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Series on Biophysics and Biocybernetics - Vol.

Proceedings of the International School of Biophysics
Casamicciola, Napoli, Italy, 23 28 October 1995

edited by C Taddei-Ferretti (Istituto di Cibernetica, Italy) & P Marotta (Universit Louis Pasteur & Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Italy)

High dilution effects constitute a major problem on the frontier of biophysics. The reported effects on simple and complex biological systems range
from in vitro and in vivo models to cellular metabolism regulation, the immune system, the nervous system, intoxicated organs and organisms, and
developmental models. The physical properties of high dilutions have been considered, such as the organization properties of water molecules in the
presence and after the presence of solute molecules, the energy characteristics of empty and full water clusters, and their dynamical interactions with proteins.
Among the mechanisms responsible for the high dilution effects, a non-molecular transfer of information has been hypothesized.

Efectos de alta dilucin constituyen un importante problema en la frontera de la biofsica. Los efectos registrados en los sistemas biolgicos simples y complejos van desde in vitro y en
modelos in vivo para la regulacin del metabolismo celular, el sistema inmunolgico, el sistema nervioso, los rganos de embriaguez y organismos, y los modelos de desarrollo. Las
propiedades fsicas de las altas diluciones han sido considerados, tales como las propiedades de la organizacin de las molculas de agua en la presencia y despus de la presencia de
molculas de soluto, las caractersticas energticas de las agrupaciones de agua vacos y llenos, y sus interacciones dinmicas con las protenas. Entre los mecanismos responsables de los
efectos de dilucin alta, la transferencia no - molecular de la informacin ha sido la hiptesis.


Introductory Lecture:
o Basic Research on High Dilution Effects (M Bastide)
Biophysical Aspects:
o Hormesis (M Oberbaum)
o Effects of Metal High Dilutions on Cells and Integrated Systems (J Cambar et al.)
o Stimulation of Self-Recovery by the Application of Low Doses. Studies with Cells (R Van Wijk & F A C Wiegant)
Clinical Evidences:
o Water and the Diagnosis and Treatment of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (C W Smith)
o Membrane Antioxidants. Mechanism of Action of Antioxidants in Ultra-Low Doses (E B Burlakova)
o High Dilution Effects of Strychnos Nuxvomica L on Hypothalamic Neurons and Andrenergic Nerve Endings of Alcoholic Rats (N C Sukul et al.)
Structure and Communication:
o Nonlinear Effects at Low Levels of Signal Intensities and Biocommunication (F A Popp)
o Structure-Function Properties of Water Clusters in Proteins (D Arad)
o Experimental Detection of the Existence of Structures in High Dilutions (G S Anagnostatos)
o and other papers

Readership: Students and researchers in biophysics, pharmacology, toxicology, medicine and physiology.

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