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Beginner Lesson
Looks Good

147 Kanji Transcript 2

Kana Transcript 2


Translation 2

Vocabulary 3

Grammar Points 3

Lesson Code: 326_B147_113006 November 30th 2006 / 2006ᐕ11᦬30ᣣ

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ṽሼ  ߆ߥ߫ࠎ
ߜߋߐ ┙ߜ਄߇ߞߚࠃ‫ޕ‬ ߜߋߐ ߚߜ޽ߞ߇ߞߚࠃ‫ޕ‬
ࠃߒ ߓ߾‫ࠍࠩ࠙࡜ࡉޔ‬㐿޿ߡ‫ߩࠎࠄ߾ߓޔ‬ ࠃߒ ߓ߾‫ࠎࠄ߾ߓޔߡ޿ࠄ߭ࠍࠩ࠙࡜ࡊޔ‬
ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫߦⴕߞߡ‫ޕ‬ ߩࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫߦ޿ߞߡ‫ޕ‬
ߜߋߐ ߪ޿‫ޕ࡯ࠤ࠶ࠝޔ‬ ߜߋߐ ߪ޿‫ޕ࡯ࠤ࠶ࠝޔ‬
ࠃߒ ߓ߾‫ޔ‬ᣂẟߩࡎ࠹࡞ࠍ⷗ߡ‫ⴕߋߔޔ‬ ࠃߒ ߓ߾‫ߋߔޔߡߺࠍ࡞࠹ࡎߩߚ߇޿ߦޔ‬
ߊ㧚㧚㧚ߤ߁㧫 ޿ߊ㧚㧚㧚ߤ߁㧫
ߜߋߐ ޿޿ߣߎࠈ߇޽ߞߚ‫ޕ‬ ߜߋߐ ޿޿ߣߎࠈ߇޽ߞߚ‫ޕ‬
ࠃߒ ޿޿ߨ‫ޕߛ߁ߘߐࠃ߇ߎߎޕ‬቟ߊߡ‫ޔ‬ ࠃߒ ޿޿ߨ‫ߊߔ߿ޕߛ߁ߘߐࠃ߇ߎߎޕ‬
ᦺ㘵ઃ߈‫ޕ‬᳿߹ࠅ‫ޕ‬ ߡ‫ޕࠅ߹߈ޕ߈ߟߒ߼ߐ޽ޔ‬
ߜߋߐ ࠃ߆ߞߚ‫ޕ‬ ߜߋߐ ࠃ߆ߞߚ‫ޕ‬
ࠃߒ ޽޽‫⑌ߪ›ޕߛ߼ߛޔ‬ᱛߛ‫ޕ‬ ࠃߒ ޽޽‫ޕߛߒࠎ߈ߪߧ޿ޕߛ߼ߛޔ‬
ߜߋߐ ߘ߁ߨ‫ޔ߾ߓޕ‬㆑߁ߣߎࠈࠍតߘ߁‫ޕ‬ ߜߋߐ ߘ߁ߨ‫߇ߐࠍࠈߎߣ߁߇ߜޔ߾ߓޕ‬

2 5ǀPDML Translation
Chigusa Tachiagatta yo. Chigusa The computer’s ready!
Yoshi -DEXUDX]DRKLUDLWHMDUDQQRKǀPXSƝMLQL Yoshi Ah, open the browser, and go to Jaran’s
itte. home page.
Chigusa +DLRNNƝ Chigusa Okay, got it.
Yoshi -D1ƯJDWDQRKRWHUXRPLWHVXJXLNX Yoshi Then look at hotels in Niigata. I’ll be right
Gǀ" there. Anything good?
Chigusa Ii tokoro ga atta. Chigusa Ah, here’s a nice one.
Yoshi ,LQH.RNRJD\RVDVǀGD<DVXNXWH Yoshi Ah, that is nice. It’s cheap and they offer
asameshitsuki. Kimari. breakfast. This is the place.
Chigusa Yokatta. Chigusa Great.
Yoshi Aa, dame da. Inu wa kinshi da. Yoshi Ah, no good. They don’t allow dogs.
Chigusa 6ǀQH-DFKLJDXWRNRURRVDJDVǀ Chigusa That’s right. Okay, let’s look for a differ-
ent place.

Lesson Code: 326_B147_113006 November 30th 2006 / 2006ᐕ11᦬30ᣣ

Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts

Vocabulary - න⺆
Kanji Kana 5ǀPDML English
┙ߜ਄߇ࠆ ߚߜ޽߇ࠆ tachiagaru to rise up
ࡉ࡜࠙ࠩ ࡉ࡜࠙ࠩ burauza browser
ߓ߾ࠄࠎ ߓ߾ࠄࠎ jaran jalan.net
ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ ࡎ࡯ࡓࡍ࡯ࠫ KǀPXSƝML home page
ࠝ࠶ࠤ࡯ ࠝ࠶ࠤ࡯ RNNƝ OK
ᣂẟ ߦ޿߇ߚ Niigata Niigata
ᦺ㘵ઃ߈ ޽ߐ߼ߒߟ߈ asameshitsuki breakfast included
⑌ᱛ ߈ࠎߒ kinshi prohibition
㆑߁ ߜ߇߁ chigau to differ

3 Grammar Points
Today’s grammar point is the expression \RVDVǀGD, which means “s.t. looks good.” The auxilary adjec-
tive VǀGD is used to indicate the form, condition or state in which something appears, and it is always used
to indicate one’s assumption/judgment based on what one can see. It is therefore equivalent to the English
form “looks like ~”. In this expression, it is appended to the adjective yoi, meaning good. When the the
auxilary adjective VǀGD is appended to an adjective whose stem consists of only one kana, such as ii/yoi
(good) or nai (nonextant), it is necessary to insert sa between the root and the VǀGD auxiliary. Therefore,
ii/yoi becomes \RVDVǀGD, nai becomes QDVDVǀ GD.

Note that for i-adjectives with two or more syllables in the root, the sa syllable is not inserted.

Adjective Vǀ form English

㜞޿ 㜞ߘ߁
something looks expensive
takai WDNDVǀ
ኙ޿ ኙߘ߁
someone/somewhere looks cold (referring to people or temperature)
samui VDPXVǀ

Lesson Code: 326_B147_113006 November 30th 2006 / 2006ᐕ11᦬30ᣣ

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