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Long-Term Outcomes for the Treatment of

Atrophic Posterior Maxilla: A Systematic

Review of Literature
Stefano Corbella, DDS, PhD;* Silvio Taschieri, MD, DDS; Massimo Del Fabbro, BSc, PhD

Purpose: The aim of the present systematic review was to estimate the implant survival rate in different types of techniques
for the rehabilitation of posterior atrophic maxilla, after at least 3 years of follow-up.
Materials and Methods: MEDLINE database was searched using a combination of specific terms. A hand searching of the
relevant journals and of the reference lists of systematic reviews was also performed. All retrospective and prospective
studies evaluating short implants in posterior maxilla, osteotome sinus floor elevation and lateral approach sinus floor
elevation, and having a follow-up of at least 3 years, were included.
Results: Forty-four articles were included in the review. In four studies reporting on a total of 901 short implants, the
implant survival rate varied from 86.5% to 98.2% with up to 5 years follow-up. For the osteotome technique, 1,208 implants
in eight studies were considered, showing a survival rate varying from 95.4% to 100% after 3-year follow-up. Twenty-nine
studies, accounting for 6,940 implants placed in 2,707 sinuses augmented through lateral technique were considered.
Implant survival rate varied from 75.57% to 100%. Only three comparative studies were found that showed no significant
difference in clinical outcomes between lateral approach and osteotome technique.
Conclusions: Sinus floor elevation with the lateral approach and with the osteotome technique is an effective and well-
documented therapeutic option for the rehabilitation of atrophic posterior maxilla. The use of short implants is promising
but needs further investigation to be considered as effective as the other techniques in the long term. However, the
indication for the three different techniques is not perfectly equivalent and the treatment choice should be based on a
careful evaluation of the individual case, in particular on the available residual bone.
KEY WORDS: lateral approach, osteotome, posterior maxilla, short implant, sinus floor elevation, sinus lift

*Visiting professor, Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental INTRODUCTION

Sciences, Research Center in Oral Implantology, IRCCS Istituto Orto-
pedico Galeazzi, Dental Clinic, Universit degli Studi di Milano, An inadequate bone volume in the posterior maxilla is a
Milan, Italy; PhD student, Department of Biomedical, Surgical and frequent anatomical restriction for implant placement.
Dental Sciences, Research Center in Oral Health, IRCCS Istituto The loss of bone can strongly influence the choice of the
Ortopedico Galeazzi, Dental Clinic, Universit degli Studi di Milano,
Milan, Italy; academic researcher, Department of Biomedical, Surgi- most appropriate rehabilitation in edentulous patients.
cal and Dental Sciences, Research Center in Oral Implantology, Even though the application of removable prosthe-
IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Dental Clinic, Universit degli sis to treat posterior edentulism can be considered as
Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy; director of Research Center in Oral
Health, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Dental Clinic, Universit a treatment alternative, it was demonstrated that such
degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy treatment can cause an impairment in mastication
Reprint requests: Dr. Massimo Del Fabbro, IRCCS Istituto function and may compromise the prognosis of adja-
Ortopedico Galeazzi, Via R. Galeazzi, 4, 20161 Milan, Italy; e-mail: cent teeth in comparison with implant-supported
2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Moreover, placement of dental implants in the atro-
DOI 10.1111/cid.12077 phic posterior maxilla is a challenging procedure due to

2 Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Volume *, Number *, 2013

risk of violation of the maxillary sinuses during surgical limited by year of publication (from 1970) and the last
procedures.3,4 search was performed in January 2013. In addition, a
Various techniques have been proposed in order to manual research was performed in the reference lists of
achieve the necessary bone dimension for the insertion selected articles and in all issues since 1990 of the fol-
of implants.5,6 In the last years, due to the improvement lowing journals: British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
of surgical techniques and the progress of research in Surgery, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research,
the field of biomaterials, excellent outcomes have been Clinical Oral Implants Research, Dental Clinics of North
reported for implant-supported rehabilitations.79 America, European Journal of Oral Implantology, Inter-
Recent systematic reviews of the literature have national Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants,
demonstrated that sinus floor augmentation procedure International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
is well documented with an overall implant survival rate International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative
well beyond 90%.1014 In some cases, the presence of Dentistry, Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery,
a sinus pathology as sinus inflammation, nasal/sinus Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Journal of Peri-
obstruction, and oroantral fistulation, requires a presi- odontology, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Oral Surgery
nus lift referral to ear, nose, and throat specialist.3,15,16 Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and
Moreover, several types of complications may occur Endodontology, Journal of Oral Surgery. The language of
during and after the sinus elevation procedure with the studies in the search was restricted to English and
lateral approach. In fact, relatively frequent Schneiderian French.
membrane perforations, nose bleeding, postoperative
pain, and swelling could be considered as major draw- Study Selection Criteria
backs for this treatment alternative.11,17,18
The following inclusion criteria had to be met to be
More recently, short implants (SIs) (less than
included in the review:
10 mm long) were proposed as an alternative to sinus
augmentation in order to rehabilitate posterior maxilla, 1 study on humans;
allowing to reduce the occurrence of surgical complica- 2 randomized or nonrandomized controlled clinical
tions and the impact on patients quality of life.1922 trials (RCT or CCT) with at least 3 years of mean
The main objective of this systematic review was follow-up for all implants (20% dropouts allowed)
to compare the medium- to long-term outcomes of the comparing at least two of the treatment options
three alternative techniques for the rehabilitation of the (lateral approach sinus floor elevation (LASFE),
atrophic posterior maxilla with fixed prosthesis, based osteotome sinus floor elevation [OSFE], or SIs) for
on clinical reports from 1970 to 2012. the treatment of edentulous posterior maxilla and
reporting on at least 10 patients for each treatment
3 noncomparative prospective or retrospective studies
Search Strategy with at least 3 years of mean follow-up (20% drop-
The electronic search was performed on MEDLINE outs allowed) regarding one of the treatment
(through PubMed interface), EMBASE, and the options (LASFE, OSFE, or SIs) for the treatment
Cochrane Library. A search string was created ad hoc of edentulous posterior maxilla and at least 20
combining keywords with the use of boolean operators implants placed;
AND and OR. The search string was (((sinus OR 4 clearly reported data about implant survival,
maxillary sinus) AND (floor elevation OR lift OR implant failures, and implant success, describing
augmentation OR elevation OR lateral approach success and survival criteria and causes of implant
OR crestal approach OR transcrestal approach OR failure; in cases of inadequate data, reporting
BAOSFE OR OSFE OR Summers technique OR authors were contacted through e-mail asking for
osteotome-mediated OR osteotome)) OR (short missing information;
implant* OR reduced length implant* OR extra- 5 clear presentation of patients demographics;
short implant*)) AND (maxilla OR posterior 6 clear definition of selection criteria and success
maxilla OR atrophic posterior maxilla). Results were criteria.
Posterior Maxilla Rehabilitations 3

TABLE 1 Excluded Studies and Reasons for

764 articles retrieved
Reason for Exclusion N Studies
687 articles excluded after
Inadequate data reporting 9 8492
title & abstract examination
Inadequate follow-up 19 88, 93110
Small sample size 2 111, 112
Other reasons 2 113, 114
77 eligible articles
Data regarding other rehabilitations
Older data
32 articles excluded after
full-text reading

45 articles included
In case of impossibility of performing a meta-
analysis, a narrative data analysis would be presented.
Figure 1 Flowchart of article selection process.

Data Extraction and Analysis RESULTS

The primary outcomes evaluated were: Article selection process is summarized in the flowchart
shown in Figure 1. The first electronic search yielded
1 implant survival rate defined as the percentage of 764 articles. After title and abstract screening, 76 articles
implants still in function; were selected for full-text reading. A total of 44 articles
2 implant success rate defined as the percentage of were finally included in the review: four studies deal-
implants in function without any sign or symptoms ing with SIs,2326 eight studies regarding OSFE,2734 29
of complications (peri-implant radiolucency, signs studies regarding LASFE,3563 and three comparative
of inflammation and pain, excessive marginal bone studies.6466 The reasons for study exclusion after full-
loss); text evaluation are listed in Table 1.
3 implant failure rate defined as the percentage of Due to the characteristics of the data from the
implants removed for any reason; included studies, a narrative presentation of the out-
4 occurrence of complications as peri-implant dis- comes was presented. For comparative studies, a meta-
eases and infections, maxillary sinus pathologies analysis was performed.
following grafting procedure, prosthesis failure, and
any other biomechanical complications. SIs
For comparative studies, the meta-analysis was made Data extracted from studies concerning SIs are sum-
using Review Manager 5.1 (Cochrane Library, http:// marized in Table 2. Nine hundred one implants were
www.ims.cochrane.org/revman). LASFE technique was inserted in the posterior maxilla. The mean reported
compared with OSFE technique in terms of risk of implant length varied from 6.5626 to 8.2 mm,24 while no
implant failure. study reported data on the residual bone height. Implant

TABLE 2 Summary of Data of Short Implants Studies

Study No. of No. of Mean Implant Mean Follow-Up
Author Year Type Patients Implants Length (mm) Duration (Years) Results

Feldman and colleagues23 2004 Pros NE 568 8.12 Up to 5 96.60% 5 years (rough);
86.50% 5 years (machined)
Mal and colleagues24 2007 Retro NE 113 8.2 19-year Survival rate: 94.69%
Lai and colleagues25 2012 Retro 71 110 7.71 510-year Survival rate: 98.20%
Perelli and colleagues26 2012 Pros 87 110 6.56 5 years Survival rate: 90%

NE, not estimable; Pros, prospective study; Retro, retrospective study.

4 Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Volume *, Number *, 2013

TABLE 3 Summary of Data of Osteotome Sinus Lift Studies

Mean Mean Residual Mean
Study No. of No. of Implant Bone Height Follow-Up
Authors Year Type Treatment Patients Implants Length (mm) (mm) (Months) ISR%

Ferrigno and colleagues27 2006 Pros BAOSFE (ABG) 323 588 10.1 7.7 59.7 98.46
Pjetursson and 2009 Pros BAOSFE 181 252 8.7 7.5 1 2.2 38 97.14
colleagues28 (ABG/None)
Fermegard & Astrand29 2012 Retro OSFE 36 53 10.9 6.3 36 94.30
Nedir and colleagues30 2010 Pros OSFE 17 25 8.4 5.4 1 2.3 59 100.00
Bruschi and colleagues31 2012 Retro OSFE 46 66 13.6 23 125 95.45
Crespi and colleagues32 2010 Pros OSFE 20 30 12.3 6.62 36 100.00
Calvo-Guirado and 2011 Pros BAOSFE (PB) 30 60 11.3 NR 36 96.67
Bernardello and 2011 Retro BAOSFE (ABG) 117 134 12.9 3.42 48.2 95.52

ABG, autogenous bone graft; BAOSFE, bone added osteotome sinus floor elevation; ISR, implant survival rate; NR, not reported; OSFE, osteotome sinus
floor elevation; PB, porcine bone.

survival rate varied from 86.523 to 98.2%25 with up to 36 months40,41,45,53 to 84 months.51 Implant survival rate
5-year follow-up. varied from 75.6%40 to 100%.39,56,62,63

OSFE Comparative Studies

Data about studies adopting the osteotome technique A summary of data of studies comparing different tech-
are summarized in Table 3. A total of 1,208 implants niques is presented in Table 5. Three studies compared
placed in 770 patients were considered in the review. LASFE and osteotome technique.6466 A total of 1,287
The mean follow-up varied from 36 months29 to 125 implants placed in sinuses augmented using the LASFE
months,31 while the survival rate after 3 years varied technique in 526 patients were compared with 1,063
from 95.4%31 to 100%.30,32 implants placed in 569 patients treated with the OSFE
technique. The survival rates varied from 97.3%66
LASFE to 100%64,65 for LASFE group and from 97.7%66 to
Data from studies about LASFE are summarized in 100%64,65 for OSFE group, without any significant dif-
Table 4. A total of 6,940 implants, placed in 2,707 aug- ference between the two treatments. The follow-up
mented sinuses in 2,301 patients, were considered. A varied from 36 months65 to 176 months.66 The meta-
total of 446 failures were recorded. In a single study, the analysis confirmed the absence of a significant difference
number of failures of implants placed in lifted sinuses in outcomes between the two treatment alternatives
was not estimable.46 The mean follow-up varied from (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Meta-analysis of studies comparing LASFE and OSFE (implant failures at 3-year follow-up). LASFE, lateral approach sinus
floor elevation; OSFE, osteotome sinus floor elevation.
TABLE 4 Summary of Data of Lateral Sinus Lift Studies
Study No. of No. of No. of Mean Residual Mean Follow-Up
Authors Year Type Graft Patients Sinuses Implants Bone Height (Months) ISR%

Hurzeler and colleagues35 1996 Pros Other 113 113* 340 NR 38.5 98.80
Block & Kent36 1997 Retro ABG 33 53 173 NR 70 88.44
Block and colleagues37 1998 Retro ABG + Mixed 16 27 73 5.1 1 2.2 75 95.89
Kaptein and colleagues38 1998 Retro Mixed 88 132 388 NE 55 88.14
Buchmann and colleagues39 1999 Pros ABG 50 75 167 <5 mm 60 100.00
Johansson and colleagues40 1999 Retro ABG 39 39 131 <5 mm 36 75.57
Lekholm and colleagues41 1999 Retro ABG 55 82 280 NR 36 81.07
Becktor and colleagues42 2002 Retro ABG 81 120 329 NR 64.2 79.64
Valentini and colleagues43 2003 Retro Other 59 78 187 <5 mm 78 94.65
Hallman and colleagues44 2004 CS Mixed 20 30 108 1.63.8 mm 60 86.11
Boyne and colleagues45 2005 RCT ABG/Other 44 88 219 <6 mm 36 83.11
Ellegaard and colleagues46 2006 Retro None 68 71 131 >3 mm 64.2/57.5 91.00/88.70 (5 years)
Peleg and colleagues47 2006 CT ABG/Mixed/Other 731 731 2132 NE 69 98.45
Becktor and colleagues48 2007 Retro ABG (Block) 17 17 69 NR 53.1 91.30
Huynh-Ba and colleagues49 2008 Retro NR 71 71* 116 NR 36.9 92.20
Bornstein and colleagues50 2008 Pros Mixed/Other 56 59 111 <4 mm NR 98.00
Yamamichi and colleagues51 2008 Retro ABG/Mixed/Other 188 188 466 NE 84 96.35
Blus and colleagues52 2008 Retro ABG + Mixed/+ PRP 34 53 117 <6 mm 44.2 96.60
Sbordone and colleagues53 2009 Retro ABG 28 39 70 NE 36 92.45
Manso and colleagues54 2010 Pros Mixed 45 57 160 <4 mm 61.7 98.05
Scarano and colleagues55 2010 Retro Porcine Bone 113 153 264 23 mm 60 94.70
Garlini and colleagues.56 2010 Retro Resorb HA 26 27 47 7.4 mm 72 100.00
Zijderveld and colleagues57 2009 CT ABG/Beta-TCP 20 24 60 5.47 mm 60 98.33
Cho-Lee and colleagues58 2010 Retro ABG/Mixed 119 177 272 6.59 mm 60.7 93.01
Lambert and colleagues59 2010 Retro Other 40 50 102 NE 44.4 97.50
Barone and colleagues60 2011 CS Mixed 41 41* 201 NR 69.9 86.00
Caubet and colleagues61 2011 Retro Mixed 34 40 63 <4 mm 60 96.90
Lin and colleagues62 2011 Pros None 44 44* 80 5.06 1 1.51 >60 100.00
Ozkan and colleagues63 2011 Pros Other 28 28* 84 5.2 mm 60 100.00

*Estimated on the basis of the number of patients as the minimum number of sinuses treated.
Posterior Maxilla Rehabilitations

ABG, autogenous bone graft; CS, cohort study; CT, controlled trial; NE, not estimable; NR, not reported; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
6 Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Volume *, Number *, 2013



The present systematic review sought at evaluating the
medium- and long-term outcomes of different treat-

44.5 1 22.7
ment alternatives for the rehabilitation of atrophic pos-

terior maxilla. In spite of the strict inclusion criteria,
the selected articles presented heterogeneity regarding
study design, sample size, graft materials and tech-
7.8 1 0.8; 3.5 1 0.8
Mean Residual

Mean deficit: 3.3

Mean deficit: 6.5
niques, implant type, shape and surface, baseline fea-
Bone Height

9.6 1 0.9
tures of the patient populations. Therefore, the present

results have to be interpreted cautiously.


The analysis of the performance of SIs in the posterior
11.10 1 0.69; 11.02 1 0.71

maxilla was restricted only to a few studies. This was

11.6 1 1.3; 12 1 1
Length (mm)

mainly due to the exclusion of many studies which have

10.72 1 0.76
11.6 1 1.1

a follow-up shorter than 3 years. Though the number of


included articles is limited in comparison with the other

two techniques, the results of this review are coherent
with those presented in previously published systematic
reviews which also included short-term studies.19,22,67,68

Similar outcomes were reported by retrospec-

No. of


tive and prospective studies. In one study, the authors

BAOSFE, bone added osteotome sinus floor elevation; NE, not estimable; OSFE, osteotome sinus floor elevation.

showed that the survival rate of short machined

implants was significantly lower than that of textured
No. of


ones,20 as also confirmed by the results of two systematic

reviews.19,68 However, this consideration appeared to
have a scarce clinical relevance in modern implant
Osteotome (BAOSFE BioOss)

Osteotome (BAOSFE BioOss)

dentistry, as currently the majority of implants have a

textured surface.
Sinus Lateral (Various)
Sinus Lateral (BioOss)

Sinus Lateral (BioOss)


The residual bone height at the region intended

Osteotome (OSFE)

for implant placement was not systematically reported,

preventing a precise analysis of its effects on clinical
TABLE 5 Summary of Data of Comparative Studies


The OSFE (or BAOSFE) technique was originally

Krennmair and colleagues64 2007 Retro



described as a viable treatment in patients with more

Osteotome sinus lift versus lateral sinus lift

than 5 mm of residual bone height in the posterior



edentulous maxilla.6971 Such approach is considered less

invasive than the lateral one; however, the major draw-
back is that the lifting procedure has to be performed
blindly by the operator, who can be unaware of a mem-
Jurisic and colleagues65

Tetsch and colleagues66

brane injury during the surgical procedure.70

Recently, a systematic review of the literature
showed that crestal sinus lift can be an effective treat-

ment option, reporting a mean weighted survival rate of

95% after 5 years of function.13 That review also showed
that the majority of failures occurred during the first
Posterior Maxilla Rehabilitations 7

year after treatment. Finally, no significant difference Comparative Studies

in outcomes was observed between studies that used a Comparative randomized studies were generally con-
bone substitute during the lifting procedure and those in sidered as the primary studies with the highest level
which no grafting was adopted.13 of evidence. In the present systematic review, three
In the present review, excellent implant survival comparative studies were included,6466 but none of
rates were showed for the OSFE (or BAOSFE) technique them was an RCT. In the meta-analysis of such studies
in studies with at least 36 months of mean follow-up. (Figure 2), two out of three studies reported no failure
Moreover, the mean residual bone height appeared not in each group, thereby noncontributing to the effect
to influence implant survival rate; in fact, even in studies estimation. However, data from these two studies may
reporting less than 5 mm of residual ridge height a high further support the absence of difference between the
survival rate was observed.31,34 outcomes of the two techniques.
Similarly to what was stated in the previously cited Considering the 3-year results, no difference among
review,13 no specific benefit of grafting with autogenous treatments could be evaluated in terms of clinical out-
bone or a bone substitute could be observed; rather, the comes. If we consider the single arms of each controlled
key factor appeared to be the clot formation and the study, the clinical outcomes were quite comparable
stabilization of the lifted floor.46,7276 with those presented in cohort studies evaluating only
Besides, retrospective and prospective studies dis- a single treatment. Even though the authors agree that
played similar outcomes (94.3%29 to 95.52%34 in retro- comparative studies provide more information than
spective studies and 96.67%33 to 100%30,32 in prospective single-cohort studies or retrospective ones, the validity
ones), showing that the study design appeared not to of the outcomes in terms of treatment prognosis could
affect clinical results in the included articles. be considered similar.
Several limitations emerged in this study. First,
Lateral Technique the consideration of mean follow-up of 3 years caused
The LASFE technique is widely described in the litera- the exclusion of good studies with shorter follow-up
ture and it is recommended in cases of residual bone duration. Then, the lack of some data concerning demo-
height lower than 4 to 5 mm.10,47,71 graphics in studies evaluating SIs could have limited the
A high survival rate was reported in the great major- power of the analysis of this treatment alternative.
ity of the included studies, demonstrating that LASFE Finally, although the clinical outcomes of the three
could be considered a viable treatment alternative both techniques in terms of implant survival were similar,
in the medium and long term. Moreover, as a general some considerations have to be done regarding the true
consideration, the lowest survival rates were reported in interchangeability of these different surgical approaches
older studies.36,38,40,48,77 This is in agreement with the from the practical point of view. The LASFE indeed
results of another recent systematic review77 and can represents the most invasive approach but it is the only
probably be related to different implant morphologies one that allows the treatment of severe ridge atrophy
and surface textures used in older studies. and difficult cases because of its wider field of view and
A great heterogeneity of study design was found more comfortable management of the sinus region as
even if apparently this did not influence the reported compared with other techniques. A systematic review by
outcomes, confirming what was observed for the other Chao and colleagues evaluated the effect of initial bone
treatment alternatives. height on implant survival rate using a quadratic-curve
Different bone grafting materials were used in fitting meta-regression analysis.80 They found for the
the included studies: autogenous bone, xenografts, lateral approach a very predictable outcome for bone
allografts, synthetic bone substitutes, and several combi- height 4 mm or greater, near to 100% implant survival
nations of these graft materials. As described in the lit- rate, while there was a decreasing trend as the residual
erature, such heterogeneity had no relevant effect on the ridge height decreased, with the lowest implant survival
clinical outcomes.78,79 It is noticeable that two studies in rate of 86% in correspondence with a mean ridge height
which no bone substitute was used after sinus floor eleva- of 1.5 mm. For the crestal approach, no study was found
tion reported survival rates comparable with those from with a ridge height lower than 4 mm, whereas for higher
studies describing the use of bone substitute material.46,62 ridges the outcome ranged between 93% and 100%.
8 Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Volume *, Number *, 2013

Though a few more recent studies reported a successful is not strictly equivalent. LASFE should be considered
crestal approach to the maxillary sinus floor elevation the standard of care in cases of atrophic posterior
even when the residual ridge height is lower than maxilla even though OSFE can be considered a viable
4 mm,32,35 the sinus management through a blind tech- alternative when the need for bone volume increase is
nique such as the BAOSFE in the presence of a very limited. In spite of the limited long-term evidence, SIs
reduced bone height should be reserved only to very represent an appealing and successful alternative in
experienced surgeons. the presence of a sufficient residual bone volume.
Regarding the complications associated with sinus They should be considered especially in those patients
augmentation, Schneiderian membrane perforation was seeking for an alternative to more demanding bone
found to occur more frequently with a reduced ridge augmentation techniques. In fact, patients wills and
height mainly due to technical difficulties.81,82 It has also expectations, as well as the clinicians confidence in
been suggested that a wider portion of the sinus mem- specific techniques, should be taken into account
brane may have to be elevated when dealing with a in the treatment choice. Reduced invasiveness and
smaller initial ridge height, which might produce an shorter treatment times for prosthetic rehabilitations
increased risk of sinus membrane perforation.83 are important issues in favor of SIs together with the
Therefore, it seems reasonable and safer to recom- impossibility of performing LASFE or OSFE in cases of
mend the LASFE technique when the residual ridge presence of sinus pathosis.
height is 4 mm or less and let the clinician decide, based More data from high evidence-based and well-
on careful clinical and radiographic assessment, whether reported studies are needed to clarify the specific indi-
to adopt the crestal approach in the presence of at least cations for each treatment.
5 mm.
Regarding the adoption of SIs, again a careful evalu- DISCLOSURE
ation of the residual bone height and width is manda-
The authors declare that they are free from any conflict
tory. The rationale of using SIs is to avoid augmentation
of interest.
procedures, reducing patients discomfort; however,
there must be sufficient residual volume to accommo-
date the implants ensuring primary stability. The fact
that SIs with wide diameter can have a contact surface None.
available for osseointegration which is comparable with
longer ones with narrow diameter should be considered REFERENCES
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