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with "shift" key:----------

shift + k ----------show nodes

shift + n ----------node numbers

shift + s---------- shows supports

shift + e---------- beam starting and end points

shift + r---------- release provided

shift + t---------- plate orientations

shift + w ----------wind load

shift + y----------floor loads

shift + i----------origin of model

shift + o----------local axis of individual members

shift + p---------- plate number

shif t+ a ----------specifications of beam

shift + d----------shows dimensions

shift + f----------floor loading

shift + g ----------diagram information

shift + h----------wind load contribution

shift + l----------master and slave nodes

shift + x----------property assigned

shift + j----------property reference number

shift + b----------beam number

shift + m----------material assigned

shift + c----------display solid number

use with "ctrl" and "shift" keys:----------

shift + ctrl + t----------surface orientation

shift + ctrl + p--------------------surface number

shift + ctrl + a----------display axis window

shift + ctrl + g----------design group

shift + ctrl + m----------member number

shift + ctrl + b -----------design brief

shift + ctrl + e----------design brief

use with "ctrl" key

ctrl + 1 ------section outline

ctrl + 2 -----solid section

ctrl + 4------- render

ctrl + 0 ---------no outline

ctrl + o----------open file

ctrl + p----------print file

ctrl + s----------save file

ctrl + g--------------------define group dialog box

ctrl + z----------undo

ctrl + c----------copy

ctrl + v----------paste

ctrl + y----------redo

ctrl + n----------run structural wizard

f9/ctrl + f5run analysis

some other
alt + v+ v --------------------view selected objects only

alt + f4---------- close

f2 ----------move

f4 - change orientation


f5----------check syntax in staad editor

f12----------view animation in full screen

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