diplomatie conomique), le cours entend montrer comment lUnion
europenne essaye de fabriquer des positions lgard des pays tiers dans une interac-
tion permanente entre les tats membres et les diffrentes institutions europennes.
Pour comprendre la fabrication de la politique trangre de lUnion europenne, il faut
considrer que Bruxelles et les tats membres forment un systme rgi par des m-
canismes permanents dchanges et de coordination. Les cots de transaction de cette
politique trangre plusieurs niveaux sont grands. Ils contredisent parfois limpratif
defficacit qui simpose la diplomatie moderne, en particulier lorsquil sagit dinter-
venir militairement.

Multilateral Diplomacy at the United NationsThomas MAYR-HARTING

This seminar provides a practitioners view of the structures and dynamics of the United
Nations, as well as of the specific challenges facing diplomats working there. Special
emphasis is given to the work of the UN Security Council and to ongoing UN efforts for
sustainable development. The seminar also discusses the role of the European Union
at the UN.

The Evolution of the EU System: the Institutional Architecture of the Lisbon

TreatyWolfgang WESSELS
As a major player in the international system the EU is of great relevance. The course
offers deeper insight into the legal anatomy, theoretical analysis and normative assess-
ment of its institutional architecture. Our debate refers to the new provisions of the
Lisbon Treaty. Students should have a good basic knowledge of the EUs institutional

Seminar: Global GovernanceAndrew LAWRENCE

Combining an array of disciplinary perspectives, including law, economics, political sci-
ence, history, and international relations, this course considers some salient central
topics in the field of global governance, including the changing role of international
organisations; debates about trade, climate change, humanitarian intervention, and
peacekeeping; and evolving human rights regimes, among others. After introducing
salient theories of global governance, the course then reviews recent policy evolution
and current controversies.

Seminar: International Dimensions of DemocratisationCatherine HECHT

What roles have international factors played in democratisation processes or strength-
ening authoritarian rule? This seminar introduces influential theories of democratic tran-
sitions and consolidation, examines the evolution and challenges of bilateral and multi-
lateral democracy assistance, and explores how transnational and international variables
have interacted with domestic-level factors in a range of cases with varied results.
Seminar: Democracy, Globalisation, and the EnvironmentWalter Frank BABER
Discusses the relationship between democracy, environmental protection, and the
broader changes associated with globalisation. Also examines several of the most prom-
inent alternatives for managing those changes and how they might deal with real world
situations in the form of hypothetical disputes involving countries that are democratic in
character but are otherwise differently situated and differentially empowered.

Seminar: Gender Policies as wicked policy problems?Birgit SAUER

This course focuses on trans- and international gender policies, mainly in the Global
North. Multi-level governance might be an opportunity for gender policies, however
gender policies might also be trapped between different levels of governance and thus
become wicked policy problems. We discuss examples such as trafficking in women,
gender mainstreaming and violence against women.

Seminar: NationalismAnton PELINKA

This seminar focuses on theoretical concepts of nationalism and confronts contem-
porary trends of rise and decline of nationalistic attitudes and policies. The seminar
looks into similarities and differences (and the explanations) of a variety of cases. The
students are required to participate actively and, at the beginning of the term, choose
a topic for their seminar paper which has to be discussed in class as work in progress.

Seminar: Current Issues of European and Transatlantic SecurityCoit BLACKER/

Hanspeter NEUHOLD
This interdisciplinary seminar covers current key problems of European and transatlan-
tic security from a political science and legal point of view. Both matters of substance
(e.g. hybrid warfare, terrorism, cyber and energy security) and the institutional aspects
(challenges facing the UN, NATO, the EU and the OSCE) are included.

Seminar: The European Union in the International System the New Institu-
tional Architecture for a Global ActorWolfgang WESSELS
Based on the course Evolution of the EU System, participants discuss visions, theories
and institutions for the EU as a global actor. Theoretical background texts are provided.
This intensive course goes into greater detail and relies mainly on student input.

Seminar: The European Unions Management of International Crises

This seminar provides students with an in-depth understanding of the forces fostering
and preventing the formulation of an effective EU foreign policy, particularly in the
crucial area of international crisis management. Four crises serve as case-studies: the
First Gulf War, Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Second Gulf War.

Sminaire : Les parlements en Europe (advanced course DLG)Julien NAVARRO

Les parlements sont au cur des dbats sur la crise de la reprsentation en Europe et,
plus spcifiquement, sur le dficit dmocratique suppos de lUE. Dans ce sminaire
de politique compare, nous nous intressons des problmes contemporains tels que
la monte en puissance du Parlement europen, leuropanisation des parlements na-
tionaux, les rseaux parlementaires en Europe ou le rle des parlements dans les rela-
tions internationales.
Seminar: Region Building. The Global Proliferation of Regional Integration
Across the world, region building has become a new trend in the shaping of the inter-
national order. The course studies its preconditions and its consequences, its obstacles
and its potential. It emphasises comparative reflections of European integration yet
recognises the genuine nature of region building elsewhere in the world.

Seminar: The Western Balkans and ENP Partner Countries: Political, Economic
and Legal IssuesHanspeter NEUHOLD/Georg WINCKLER
This interdisciplinary seminar focuses on the political, economic and legal aspects of
conflicts in the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region since the end of the
Cold War and recent developments in these regions.

Contemporary Issues in IR: Russian Domestic Politics and External Relations

(lecture and seminar)Gerhard MANGOTT
The course deals with Russias protracted democratisation, the main features of Rus-
sias polity, the intermediary level of party activity and the anarchical decentralisation
of political power during the Yeltsin era. The socio-economic and socio-demographic
features of post-Soviet Russia, its recriminated privatisation schemes and the role of
the oligarchs are discussed as well as Putins concept of controlled democracy and its
impact on human rights, federal institutions, opposition parties and NGOs.

The course continues with a discussion of the rationale and major features of Medvedevs
presidency. The next section addresses Putins return to the Russian presidency and its
encompassing features: a short-lived erosion of stability, the brief revitalisation of the
public sphere ushering in mass demonstrations, civil protest and the politics of repres-
sion. Russias international role is also addressed with particular attention given to
Russias energy policies, Ukraine, its relations with the US (strategic arms control, Iran,
Syria, Afghanistan) and the EU. The seminar in the second term provides more detailed
analysis of the courses topics. Students are free to choose topics for presentations
which will be discussed in class. The seminar can be attended without enrolling for the

American Foreign Policy: Ethics or Empire?Walter Frank BABER

Examines contradictions in US foreign policy at three levels. First, US foreign policy is
shaped by a conflict between the ideas that American interests are genuinely global
and that the US is a nation intent only on minding its own business. Second, Amer-
ican politics are animated by a theory of institutional checks and balances. However,
it is difficult to imagine rigorous international checks and balances that the US would
voluntarily accept. Finally, the US subscribes to policy theories sometimes inconsistent
with those developed internationally, leading to US divergence from more broadly held
notions of global governance.

Seminar: Ethnic ConflictStuart KAUFMAN

This course focuses on three sets of questions. First, what is the nature of ethnicity and
ethnic conflict? Second, why do these conflicts sometimes escalate into brutal wars and
genocides? Third, what are the options for managing or resolving these conflicts, and
how effective are they?
Seminar: Sources of National (In)SecurityRonald KREBS
This course examines several approaches to the sources of national security policy and
its corollary: insecurity. After a critical examination of the nature of security, the sem-
inar explores important structural features of global politics (polarity) and domestic
politics (regime type) as well as key processes (bargaining, securitisation, legitima-
tion, narration), before concluding with speculation regarding the future of national

Seminar: Security, Politics, and Strategy in CyberspaceRichard HARKNETT

Cyberspace is a vital economic, social and political domain that is increasingly at risk
to cyberaggression (cybercrime, cyberespionage, cyberwar). This challenge must be
addressed through national and international policy development. We examine core
conceptual and policy frameworks that impact security, politics, and strategy in the
cyber domain.

Seminar: The Domestic and Global Governance of Nuclear WeaponsMartin SENN

The first part of the seminar explores the supply and demand sides of nuclear prolif-
eration and discusses the use of nuclear weapons as instruments of diplomacy and
warfare. In the second part, the seminar investigates the development and current state
of global rule systems designed to address the vertical and horizontal proliferation of
nuclear weapons.

Who am I? The Politics of IdentityRichard LEBOW

Most people believe they have unitary and consistent identities. Psychological and so-
ciological research indicates the extent to which our memory is social, and a resource
that we continually reshape to meet contemporary needs. Philosophers offer diverse
understandings of the self. This course enquires into the politics of identity along eight
dimensions: the Psychological Critique of Identity, Philosophy of the Self, Emergence of
the Individual, Anti-Modern Identities, Liberal Identities, Romantic Identities, Postmod-
ern Identities, Identity and Ethics.

Foreign policies of Japan, China, and IndiaT. V. PAUL

Overview of the foreign policies of Japan, China, and India: historical evolution, goals
and determinants of their foreign policies, and the conflictual and cooperative interac-
tions of these states with other countries in Asia and the world; efforts at institution-
alised cooperation in East, Southeast and South Asia and the role of these countries in
those efforts; discussion of various approaches to foreign policy analysis to provide the
necessary theoretical and conceptual tools to understand the foreign policy behaviour
of states, especially in Asia.

INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN LAW Principles of International Law (core course DLG)Gerhard LOIBL
Sources, subjects, basic structural characteristics and elements of the international legal
system; discussion of the relationship between international and national law; case studies.

Principles of International Law (core course MAIS & ETIA)

Gerhard LOIBL/Stephan WITTICH
Structure of international law, principles of international law, subjects and sources of
international law.
Institutional Law of the European Union (core course MAIS, ETIA, DLG)
Hubert ISAK
The course deals with the basic rules of the functioning, the institutions and procedures
of the Union as based on the law of the Treaties and further developed by the ECJ in
some leading cases. Basic elements of the EUs external action and the Union as an Area
of Freedom, Security and Justice are also presented.

European Law: External Economic Relations and Foreign Policy in the EU

Hubert ISAK
The course deals with the Unions relations to states and other international organi-
sations and the development of the Union as a factor in the international system. It
thus covers the general legal framework for external action as well as some specific
external policies.

Selected Areas of Substantive EU LawGeorg STILLFRIED

Economic integration lies at the heart of the EU. In this context the most important
treaty rules are those establishing the four freedoms which essentially prevent states
from restricting the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital, and those
that are to prevent or control anticompetitive behaviour of private entities.

Judicial protection in the European UnionJosef AZIZI

Organisation, competences and procedures of the judicature of the European Union
are presented from the direct perspective and against the background of the practical
experience of an EU judge.

Legal Foundations of International RelationsHanspeter NEUHOLD

This course analyses some of the foundations of the international legal system the
prohibition of the threat or use of force, non-intervention in internal affairs, the peace-
ful settlement of disputes and self-determination of peoples from a legal as well as
a political viewpoint.

Human Rights in the International and European PerspectiveWolfram KARL

This course provides orientation on the initiatives and procedures that exist for the
safeguard of human rights at the international level. This is supported by the study of
topical events and human rights problems, including the way in which they are dealt
with by national and international bodies and institutions.

Seminar: Introduction to Universal and European Human Rights Protection

Manfred NOWAK
The seminar deals with the different standards and procedures for the protection of
human rights developed by the UN, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, and the EU.

International Economic Law and Institutions (core course MAIS & ETIA)
Friedl WEISS/Walter GEHR
The course provides an overview of the legal and institutional foundations of inter-
national economic law, with particular emphasis on the World Trade Organisation as
well as free trade and investment agreements. The course covers sources of interna-
tional economic law, basic regulations of GATT/WTO law (including GATS and TRIPS),
and dispute settlement within the WTO and in the context of the OECD Guidelines for
Multinational Enterprises.

International Economic Law and Institutions (core course DLG)Friedl WEISS

The course provides an overview of the legal and institutional foundations of interna-
tional economic law, with particular emphasis on the World Trade Organisation. The
course covers sources of international economic law, basic regulations of GATT/WTO
law (including GATS and TRIPS), and dispute settlement of the WTO.

Seminar: International Trade and Investment Law and Dispute Settlement

The seminar deals with topical cases and issues within the global institutional and legal
framework for trade and economic policymaking. The objective of the seminar is for
participants to demonstrate their ability to carry out individual research and conduct
an analysis of a topic of their choice in the area of international economic law and
policy, and related areas (including international investment law, international financial
regulation, international environmental law).

International Organisations and Multilateral Diplomacy

The legal set-up of international organisations with special emphasis on the law of the
United Nations; principles and practice of multilateral diplomacy.

Law and Practice of the United NationsLarry D. JOHNSON

A focused approach on fully understanding the mix of policy and law that encapsulates
UN law is the purpose of this course. Analytical skills and the practice within which
the law operates are of special interest. Constitutional developments within the UN are
discussed through interpretation and application of the UN Charter.

UN Simulation to be coordinated by
Multilateral negotiations on a current topic of international environmental law.

International Environmental Law and Institutions Aiming at Sustainable

DevelopmentGerhard LOIBL
Examination of international environmental law with special emphasis on the role of
the United Nations and non-state actors as well as developments since the Rio Con-
ference in 1992.

The European Union as a Global ActorAndreas KUMIN

This course discusses, from the legal angle, the structure of the external relations of
the Union. It mainly covers the general external relations instruments within the com-
petence of the High Representative, such as the Common Foreign and Security Policy
(CFSP) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), but it also addresses the
specific external relations policies within the competence of the Commission. The insti-
tutional set-up, procedures, main legal instruments and devices available for the exter-
nal action of the EU are analysed, and the existing obstacles to a coherent EU foreign
policy are examined in the light of practical experience.
Environmental Law European and Global ChallengesGerhard LOIBL
The threat to the environment is one of the major problems facing mankind. As many
environmental problems cannot be solved by individual states alone, the cooperation
of states has become a necessity. International law has to break new ground in order to
deal with the threats to the environment and human health. Thus, environmental issues
have become a topic addressed in many international fora and in other areas of other
international regulation, such as trade, investment or human rights.

Seminar: Environmental SecurityGerhard LOIBL

Environmental security is analysed in this seminar from two different angles: on the
one hand, the impact of security matters on the environment and, on the other, the
threats to the security of human beings caused by environmental degradation and the
environmental risks due to growing industrial activity and increased use of hazardous
substances. These issues are already addressed in international institutions such as the
OSCE, NATO, the EU and UNEP.

Seminar: External Economic Relations and Foreign Policy in the European Union
Hubert ISAK
The seminar is intended to deepen the theoretical and factual understanding of EU
External Relations. Therefore, it is composed of an introductory session, dedicated to
the discussion of the theoretical aspects of EU external relations, and a second session
with the presentation of students papers on specific topics.

Lecture and Seminar: Human Rights in Southeastern Europe (the Balkans)

Wolfgang BENEDEK
Starting from the dilemmas of addressing major violations of human rights in the Bal-
kans in the 1990s, the course deals with the role of human rights, rule of law and de-
mocracy in the process of preparing SEE countries for eventual European Union mem-
bership with special case studies on Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Principles of Microeconomics (prerequisite for core courses in economics)

This course provides a survey of the fundamental principles of microeconomics. It in-
vestigates individual decision-making in situations of scarcity and covers consumer be-
haviour and demand, the theory of the firm and supply, market structure and resource
allocation, market failure and the role of government, and the problems of uncertainty
and asymmetric information.

Macroeconomics (core course DLG, ETIA)Mauro CASELLI

This course examines macroeconomic models and data that help us understand how
the economy as a whole works. It covers the long-run determinants of national income,
inflation, unemployment and economic growth as well as different explanations of the
short-run fluctuations in income and employment. Thus, it provides the necessary tools
to evaluate alternative policies of stabilisation and growth.
Principles of International Economics (core course DLG, ETIA, MAIS)
Stefania ROSSI
The course aims at providing an overview of international trade and international mon-
etary economics theory and policy. It covers the main issues on trade patterns, gains
and benefits from trade, international monetary systems equilibria, as well as the ef-
fects that various policies may have on domestic and world welfare.

Macroeconomics (core course MAIS)Werner NEUDECK

This course investigates the long-term determinants of national aggregate income,
economic growth, the rate of unemployment, and inflation. It contrasts Keynesian and
neo-classical explanations of short-term fluctuations in income and employment and
evaluates alternative government policies of stabilisation and growth.

International Trade TheoryWerner NEUDECK

The course looks at the microeconomic (or real) aspects of international economics. It
analyses the causes of international trade, the pattern of trade, the gains from trade, and
the distributional impact of trade. The arguments for free trade and for trade restrictions
are evaluated and alternative national and international trade policies are discussed.

International Monetary EconomicsWerner NEUDECK

The macroeconomic aspects of international economics. The course analyses the bal-
ance of payments and the evolution and significance of international financial mar-
kets. It investigates the determination of floating exchange rates and the working of a
fixed exchange rate system with central bank intervention. Stabilisation policies under
different exchange rate regimes are examined. The final part of the course includes a
discussion of optimum currency areas and the EMU.

Development EconomicsMichael G. PLUMMER

This courses focuses on the economics of the development process, with an emphasis
on its external dimensions. In addition to looking at various models of economic growth
and development, it uses cases to highlight some of the critical issues facing developing
countries today.

Environmental EconomicsGerhard CLEMENZ

This course focuses on environmental problems from an economic point of view. First
it is shown why markets very often cannot solve environmental problems. Then it is
shown which instruments can be used for environmental policies. Finally, international
aspects are discussed, in particular why for some problems international agreements
have been reached, but not for others.

International Environmental EconomicsCharles PEARSON

Following a brief review of environmental economic fundamentals, this course con-
centrates on the economics of global warming, the most important environmental
challenge of the century. It addresses three questions: 1. optimal economic response
to climate change, 2. strategies and policies to be pursued (including trade policies), 3.
crafting an agreement for the provision of an international public good in the context
of a sovereign state system and strong free rider incentives. Quality student research
is expected.
Energy EconomicsPeter ZWEIFEL
This intensive course, which draws heavily on microeconomics and somewhat on
econometrics, pursues four objectives. First, participants learn a few basic physical and
economic facts about energy and its measurement. Second, they are able to assess
investments in energy sources by applying investment criteria such as present value.
Third, they learn about the determinants of the demand of energy, combined with esti-
mates of parameters such as the elasticity of substitution between energy and capital.
Fourth, peculiarities of selected energy markets (oil, gas, coal, nuclear, electricity, choice
in accordance with the preferences of participants) are analysed to gain insights into
the challenges confronting policymakers.

International Public EconomicsAndreas WAGENER

The economics of the public sector deal with the formulation, execution and effects of gov-
ernment policies. This course introduces basic concepts of public economics: public goods,
externalities, principles of taxation, tax incidence, and income (re)distribution. It applies
them in positive and normative analyses of government behaviour in a globalised world.

Public ChoiceDennis MUELLER

Public choice applies the methodology of economics to analyse various questions typi-
cally dealt with in political science. This course examines the nature of public goods and
externalities, the reasons why government exists, the positive and normative properties
of the simple majority rule, other voting rules, and two-party and multiparty systems.

Introductory EconometricsJesus CRESPO CUARESMA

This course offers a self-contained presentation of the basics of econometric theory. It
combines a presentation of the statistical foundations of econometric modelling with
empirical applications using real world data. It provides students with the background
required to perform rigorous empirical work on their own.

The Economics of the European UnionWerner NEUDECK

This course looks at the economic principles of European integration and examines se-
lected EU policies such as the Common Agricultural Policy, regional policy, and trade pol-
icy. Macroeconomic questions, especially the opportunities and problems of the Europe-
an Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), are discussed in the final part of the course.

Seminar: The Western Balkans and ENP Partner Countries: Political, Economic
and Legal IssuesHanspeter NEUHOLD/Georg WINCKLER
This interdisciplinary seminar focuses on the political, economic and legal aspects of
conflicts in the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region since the end of the
Cold War and recent developments in these regions.

Seminar: Economic Consequences of Population Ageing

Low fertility rates and increasing life expectancy imply a pronounced ageing of the
European population reaching its peak during the middle of the 21st century. As the age
composition of the population changes, economic, social and political consequence
may be expected. The focus of the course is on selected research topics in the econom-
ics of population ageing.
Seminar: Reason, Religion, and DemocracyDennis MUELLER
This seminar explores the tension between religion and liberal democracy. It begins with
a discussion of human psychology and religion. The history of the state from its first
appearance in Mesopotamia until the 20th century is then traced with special empha-
sis on the appearance of democracy and the effects of religion. The last portion of the
seminar focuses on democratic institutions.

CONTEMPORARY HISTORY Evolution of the International System, 17891945 (core course MAIS)
Thomas ROW
The course aims to provide a broad interpretative framework for understanding the
formation and evolution of the international system of states. We examine in particular
detail the evolution of the international system from the birth of the modern nation
state in the French Revolution to the onset of a bi-polar state system at the start of
the Cold War.

International History, 1815 to the Recent Past (core course DLG & ETIA)
Timothy HADLEY
A survey of the major developments in diplomatic and international history from the
Congress of Vienna to the recent past.

Seminar: Perspectives in World HistoryThomas ROW

This course examines a number of key building blocks of human history. The purpose is
to provide students with a better understanding of some of the basic historical forces
that underlie and shape human and international history. The point of view is a global
one and is not limited to any particular chronological period.

Seminar: Ukraine and Eastern Europe: Past and PresentOlga BARANOVA

The course focuses on the history, politics and nation-building processes in Ukraine in
the 20th century in the context of Eastern European history. It covers events from the
period when Ukrainian territory was under Imperial rule (the Habsburg Empire and the
Russian Empire) to the present day. Particular attention is paid to the themes of na-
tionalism and the complex historical interrelations between Ukraine, Russia and Europe.

Disintegration of Multinational European States in the 20th Century

Causes and consequences of the disintegration of the old empires in Central and East-
ern Europe 191420 (Russian Empire, Habsburg Empire, Ottoman Empire); the expan-
sion of Hitler and Stalin 193345; the Soviet hegemony in Eastern Europe 194589;
the decline of the Soviet system and the dissolution of the Soviet Union: the case of
Ukraine; the disintegration of multinational states (Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia).

Crises et relances de la construction europenne de 1945 nos jours

La construction europenne sclaire dune manire nouvelle si on tudie sa dynami-
que politique:cest une succession de crises et de relances qui jalonnent son histoire
depuis quelque soixante ans. Pour mieux comprendre les ressorts de cette dynamique, la
mthode historique sappuie sur lanalyse de documents originaux, ce qui claire le
pass et apprend aussi mieux dchiffrer les documents dactualit.
Seminar: Europe as Cultural SpaceAlfred PFABIGAN
Particularly in the field of popular culture we are confronted with the idea of a more
or less identical globalised culture. In this seminar we try to work out the illusionary
aspect of this idea of a uniformed international popular culture. We concentrate on
TV, especially on a comparison between US police series and their European, mostly
German, equivalents.

Geschichte der Republik sterreichManfried RAUCHENSTEINER

Der Zeitraum von 19181983; Fragen der jngeren und jngsten Zeit werden auf einen
historischen Hintergrund projiziert.

Seminar: Problems in Modern European History and HistoriographyThomas ROW

The purpose of this course is to examine a series of broad problems central to under-
standing modern history, and, at the same time, to analyse some of the differing ways
in which historians approach the interpretation of the past. The course is organised
around an intensive reading and discussion of selected works in recent historiography.

Seminar: Rethinking Post-War EuropeThomas ROW

Over 60 years have passed since the end of the Second World War and more than 20
since the end of the Cold War. The purpose of this course is to take a new look at the
history of the post-war world in order to examine the relevance of that history for the
contemporary world.

Seminar: The Revolutions of 1989 and the Transformation of Europe

Philipp THER (on leave 201516)
With the passage of time the revolutions of 1989 and the period of transformation are
becoming historical. The seminar discusses the causes, course of events and the major
results of both processes and thus tries to sharpen the contours of the new Europe.

European History and HistoriographyMartina STEER

Europe is a complex phenomenon, its history even more so. Yet, understanding Euro-
pean history is one of the most crucial factors in understanding contemporary Europe.
This course introduces recent examples of syntheses on European history and studies
the key themes of political, social, economic and cultural history of Europe.

Seminar: The War on Drugs: An International HistoryDavid PETRUCCELLI

This course examines the global system of drug controls that developed over the course
of the 20th century. Themes include how societies define drugs and respond to the
problem of addiction, the role of narcotics in the modern international system, the
emergence and consequences of the control regime, and the relevance of historical
experiences to contemporary policy debates.

Seminar: International Politics and CinemaHanspeter NEUHOLD/Thomas ROW

This seminar focuses on the reflection of major international events, from World War
II to the 2003 Iraq War, in outstanding films. Before the seminar sessions participants
watch the selected films and then two of them present the political background and
the cinematographic aspects of these films. They submit written versions of their pres-
entations in light of the seminar discussions.
SPECIAL SEMINARS Interdisciplinary Lecture Series and Seminars (MAIS)
Hanspeter NEUHOLD/Werner NEUDECK
Guest speakers give talks on the political, economic and legal dimensions of basic is-
sues and recent events in European and world politics. MAIS students act as invited

Masters Thesis Seminar (MAIS)

The first sessions of this seminar deal with methodological issues. In the second part
students discuss their thesis proposals (and progress reports) with other students and

Masters Thesis Seminar (Master Module ETIA)Hans PUXBAUM

The seminar gives information about the scientific method, about scientific literature
search and about the formalities involved in writing a masters thesis. Students perform
a literature search on a topic in preparation for the masters thesis and give an overview
of the state of the art in a chosen field.

ISSUE AREAS AND AREA STUDIES A Series of Lectures on Current IssuesHans WINKLER (coordination)
Representatives of the diplomatic community and the public and private sector give
lectures on the latest political and economic developments.

Diplomacy in the 21st CenturyKishan S RANA

Based on a 2012 textbook, this course covers several aspects of contemporary diploma-
cy, from a practitioners perspective. These include: current trends, regional and small
state diplomacy, reform in foreign ministries, the evolving role of embassies, and per-
formance management methods.

Science, Technology, Diplomacy and International Policy: Managing wicked

issues in the globalisation ageDaryl COPELAND
This seminar explores the performance gap afflicting the capacity of the international
system to address an emerging range of threats and challenges which feature signifi-
cant S&T content including climate change, pandemic disease, diminishing biodiver-
sity and environmental collapse and assesses the failure of existing institutions to
address these issues effectively.

Current EU Issues: EU Institutions and the EU Decision-Making Process (DLG)

The course deals with the functioning of the EU institutions in general and with spe-
cificities of particular policy areas such as External Relations and Justice and Home
Affairs on the basis of the Lisbon Treaty. Wherever possible the analysis and discussion
is carried out against the background of current developments.

Current EU Issues: EU Institutions and the EU Decision-Making Process (MAIS/

Lectures and debates on institutional processes in the EU: the Council of Ministers,
the European Commission, and the European Parliament. Decision-making processes:
seminar and exercises simulating a Council working party meeting.
Whos who: humanitarianism and human rights in world politics
Massimo TOSCHI
This course familiarises students with key international organisations active for the
protection of human rights and related policies and interventions such as humanitar-
ian assistance, development and cooperation, diplomacy, security/peace-keeping/crisis
management, human rights monitoring. Participants also gain an understanding of the
modus operandi at both headquarters and field level.

Human Security in the 21st CenturyIrene GINER-REICHL

The different components of the concept of human security: economic, social and
ecological security; field trip to the United Nations Office Vienna and other Vienna-
based UN units.

Transnational Organised Crime: Threat and ImpactWalter KEMP

This course looks at the threat posed by transnational organised crime (TOC) and its
impact on security, development and the rule of law. It examines why this threat has
intensified since the end of the Cold War, it looks at the characteristics of TOC, and
international efforts to address this challenge. Students also learn how to carry out an
organised crime threat assessment.

The Policies and Institutions of Development CooperationIrene GINER-REICHL

Main ideas and practices of development policy; discussion of prevailing development
concepts in the current changing landscape of development policy; tools and processes
used by the international community in bilateral and multilateral development cooper-
ation; placing Austrias development cooperation in its international context.

The Post-2015 Development Agenda A Global Development Road Map to 2030

This course provides students with an in-depth insight into the formulation, adoption
and implementation of development policies of the United Nations since the Nine-
ties starting with the Earth Summit/UN Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 up to today. The goal is both to lay a sound foun-
dation and provide a clear outlook on current UN development policy and strategies.

Practical Case StudiesHelmut TICHY/Hans WINKLER

Case studies in international law using examples from the daily practice of the Austrian
Foreign Ministrys legal office.

Les relations franco-autrichiennesMichel CULLIN

Dans le cadre dun tutorat de recherche, il sera propos danalyser linterculturel franco-
autrichien. Analyse des strotypes et des auto-images. Les relations officielles et institu-
tionnelles depuis 1945 feront aussi lobjet dexposs dhistoire vnementielle. Le rle de
limmigration Autrichienne en France aprs 1938 fera lobject dun traitement particulier.

Dynamics of African IntegrationJean-Emmanuel PONDI

The aim of this course is to provide the students with a more accurate understanding
of the concepts, the issues, the problems, the actors and the institutions involved in the
process of African integration.
Conflict Resolution in AfricaJean-Emmanuel PONDI
After discussing a typology of conflicts in Africa, the course analyses different case-
studies, such as border disputes, ethnic conflicts, post-Cold War conflicts and the dif-
ferent processes of conflict resolution on the continent.

LAfrique contemporaine : Les soleils des indpendances Michel CULLIN

Comment sest opre laccession lindpendance des diffrents tats dAfrique et
leurs relations avec lUnion europenne. En coopration avec Radio Afrika International
et le programme Afrique de lUNIDO.

Latin America the International and regional settingPeter STANIA

Latin America in the framework of international relations as a global actor: economic,
political, historical and cultural aspects with a special emphasis on the relationship with
Europe; aspects of Latin American integration and regional structures.

The Middle East in World PoliticsGudrun HARRER

This course introduces students to the regional dynamics of the Middle East. It surveys
the recent history of the region, including political Islam, the main actors and the en-
during challenges for stability.

Security Challenges in the Middle EastGudrun HARRER

This course is dedicated mainly to the development of the Arab spring countries, in-
cluding the situation in Syria. It also covers the Iranian-Arab tensions which reverberate
in the whole region.

Israel a Window into the Changing Middle EastAvraham BURG

The state of Israel is the centre of the worlds attention, admired and criticised since its
first day. Why? During the six meetings we explore the Israeli reality; its short history,
very basic foundations and unique regional and international position. We look through
the Israeli case study into the rest of the region, its present powerful dynamics and
potential future.

Introduction to Politics in ChinaSusanne WEIGELIN-SCHWIEDRZIK/Jiagu RICHTER

This course offers an introduction to recent political developments in the Peoples Re-
public of China. It includes an introduction to major issues of internal policies and
important aspects of Chinas foreign policy.

China Current Developments and Historical PerspectivesRichard TRAPPL

The seminar gives an introduction to the current internal and international situation
of the Peoples Republic of China and provides basic knowledge about the historical
and cultural context of China. Chinese experts are invited during the academic year for
lectures and discussions.

Superpower? India in the Global Power GameHerbert TRAXL

The course looks at Indias historical roots and where it stands today, at factors such as
overall stability, constraints, strength, and weaknesses, dependencies and Indias inter-
national positioning and its perspectives.
AUSTRIAN STUDIES Geschichte der Republik sterreichManfried RAUCHENSTEINER
Der Zeitraum von 19181983; Fragen der jngeren und jngsten Zeit werden auf einen
historischen Hintergrund projiziert.

sterreichisches Verfassungsrecht mit EinfhrungGeorg STILLFRIED

berblick ber die Bundesverfassung, Verhltnis zwischen Staats- und Vlkerrecht, das
Recht der EU im Rahmen der sterreichischen Rechtsordnung, Gerichtsbarkeit des
ffentlichen Rechts sowie Menschen- und Minderheitenrechte.

Kultur und Literatur in der Ersten und Zweiten Republik

Einfhrung in die kulturelle Befindlichkeit und Mentalitt sterreichs im 20. Jahrhun-
dert. Arbeit mit einschlgigen Texten der sterreichischen Literatur. Themen: Habsburg-
Mythos, Masse und Revolution, Heimat, Peripherie und Avantgarde, gender.

sterreichische Kulturpolitik/KulturmanagementNN
Vermittlung aktueller wissenschaftlicher und berufspraktischer Kenntnisse im Kultur-
management. Fallstudien ber aktuelle Entwicklungen in der sterreichischen Kultur-
politik unter besonderer Bercksichtigung der Auslandskultur.

Kunst kennt keine GrenzenFriederikeFORST-BATTAGLIA

Vortragsserie im KHM ber Kunstwerke als vornehmster Ausdruck internationaler

SPECIAL SKILLS Seminar: Multilateral NegotiationRobert J. WEIBEL

This seminar examines a specific topic from the negotiators perspective. The pro-
gramme develops the themes of positions vs. interests, formal vs. informal, as well as
the special requirements of delegation work and chairmanship; the final simulation is a
COREPER meeting set in real time.

Presentation TechniquesFriedrich MEHL

The visualisation of contents, target group analysis, the correct structure of a presenta-
tion, drama and media technique.

Power Point for PresentationsComputerzentrum Wolfgang PALLUCH

The effective use of power point for visualisation in presentations.

Communication and RhetoricFriedrich MEHL

Structure of speeches, levels of communication, body language and eye control, how to
avoid mistakes in public speeches.

Leadership and Team ManagementFriedrich MEHL

Understanding the most important leadership principles, the methods of results-ori-
entation versus employee-orientation, parameters in teamwork, communication tools
when working in a team, motivational tools, practical role-plays.

Simulation of an Assessment CentreElisabeth HOFER

Strategies for success in personnel selection processes.
Career StrategiesElisabeth HOFER
The processes of researching and understanding the essential elements of successful

Self AssessmentElisabeth HOFER

Tools to assess your own transferable skills and traits.

Preparing for Job InterviewsFriedrich MEHL

Analysis of the requirements of the job profile, analysing your strengths and weak-
nesses, self-presentation, telling stories about interesting or unusual experiences, being
alert and responding sharply to questions, thinking on your feet, practical role-plays.

Public DiplomacyGerlinde MANZ-CHRIST

The purpose of this course is to equip students with tools to better understand the role
of public diplomacy and employ innovative new mechanisms for improving the image
and impact of their country or organisation in the world.

Public Relations for DiplomatsGerlinde MANZ-CHRIST

This course equips participants with critical public relations tools and skills for posi-
tioning themselves and their organisation successfully in a rapidly changing political,
economic, and media environment, in accordance with the latest standards.

Diplomatic Media TrainingReinhard BETTZUEGE

This course helps to train typical media situations for diplomats. We walk through a
Media Handbook to illustrate the media challenges and establish a check list to go
through before a media event (TV interviews, statements, but also radio or telephone
interviews (so-called Black Box Training)). Students learn how to behave in front of a
camera, and how to apply typical media techniques.

Social Entrepreneurship taking action for a better worldMatthias REISINGER

Step into the world of social entrepreneurs, as they tackle the worlds most pressing
problems with innovative, self-driven approaches. Gain an understanding of social en-
trepreurship and its increasing international significance, a space to think beyond tra-
ditional career paths, and a possibility to explore your own ideas and potentials.

Confrence de presse simuleChantal CALI

Simulation dune confrence de presse sur un sujet dactualit europenne ou interna-
tionale, le thme tant au choix des tudiants.

Protocol and Etiquette for the Modern DiplomatMelitta SCHUBERT

Diplomatic ceremonial, dos and taboos, rules of behaviour among diplomats.

Preparation Course for EPSO selection process (verbal, numerical, abstract

reasoning and situational judgement)Nicolae STEFANUTA
Introduction to EPSO selection procedures; practical training for test in verbal, numer-
ical and abstract reasoning and situational judgement.
Writing & Editing for Polemics (Workshops)Dardis McNAMEE
The lectures and workshops offer the students a strong foundation in persuasive writ-
ing, developing a strong thesis, with an introduction to research techniques using li-
brary, electronic and primary sources, and in evaluating ideas and thinking critically, as
well as analysing, synthesising and using data effectively.

LinkedIn - Getting the edge and staying on the top of your professional
gameNicolas TRHLER
A hands-on workshop exploring powerful and often unknown tools and techniques.

EXCEL basic + advancedComputerzentrumWolfgang PALLUCH

Basic: tables, worksheets, basic math examples, auto fill in, tools, formats, styles; ad-
vanced: simple functions such as sums and averages, simple diagrams, sorting, etc..

InDesignComputerzentrumWolfgang PALLUCH
Tools for Desktop publishing: creating and laying out periodical publications, posters,
and print media.
Faculty List 67

The DA boasts an international faculty that consists of university professors from many
different countries. A permanent faculty ensures the coordination of the main fields of
study and provides academic counselling to students. Lectures and workshops given
by high ranking diplomats and experts from diplomacy, business, finance, public ad-
ministration or international organisations add their special insight to the academic
training at the DA. An experienced language faculty and top trainers in personal skills
complement the DA teaching staff. Critical thinking and the active participation of the
students are fostered by an interdisciplinary approach and a variety of didactic meth-
ods. Self-study is encouraged by individual tutoring.

RESIDENT PROFESSORS NEUDECK, Werner Professor of International Economics

LOIBL, Gerhard Professor of International Law and European Union Law
ROW, Thomas Professor of History
KORNPROBST, Markus Professor of International Relations
BABER, WalterFrank Distinguished Diplomatic Academy-Fulbright Professor of
Political Science 2016
BARANOVA, Olga Postdoctoral Fellow in International Studies
CASELLI, Mauro Postdoctoral Fellow in International Studies
PETRUCCELLI, David Postdoctoral Fellow in International Studies
NAVARRO, Julien Chaire francophone de Science Politique en tudes Europennes et
Internationales, Matre de confrences en science politique lUniversit Catholique
de Lille (ESPOL)
RACHWALD, Arthur Visiting Professor of Political Science; Professor em. at the
Political Science Department, US Naval Academy
PROFESSORIAL LECTURERS ANGERER, Thomas Matre de confrences lInstitut d`Histoire de lUniversit de
AZIZI, Josef Judge at the General Court of the EU from 1995 to 2013
BADEL, Laurence Professeur dhistoire contemporaine des relations internationales,
Universit de Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne, Institut Pierre Renouvin
BENEDEK, Wolfgang Professor of International Law and Law of International
Organisations, University of Graz
BLACKER, CoitD. Senior Fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies;
Olivier Nomellini Professor in International Studies, School of Humanities and Sciences,
Stanford University
BURG, Avraham(Avrum) Former speaker of the Knesset, founder of Molad (The
Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy), author
CLEMENZ, Gerhard Professor em. of Economics, University of Vienna
COPELAND, Daryl former Canadian diplomat; analyst, educator and consultant; author
of Guerrilla Diplomacy and over 100 articles in the scholarly and popular press
CRESPO CUARESMA, Jesus Professor of Economics, Vienna University of Economics
and Business
CULLIN, Michel Matre de confrences, Universit Nice
FORST-BATTAGLIA, Friederike Expert, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
FRNKRANZ-PRSKAWETZ, Alexia Professor of Mathematical Economics, Research
Unit Economics, Vienna University of Technology (TU)
GRTNER, Heinz Professor of Political Science, University of Vienna and Director of
the Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Vienna
GEHR, Walter Minister pl., Head of Unit Multilateral Foreign Economic Relations,
Austrian Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
GINER-REICHL, Irene Head of Mission, Austrian Embassy China
GOMULA, Joanna Fellow, Cambridge University Lauterpacht Centre for International
Law and Senior Fellow at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary College,
University of London
GRASSERBAUER, Manfred Professor for Analytical Chemistry, Vienna University of
Technology, and former Director of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability of
the Joint Research Centre, European Commission
GROOM, A.J.R. Professor em. of International Relations, University of Kent in Canter-
HADLEY, Timothy Independent scholar and former diplomat
HARKNETT, Richard Professor of International Relations and Head of Department of
Political Science, University of Cincinnati
HARRER, Gudrun Senior Editor, Der Standard; lecturer, University of Vienna
HECHT, Catherine SSHRC (Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council) Postdoctoral Fellow
ISAK, Hubert Professor of European Law and International Law, University of Graz
JOHNSON, LarryD. Adjunct Professor, Columbia Law School; former Deputy Legal
Counsel, United Nations
KARL, Wolfram Professor Emeritus of International Law, University of Salzburg
KAUFMAN, Stuart Professor of Political Science and International Relations,
University of Delaware
KEMP, Walter Director for Europe and Central Asia, International Peace Institute,
former UNODC spokesperson
KREBS, Ronald Professor of Political Science, University of Minnesota
KHNHARDT, Ludger Professor and Director, Centre for European Integration Studies,
University of Bonn
KUMIN, Andreas Minister pl., Head of Department European Law, Office of the
Legal Advisor, Austrian Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs; Professor,
Institute for European Law, University of Graz
LAWRENCE, Andrew Researcher, Political Science
LEBOW, RichardNed James O. Freedman Presidential Professor of Government,
Dartmouth College; Professor of War Studies, Kings College London
LEHNE, Stefan Ambassador, former Director General Political Affairs, Austrian
Ministry for European and International Affairs; Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe
LEQUESNE, Christian Ancien directeur du Centre dtudes et de recherches interna-
tionales (CERI) et professeur de politique europenne SciencesPo Paris
LOIDL, Thomas Head of Mission, Austrian Embassy Hanoi
MANGOTT, Gerhard Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Innsbruck
MAYR-HARTING, Thomas Head of the Delegation of the European Union at the
United Nations in New York
MUELLER, Dennis Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Vienna
MLLER-FUNK, Wolfgang Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Vienna
NEUHOLD, Christine Extraordinary Professor of EU Democratic Governance,
Department of European Studies, University of Maastricht
NEUHOLD, Hanspeter Professor Emeritus of International Law and International
Relations, University of Vienna; Academic Director, MAIS Programme
NOWAK, Manfred Professor of International Law and Human Rights, University of
PEARSON, Charles Professor Emeritus of International Economics, The Johns Hopkins
University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Washington DC
PAUL, T.V. James McGill Professor of International Relations, Department of Political
Science, McGill University
PELINKA, Anton Professor of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest
PFABIGAN, Alfred Professor of Philosophy, University of Vienna
PLUMMER, Michael Eni Professor of International Economics, The Johns Hopkins
University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna
PONDI, Jean-Emmanuel Honorary Director of IRIC, Professor of Political Science and
International Relations, Head of Department of International Politics, International
Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC)
PUXBAUM, Hans Professor em. of Analytical Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology
RANA, KishanS former Indian Ambassador/High Commissioner: Algeria,
Czechoslovakia, Kenya, Mauritius, Germany; Professor em., DiploFoundation
RAUCHENSTEINER, Manfried former Director of the Heeresgeschichtliche Museum,
RICHTER, Jiagu Lecturer for Chinese and Chinese Foreign Policy, University of Vienna
ROSSI, Stefania Associate Professor of International Economics, University of
SAJDIK, Martin OSCE Special Representative in Ukraine
SAUER, Birgit Professor of Political Science, University of Vienna
SENN, Martin Department of Political Science, International Security Research
Group, University of Innsbruck
STANIA, Peter Director of the International Institute for Peace, Vienna
STEER, Martina Assistant Professor; University of Vienna
STILLFRIED, Georg Head of Mission, Austrian Embassy Cairo
SUPPAN, Arnold Professor of East European History, University of Vienna
THER, Philipp Professor for Central European History, University of Vienna (on leave
TICHY, Helmut Ambassador, Legal Adviser of the Austrian Ministry for Europe, Inte-
gration and Foreign Affairs; Professor, Institute for International Law and Internation-
al Relations, University of Graz
TICHY-FISSLBERGER, Elisabeth Ambassador, Director General for Legal and Consular
Affairs; Austrian Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
TOSCHI, Massimo Programme Manager, Equality and Citizens Rights Department,
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
TRAPPL, Richard Professor, Deputy Head of the Institute for East Asia, University of
TRAXL, Herbert former Austrian Ambassador to Thailand and India
WAGENER, Andreas Professor of Economics, University of Hannover
WEIGELIN-SCHWIEDRZIK, Susanne Professor of Chinese Studies, University of
WEISS, Friedl Professor em. of European, International and Comparative Law, Uni-
versity of Vienna
WESSELS, Wolfgang Jean-Monnet-Professor of Political Science, University of
Cologne, Chairperson of the Trans-European Political Studies Association
WINCKLER, Georg Professor of Economics, former Rector of the University of Vienna
WINKLER, Hans Ambassador, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
WITTICH, Stephan Assistant Professor at the Institute for International Law,
University of Vienna
ZWEIFEL, Peter Professor em. of Economics, Department of Economics, University of

RESIDENT LANGUAGE COORDINATORS CALI, Chantal French, Senior Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
CHESTER, Keith English, Senior Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
WELKE, Tina German, Senior Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna

LANGUAGE INSTRUCTORS BAUERNFEIND, Valerie German, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna

CALVET, Natalie French, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
CAM, Laurence French, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
COULOUMIS-FRISCIC, Bernadette French, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
LE JEUNE DALLEGEERSHECQUE, Stphane French Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy
of Vienna
LOEWE, Siegfried French, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, former Professor
at the University of Vienna; former Guest Professor at the Universities of Paris 7 and
MACGREGOR, John English, former British Ambassador in Vienna
REDL, Klaus German, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
SCHEDEL, Carola German, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
NN French, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
NN German, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
TEMPLE, Senj English, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
VICTORIEN, Marie-Jos French, Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna


GNIDA-PALLUCH, Claudia EDP Trainer
HOFER, Elisabeth Head of Academic Administration, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
MANZ-CHRIST, Gerlinde Trainer for Public Diplomacy, Liechtenstein
McNAMEE, Dardis Journalist and Editor
MEHL, Friedrich Business and communications consultant
REISINGER, Matthias Trainer, HUB Vienna
SCHUBERT, Melitta Director of Personnel and Organisational Management, Austrian
Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
STEFANUTA, Nicolae Consultant, MEP
TRHLER, Nicolas Owner of the MarketKnight consulting company
WEIBEL, Robert Negotiation consultant specialising in negotiation-related training
72 Applications

Please register electronically under http://application.da-vienna.ac.at/. All documents

have to be mailed to the DA in hard copy to: Diplomatische Akademie Wien, attn.
Genny Chiarandon, Registrar, Favoritenstrasse 15a, 1040 Vienna, Austria. ETIA appli-
cants: please mail a double set of documents (one for the Diplomatic Academy and one
for the Vienna University of Technology).
Should you require any further details, please contact
Decisions on admissions can be expected by the end of February (early decision MAIS),
otherwise by end of March (MAIS and ETIA) and mid-April (Diploma Programme).


MAIS 1 MARCH 2016 (for early decision: 15 JANUARY 2016)

ETIA 15 MARCH 2016


Entrance examination at the DA in Vienna: week of 29 March
15 JANUARY 2016 for entrance examination at Austrian embassies
Entrance examination at Austrian Embassies and Consulates General:
week of 22 February


11 Further details concerning applications can be found on our homepage under

Fees and Financial Assistance 73
COURSE FEES Diploma Programme EUR 12,200 (201617)
MAIS Programme (1st and 2nd year) EUR 24,700 (201618)
ETIA Programme 1st year DA EUR 12,200 (201617)
ETIA Programme 2nd year TU Vienna EUR 12,200 (201718)

These fees include tuition and the use of all of the DAs facilities. Study trips are subsi-
dised; participating students are requested to pay a moderate contribution.

Academic year 201617 Recognised Students registration fee EUR 270

for each 1 or 2 credit course (ECTS credits) EUR 515
for each 3 or more credit course (ECTS credits) EUR 690

BOARD AND LODGING Room with breakfast per month EUR 390
The current prices for meals can be found on our website.

SUMMER COURSE 2016 For current fees please see our website.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Grants for studying at the academy are made available by the Scholarship Foundation
of the Diplomatic Academy maintained by Austrias provinces. Additional grants come
from the Austrian Development Agency, as well as private and business sponsors. A
limited number of student loans is granted in cooperation with the Wstenrot Savings

Decisions on applications for financial assistance are taken by the Scholarship Founda-
tion of the Diplomatic Academy at the end of May.

DIPLOMA PROGRAMME Financial assistance in the form of scholarships is available, dependent on the sum in
the Scholarship Foundation of the Diplomatic Academy. Scholarships are awarded to
students in financial need achieving the best results in the entrance examination.

MAIS PROGRAMME Financial assistance in the form of student loans and scholarships is available,
dependent on the sum in the Scholarship Foundation of the Diplomatic Academy
and on sponsorships received.

ETIA PROGRAMME A limited number of scholarships is available. For the first year of the ETIA programme,
which takes place at the DA, student loans are available.

RECOGNISED STUDENTS, No financial assistance is available.

74 Academic Calendar 201516

DIPLOMA PROGRAMME Entrance exams at Austrian embassies and

consulates general 2226 February
Entrance exams at the
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna 29 March1 April

DIPLOMA PROGRAMME, MAIS, Arrival and registration 2125 September

ETIA 1st YEAR Study trip to Brussels (ETIA 1, MAIS 1, DLG) 1518 December
Christmas vacation 19 December6 January
Easter vacation 1928 March
Study trips to Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania
(ETIA, MAIS, DLG) 310 April
Study trip to the Balkans (MAIS 2) 517 May
Graduation 30 June

ETIA 2nd YEAR Info Session 21 September

Programme start 21 September
Christmas vacation 19 December6 January
Semester break 128 February
Easter vacation 1928 March
Graduation 30 June

SUMMER COURSE German as a Foreign Language and Austrian Studies, 126 August
language programme, workshops and excursions
The Administrative Staff of the DA 75

Director Hans Winkler

Directors Secretary Birgit Marzo

Assistant to the Director,
Press Officer, Publications Nadja Wozonig

Deputy Director Gerhard Sailler

Assistant to the Deputy Director Petra Kakuska

Alumni Office Andreas Ehrmann

Academic Administration Elisabeth Hofer
Elvira Ackermann-Peyrat
Eva-Maria Bauer
Genny Chiarandon
Annemarie Hengl
Rosemarie Winkler

Executive Training Programmes Gerhard Sailler
Katharina Dck (on maternity leave)
Domenica Hofmann
Petra Kakuska
Barbara Stark

Administration Gabriele Schultze
Jan Claudius Bujak
Andreas Ehrmann
Wolfgang Jung
Hubert Nettig

Administration Office Andreas Ehrmann

Finance Department Claudia Nilsson
Renate Draganitsch
Roswitha Strampfer
76 Contact & Imprint

CONTACT Address Favoritenstrae 15a, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Telephone +43-(0)1-505 72 72
Telefax +43-(0)1-504 22 65
Email info@da-vienna.ac.at
Website www.da-vienna.ac.at

IMPRINT Published by Diplomatische Akademie Wien/Diplomatic Academy of Vienna

Editor Hans Winkler
Coordination Jan Claudius Bujak
Layout Daniela Sternad
Translations Chantal Cali, Keith Chester
Photo Credits ClubDA 28 (2)
DA/Samuel Adamson 9 (1)
DA/Archive Cover (1), 3 (1), 5 (1), 8 (1), 17 (1), 34 (1), 32 (3), 33 (2),
39 (1), 67
DA/Jenae Armstrong 24 (1)
DA/Eva-Maria Bauer 23 (1)
DA/Peter Burgstaller Cover (1)
DA/Andreas Ehrmann 29 (1), 31 (1)
DA/Diplomatic Academy Students Initiative 24 (1)
DA/Elisabeth Hofer 22 (3), 23 (1)
DA/Thomas Meyer 34 (1)
DA/Pilo Pichler Cover (4), 3 (1), 7, 10 (1), 11, 15, 19, 26 (1), 27 (1), 30,
33 (1), 36 (1), 37 (1), 40 (1), 42, 46, 50, 55, 59, 66, 70, 74, 75
DA/Ksenia Poplavskaya 24 (2), 25 (1)
DA/Thomas Row 22 (1)
DA/Gabriele Schultze 23 (1)
DA/Executive Training Programmes 34 (1), 37 (1)
DA/Annabel Tavernier 16 (1)
DA/Jelena Vicic 25 (1)
DA/Ernst Weingartner 1, 4, 6 (2), 9 (1), 10 (1), 12, 13, 14 (1), 16 (1),
17 (1), 18 (1), 20, 21 (1), 22 (1), 23 (4), 25 (1), 26 (2), 27 (2), 28 (1), 29
(1), 31 (2), 34 (1), 35 (2), 36 (3), 39 (2), 41 (3)
Sabine Klimpt 40 (1)
Felicitas Matern/feelimage.at 2
Korea University 17 (2)
MGIMO University 17 (2)
Stanford University 16 (1)
Stiftung Bruno Kreisky Archiv 8 (1)
Dragan Tatic 6 (1)
University of Vienna 14 (1)
Vienna University of Technology
Continuing Education Center 18 (2)
Printed by DURABO, litographic studio and printing house,
250 88 Celkovice, Czech Republic
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