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Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine

Position Statement 13

Delirium in Older People

Revised 2012

1. Delirium is a syndrome misdiagnosed. Cognition should be

characterized by the rapid onset of considered a vital sign and
impaired attention that fluctuates, cognitive assessment routinely
together with impaired cognition performed. Those who display
and / or altered consciousness, altered cognition should be
perceptual disturbances and screened for delirium using a tool
behaviour. It may be the only sign such as the Confusion Assessment
of serious medical illness in an Method.
older person and should be 5. Preventative strategies have now
urgently assessed. Misdiagnosis of been demonstrated to be very
delirium may have dire effective. These are based on
consequences. multicomponent interventions
2. Better prevention and treatment is targeting risk factors which are
needed to avoid the poor outcomes managed with care protocols and
that result from delirium, especially environmental strategies.
increased rates of cognitive and 6. Education programmes are very
functional decline, prolonged effective in prevention.
hospital stay, institutionalisation Preventative strategies and
and mortality. Education programmes should be
3. All older persons should be adopted by all healthcare
assessed for risk factors for institutions.
delirium on admission to hospital. 7. Investigations for common
These include dementia, precipitating factors are usually
polypharmacy, visual and hearing needed unless clear, recent causes
impairment, dehydration, functional are identified. Specialised
disability, alcohol abuse, investigations may be needed in
depression and advanced age. specific circumstances.
Many precipitating factors are
described. Iatrogenic factors 8. Management of delirium involves
particularly medications are identifying and treating risk factors
unfortunately common and and precipitating factors, use of
potentially avoidable. non-pharmacological and
pharmacological measures to
4. Delirium is very common but is manage neuropsychiatric
often not detected or
manifestations, preventing May 1 2012. The revision of this paper
complications and monitoring was coordinated by Drs Teck Yew and
progress. Sean Maher. The original paper was
coordinated by Dr Sean Maher.
9. Non-pharmacological measures
should always be utilised. These BACKGROUND PAPER
include: correction of dehydration Delirium is a syndrome characterized
(subcutaneous fluids if needed), by the rapid onset of impairment of
malnutrition and sensory deficits; attention that fluctuates, together with
provision of reorientation, good
impaired cognition and / or altered
quality communication and
undisturbed sleep; encouraging consciousness. Behavioural
self-care and mobility; avoiding use disturbance and psychotic features are
of restraints or immobilising common. It is commonly encountered
devices; and limiting room and staff in older people and is associated with
changes. However, current hospital increased rates of cognitive and
environments and practices rarely functional decline, prolonged hospital
facilitate these measures.
stay, relocation to residential care and
10. Pharmacological measures are not mortality. It is often either not
always needed but should be diagnosed or is misdiagnosed. There
considered to control distressing
is often a strong element of
symptoms or when safety is
compromised. Small doses of iatrogenicity in the precipitating factors
antipsychotics are effective and contributing to many episodes of
appropriate in the short term. When delirium, emphasizing the need for
patients with an extrapyramidal better quality of care of older people.
syndrome require treatment, Good quality studies regarding risk
atypical antipsychotics should be factors, prevention and prognosis exist
considered. Benzodiazepines are
useful in alcohol and for hospitalised patients.
benzodiazepine withdrawal. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
with a multidisciplinary approach
11. Delirium is best managed by a
multidisciplinary team utilising aimed at prevention, and education
multicomponent interventions in an programmes, improve delirium
appropriate environment with outcomes. The potential exists for
adequate staffing levels. Delirium better pharmacological interventions in
Units provide effective and safe delirium management.
care for older people, can help
raise awareness of delirium as a
serious condition, and enhance Epidemiology
delirium research. They are cost The incidence of delirium arising
effective but there is no data to during hospital stay is reported to be
purport that they have better
as high as 56%.1 Post-operative
outcomes than ACE units.
delirium occurs in 15-53% 2 of patients
This Position Statement represents the over 65 and the incidence in ICU older
views of the Australian and New
patients is as high as 70-87%.3
Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine.
This Statement was approved by the Reports of the prevalence of delirium
Federal Council of the ANZSGM on in long term care facilities in a small
number of studies range from 0.5- to approaches for risk stratification as
57%, with a mean of 14.2%.4 Nursing well as prevention.
home residents are more likely (OR
10.2) to present to ED with delirium Precipitants for delirium include
compared to community dwelling older infections (especially chest and
people.5 urinary), constipation, electrolyte
disturbance, medications, organ
failure, hypoxia, alcohol withdrawal,
Aetiology uncontrolled pain, neurological insults,
Delirium represents a true geriatric sleep deprivation and surgery.9
syndrome with a defined phenotype, Restraint use and malnutrition each
with interactions between individual quadruple the risk of delirium, whilst
risk or predisposing factors adding >3 medications and use of a
(vulnerability) and precipitating bladder catheter each nearly treble the
factors. Thus, a vulnerable patient risk. Any iatrogenic event doubles the
may easily develop delirium with a risk.8
minor event such as a urinary tract
infection. A person with few or no risk Medications contribute to about 40% of
factors would require severe or cases of delirium.10 Older people have
multiple precipitating events before diminished renal excretion and hepatic
their cognitive reserves are metabolism and are more likely to
overwhelmed. Acutely unwell older have adverse effects even at lower
patients have an average of 5.2 doses. Psychoactive drugs and those
predisposing and 3 precipitating that cross the blood brain barrier are
factors. 6 most likely to cause delirium. Drugs
with anticholinergic properties are
Common predisposing factors include particularly likely to cause delirium.11
old age, frailty, dementia, severe Additionally, metabolites of some
illness, multiple diseases, admission to common drugs have anticholinergic
hospital with infection or dehydration, properties and add to the total
visual impairment, deafness, anticholinergic burden.12 Common
polypharmacy, alcohol excess, renal classes of drugs implicated include
impairment and malnutrition. 1, 7 A antiparkinsonians, benzodiazepines,
predictive model from Inouye et al lithium, antidepressants,
showed that visual impairment, severe antipsychotics, anticonvulsants,
illness and dementia, each treble the antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives,
risk of delirium while dehydration histamine-2 receptor antagonists,
doubles the risk. 8 9% with no risk corticosteroids, opiate analgesics, non-
factors developed delirium as steroidal anti-inflammatories, over the
compared to 83% with 3 to 4 risk counter and herbal preparations,
factors. Multiple risk factors multiply, antihistamines and antispasmodics.
rather then add, the relative risks for
developing delirium. These data point A cohort study of delirium in stroke
patients has shown that 25% of
patients developed delirium within 3
days after stroke.13 Independent response to stress. Steroids can
predisposing factors indentified include induce delirium and hypothalamic-
older age, haemorrhagic stroke, pituitary-adrenal axis abnormalities
metabolic disorders, dementia pre- have been described in dementia and
stroke, an admission GCS <15 or the delirium.22 Inflammatory processes
inability to lift both arms. have been shown to play a role.
Cardioembolic stroke (OR 5.58) and Patients with delirium have
total anterior circulation infarcts (OR significantly higher IL-6 levels (53% vs.
3.42) were more likely to develop 31%) and IL-8 level (45% vs. 22%) as
delirium. Post-stroke delirium is compared with patients who did not
associated with greater 6 and 12 have delirium despite adjusting for
month mortality, and reduced infection, age, and cognitive
functional status and higher impairment. 23 Adamis et al. found that
institutionalisation at 12 months. low levels of neuroprotective factors
(IGF-I, IL-1RA) are associated with
The usual predisposing factors delirium, whilst high IFN- and low
contributing to delirium apply to IGF-I have significant effects on
surgical patients however some delirium severity. 24 Two studies
specific risk factors need demonstrated prolonged delirium in
consideration. Trauma or unplanned APOE E4 carriers but the studies were
surgery such as fractured neck of underpowered. 25
femur carries a higher risk of Post-
Operative Delirium (POD). 14, 15 More
patients undergoing aortic surgery
developed POD as compared to other
There is increasing evidence that
vascular surgery. 16 The risk of
delirium can be prevented. Up to 30-
developing POD increases with use of
40% of delirium episodes may be
general anaesthesia 17 and the
preventable. 26 The majority of studies
presence of post-operative pain. 18, 19
rely on non pharmacological measures
Depression symptoms in older such as identifying and managing risk
hospitalised patients, in particular factors as well as education
dysphoric mood and hopelessness are programmes. Their efficacy suggests
predictive of incident delirium. 20 that they should be introduced widely
into real world clinical settings. 27 In
1999, Inouye et al. published one of
the most influential delirium prevention
The pathophysiology of delirium is not studies targeting 6 key delirium risk
fully understood. Multiple pathogenic factors (cognitive impairment,
mechanisms contribute to the vision/hearing impairment,
development of delirium. A relative immobilisation, psychoactive drug use,
deficiency of acetylcholine and dehydration and sleep deprivation). 28
dopamine excess is well described. 21 Using this protocol, delirium developed
Delirium may also partially be a in 9.9% of the intervention group as
compared with 15.0% of the usual- implemented without increased cost.
34, 35
care group (matched OR 0.6). The
total number of days with delirium (105
vs. 161, P=0.02) and the total number There have been several publications
of episodes (62 vs. 90, P=0.03) were showing that delirium education
also significantly lower in the programmes directed at health care
intervention group. The Hospital Elder workers in hospital significantly reduce
Life Program (HELP) was developed the prevalence of delirium. 36-40
based on the model of screening and Providing base-line data on the
targeting these 6 key risk factors. 29 prevalence and outcome of delirious
This approach is multidisciplinary in patients, training in methods of mental
nature and includes a geriatric nurse assessments and introducing
specialist, Elder Life Specialists, guidelines on medical management
trained volunteers, and geriatricians. through a series of small group
The HELP programme has been meetings and grand rounds prevents
adapted in other centres 30 and has delirium. 38 A staff education
been positively embraced by patients, programme focusing on the
families and staff. 31 A similar assessment, prevention, and treatment
programme (ReViVe) has been of delirium and on caregiver-patient
successfully trialled in Australia. 32 interaction reduces delirium and length
of hospital stay. In a prospective
Marcantonio et al. demonstrated intervention study based in a general
effectiveness of geriatric consultation medical ward in Sweden, delirium was
in reducing delirium in hip fracture equally common on the day of
patients. 33 Recommendations were admission at the intervention and
made regarding analgesia, control wards, but fewer patients
fluid/electrolyte balance, adequate remained delirious on Day 7 on the
oxygen delivery, medication review, intervention ward (n=19/63, 30.2% vs
bowel/bladder function, nutrition, early 37/62, 59.7%, P=.001). The mean
mobilisation and rehabilitation, length of hospital stay was shorter on
prevention, detection and treatment of the intervention ward than on the
post operative complications, control ward (9.4 vs 13.4 days,
appropriate environmental stimuli and P<.001) especially for delirious
treatment of hyperactive delirium. The patients (10.8 vs 20.5 days, P<.001).41
intervention group had a significantly
reduced relative risk of developing Haloperidol 42 and donepezil 43, 44 have
delirium (RR 0.64) and even greater been studied for prevention of post-
benefit for preventing severe delirium operative delirium. The studies were
(RR 0.40). Multicomponent small and results were mixed therefore
intervention reduces delirium in their use cannot be recommended at
hospitalised older patients, improves this stage.
quality of care, reduces rate of
functional decline and can be
Clinical Features Examples of these screening tools
Early symptoms of delirium (prodromal include Global Attentiveness Rating
delirium) may include irritability, (GAR), Memorial Delirium Assessment
bewilderment or evasiveness. Delirium Scale (MDAS) and Delirium Rating
develops over hours to days and Scale Revised-98 (DRS-R-98). The
fluctuates, usually with lucid periods most widely used is the Confusion
during the day and maximal Assessment Method (CAM), a four-
disturbance at night. Impaired attention item instrument based on the DSM-III-
may result in a distractible or inert R criteria. 21, 46
patient. Disorientation to time and
short-term memory impairment are 1. Acute onset & fluctuating course
apparent. Thinking is disordered and is
2. Inattention AND
reflected by rambling, incoherent
3. Disorganised thinking OR
speech. Patients may exhibit obvious
4. Altered level of consciousness.
distress with paranoid delusions,
The CAM algorithm has a sensitivity of
misperceptions and visual
94-100% and a specificity of 90-95%.
hallucinations. Altered consciousness
It has a high inter-rater reliability when
is reflected by impaired clarity of
administered by trained interviewers.
awareness and alertness ranging from
vigilant through to coma.

Its clinical presentation can be divided Diagnosis

into hyperactive or hypoactive Delirium remains a clinical diagnosis
subtypes although the presentation made on the basis of a detailed
can be mixed. Hyperactive delirium is history, examination and relevant
easily recognised. There is investigations. Establishing previous
hyperarousal with increased sensitivity functional and cognitive status and
to immediate surroundings to the point recent events such as falls or
where patients can be verbally and medication changes is essential. A
physically aggressive. Restlessness formal diagnosis can be made by
and wandering are common features. using the Diagnostic and Statistical
Psychotic symptoms may also be Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th
present. Patients with hypoactive revision (DSM-IV) criteria or
delirium may appear lethargic, International Classification of Diseases
sluggish, confused and with discernibly 10 (ICD-10).
low mood. Hypoactive delirium is more
common and careful beside
observation is required for detection, Misdiagnosis
otherwise it is easily missed. Mistaking delirium for the behavioural
and psychological symptoms of
dementia (BPSD) is common and may
Detection have dire consequences. Hypoactive
Various bedside screening tools have delirium can be erroneously diagnosed
been validated to detect delirium.45 as depression. Features of
hyperactive delirium such as agitation Management
and hallucinations can be mistaken for The mainstay of managing a patient
late onset schizophrenia or mania. with delirium is supportive with active
identification and treatment of
predisposing and precipitating factors.
It is important to actively prevent
The clinical picture should guide complications such as pressure sores
investigation, but if there are no and falls. Patients who deteriorate
obvious clues then a routine screen further or have persistent delirium
should be used to detect common require active re-evaluation. Delirium
causes. A reasonable screen includes care involves a multidisciplinary
FBE, U&E, glucose, calcium, liver approach with the use of non-
function tests, cardiac enzymes, ESR, pharmacological and pharmacological
CRP, oxygen saturation, MSU if interventions. Evidence based clinical
urinalysis is abnormal, CXR and ECG. practice guidelines have been
Other tests to consider include blood developed and are widely available. 47
cultures, thyroid function tests, arterial Every hospital should have local
blood gases, B12 and folate, CT brain, guidelines for prevention, improving
lumbar puncture and CSF exam, and detection and management of delirium.
EEG. CT brain should not be routine
unless there is a positive history of
falls, anticoagulation or focal Non Pharmacological Management
neurological signs. Lumbar puncture Measures recommended in the
should be considered (after CT brain) literature are mainly derived from
if there is headache, meningism or no established risk factors for delirium
other source of fever. EEG may be and follow an empiric approach that
helpful if the diagnosis is in doubt and improvement is unlikely if risk factors
occasionally assists in determining are perpetuated. Dehydration should
aetiology e.g. non-convulsive status be corrected, with subcutaneous fluids
epilepticus. Newer neuroimaging if needed. One to three litres per day
techniques, such as volumetric MRI, can be given via a butterfly needle
SPECT and PET scan with a easily resited by nursing staff.48
radioisotope tracer specific for Multicomponent geriatric intervention
cholinergic and dopaminergic has been shown to reduce duration of
activities, have been studied for delirium, length of stay and length of
diagnosing delirium. However, the hospitalization.41 This approach also
findings are not yet consistent and at improves health related quality of life
present have not been shown to and can be done without increasing
improve detection of delirium. overall inpatient cost. 49 A
multicomponent approach mainly
consists of staff education focusing on
the assessment, prevention and
treatment of delirium and on caregiver-
patient interaction providing there are no data showing better
individualized care. outcomes compared to care within an
ACE unit. A lower rate of falls than
There have been a limited number of expected has been reported
trials examining the efficacy of supporting the rationale for close
cognitive, behavioural and supervision. 55 Although the emphasis
environmental interventions in delirium should be on providing effective
management. 50-52 Reorientation and multicomponent interventions to all
behavioural interventions are older people, delirium units assist with
important. Sensory impairments, such the care of those with significant
as vision and hearing loss should be behavioural disturbance and are still
minimized by use of spectacles and worthy of further evaluation.
hearing aids. Physical restraints often
lead to immobility, increased agitation,
prolongation of delirium and higher risk
Pharmacological Management
of injury thus should be avoided.
There are limited high quality
Environmental interventions are also
randomised controlled trials on the use
important. Room and staff changes
of pharmacological agents in delirium
should be limited. At night, there
management and current practice is
should be low-level lighting and a quiet
mainly based on case series and
setting to allow undisturbed sleep.
retrospective studies.56 Medications
Psychoactive medications should be
should be reserved for patients whom
avoided if possible and non-
symptoms are distressing or
pharmacological sleep protocols
compromise safety. The lowest
should be used instead. 53 Family
starting dose should be used and
members can be helpful in settling and
titrated as necessary. Haloperidol is
reassuring agitated patients.
widely used and its effectiveness
Flaherty et al. described the use of a established in one randomised
"Delirium Room" situated within an controlled trial. 57 Atypical
Acute Care of the Elderly (ACE) unit.54 antipsychotics have been shown to be
Comprehensive geriatric assessment comparable to haloperidol in terms of
with multidisciplinary care was efficacy. 58, 59 There is no significant
standard with 24 hour nursing difference in efficacy within the class of
supervision. Patients were managed atypical antipsychotic medications. 60
free of restraints and needed less Atypical antipsychotics have less
sedation. Other benefits include raising extrapyramidal side effects and should
awareness of delirium as a serious be considered for delirious patients
condition within a hospital, and with an extrapyramidal syndrome.
ensuring a high level of adherence to
However, there is evidence of harm
care protocols. Although cost
from antipsychotics including
effectiveness has been demonstrated
ischaemic stroke61 and evidence that
for delirium units, mainly by reducing
atypical antipsychotics also increase
the need for patient care assistants,55
risk of prolongation of QT interval and
sudden cardiac death 62 and weeks in 20%, four weeks in 15% and
pneumonia. 62, 63 In a large study of more than four weeks in 5%.69
American nursing home residents Subsyndromal delirium, with
(which included some patients with disorientation, inattention, and memory
delirium) antipsychotic use increased impairment may be still present at up
the risk of mortality. The increased to 12 months and associated with
risk was highest with haloperidol and poorer functional and cognitive
lowest for quetiapine. This outcomes.70, 71 This may be due to
emphasises the need to have a clear persisting chronic illness, irreversible
indication for antipsychotic use and neuronal dysfunction or delirium
employ low doses for short durations. becoming a chronic disorder in some

There are case reports of benefits in

using acetylcholinesterase inhibitors 65-
67 Outcomes
and the serotonin 5HT antagonist
Delirium increases the risk of adverse
(trazadone). However, there is no
outcomes, including length of stay,
evidence from controlled trials showing
complications, cognitive and functional
benefit from donepezil in treatment of
decline, nursing home admission and
delirium.43 Rivastigmine did not
mortality. A 2010 study of hospital use,
decrease duration of delirium and
institutionalisation rate and mortality in
might have increased mortality in
older patients demonstrated that
critically ill delirious patients.68
delirious patients have a length of stay
Benzodiazepines are appropriate
twice as long compared to non-
therapy for alcohol and drug
delirious patients. 73 Patients also
withdrawal. However, they are not
spend more time in acute hospital care
recommended as first line agents in
in the subsequent year after onset of
older patients as they can worsen
delirium. 73 In one study, the relative
mental state changes. Agents with a
risk of developing dementia after
short half-life and no active
delirium over 3 years was trebled. 74
metabolites are preferable (e.g.
This may reflect early cognitive
lorazepam 0.5mg or oxazepam 7.5mg
impairment unmasked by acute illness
daily) if needed. Intramuscular
and/or irreversible neuronal
midazolam 1mg can be used for
dysfunction. Delirium trebles the rate
excessive agitation not responding to
of cognitive decline in people with
neuroleptic agents or where they are
dementia.75 Rates of falls,
inappropriate (e.g. extrapyramidal
incontinence and pressure sores are
more than trebled in hospital patients
with delirium. 69 Delirium after hip
fracture increases the risk of poor
Duration functional outcome, decline in
Delirium may be very persistent. In ambulation and death or nursing home
one study, delirium was present for up admission by nearly 3 times. 76 Eeles
to one week in 60% of patients, two
et al in their study showed median time should be obligatory. Implementation
to death was 162 days for those with of such strategies should be in place at
delirium compared with 1,444 days for all health care institutions. More effort
those without (P<0.001). 73 Persistent in prevention, detection and
delirium (lasting for more than 6 management of delirium would involve
months) is a significant independent expenditure but there should be
predictor of 1 year mortality (HR 2.9). significant savings from the prevention
The number of days of ICU delirium of delirium with all of its attendant
has been shown to be significantly morbidities.
associated with time to death within 1
year post-ICU admission (HR 1.10). 78 As we cannot prevent all cases of
Delirium superimposed on dementia delirium, more research is needed to
during hospitalisation more than improve the diagnostic approach to
doubles the risk of mortality in the 12 delirium, aimed at early detection and
months following discharge. 79 better management and treatment of
Overlap of depressive symptoms and delirium. Improved understanding of
delirium is associated with worse the pathophysiology of delirium and its
functional outcome, higher association with cytokines and
institutionalisation and death. 80 inflammation may result in further
research into pharmacological
Given the significant adverse treatments. The complex
outcomes following delirium, rates of pathophysiology of delirium involving
delirium would make a good quality multiple mechanisms may mean that
indicator of the care that older people future therapeutic agents will also
receive. 81 likely need to target multiple pathways.

The economic impact of delirium is The combination of poor outcomes

substantial, with total direct one year with significant health costs demands
healthcare costs estimated at US$143 that delirium should be a major priority
152 billion in the USA.82 This fact for health policy makers.
alone surely warrants the attention of
health policy makers.

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