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The fate of our country

won’t be decided on a battlefeild

it will be determinded in a classroom.

8th Graders perficent at READ-

Alabama - 18%
Mississippi - 14%
New York - 30%
California - 28%
Washigton D.C. - 12%
We need great teachers, so I If there is free (limited) spots in a school,
can learn and and make sure our by law, the school must hold a lottery. This
would mean for those who need the better
kids will have a better education school then their own, if the students num-
then what i had and for the better ber is drawn they get to get a spot in the
school and possibly free schooling.
of our country.
President Bush- “not one single Waiting for Superman is a film that gives hope to those who
need another chance that will help them for a lifetime. In the film
there were five kids that talk to us about there life and school. One

child will be left behind”

of the kids is Anthony who now lives with his grandma and doesnot
have the best school and teachers. Theres also Bianca who is a
kindergardener and her mom pays a lot for her private school and
Francisco Daisy Anthony Emily could not go to her graduation cermony since her mom could not
make the next payment. Now Francisco a little boy who is smart and
said “kids think math is to hard for them so they dont like math, but
i say i like math.” But he cant seem to pay attetion to the teacher
in school, and all of his teachers say he needs help with reading
even though at home he does pretty good for a first grader. Then
there was Daisy who loves school and if anyone said school is bor-
ing she would say, “pay attention and not be bored, and to look at
the teacher and find ways to learn.” Emily is the last one and she
likes math even though shes not that great at it, she didnt have the
best test scores either, but she trys her hardest. These five kids en-
ter the lottery to get into these great schools with better teachers,
and Bianca, Francisco, and Daisy didnt get accepted. Emily and An-
thony did get accepted, well anothony was 5th on the waitlist and
got a call for acceptence. These kids waited for someone to save
there eduaction, so they wont be cheated of an education an dthey
will be smart and make the right choices. This lottery helped many
underprivleged kids maybe not Bianca, Francisco, and Daisy, but it’s
a lottery not everyone wins the money but in the film its to get into
an amazing school. From years way before our parents were borned
the presidents, Michelle Revee, and school boards have tryed to bet-
ter the school and said “that failer is not an option.”
Knowledge is Power! So, the students who drop out wont have
that power to do the right things and they will end up in jail. This
film “Waiting for Superman,” also says that you cant have a
great school without great teachers and with great teacher equals
schools that will have students passing with flying colors.
Now we have to ask two questions to ourselves which are, what
happens when a school fails a kid? And what happens over time?

By: Ashlee Gorshe

He said/ She said

Is there a superhero in all of us?

Madison May: Yes, there is a superman in all of us. We all help people, and in
that way, we make ourselves superheroes.

Heather Nichols:Yes, there is a superman/woman in all of us. Sometimes,

when some people don’t think they can go on, they find the inner strength and
willpower to keeppushing forward. Sometimes, that’s the hardest thing to do,
is just keep going.

Ashlee Gorshe: Yes, superman is a part of your soul and heart, because you
always follow what your heart and soul think is best. Plus Superman helps
people who are in
need and somewhere in every person there is superman ready to help those in

“It wasn’t the fear of putting Tonia Edgin: Yes, I believe that there might be a bit of superman in most of
us, a sense of idealism and moral code of conduct that personifies him.
my kids in a school, it was the
chance of the school failing” Erin Lutez: Yes, i think there is and there is no explanation cause everyone
should kinda figure that there is a superman in all of us.

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