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EDM8110.1177/1555343413498753Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision MakingResilience in Everyday Operations

Resilience in Everyday Operations: A Framework

for Analyzing Adaptations in High-Risk Work
Amy Rankin and Jonas Lundberg, Linkping University, Linkping, Sweden,
Rogier Woltjer, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Linkping, Sweden, Carl
Rollenhagen, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, and Erik
Hollnagel, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

Managing complexity and uncertainty in high-risk affected by each persons individual adaptations
sociotechnical systems requires people to continuously as well as those made by others around them.
adapt. Designing resilient systems that support adap- Although human performance variability in
tive behavior requires a deepened understanding of the some cases may lead to unsafe situations, the
context in which adaptations take place, of conditions
vast majority of adaptations made by humans
and enablers to implement these adaptations, and of
their effects on the overall system. Also, it requires a
are successful (Hollnagel, 2009a, 2009b).
focus on how people actually perform, not how they However, as performance variability is often
are presumed to perform according to textbook situ- acknowledged only when leading to an unsafe
ations. In this paper, a framework to analyze adaptive situation, the traditional view has been that
behavior in everyday situations in which systems are performance variability is hazardous to system
working near the margins of safety is presented. Fur- safety. Therefore, there is limited knowledge
ther, the variety space diagram has been developed as a about factors contributing to successful adapta-
means to illustrate how system variability, disturbances, tions that lead to successful outcomes and that
and constraints affect work performance. The exam- thereby avoid undesirable outcomes. Analyzing
ples that underlie the framework and the diagram are situations in the aftermath of an unwanted out-
derived from nine focus groups with representatives
come (as done in incident and accident investi-
working with safety-related issues in different work
domains, including health care, nuclear power, transpor-
gations today) provides a retroactive interpreta-
tation, and emergency services. tion of what has gone wrong and often fails to
provide information about factors contributing
Keywords: resilience engineering, topics, adaptation, to when it goes right (Dekker, 2004; Woods et al.,
analysis methods 2010). A shift in focus from human inability
to human ability is central for proactive safety
Introduction management. In the emerging field of resilience
Work processes in complex systems are engineering, this issue is being emphasized, and
associated with fluctuations, unexpected events, performance variability is seen as essential to
and disturbances and require people to change ensure a systems resilience (Hollnagel, Paries,
their behavior to meet variations, in both the Woods & Wreathall, 2011; Hollnagel, Woods, &
long and the short term (Hoffman & Woods, Leveson, 2006; Nemeth, Hollnagel, & Dekker,
2011; Rasmussen, 1986; Woods, Dekker, Cook, 2009). Resilience is defined as the ability to
Johannesen, & Sarter, 2010). The everyday sustain required operations in both expected and
adaptations give rise to performance variability, unexpected conditions (Hollnagel, 2012b).
The framework proposed in this article has
been developed as a tool for researchers and
Address correspondence to Amy Rankin, Department of practitioners to analyze adaptations in everyday
Computer and Information Science, Linkping University, work situations. A main objective is to contrib-
SE-581 83, Linkping, Sweden, amy.rankin@liu.se. ute with a proactive safety management model
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making to complement a traditional safety perspective.
Volume 8, Number 1, March 2014, pp. 7897 By recognizing how practitioners cope with
DOI: 10.1177/1555343413498753 daily risks and variations that fall outside of the
Copyright 2013, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. organizations formal instructions or procedures,
Resilience in Everyday Operations 79

we aim to gain a deepened understanding for the variety space diagram. The last section offers
complexities of the work situation, the system reflections on the contribution of the framework
strengths, and the system vulnerabilities. In and considerations for further development.
organizations today, critical details of how prac-
titioners cope through everyday adaptations are The Perspective of Humans as a
often not recognized, documented, or acknowl- Hazard to System Safety
edged and are known only as implicit knowl- Traditionally, safety research and industrial
edge by individuals and teams. If not acknowl- safety management have largely focused on
edged, important functions might be designed unwanted events and outcomes, through risk
away (Rasmussen, 1986), thus reducing the and incident/accident analysis, known as the
organizations resilient abilities (Furniss, Back, Safety-I perspective (Hollnagel, 2012b). This
Blandford, Hildebrandt, & Broberg, 2011). By perspective has provided nuanced ways of
exploring how practitioners anticipate, monitor, describing and talking about system failures
and respond to gaps in the system and making using in-depth analyses (e.g., Harms-Ringdahl,
this knowledge more readily available, work 2001; Rollenhagen, 2011; Sklet, 2004), usually
environments can be better designed and organi- uncovering deviation and violation of opera-
zations better prepared to support the successes tional processes and prescribed rules (Dekker,
of human variability. Cilliers & Hofmeyr, 2011). Although learning
In this study, we aim to address some of the from accidents and incidents is a critical part
limitations of traditional incident investigation of safety management, it is also important to
and safety management by providing a comple- be aware of the limitations when making inter-
mentary model with guidance on how to struc- pretations of the outcome in hindsight. A main
ture and analyze adaptations in everyday work concern is that hindsight bias may distort the
situations. The study is a continuation of a analysis (Dekker, 2002; Fischoff, 1975; Woods
research project investigating the underlying et al., 2010). Interpreting peoples actions in
theoretical models used in accident investiga- the light of what should have happened and
tions in high-risk organizations in Sweden (see what they could have done to avoid the inci-
Lundberg, Rollenhagen, & Hollnagel, 2009; dent allows a convenient explanation of the
Lundberg, Rollenhagen, Hollnagel, & Rankin, situation, but it does not necessarily provide
2012; Rankin, Lundberg, & Woltjer, 2011). In a deeper understanding of underlying factors
the study, examples of how organizations man- contributing to the outcome, such as context,
aged variations kept emerging, prompting more pressures from the organization, and conflict-
directed studies on this topic. For the purpose of ing goals (Dekker, 2004; Lundberg et al., 2009;
this study, multiple organizations are included to Woods et al., 2010). A focus on failure gives the
identify commonalities between organizations impression that human performance variability
adaptive abilities and to investigate the potential is a major hazard and does little to uncover the
for general models of resilience. details of successes and opportunities created by
The first section includes a brief overview of human adaptations.
limitations of traditional perspectives on safety The perspective of humans as a hazard to sys-
management and an introduction to the resil- tem safety is, however, gradually shifting along
ience engineering perspective. In the second with a growing understanding that all contingen-
section, we present the method used for gather- cies cannot be fully accounted for in operating
ing data. In the third section, we introduce the procedures (Dekker, 2011; Guldenmund, 2000;
developed framework for analyzing adaptations Hollnagel, 2004, 2009b; Perrow, 1984). In the
in high-risk work and the variety space diagram, growing field of resilience engineering, a more
a tool to illustrate the relationships between the proactive approach to safety management is pur-
categories of the framework. In the fourth sec- sued. Things that go right and things that go
tion, we demonstrate the frameworks use and wrongsuccess and failureare seen as out-
potential by providing examples that have been comes of the same underlying behavior. Thus, to
analyzed using the framework and plotted in the understand failure, one must also understand
80 March 2014 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

success (Hollnagel, 2009b; Hollnagel et al., prescribed, adjustments (minor changes) are con-
2006). Variability, fluctuation, and unexpected stantly made by individuals and organizations to
events are viewed as natural parts of system meet the demands of the situation at hand. As
operation and should be expected. A systems resources are finite, adjustments are always
resilience is determined by its abilities to adjust approximate rather than exact (Hollnagel,
its functioning prior to, during, or following 2012a).
changes and disturbances, so that it can sustain In cybernetic terms, adaptations can be
required operation in both expected and unex- described as variety. Complexity is characterized
pected conditions (Hollnagel et al., 2011). by a large number of interactions between vari-
ables, leading to high system variety, that is, a
Adaptive Systems large number of possible future system states. To
People and technology working together in meet the demands of process variety (e.g., fluc-
a complex environment toward a common goal tuations, changes, disturbances) caused by the
can be described as a sociotechnical system. system, agents controlling the process must have
In this work, we focus on high-risk systems at least the same amount of variety (i.e., adaptive
whereby unsuccessful adaptations may have ability; Ashby, 1956). High variety makes out-
major consequences, such as in health care, comes difficult to predict, as different paths may
transportation, emergency services, or process lead to the same goal and the same actions do not
industry. In this section, we describe different always lead to the same outcome (Brehmer,
concepts used to portray adaptations, the com- 1992; Hollnagel, 1986; Nemeth et al., 2007).
plex nature of high-risk systems, and the role of Other studies of practitioners coping with
people working in them. complexity in high-risk environments describe
Human factors literature is replete with exam- adaptations as representing strategies used by
ples of sharp-end personnel adapting or filling in individuals to detect, interpret, or respond to
the gaps in order to complete tasks in an efficient variation (Furniss, Back, & Blandford, 2011;
and safe way. Finding alternative solutions to the Furniss, Back, Blandford, et al., 2011; Kontogi-
intended use of technology has previously been annis, 1999; Mumaw, Roth, Vicente, & Burns,
named tailoring, work-arounds, or kludges 2000; Mumaw, Sarter, & Wickens, 2001; Patter-
and includes, for example, extending or evading son, Roth, Woods, Chow, & Gomes, 2004).
current functionality or identifying new ways of Strategies may include informal solutions to
working to compensate for design flaws or com- minimize loss of information during handoffs or
ponent failures (Cook, Render, & Woods, 2000; to facilitate process monitoring to compensate
Cook & Woods, 1996; Koopman & Hoffman, limitations in existing humanmachine inter-
2003; Nemeth et al., 2007; Woods & Dekker, faces (Mumaw et al., 2000; Patterson et al.,
2000). A main factor contributing to the need for 2004). In this study, the notion of strategies has
the these sharp-end adaptations is the rapid evolu- been used to represent the adaptations identified
tion of system technology to increase efficiency, in the analyzed examples.
production, and safety, which produces side
effects, such as unintended complexities and System Boundaries and Trade-Offs
increased practitioner workload and performance The terms sharp end and blunt end are
pressure (Cook et al., 2000; Cook & Woods, often used to describe different functions of a
1996; Woods, 1993; Woods & Branlat, 2010; system and how they relate to each other (Rea-
Woods & Dekker, 2000). As noted by Cook and son, 1997; Woods et al., 2010). The sharp end
Woods (1996), the constant compensation for includes the people who operate and interact in
system design flaws comes at a cost of increased the production processes, for instance, doctors,
vulnerability, as outcomes are hard to predict and nurses, pilots, air traffic controllers, and control
patterns of change are difficult to identify. room operators. The blunt end includes people
Another way to describe adaptations is who manage the functions at the sharp end,
through the principle of approximate adjustments such as managers, regulators, policy makers,
(Hollnagel, 2012a). As conditions of work never and government. However, sharp-end/blunt-end
completely match what has been specified or relations should be described and analyzed in
Resilience in Everyday Operations 81

relative rather than absolute terms in order to in the design of their working environment to
understand an organizations performance, since bridge gaps created by poor design, facilitate
every blunt end can be viewed as a sharp complicated processes, and manage conflicting
end in relation to its managerial superior goals. The resilience engineering perspective
function(s) (see, e.g., Hollnagel, 2004, 2009a). broadens the scope of studying adaptations
Human and organizationaland blunt-end compared to traditional human factors literature.
and sharp-endadaptive performance can be In human factors, there is a focus on the design
understood in terms of trade-offs, such as opti- of technology. Adaptations or work-arounds are
malitybrittleness, efficiencythoroughness, pointers to identify a poor fit between technol-
and acutechronic (Hoffman & Woods, 2011; ogy and procedures and the actual conditions
Hollnagel, 2009a). Given a number of overarch- of work (Koopman & Hoffman, 2003). From a
ing values and goals set by the blunt end con- resilience perspective, the focus is on the sys-
cerning effectiveness, efficiency, economy, and tems ability to cope with increasing demands
safety, the sharp end adapts its work accordingly. and compensate for the increased demand by
Hence, modifications of performance are con- adapting its performance. Hence, adaptations
tinuously made at the sharp end, even in highly are viewed not only as sharp-end work-arounds
controlled task situations (Furniss, Back, Bland- to cover for design flaws in technology but as
ford, et al., 2011; Mumaw et al., 2000; Rasmus- a vital part of system functioning to cope with
sen, 1986). It is important to note that balancing multiple goals, organizational pressures, and
these issues is locally rational, that is, based complexity.
on limited knowledge, time, and resources avail- To be resilient, a system needs to be able to
able in specific situations (Simon, 1969; Woods anticipate what may happen, monitor what is
et al., 2010). going on, respond effectively when something
Although it may be hard to detect, over time, happens, and learn from past experiences (Hol-
many small adaptations may have a substantial lnagel, 2009b). Resilience engineering is about
effect on the organization as a whole (Cook & understanding and anticipating what sustains
Rasmussen, 2005; Hollnagel, 2004, 2012b; and what erodes adaptive capacity (Patterson,
Kontogiannis, 2009). Although each individual Woods, Cook, & Render, 2006). To be resilient,
decision to adapt may be locally rational, the a system must monitor forces and conditions
overall effect on the system may differ from affecting the system to ensure that the system is
what anyone intended or could have predicted. not operating too close to its safety boundaries.
Rasmussen (1986) describes this migrating We argue that observing sharp-end adaptations
effect in terms of forces, such as cost and effec- aimed at avoiding performance breakdowns in
tiveness, which systematically push work per- everyday operations is critical to identify system
formance toward the boundaries of what is brittleness and resilience.
acceptable to ensure safety. This pattern of adap-
tations is also illustrated in the law of stretched Learning From Adaptations
systems (Woods, 2002; Woods & Hollnagel, We have argued that system performance
2006), which suggests that every system is varies in everyday work because of a number
stretched to operate at its capacity; if there is an of internal and external conditions and that
improvement, it will be exploited to achieve a people adapt their performance to meet these
new intensity and tempo of activity. This theory uncertainties. Unfortunately, knowledge about
has been further developed in the analogy of the performance variability is not commonly rec-
stress-strain model, illustrating how sources of ognized as an asset, and informal solutions to
resilience are used as a system is stretched in a systemic problems often go unnoticed by orga-
nonuniform way (Woods & Wreathall, 2008). nizations. In contrast to analyses of undesired
events, models and methods for systematically
The Resilience Perspective gathering knowledge regarding necessary adap-
The aforementioned studies show that opera- tation are rarely seen in organizations today. An
tors of complex systems take an active part increased awareness of the adaptive strategies
82 March 2014 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

used and their effect on system performance is were coded by one analyst using iterative bot-
necessary to ensure that the strategies are sup- tom-up and top-down approaches. The tran-
ported by the system design and to strengthen scriptions were first divided into categories
the organizations abilities to anticipate and based on the main topics of the focus group dis-
monitor change. In this study, we recognize pre- cussions. The bottom-up analysis was then per-
vious limitations by providing a complementary formed, allowing new categories and subcatego-
model with guidance on how to analyze adapta- ries to emerge from the data (Miles & Huber-
tions in everyday work situations. man, 1994). ATLAS.it, a qualitative analysis
software tool, helped identify links between
Method quotes, codes, comments, and memos tagged in
The examples reported in this article stems the transcription.
from nine focus groups with a total of 32 par- A total of 73 examples of working near the
ticipants. The participants all work with safety- safety margin were extracted from the data. The
related issues and accident investigation. The bottom-up analysis highlighted the connections
following organizations (and number of par- between the situations both within and between
ticipants) were represented: health care (13), organizations. In 17 of the 73 examples, sharp-
nuclear power (8), occupational safety (3), air end strategies outside of the systems perfor-
traffic control (2), maritime transportation (2), mance envelope were identified. All examples
emergency services (2), rail transportation (1), used for further analysis were reviewed by two
and road transportation (1). Although no attempt other analysts. Out of the 17 strategies, 10 were
was made to include the same number of repre- recurring adaptations in everyday situations, 4
sentatives from each organization, the intention were used during irregular events, and 3 were
was to get experts from different organizations to unique adaptations used in a single situation. A
describe and contrast safety in their work envi- subset of the examples is described in detail in
ronments. Each focus group therefore included the next section.
representatives from two or more organizations. The examples including sharp-end strategies
A main objective of the discussions was to get were subsequently analyzed top down by apply-
practitioners involved in discussions on learning ing three theoretical frameworks (Furniss, Back,
from what goes right and how this could be Blandford, et al., 2011; Hollnagel, 2009b; Hollna-
incorporated into their safety work. The focus gel, Pedersen, & Rasmussen, 1981). Two of the
group methodology was based on approaches frameworks are previously used methods for ana-
described in literature (Boddy, 2005; Jungk & lyzing system resilience abilities (Furniss, Back,
Mullert, 1987; Morgan, 1997; Wibeck, 2000). Blandford, et al., 2011; Hollnagel, 2009b). The
The focus groups were carried out on two framework developed by Furniss, Back, Bland-
separate days and were full-day events. The ford, et al. (2011) aims to identify common fea-
morning session included an introduction to tures of resilience manifestations across domains.
resilience engineering and safety culture. In the Hollnagels (2009b) four cornerstones frame-
afternoon, 3-hour focus group sessions were car- work describes the four main system capabilities
ried out, with 3 to 4 participants and one focus critical for achieving resilience. The framework
group leader in each group. Results from the by Hollnagel et al. (1981) was used to analyze the
first four focus groups provided many examples examples on different levels of abstraction, from
of everyday work situations that require local raw data analysis to a formal and subsequently a
adaptations to cope with hazardous situations. more conceptual level of description.
The topic of the five remaining focus groups Each example was analyzed in its contextual
was consequently narrowed down to working setting using the resilience marker framework
near the safety margin, focusing on everyday (Furniss, Back, Blandford, et al., 2011) and the
situations in which adaptations were made to four cornerstones (Hollnagel, 2009b). As the
cope with fluctuating demands. resilience markers framework by Furniss, Back,
All focus group sessions were recorded and Blandford, et al. (2011) did not capture all find-
the audio files transcribed. The transcriptions ings in the bottom-up analysis of the examples,
Resilience in Everyday Operations 83

Figure 1. Strategies framework.

some categories were taken out and others the basis of the anticipation of or in response to
revised (see Results section for more detail on an outcome.
included and revised categories). Objective is the outcome that the strategy is
The result of the analyses was the develop- aimed at achieving (similar to Patterson et al.,
ment of the strategies framework. Further, the 2004). There may be one or several objectives for
variety space diagram was developed to visual- the strategy. This category was originally named
ize relations between the framework categories. vulnerabilities and opportunities in the mark-
ers framework (Furniss, Back, Blandford, et al.,
2011). However, the description in the narratives
did not allow such a classification and was there-
This section presents the strategies frame- fore renamed objectives. The objective category
work and the variety space diagram. helps the analyst to identify the intentions of the
person implementing the strategy and should
The Strategies Framework for be analyzed in combination with the forces and
Analyzing Adaptations situational conditions. The objective is related to
The framework is a tool to structure and ana- identifying demands, pressures, and conflicting
lyze strategies in everyday work situations in goals.
complex systems (see Figure 1). The categories Forces and situational conditions describes the
in the framework target three main areas: (a) a context in which strategy is carried out. This
contextual analysis, (b) enablers for successful category was not part of the resilience mark-
implementation of the strategy, and (c) rever- ers framework (Furniss, Back, Blandford, et al.,
berations of the strategy on the overall system. 2011) but was added to describe the contextual
The following categories are included: setting and what shapes it. Situational conditions
are factors that are believed to influence the sys-
Strategies describes the coping mechanisms tems need to adapt. The conditions occur due to
(adaptations) used to interpret or respond to varia- forces, which may be external (e.g., the weather)
tion in the dynamic environment. The strategies or internal (e.g., profit) to the system adopting the
may be developed and implemented locally (sharp strategy. Together, the analysis of the forces and
end) or as part of an instruction or procedure the current situation provides information on the
enforced by the organization (blunt end) or both. manifestation of organizational pressures in a par-
Furniss, Back, Blandford, et al. (2011) similarly ticular context and their effect on trade-offs made
describe strategies as countermeasures taken on by operating personnel.
84 March 2014 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Resources and enabling conditions describes nec- The notion of variety space is introduced as
essary conditions for successful implementation of part of this study and includes all available
the strategy, as described by Furniss, Back, Bland- actions in a particular system state, given system
ford, et al. (2011). Conditions may be hard (e.g., and situational constraints and the ability to
availability of a tool) and soft (e.g., availability make sense of the situation. This means that a
of knowledge). This category extends the analy- systems ability to deal with disturbances cannot
sis of situational conditions in that it focuses on be fully defined but is a function of the social,
what allows (or hinders) the strategy from being technical, and environmental constraints at a
carried out, revealing information on the systems particular moment in time. The notion of variety
flexibility. space is, hence, used to demonstrate shifts and
Resilience abilities refers to the four cornerstones; extensions of the available actions. For the pur-
anticipating, monitoring, responding, and learn- pose of illustrating adaptations using variety
ing, as described by Hollnagel (2009b). A strategy space, three types of variety are introduced: con-
may pertain to one or several of these abilities. trol variety, sensemaking variety, and distur-
When used in analysis of multiple examples, pat- bance variety (Figure 2). Control variety covers
terns of system abilities (and system inabilities) all the available actions, given environmental
can be identified in relation to the type of distur- constraints. Sensemaking is a term used to
bances faced. describe how people structure and organize
Sharp-end and blunt-end interactions has been input from the environment and is the process of
added to identify how the strategy affects different seeking information, ascribing meaning, and
parts of the distributed system. A sharp-end strat- anticipating events (Klein, Moon, & Hoffman,
egy is created and carried out locally, and a blunt- 2006; Weick, Sutcliffe, & Obstfeld, 2005). Sen-
end strategy is designed and enforced at the blunt semaking variety therefore includes the ability
end and may affect the sharp-end work in various to process information and revise it as the world
ways, including what resources, procedures, and changes, given contextual constraints and the
training are provided to cope with system variety. experience and knowledge of the individuals
A learning system will demonstrate well-function- involved. Disturbance variety is the range of
ing sharp-end/blunt-end interactions. High rates events that a system may or may not be able to
of adaptations outside normal work routine may control. A disturbance is that which displaces,
indicate system brittleness. For example, a change which moves a system from one place to
in situational conditions may lead to unfitting pro- another (Ashby, 1956, p. 77). A disturbance in
cedures. To identify how organizational changes the context of this framework is defined in rela-
affect work performance, the interactions of the tion to the situational conditions and forces. To
different system parts must be monitored. manage the disturbance variety, appropriate sen-
semaking abilities and control actions are
Variety Space required.
Variety can be described as the number of The variety space diagram.The variety
states a system can have (Ashby, 1956). This space diagram (Figure 3) has been developed to
notion has previously been used to demonstrate illustrate the interactions between a systems
how operators control complex systems on variety and the categories in the strategies
the basis of continuous feedback and adjust- framework. The three main points shown in the
ments (Ashby, 1956; Hollnagel & Woods, 2005; diagram are (a) how frequent the disturbance is
Weick, 1995). According to the law of requisite (regular, irregular, or exceptional), (b) the avail-
variety, the controller of a system has to match ability of responses to cope with the disturbance
the variety of the process to be controlled, and (basic, shifted, or extended variety space), and
continuous reciprocal adjustments of the inter- (c) how well the strategy is recognized and sup-
acting systems components are required (Ashby, ported (or unsupported) by other parts of the
1956). As disturbances or unforeseen events organization (sharp- and blunt-end interac-
occur, an increased amount of variety may be tions). These three main parts, and the relations
necessary to handle a situation. between them, illustrate important knowledge
Resilience in Everyday Operations 85

Figure 2. Variety interactions.

Figure 3. The strategies framework categories illustrated in the variety space diagram.

on the organizations ability to extend its adap- crucial (Jagacinski & Flach, 2002, chap. 1).
tive capacity. A more detailed description of the Basic variety space includes familiar and com-
components of the variety space diagram is pre- monly used actions, either described in proce-
sented next. dures or checklists or embedded in the system
The variety space types (y-axis) allow a dis- design or as part of the informal work carried
tinction between three different types of control out. Shifted variety space describes actions
actions: basic, shifted, and extended. The avail- available to the system as it goes from one mode
ability of control actions is based on sensemak- to another. The mode of operation refers to the
ing and control variety, which are combined in way the system organizes itself (as described by
this axis, reflecting the dynamical systems per- Furniss, Back, Blandford, et al., 2011), and a
spective focusing on higher-order properties of shift may allow a different set of available
the perception-action-dynamic in systems where actions, such as when a hospital staff reorga-
the flow between system and environment is nizes during an emergency. Note that a shifted
86 March 2014 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

mode may involve a reduction of available exceptional. Regular occurrences refers to situa-
responses. For example, the time constraint tions that happen regularly enough that there is a
during an emergency may limit the control standard response to cope with it (note that the
actions available. Extended variety space regularity does not imply that responses can be
describes actions that fall outside of the sys- performed at all times). Irregular occurrences
tems current variety space, that is, actions that are situations that are known to happen but are
are not part of formal procedure and the infor- not as common and for which responses may not
mal work strategies commonly used by the be as well rehearsed as in regular occurrences.
sharp end. The variety space available depends Exceptional occurrences include situations that
on the controllers sensemaking and control are rare enough not to have a ready response and
variety, which is affected by forces, situational require the system to adapt outside its perfor-
conditions, resources, and enabling conditions mance envelope. The categories can be com-
(Figure 3). pared to Westrums (2006) typology of situa-
The notion of variety space is used to describe tions, although unexampled has been modified
work-as-done rather than work-as-imagined to exceptional. As unexampled situations are
(Hollnagel, 2012b). System variety, affected by, extremely rare, exceptional was seen as a more
for example, environmental conditions, organi- appropriate term to describe situations that are
zational pressure, and variety created by indi- rare enough to not have a predefined or ready
viduals working in the system, is the underlying response but not necessarily situations that fun-
force that changes the system demands as well damentally change the understanding of the sys-
as its ability to cope. As a system evolves, the tem, that is, unexampled.
variety space will shift. For example, novel The occurrence frequency axis demonstrates
actions, or the extended variety space, used by how often a particular situation occurs, and the
the sharp end to cope with the dynamic environ- variety axis describes the actions available to
ment will become part of the regular work rou- deal with the occurrence. An occurrence can
tine, or the basic variety space, a process therefore be exceptional but still be dealt with
described by Rasmussen (1986) as the sharp end using basic variety space. The system state is
finishing the design. affected by the disturbance variety, which in turn
Basic and extended variety space can be is shaped by situational conditions and system
described using the terms exploitation and forces. The relationship between the two axes
exploration as described by Wears (2011). The allows a representation of a systems ability to
added value of the variety space concept is the cope with disturbances (at all frequency levels)
inclusion of what enables (or what may disable) on the basis of familiar responses and in what
a control action, that is, the controllers ability to type of situation novel action is commonly
make sense of the situation and the resources invented. Over time, as multiple data points are
needed to respond to it. Shifted variety space has collected and analyzed, this representation may
been added as mode shifts often have a signifi- allow the emergence of patterns of a systems
cant effect on available responses. Shifted vari- adaptive capacities and brittle parts.
ety space helps illustrate the importance of being The sharp- and blunt-end interactions are
able to shift modes at the right time to sustain illustrated as a three-dimensional box in the dia-
required operation and prevent situations from gram (Figure 3). The front represents the sharp
going sour, that is, exhausting the systems end, and the back represents the blunt end. A
adaptive capacity (Woods & Sarter, 2000). Fur- solid line indicates that the action is available,
ther, plotting the situations in the variety space and a dotted line represents a lack of available
diagram shows how patterns of small adapta- action or lack of support for an action.
tions over time become more permanent adapta-
tions, changing the system in potentially unex-
pected and unintended ways. Analysis
The occurrence frequency (x-axis) provides In this section, examples from the focus
information on the regularity of the particular group discussions demonstrate the use of the
system state being analyzed: regular, irregular or framework and the variety space diagram.
Resilience in Everyday Operations 87

Table 1: Summary of Strategies Framework Analysis, Examples 1 and 2

Framework Example 1 Example 2

Strategy Short planning based on previous

training, copilot watches over
captain according to procedure
Forces and situational Weather conditions, busy ports, Leaking chemical substance, incorrect
conditions limited room information, checklist not available,
resources unavailable
Resources and enabling Staff, trained procedures, copilot
Sharp/blunt end Blunt end procedure Blunt end procedure is not implemented
implemented at sharp end at sharp end
Objective Avoid collision Mode shift
System ability Anticipating/monitoring/

Examples include situations when the sys- small margins of safety and taking evasive
tem has sufficient variety available to manage maneuvers to avoid collision (regular occur-
the disturbance (Example 1), when there is rence, basic variety space). External factors,
insufficient variety to manage the disturbance such as bad weather conditions, other vessels,
(Example 2), and when the basic and shifted and limited room, add to the complexity. Strate-
variety is insufficient but the system success- gies used by the crew include having a copilot
fully manages to adapt by extending its variety watch over the captain. As a situation deterio-
(Examples 3 through 6). All examples are pre- rates, such as in extreme weather conditions,
sented as follows: (a) summary of analysis with there are a number of short-term strategies
the strategies framework (Tables 1 and 2), (b) (part of standard operating procedures) that are
summary and analysis of each event, and (c) an implemented (shift variety space). The strategies
illustration of the example in the variety space allow a set of coordinated maneuvers to monitor
diagram (Figures 4 through 9). (Summaries are and respond to changes in the environment. As
based on the narrative provided by the focus illustrated in Figure 4, the successful outcome of
group participants and have been modified by applying short-term strategies comes from the
the analyst and first author for the purpose of interplay between the blunt and the sharp end;
clarity and readability in this article.) Examples the standard operating procedures are enforced
are also described in terms of the four funda- at the blunt end and realized at the sharp end.
mental resilience abilities: anticipating, moni- A systematic analysis of the use of strategies
toring, responding, and learning. that provide sufficient control actions in response
to difficult situations aims to provide a more
Sufficient Control Actions comprehensive overview of the forces and con-
ditions faced by the system, the most important
Example 1 demonstrates a situation in which
strategies used, and what enables them. Captur-
the system is able cope with changes in the
ing formal and informal strategies can shed light
on system reserve capacity and system brittle-
Example 1: Busy ports (maritime transporta- ness. This information can lay the basis for a
tion). Operating a ship during peak traffic time more predictive analysis, such as the effect of
in a busy port is inevitably full of situations in introducing new situational conditions (e.g., a
which minor failures to adapt may have large staff decrease) and how this affects enablers of
consequences. Practitioners report working with common strategies.
88 March 2014 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Table 2: Summary of Strategies Framework Analysis, Examples 3 to 6

Framework Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6

Strategy Slow down, push Get expert Organize Prioritize strategy,
and pull people knowledge from medication, create new
on and off train, neighboring order from high-workload
close doors 30 plant different procedure
seconds prior to suppliers
Forces and Train doors Loss of power Medicine packets Inadequate
situational unlocked due to in important of varying resources due
conditions EU regulation, parts of the potency look to many births,
late passengers plant, in-house similar; barriers patient sent
try to get on knowledge and are sometimes from emergency
train, train aims to instructions bypassed in room because
leave on schedule unavailable, emergencies, overloaded
due to system maintenance of increasing
dependencies and plant is largely the risk of
economic gain outsourced giving wrong
Resources and Detect dangerous Availability of Knowledge System structure
enabling act, staff expert of local supporting
conditions availability, adaptation, time reorganization
ability to go to implement
slowly strategy
Sharp/blunt end Sharp- and blunt- Sharp end Sharp end Sharp-end
end strategies strategy turns
available into blunt-end
Objective Avoid passengers Regain power at Give patients the Manage workload
getting hurt plant right medication with current
System ability Monitoring/ Responding Anticipating/ Responding/
responding learning learning

Insufficient Control Actions situation, and the team that is sent out is not able
Example 2 demonstrates a situation in which to manage the situation. The team attempts to
there are insufficient control actions to cope shift modes to deal with the chemical, which
with changes in the environment. causes a delay in response, and important steps
in the response procedure are left out (unsuc-
Example 2: Preparing for the wrong situa- cessful shift variety space).
tion (emergency services).A firefighter team Actions to cope with the different chemicals
receives an alarm regarding a leaking chemical are part of the systems repertoire of control
substance at a petrol station (irregular occur- actions, supported by the blunt end. However,
rence; Figure 5). The team leaves the fire station preparing for the wrong occurrence forces the
and prepares the operational work by going system to shift mode in order to respond to the
through procedures for the reported chemical situation. The system lacks resources to deal
(basic variety space). However, upon arrival, it with the situation and has no strategy to aid the
becomes clear that the wrong chemical has been shift of modes, and the system has to restart.
reported. The fire chief has to reevaluate the The lack of strategies at the sharp end is illustrated
Resilience in Everyday Operations 89

Figure 4. Example 1 (busy ports) illustrated in the variety space diagram.

Figure 5. Example 2 (preparing for the wrong situation) illustrated in the variety space diagram.

Figure 6. Example 3 (late passenger) illustrated in the variety space diagram.

90 March 2014 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Figure 7. Example 4 (the open valve) illustrated in the variety space diagram.

Figure 8. Example 5 (medication packaging) illustrated in the variety space diagram.

Figure 9. Example 6 (too many births) illustrated in the variety space diagram.
Resilience in Everyday Operations 91

by a dotted line in the variety space diagram. (Figure 6, No. 1). The blunt end provides sup-
The blunt end also remains dotted, as there is no port by enforcing the 30-second rule (Figure 6,
support for the sharp end to rapidly get the right No. 2). Although the blunt-end procedure
recourses in place (Figure 5). improves the situation, it is not sufficient to deal
with the occurrences, as illustrated by the semi-
Novel Control Actions (Extending the dotted line, and local strategies still have to be
Variety Space) implemented (Figure 6, No. 3). As the sharp-
One way to handle a situation when there and blunt-end strategies are proven fruitful, they
is no predefined response is to create a novel become part of the staffs normal operational
response, that is, increase the amount of control routine, that is, their basic variety space. This
actions and extend the systems variety space, as example demonstrates how adjustments at the
is shown in Examples 3 and 6. Resilient acts do sharp end to meet situational demands may turn
not only include an increase in the control and into a strategy used as part of the normal work
sensemaking variety but can also be strategies routine. Over time, such adaptations may create
to minimize the disturbance by lessening the a gap between work-as-imagined (blunt-end
effect they have on the system, as is shown in view) and work-as-performed (sharp-end real-
Examples 4 and 5. ity). An increasing gap can create vulnerabilities
Example 3: Late passengers (rail transporta- farther down the line as organizational changes
tion). On some types of intercity trains, late pas- are made without the ability to foresee its effect
sengers open the doors and get on when the train on the sharp-end work. The strategies in the
is already in motion. This activity happens on a example demonstrate system potential to
daily basis (regular occurrence). Although it is increase its ability to monitor and respond to
against the law, it is rarely reported as an inci- recurring disturbances.
dent as it is considered normal. Several severe Example 4: The open valve (nuclear
accidents have occurred, some with fatal out- power). One afternoon, for seemingly unknown
comes. An external force affecting the situation reasons, power was lost in critical parts of a
is a law within the EU stating that train doors nuclear plant. For almost all disturbances, there
cannot be locked if there is a step and handle on are instructions available to identify and solve
the outside. The step and handle cannot be problems. However, in this exceptional case,
removed as the shunting personnel need them to there was no suitable instruction and the opera-
perform their work. Incidents and accidents are tors found themselves without in-house knowl-
often avoided thanks to staff intervention. Strat- edge and ideas of how to search for, and solve,
egies identified include the following: (a) The the problem (Figure 7, No. 1). Following several
train driver slows down if he or she detects a trials and errors, the operators were finally
passenger trying to get on, and (b) conductors able to get an expert from a neighboring plant to
(or other staff members) push or pull passengers come over and resolve the mystery (extended
on or off the train. The strategies require staff variety space; Figure 7, No. 2). The reason for
availability to monitor and respond and enough the power loss was a closed service valve. The
lag time to drive slowly. In circumstances such valve had been closed during maintenance and
as shortage of staff or when the train is behind its reopening overlooked. As maintenance work
schedule, there is limited ability to detect and is largely outsourced (to keep costs down),
respond to the dangerous behavior. In an attempt knowledge about the valves was also outsourced.
to improve the situation, the rail operator has Hence, the issue was solved by extending the
recently enforced a new rule stating that the train variety space through allocating and relocating
doors should close 30 seconds prior to depar- resources. This source of input is, however, not a
ture. This is, however, not enough to eliminate stable one; had the occurrence happened at a dif-
the problem, and local adaptations are still made. ferent time or on a different day, it may not have
As there is no available control action to been available. Learning from this incident by
manage the hazardous situation, the train staff making sure expert knowledge is available in
adapts by extending its repertoire of actions case of an emergency (as suggested by the
92 March 2014 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

respondent) would have exemplified a learning become part of normal routine operations (basic
system. However, as illustrated in Figure 7 (and variety space). The sharp-end personnel thus
in comparison to Example 5), actions at the demonstrate the ability to learn from previous
blunt end to extend the variety space were not incidents and anticipate potentially hazardous
taken, and the line in the variety space diagram situations. However, the blunt end remains dot-
has therefore been dotted. Although the system ted, as there are no reports that the risk of similar
did demonstrate the ability to successfully medicine packages has been acknowledged, or if
respond to the disturbance, given the current staff members know, they have not taken any
resources and enabling conditions, the analysis actions to improve the situation (e.g., enforce
highlights that the success was partly due to strategies as procedures, change pharmaceutical
enabling conditions that were uncontrolled. company). As is described in the section Sharp-
These remain uncontrolled and may therefore be End and Blunt-End Interactions, this situation has
available sometimes but not at other times. had negative consequences as changes are made
in other parts of the system. The importance of
Example 5: Medication packaging (health
the strategies is greatest during an emergency,
care).Medicine packets from pharmaceutical
when some control actions are unavailable due to
companies in Sweden sometimes look very simi-
time constraints (i.e., in shifted variety space).
lar. Highly potent medicine can therefore be
placed next to similar-looking, commonly used, Example 6: Too many births (health care).A
less potent medication. For instance, an ampule remarkably large number of births one evening
containing 10,000 units can look exactly the same led to chaos at a maternity ward (exceptional
as an ampule containing 100,000 units, apart occurrence). The ward was understaffed and no
from an extra 0, even though the medication beds were available for more patients arriving.
containing 100,000 units is much more potent. Further, patients from the emergency room with
Usually, before giving medication (regular occur- gynecological needs were being directed to the
rence), a nurse will put a label on the syringe and maternity ward. To cope with the situation, one
enter information regarding type and dosage of of the doctors made the decision to free
the medication, double-checking the label on the resources by sending all fathers of the newborn
original package (basic variety space). The strate- babies home (extended variety space). Although
gies are enforced at the blunt end and carried out not a popular decision among the patients, this
at the sharp end, as illustrated in Figure 8, No. 1. reorganization freed up beds, allowing the staff
However, in a state of emergency (irregular to increase capacity and successfully manage
occurrence), time is critical, leading to a decrease all the patients and births. After this incident, an
in possible actions (shift variety space), and these analysis was performed that resulted in a new
barriers are often bypassed. Two different hospi- procedure for extreme load at maternity hospi-
tals report using local, sharp-end adaptations to tal (irregular occurrence, shift variety space).
create a more robust situation (Figure 8, No. 2). Figure 9 illustrates the changes in variety
At one hospital, the sharp-end staff organizes the space. First, the system performance exceeds its
medicine room, the emergency carriage, and the boundaries, as current resources are insufficient
operating room to provide a spatial barrier to manage all patients in need of care (Figure 9,
between medicine packets with a similar appear- No. 1). Second, a prioritizing strategy is imple-
ance. At another hospital, sharp-end personnel mented that brings the number of patients to a
order different potencies from different pharma- level at which the basic control actions are
ceutical companies, resulting in different-colored sufficient to cope (Figure 9, No. 2). Third, the
ampules and thus creating a color barrier (Figure system actively takes steps to learn from the
8, No. 2). occurrence and extends its variety space by add-
The blunt-end-supported procedures are insuf- ing a new procedure to the repertoire of actions
ficient when time is most critical, and local sharp- available (a variety space shift) should a situa-
end strategies are implemented as a result (Figure tion like it happen again (Figure 9, No. 3). The
8). To cope with the situational demands, sharp- occurrence is now irregular rather than excep-
end personnel create additional barriers, which tional, as a prepared response is now in place
Resilience in Everyday Operations 93

(Figure 9, No. 3). The system has adapted and to handle situations, and over time, the conse-
demonstrates several important abilities contrib- quences of unmonitored (unknown) adaptations
uting to system resilience by using its adaptive has on the system are hard to predict.
capacity to respond to the event and further learn
from it. Resilience and Brittleness
Strategies that have a positive effect in one
Sharp-End and Blunt-End Interactions system part may affect a different part of the
Adaptive performance for increasing resil- system negatively. As the examples show, the
ience can manifest on all levels of an organiza- allocation and reallocation of resources serve an
tion and affect all other parts of the system. As important role in realizing the strategies. Adapt-
illustrated in the variety space diagram, the strat- ing a system to current conditions often entails a
egies are the result of decisions made at both the shift in resources by, for example, moving them
blunt and the sharp end. Further, the examples from one part of the system to another (e.g.,
show that strategies can start out as local adapta- Example 6). Such a reorganization has previ-
tions (sharp end) but over time be implemented ously been identified as a critical marker for
as a procedure (blunt end), signifying that the resilience (Stephens, Woods, Branlat, & Wears,
system has the ability not only to respond by 2011) and can be very effective as it allows
adapting to harmful situations but also to learn an increase in resources where it is necessary.
from them (e.g., Example 6), something also In other situations, a strategy may not rely on
demonstrated in previous studies (e.g., Cook & reorganization of resources but instead contrib-
Woods, 1996). This example can be compared to ute to increased strain on existing resources.
Example 4, in which a mobilization of resources For example, in Example 3, the sharp-end
resolved the immediate problem but no effort adaptation of pushing and pulling people off
was made at the blunt end to acknowledge the the train absorbs resources designed for other
exposed system brittleness and learn from the areas of operation. The blunt-end adaptation of
incident. Also demonstrated in the examples is enforcing a new procedure does not solve the
the power of complementary strategies, that is, problem but allows a certain amount of pressure
strategies from several levels of the organization to be released from staff. If adaptive acts lead
working toward the same goal (e.g., Example 3). to reduced (in some parts) or overall diluted
As the blunt-end-induced strategy (closing the resources, it may lead to problems in other parts
door 30 seconds prior to departure) reduced the of the system. As resilience is increased in one
disturbance, this strategy enabled the sharp-end area, it may lead to brittleness in another.
staff to free more resources and better manage To identify indicators of system resilience
the unsafe situations. and its relation to system safety boundaries, the
However, if local adaptations are not commu- four system-abilities classification is used
nicated and acknowledged upward and down- (anticipating, monitoring, responding, and learn-
ward in an organization, it could potentially ing). Although some element of uncertainty will
harm the system. For example, the color-coding be continuously present, proactive adaptations
strategy used by medical staff in Example 5 is often have the advantage that they buy time
implemented only locally. One time the phar- (Examples 1 and 5) compared to reactive
macy (external actor) placed the order with a dif- responses (Examples 3, 4, and 6) when little or
ferent supplier (the supplier was temporarily out no time for feedback can more readily result in
of the required medication), and the local color an unwanted outcome (Example 2). The resil-
codes were therefore no longer correct. As this ience indicators help in identifying cognitive
change was not communicated to the nurses, the pressure points (Woods & Dekker, 2000) and
system is now at a much higher risk than had the areas for further investigation. An understanding
strategies never been implemented in the first of system capabilities in relation to system
place. Potential harmful side effects show the boundaries requires systematic data gathering of
importance of monitoring local adaptations. adaptive performance to see how they change
System variability constantly requires new ways over time.
94 March 2014 - Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Discussion demonstrated in the examples provided in this

The strategies framework and the variety article. Prospective analysis is supported by the
space diagram are tools developed to facilitate framework analysis of adaptation enablers, objec-
the analysis of how systems adapt in everyday tives, and situational conditions. This information
operations to cope with variability and com- supports making predictions on how changes
pensate for system limitations. The framework (e.g., increased production pressure or the intro-
should be viewed as a complementary perspec- duction of new technology) may affect the system.
tive to established incident investigations and In this sense, it fits together with risk assessment
risk analysis by highlighting not only system and related predictive safety management activi-
weaknesses but also system strengths. By chart- ties, rather than being a predictive model in itself.
ing and analyzing enablers of successful adapta- The variety space diagram is a tool to illustrate
tions and how adaptations affect other parts of how abilities in a situation continuously change
the system, information is gained that may not depending on current situational conditions and
surface in traditional safety analysis methods. constraints and how this change affects the use of
Highlighting sociotechnical systems adaptive strategies. It allows for a differentiation between
abilities provides direction on how to improve actions supported by the blunt end (procedures,
the design of systems, including the introduction instructions, system design) and actions created
of new technology, training, and procedures. by the sharp end to cope with system variability in
the work environment. It also helps distinguish
between strategies created outside of the design
Framework Contribution and base (extended variety space) and strategies that
Application have been developed over time and are part of
The strategies framework extends previous individuals, teams, or an organizations regular
studies of adaptation in several areas. First, it work performance (basic and shifted variety
describes the adaptation-enabling factors, and space). Identifying how systems manage distur-
second, it supports both retrospective and pro- bances of different occurrence frequencies opens
spective safety management activities. Third, up a forum for discussion of system design and
the development of the variety space diagram training programs. For some disturbances, it
allows an illustration of the framework analysis. might be valuable to support people in being
Resilience engineering focuses not only on innovative and creative (extended variety space),
creating resilient systems but also on maintain- and for other disturbances, support through guid-
ing and managing system resilience (Hollnagel, ing procedures should be available if needed
2011). This process requires monitoring patterns (shift variety space).
of adaptive responses to detect system brittle- Besides being a tool for analysts, a potential
ness, system resilience, and how close a system application area for the framework is as a discus-
is operating to its safety boundaries. The strate- sion guide for practitioners and managers. In the
gies framework is a tool to report findings, struc- focus group discussions, it was emphasized sev-
ture cases, and make sense of them. A main con- eral times that there is a lack of understanding for
tribution is its emphasis on describing adapta- the work carried out at the sharp end and that lit-
tion-enabling factors and their relation to tle attention is paid to the things that go right.
organizational forces shaping the work environ- The strategies framework can be used as a guide
ment. Systematic gathering of information to discuss work practices and work patterns not
regarding adaptation enablers is important for explicitly available through procedures and other
understanding the conditions creating and limit- documentation. How practitioners and their
ing adaptive opportunities in the environment. management recognize, communicate, and per-
The strategies framework aims to describe ceive work practice is critical for managing and
everyday work practices, information that can be maintaining system resilience. Directed attention
used to analyze past events and future scenarios. to informal knowledge exchange in or between
The framework is therefore intended to support workgroups allows insights into individual and
both retrospective and prospective safety man- team abilities to cope with the dynamics of their
agement activities. Retrospective analysis is complex work environment.
Resilience in Everyday Operations 95

Limitations and Further Research and analysis of strategies will help unravel
The framework is an initial step. Further important elements of adaptations that can guide
studies are encouraged to evaluate and develop organizations and prepare for disturbances and
the framework as a means for researchers and unforeseen events.
practitioners to systematically analyze adap- The main contributions of this work are (a)
tive strategies and as a practical methodology the strategies framework for practitioners and
to integrate with established safety manage- researchers to report findings, structure cases,
ment. Results from systematically applying the and make sense of sharp-end adaptations in
strategies framework are intended to provide complex work settings; (b) a description of
information that can be used to make predic- adaptation-enabling factors and their relation to
tions on system changes and how they may organizations forces shaping the working envi-
affect the overall system. The framework is ronment; (c) support for retrospective and pro-
thus a starting point for both researchers and spective safety management activities; (d) the
practitioners to identify critical enablers and for variety space diagram to illustrate how system
the systematic analysis of adaptations that may variety can describe strategies and blunt-end/
not surface through traditional safety reporting sharp-end interactions; (e) a demonstration of
mechanisms. Next steps include analyzing strat- how local adaptations are created outside the
egies on a more abstracted level (Rankin et al., system design base and then turn into system
2011), which will provide indications, on a more adaptations to cope with risks identified in the
general level, of the systems adaptive abilities, system; and (f) analysis of examples from differ-
what enables them, and what affects the situa- ent work settings demonstrating the possibility
tions in which adaptations are necessary. of using the same analysis framework in differ-
ent complex, sociotechnical systems.
Conclusions There is a great deal to learn from systematic
gathering and analysis of sharp-end responses to
This study suggests, in concurrence with
disturbances and unforeseen events. Shifting
many previous studies, that people hold great
attention from past negative experiences to
capabilities to adapt to unfolding events in a
methods that enable organizations to anticipate
complex and uncertain environment. To increase
future changes is necessary to further increase
system resilience potential, the system design
successful performance (and avoid future fail-
should support and enable people to be adap-
ures). This requires that we further increase our
tive. This, however, does not suggest that people
knowledge on everyday sharp-end adaptations
should be expected to cover for all limitations of
and factors affecting them.
system design. On the contrary, systems should
be designed on the basis of knowledge of how
people perform, the organizational forces, and
conditions of situations. The trade-off between This study was sponsored by the Swedish Civil
prepared-for responses (basic and extended Contingency Agency. We are also indebted to the
variety space) and the need to adapt (extended accident investigation professionals who partici-
variety space), while also considering the occur- pated in our focus groups. We are grateful for the
rence frequency (regular, irregular, exceptional), comments of reviewers and audience of the 4th
should be emphasized. Further, processes of Resilience Engineering Symposium, where an ini-
sharp-end and blunt-end interactions must be tial version of this research was presented (Rankin
considered to uncover how sharp-end adapta- et al., 2011), and for all the insightful comments by
tions may be strengthened, how they strengthen the anonymous reviewers of this article.
the system as a whole, or how they become
weakened or are turned into vulnerabilities References
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Hollnagel, E. (2009b). The four cornerstones of resilience engi- Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
neering. In E. Hollnagel & S. Dekker (Eds.), Resilience engi- Nemeth, C. P., Nunnally, M., OConnor, M. F., Brandwijk, M.,
neering perspectives: Vol. 2. Preparation and restoration (pp. Kowalsky, J., & Cook, R. I. (2007). Regularly irregular: How
117133). Farnham, UK: Ashgate. groups reconcile cross-cutting agendas and demand in health-
Hollnagel, E. (2011). Epilogue: RAG. The resilience analysis grid. care. Cognition, Technology & Work, 9, 139148.
In E. Hollnagel, J. Paries, D. Woods, & J. Wreathall (Eds.), Patterson, E. S., Roth, E. M., Woods, D. D., Chow, R., & Gomes,
Resilience engineering in practice (pp. 275296). Farnham, J. O. (2004). Handoff strategies in settings with high conse-
UK: Ashgate. quences for failure: Lessons for health care operations. Inter-
Hollnagel, E. (2012a). FRAM: The functional resonance analysis national Journal for Quality in Health Care, 16, 125132.
method. Modeling complex socio-technical systems. Aldershot, Patterson, E. S., Woods, D. D., Cook, R. I., & Render, M. L. (2006).
UK: Ashgate. Collaborative cross-checking to enhance resilience. Cognition,
Hollnagel, E. (2012b). Resilience engineering and the systemic Technology & Work, 9, 155162.
view of safety at work: Why work-as-done is not the same as Perrow, C. (1984). Normal accidents: Living with high-risk tech-
work-as-imagined. In Bericht zum 58. Kongress der Gesell- nologies. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
schaft fr Arbeitswissenschaft vom 22 bis 24 Februar 2012 Rankin, A., Lundberg, J., & Woltjer, R. (2011, June). Resilience
(pp. 1924). Dortmund, Germany: Gfa-Press. strategies for managing everyday risks. Paper presented at
Resilience in Everyday Operations 97

the 4th Resilience Engineering Symposium, Sophia Antipolis, Amy Rankin is a PhD student in cognitive systems
at the Department of Computer and Information
Rasmussen, J. (1986). Information processing and humanmachine
interaction: An approach to cognitive engineering. New York, Systems at Linkping University. She has an MSc in
NY: North-Holland. cognitive science (2009) from Linkping University,
Reason, J. (1997). Managing the risks of organizational accidents. and her current research interests include resilience
Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
engineering, cognitive systems engineering, safety
Rollenhagen, C. (2011). Event investigation at nuclear power plant
in Sweden: Reflection about a method and some practices. culture, and human factors.
Safety Science, 49, 2126.
Simon, H. (1969). The sciences of the artificial. Cambridge, MA: Jonas Lundberg, PhD, is a senior lecturer in informa-
MIT Press.
Sklet, S. (2004). Comparison of some selected methods for acci-
tion design at the Department of Science and Tech-
dent investigation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 111, nology, Linkping University. He obtained his PhD
2937. in computer science from Linkping University in
Stephens, R. J., Woods, D. D., Branlat, M., & Wears, R. L. (2011, 2005. His research concerns design and analysis of
June). Colliding dilemmas: Interactions of locally adaptive
strategies in a hospital setting. Paper presented at the Fourth
complex cognitive systems, in particular, resilience
International Symposium on Resilience Engineering, Sophia engineering, cognitive systems engineering, and
Antipolis, France. humanwork interaction design.
Wears, R. L. (2011). Exploring the dynamics of resilient perfor-
mance. Paris, France: LEcole nationale suprieure des mines
de Paris. Rogier Woltjer is a senior scientist in the Information
Weick, K. (1995). Sensemaking in organisations. Thousand Oaks, and Aeronautical Systems division at the Swedish
CA: Sage. Defence Research Agency (FOI). He has a PhD in
Weick, K., Sutcliffe, K. M., & Obstfeld, D. (2005). Organizing
cognitive systems (2009) from Linkping Univer-
and the process of sensemaking. Organization Science, 16,
409421. sity. Before joining FOI, he worked with safety and
Westrum, R. (2006). A typology of resilience situations. In E. Hol- human factors at LFV Air Navigation Services of
lnagel, D. D. Woods, & N. Leveson (Eds.), Resilience engi- Sweden. He has coauthored around 30 scientific
neering: Concepts and precepts (pp. 5565). Farnham, UK:
papers in the fields of safety, human factors, and
Wibeck, V. (2000). Fokusgrupper: Om fokuserande gruppin- resilience engineering, with applications in aviation
tervjuer som underskningsmetod [Focus groups: Focused and emergency management.
group interviews as a research method]. Linkping, Sweden:
Studentlitteratur AB.
Woods, D. D. (1993). The price of flexibility. Knowledge-Based
Carl Rollenhagen has a PhD in psychology from
Systems, 6, 18. Stockholm University and is adjunct professor at
Woods, D. D. (2002, August). Steering the reverberations of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in the field
technology change on fields of practice: Laws that govern of risk and safety. He has been with Vattenfall since
cognitive work. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Cognitive Science Society, Columbus, OH.
1990 and is currently operational manager for the
Woods, D. D., & Branlat, M. (2010). Hollnagels test: Being in Safety Management Institute. He has performed
control of highly interdependent multi-layered networked extensive research in human factors and MTO
systems. Cognition, Technology & Work, 12, 95101. (man, technology, and organization) with emphasis
Woods, D. D., & Dekker, S. W. A. (2000). Anticipating the effects
of technological change: A new era of dynamics for human
on safety culture, event investigation methods,
factors. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science, 1, 272282. organizational safety assessment, and control room
Woods, D. D., Dekker, S., Cook, R., Johannesen, L., & Sarter, N. design.
(2010). Behind human error (2nd ed.). Aldershot, UK: Ash-
Woods, D. D., & Hollnagel, E. (2006). Joint cognitive systems Erik Hollnagel is a chief consultant at the Center for
engineering. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Quality, Region of Southern Denmark; a professor at
Group. the University of Southern Denmark; an industrial
Woods, D. D., & Sarter, N. B. (2000). Learning from automation
safety chair at MINES ParisTech; and professor
surprises and going sour accidents. In N. Sarter & R. Amal-
berti (Eds.), Cognitive engineering in the aviation domain (pp. emeritus at Linkping University. He has worked
327354). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. with problems from many domains at universities,
Woods, D. D., & Wreathall, J. (2008). Stress-strain plot as a basis research centers, and industries in several countries.
for assessing system resilience. In E. Hollnagel, C. P. Nemeth,
He is the author and/or editor of 19 books, including
& S. W. A. Dekker (Eds.), Resilience engineering perspec-
tives: 1. Remaining sensitive to the possibility of failure (pp. 4 books on resilience engineering, as well as a large
145161). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. number of papers and book chapters.

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