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Making Requirements Measurable

Bashar Nuseibeh Suzanne Robertson

Department of Computing Atlantic Systems Guild Ltd.
Imperial College 11 St. Marys Terrace
London SW7 2BZ, UK London W2 lSU, UK
+441715948286 +441712623395
ban 0 doc.ic.ac.uk Suzanne0guild.demon.co.uk

ABSTRACT that failed to deliver the functionality required by their

users. The question is why do we build systems that do
Increasingly sophisticated technology makes it possible
not fit into the world? Over and over again the problem
to build more complex systems more quickly. However a
is that the customers' requirements were not specified.
system is only useful to the customer if it addresses the
Systems developers have become aware that requirements
real requirements. Eliciting and specifying customer
engineering is a critical activity in the development of
requirements in a precise and unambiguous way is
useful systems.
critical to the success of a project. Customers often find
it difficult to articulate their requirements, and for large, A requirements engineer needs to be able to collect
complex systems these requirements are often requirements from a variety of customers. Often those
conflicting. requirements are vague, fuzzy and expressed as solutions.
A requirements engineer needs to have a mechanism for
This full-day tutorial focuses on guiding participants
iterating from a first-cut requirement to a requirement
through the requirements definition process. After
that passes well defined quality criteria. The challenge is
presenting an overview of requirements engineering
to assure the quality of each requirement and to connect
activities, the tutorial focuses on how to assess
those requirements with business goals.
("measure") requirements for testability, relevance,
completeness, consistency, coherence, traceability and TUTORIAL CONTENT AND CONDUCT
satisfaction. A requirements template is used as a guide This full-day tutorial focuses on guiding participants
to discovering requirements and building the through the requirements definition process. The
specification. A requirement is regarded as "measurable" emphasis of this exercise is on making requirements
i f there is an unambiguous way of determining whether a measurable so that they can be negotiated, communicated
given solution fits that requirement. Participants in this and traced throughout the project. A requirement i s
tutorial will examine requirements measurability by measurable if there is an unambiguous way of
building a requirements specification for a familiar determining whether a given solution fits that
system. The tutorial combines a presentation of issues requirement.
and techniques in an interactive, participative format that
encourages "hands-on" learning of requirements definition Participants in this tutorial examine requirements
and specification. measurability by building a requirements specification
for a familiar (but nevertheless complex) system. The
Keywords: requirements engineering, specification, tutorial consists of a number of units that each combine
validation, verification, testability. lecture and workshop. Tutors explain a requirements
concept, then participants, working in teams, apply that
MOTIVATION AND BACKGROUND concept. The VOLERE requirements process and
Increasingly sophisticated technology makes it possible template, a distillation of experience from many projects,
to build more complex systems more quickly. However a is used as a guide [33. Then there is a discussion to
system is only useful to the customer if it addresses the communicate the experience and questions of each of the
real requirements. During the last few years we have all groups. The topics covered by the tutorial include:
heard disaster stories about expensive development efforts Introducing Requirements Engineering;
Permission to make digitalhard copies of all or part of this material for
Defining the global requirements;
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies Defining the Context;
are not made or distributed for profit or conuiiercial advantage, the copy-
right notice, the title ofthe publication and its date appear, and notice is
Use-cases as a functional requirements triggering tool;
given that copyright is by pemiission of the ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise, Using the template to define non-functional
to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires specific requirements:
pemiission andlor fee
ICSE 97 Boston MA USA
Copyright 1997 ACM 0-89791-914-9/97/05 ..$3.50

64 7
,. Defining fit criteria; CONCLUSION
* Requirements quality criteria. Requirements Engineering has clearly emerged as a
The introduction to the tutorial includes an introduction critical activity in software systems development, and
to the tutorial objectives, format and notes. It also associating some form of "measurement" is crucial to its
provides a mini-tutorial to the field of requirements effective deployment. This tutorial combines a
engineering under the following headings: context, presentation of issues and techniques of requirements
groundwork, acquisition, modelling, analysis, definition in an interactive, participative format that
measurement, communication and documentation [ 1,2]. encourages "hands-on" learning.
The tutorial instructors then introduce the notion of REFERENCES
making requirements measurable. This includes a
discussion of how to elicit requirements by identifying I . Finkelstein, A. Requirements Engineering: a
all the factors that might cause misfit between the review and research agenda, in Proceedings of First
system and the world. It also illustrates how to take the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference
potential misfits, express them as requirements and how (Tokyo, Japan, December 1994), IEEE CS Press.
to define an agreed measurement for each requirement. 2. Nuseibeh, B. From Requirements to Satisfied
The requirements template (developed by the authors) is Customer: A road map, Keynote Address, DTI
then introduced, with a discussion of the types of workshop on "RE - Connecting with the
functional and non-functional requirements that are Customer" (Gloucester, UK, September 1995).
defined in the template. Advice on how to use the 3. Robertson, S. and Robertson, J. C o m p l e t e
template as the basis for building a requirements Systems Analysis: The Workbook, The Textbook,
specification is also provided. the Answers, Dorset House, UK, 1994.
The instructors describe the case study, a TUTORS' BIOGRAPHIES
charginglticketing system for an undergroundlsubway Bashar Nuseibeh is a Lecturer and Head of the
train service. The purpose and constraints of the case Software Engineering Laboratory in the Department of
study project are described, and a session of interactive Computing, Imperial College, London. He holds an
context setting follows. This includes applying the MSc and PhD in Software Engineering from Imperial
constraints and individual knowledge to build a context College. His research interest are in Distributed Software
diagram. The context is used as the starting point for Engineering, including requirements engineering, process
defining the project boundaries. modelling and technology, and technology transfer. He is
In groups of no more than five people each, and guided an Editor-in-Chief of the Automated Software
by the instructors, the participants then use different Engineering Journal and Chairman of the BCS RE
sections of the requirements template to specify the Specialist Group. He serves on many committees
requirements for case study system. Participants are including the IEEE Symposium and Conference series on
requested to write each requirement on a snow card (a RE (ICRE '96, ISRE '97 & ICRE '98), the Editorial
rectangular, ruled card measuring approximately 20cm by Board of the RE Journal, and the Executive Board of the
12cm), and number each card with the appropriate RE European Network of Excellence (RENOIR).
requirement type (prescribed by the requirements Suzanne Robertson is a teacher and consultant
template). After the tutorial, the instructors will specialising in modelling techniques for system
amalgamate all the requirements and make a composite development. She has over 30 years of development and
requirements specification available to all attendees. consulting experience and has co-authored courses on
The exercise is then reviewed by the tutorial participants systems analysis, systems design, requirements
and the instructors. This includes team presentations of engineering, quality assessment and problem solving.
findings and general discussion. It is an opportunity for She is currently developing techniques for identifying and
all participants to comment on and learn from other reusing requirements patterns. She studied Information
groups. Presentations are prepared on overhead Processing at the New South Wales Institute of
transparencies and make use of flip-charts provided at the Technology and is a member of the IEEE, the ACS. She
tutorial. Finally, the instructors present some serves on many committees including the BCS's Reuse
conclusions and lessons learned. They review the Specialist Group, the steering committee of Object
exercise, discuss the requirements engineering process in Technology '97, and the programme committee of the
light of the tutorial activities, and provide some advice International Conference for Software Reuse (ICSR '98).
on how to tailor the generic process to suit a given She is a principal of the Atlantic Systems Guild (with
project. The tutorial concludes with a summary of issues Tom De Marco, Peter Hruschka, Tim Lister, Steve
raised and lessons leamed. McMenamin, John Palmer, James Robertson). The guild
is a New York, London and Germany based think-tank,
that researches and communicates system development


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