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in tl a liberal cause by iou in othe

part 8 taj countr y he to s aa Is be

THE t 1108 e D x r it s iund re

11 ere it Is bet een the U beret party
and peoples party the
between them Is such as does
not exist between any other
perties in the united states
last rally af t he presedo the liberal pal ty ill composed of ji
public ans democrats and all other
beliefs except those of the
campaign peoples party there is smother
party the sagebrush democracy the
must 1 corrected with the sage bruaL
I1 for they dwyet in the brush SIT
thurman it was be
IG S cause of the similarity between the
1 and sagebrush democracy
that they clung so closely to the
name one was it take
ter then theirs Is a follow feeling
from judge zane and cap w Is said to be always dry
whatever way be said of this party
taw UHL there us some good men in it but there
Is no accounting for if they
can con vort the mormon church ohp
10 h
YES UNITED ailef STAND u 88ri iter day
saints partakes of some of the qualities

of Adamant
the party believes in equal
liberal ex readous face
more do at V
that achiu
at all
jt must
tile will of the people
to determine for
for whom he shall vote they
genevo that no church ban a t
TRY MIL va dictate how be should vote 1 int13
ugo0 n the untrammeled vill 0xnai
1 c ce of every mau that a free go V
icausi reri lt I 1 it to can be established
believes that the sages
it also
he IT sati of and statesmen
I1 I1
rho formed this government had a
right to do it they had a
light to declare that the con
shoals tie formed to
I 1I
wa 4 feet the union
alic welfare perpetuate the
impaled on les sings of peace and pro
blessings upon
their posterity errity
and that all aweit made
atals keople 1I
from it must be obeyed the liberal
y believes that polygamy is wrong
last anif ht iberal alj was hold
a d has in AM and all
1 the 1I eder 1I by 8 places reduced woman to a and
velock the room was idled b y thus degraded busm it believe
e age 0 S further that until tile macort ty of the

p romi tient liberals

gaaei budke P H Emer sori and of utah get UP anthis platform
captain Itansford SmIth 49 speakers to stay utah can never become a
hi re
used as the
wt ni
i lable
keral stand
isetts near
place to be
ft but that they do adopt it
should form one amopit the
est atare of the ual on
the judges
bt is this reo plea pasty and
called to order by E A bleD anfel t where did it comer from
chat r off it Is but the agency of the mormon
ile ann ced taj P it ach 0u d b e LU 1r m
emerson desired to be excused from lor a c h urchaut0
W lt h t ruo p ri n c 1 ales 10
speaking render bis excuse a ticket therefore it has
fit per sont taken the name peoples party yet if
emerson the as you scratch off the peoples party you
in the follows words will find the blood of a saint sometimes
it appears white then black then
aside from the L
the dalp some other color but underneath it
which reminds me that r am growitz it is the game 11 is self
old there are other physical dis t binder to all intentai and purposed
sex and
which preclude inq from all y the bands are church counsels and
attempt at speaking this ov emini revelations it binds one so tight t h a t
yet 1I will say that 1 cover belonged it takes him to the polls ria liked him
to any party 1I was gf and 1I voted creates law sends one to con
never was ashamed of the and does as it pleases the
platform and party which has so long
and earnestly been laboring for the
T a h claims a right to control
the ptopless latter day saints and
American izIng of this territory abid as me miless of I1 he peoples parta and
bringing it in accord with the other that by the sampsion
samp tion of the vine
states trusting you will pardon me ruler who whispers through some
1I biye V ay to the other speakers
where to the seer and revelator
the chairman in glowing terms of now if that is so with ah that infinite
1 I
induced captain
1 power why not let the lord comma
behave in this territory t aa away that the people would
ties the liberals the pasty clent posted tile
and yet another the sage t brush high none could read them and then
democracy punished the people for not obe g
cormons came here they
when the mormons them so it is hero the lord
and to high that
of any
there 0 to fell into the habit of ruling myted up ilia revelations
of the
the by their bishops la ter on can read now do you be
when t e organic act was passed they aleve these revelations T bof no ill
this rule adding to it the come from the audience
laws of their the gov well then it they are spurious it e
given full veto however practiced upon the people by
with the officials that were sent here atme high priest to of old no 1I do
it became ira possible for this monster act believe this revel atlo I1 could
corporation called church not if 1I wanted te and would not want
to bear full government
govern mont yet when 1I to if I1 could
came hero the polygamists ruled now if the lord his attempted to
in utah and when theof bad to give hiis revelations to the people as
step out their apa forward those revelatory
revelators claim he has not
were elected and A TJnt d tasir succeeded as well as poor humanity
fathers as deputized abah here i
the framers of the declaration of
dictates who iball avia the offices independence framed it so that it
peoples party is but anether aspect roused the world this biag Is
of the mormon Chu
legislation that did us any ard wall roThe honored and as far as the
plow the ocean and the foot of
the edmunds bill and the next was I1
civilization treads the land and every
the edmunda tucker bill this bill body understands the declaration bf
has done more to this independence and yet they say
territory th anany
stored arst wife the tight
that god in ills infinite power
ties harigal succeeded in making
er this has done a great deAl in bolig this of men tand ahn
away with the evils in this tery atory revelation busine a Is to 1I do
there are two evila one Iscontrary he
not care to di cuss it this people
af church end state but clairn that they need riot yield chedi
the belief of some of uly fialcow poli ti- once to the laws passed amna the
chlaup 1I think polygamy the greater at aad that the courts are dot
evil op er to construe them
in the People sParty iamie who were fra a yet wo poor sinners have 0
arid in early days rey IY obey them the government
lats could hold office
gam one way at the gentiles mind another
never viero bout bated at the cormons
mormons I1 A house di
libe was made from a rib y no the government of the united
had been the order of mhd ay
al adelm states Is voye reign I and is
would not have had s single rib in his other power and so it will stand for-
body after the flood the earth was ever the church
re eye counsel and revelations 1I have
tem that polyandry was irk my day board many
practiced instead of polygamy how discourses in the third district court
jong it be becore the none by all manner of preachers and they
would say that territory where such
A practice exi steg 1 I hoed be given
i a
A b ra ham ablahani
well Abra hani lived fix
statehood 10 a tbt when it was customsit
ice ceased As long as to put prisoners to death and
it is mot tit to archal government reya lied id
statehood like to see A patriarchal government
every vote we give tomorrow
to morrow will hem the beita of the family ruling
be statehood for utah and there am some children here who
asking for farther legislation until would not have any heads to rule
free from this blot we shall brine her was imperfect that
into the union the fairest in the incident of hagar in judgment does
whole galaxy not stand the test jya 1 rieca man
there Is another party whoprotested noff the truth odthe matter abraham
bated iton 8 thurman astis
had gone actis
against g a strictly m e this aliaa of abraham and
r- re publican has climbed every
at this point the f amli 7 umanita
uril hia 41 progress carist has died or
ted we stand 11 A common h croos and wisdorA prOVA ild YOU
unites aus the mor bot get the world back years
party is fla clio marthand yand ther- into of barbant worldly
ece it apa r
get mart T
that pul it should institutions have crumble andeer ved
dome abet vi until in this new land
the division the better 1I hope mor-
every vote he receives will akra
mon vote and many of them the
chilt e have fortified themselves and
pe stand the count zo
little emige is fighting the claim of ibis peoples party must submit to
the church that the rejanmay 0 union of the laws of the united states and
church and state and its at- when they do it wa shall have a unit
tacks be effective 1I ara not ad a happy and a free people then
lo the
10 a religious sh receive statehood and not till
afon but I1 oppose it aa A political and theli then sher will start on A glori-
business corporation it has no right ous fahire guided by the principles of
to conduct business or politics 1Ido liberty and humanity
not it tink that the mormon has 1I should board hot a nd along
from deia ant if she should be turned back to
gate caine thou h
be a democrat akred not y the
awards and church rule 1I
that a law should e passed je coul polled to step off if 1I
prohibiting now let could
adora 0 do A I works usineat for judge baskin
now fellow
tance and show what they in the past tw aty ears has lived a
w do then we will believe them Is entitled to the
lahm eless life and 1
and re joke to we them owing in line t and c of the law
an d be admitted as loyal americans peaple of this territory I1

we oppose statehood until that time trust that on the morrow he will to
I1 impress you with the necessity of
calve your most hearty support
going with yau r to
morrow wild vote every loan 0f on this finished the exer claes
enthusiasm W as not
for judge R N baskin and sw elli ba rally was overhighest
numbers for the liberal candidate roused to its pitch but
received all the APPIA it
the chairman then introduced the
au S zane lie spoke in
substance as follows
16 a upon the A broke OU Persthe chinese
ought to un a
aari re at casson da on mon
aul ot the 00 le they la destroyed if stores sad
der stand ho questions especial y I
1 and
ly such to their VOM may effect 1 t dwelling the 1I ON 13

am at the at 4 MOM

0 I1

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