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The Empire and Inequality Report, no. 9
by Paul Street; February 03, 2007 for ZNet

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are dependent. It seeks a relevance through the
continual focus on realities and on the programs
necessary to effect change at the most basic levels
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melding of Barbara and George Senior, an especially
vile and aristocratic family history 14 and fundamen-
talist Christianity (among other factors)--- is a ter-
rible offense not just to popular democracy but even
to responsible “constitutional republicanism” and to
the principles of “polyarchy.”
hese are dangerous and confusing times. Let’s
The current Messianic Militarist in-Chief and his take a look at an interesting formulation from
overlord Darth Cheney are out of control in ways an unusually long and dramatic lead editorial
that understandably concern many among their su- in a recent issue of liberal-left weekly “The Na-
per-privileged capitalist comrades. Responsible cor- tion”:
porate republicanism may well require getting some “World opinion is against the US escalation
kind of rational, ruling class butterfly-net over “The in Iraq. The American people are against it.
Decider” between now and the next presidential- Congress is against it. The Iraqi government
selection extravaganza, when a less provocative and is against it. Can a single man force a nation
more balanced agent of elite class rule – one who is to fight a war it does not want to fight, expand
less messianic and obsessed with being the sole De- a war it does not want to expand? If he can,
cider – can be safely installed in the White House in is that nation any longer a democracy in any
(what will still be) the false name of democracy. meaningful sense? If not, how can democratic
Maybe the ruling class will get its shit together rule and the republican form of government rule
enough to repair “the constitutional republic” (and be restored?”
the polyarchy). Don’t hold your breath. Whatever, This ominous paragraph constitutes the cover of the
we should not look for the in-power elite to intro- magazine’s “February 5th” issue (“The Nation” dates
duce anything like substantive and popular democ- its issues a week in advance of the day you see them
racy. That is something that only we can do for and on the newsstand or in your mailbox).
by ourselves and will mean challenging the underly- Later in the editorial, “The Nation” says the
ing system and structures of capitalist and imperial following:
rule. “It is not only the Vietnam syndrome but the Wa-
tergate syndrome that [the Bush administration]
want[s] to overcome. If the keynote of [Richard]
Nixon’s character was covertness (not for noth-
ing was he called Tricky Dick), then the keynote of
Bush’s character is brazenness: he seeks to carry out
in broad daylight, as his formal right, the usurpa-
tions that Nixon committed under the cover of night.
: Stephen Lendeman, “The End of the Bush Dynasty,” ZNet Magazine, Thus, the deepest theme of the whole three-decade
December 5, 2006, read at
http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle. cfm?ItemID=11552 16 1 story, now presented in almost outlandish caricature
by the President’s tug of war with the nation and inequalities in wealth and social privilege…The no-
the world over Iraq, is the issue of power and how tion that there may be a veritable contradiction in
it shall be constituted in the United states, and the terms between elite or class rule, on the one hand,
deepest question the crisis presents is whether the and democracy, on the other, does not enter – by
country will continue to be a constitutional repub- theoretical-definitional fiat – into the polyarchic defi-
lic or bow down to the new system of one-man rule nition.” 13
asserted by President Bush. It’s an issue that must

concern every citizen, and the antiwar movement is
in fact reviving it.” for the

After some intelligent reflections on the need to
combine efforts to de-fund and end the occupation f “The Nation” wants to talks simultaneously
of Iraq with citizen actions, resolutions, and investi- about the death of democracy and the need
gations that could lead to impeachment, The Nation to save “the Republic” in the United States, it
hopes that the American people and Congress can act might want to clarify its definitions and look
together to save “the Republic”1 more deeply into the historical record. If by
“democracy” it means – as does the radical demo-

KING GEORGE cratic left - the classic popular-democratic tradition

through its modern left-Marxian, left-populist and

TODAY: left- anarchist incarnations, then it should acknowl-

edge that the U.S. has never really been a “democ-
racy.” It has been a capitalist republic and is perhaps
t is good to see “The Nation’s” editors’ say
today a corporate polyarchy.
forthrightly something that many of us on
the left believe: that the United States is not If “The Nation” equates democracy with republi-
in fact a functioning “democracy.” Democ- canism, then –problematic as leftists find that iden-
racy, classically defined, means majority tification (the Republic was formed largely to keep
rule and the reign of the popular will. It entails the threat of [popular] democracy at bay) – it is on
broadly-based and widely empowered civic par- firmer ground insofar as it equates the reigning-in
ticipation, de-centered power, and one-person, of Bush with the restoration of “democracy.” Bush’s
one-vote, with equal policy input for all people. actions on Iraq (and more) hark back to the Divine
Right of Kings and violate core republican princi-
Bush’s “surge” (escalation) obviously violates
ples. The sneering, delusional and absolutist wan-
all that. It also violates the concept of a republic.
nabe King George --- a product of 12/12/2000 (the
A republic, according to Websters, is “a govern-
day Bush II was installed in the White House thor-
ment in which supreme power resides in a body of
ough a partisan judicial coup) and 9/11/2001, too
citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected
much booze and cocaine in the 70s, the toxic genetic
:“For the Republic,” The Nation, February 5, 2007, pp. 3-5 and cover
2 15 : Robinson, Promoting Polyarchy,pp. 49-51
existence in this sector or that the masters of this officers and representatives responsible to them and
sector exercise massive and disproportionate in- governing according to law.”2
fluence (so great that mainstream commentators Bush’s decision to escalate his messianic, monumen-
like William Pfaff are not ashamed to proclaim tally illegal and massively unpopular (at home and
the U.S. political system “a plutocracy”) over abroad) war on the Middle East, combined with and
public policy and politics – even while insisting linked to his brazen violation of numerous national
on keeping a strict firewall against the intrusion and international statutes, is obviously out of touch
of public concerns and democracy into the “hid- with core principles of democratic and republican
den abode” (Karl Marx on the capitalist work- governance.

place) of their private tyrannies.
• A strong emphasis on semi-representative and annals of
constitutional processes without concern for
social and economic outcomes. The relevant U.S. IMPUGNITY
constitutional authorities have ruled repeatedly
against permitting the emergence of viable third ut here we get to some fundamental prob-
(and fourth and more) parties that might chal- lems relating to the difference between radi-
lenge the corporate political duopoly (with the cal-left and liberal-left analysis and (as we
Democrats representing the left wing of the U.S. shall see) between a “democracy” and “a con-
Chamber of Commerce Party), attack the afore- stitutional republic.” When exactly was the
mentioned firewall and advance democratic U.S. a democracy, something that “The Nation” says it
socioeconomic outcomes. no “longer” is? When Bush and Cheney seized power
with the help of a partisan and illegal Supreme Court
Calling this pseudo-democracy “polyarchy” (a in December 2000? When Tricky Dick Cheney and
term coined by the post-WWII U.S. political scientist Deceptive George Bush (who rely on plenty of secrecy
Robert Dahl), Robinson describes the resulting plu- and covert skullduggery) lied the nation into the initial
tocratic stew “a system in which a small group actu- invasion of Iraq, over and against mass popular oppo-
ally rules and mass participation in decision-making sition? When Bush pushed through massive tax reduc-
is confined to leadership choice in elections carefully tions for the wealthy few, falsely billing his remarkable
managed by competing elites.” Under its corporate- gifts to the plutocracy as “middle class tax cuts?”
polyarchic definition, “democracy is limited to the
political sphere” (where it “revolves around process, When the new President Bill Clinton abandoned his
method, and procedure in the selection of ‘leaders’”) campaign commitment to “put people first” and pro-
and “is equated with the stability of the capitalist ceeded to follow a business-friendly corporate neo-
social order. By definitional fiat, power is exercised liberal agenda? When he attacked Serbia under false
in the general welfare and any effort to change the claims of humanitarian concern?
social order is a pathological challenge to democ- When the recently departed and (historically white-
racy…There is no contradiction…in affirming that : Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, p. 1001
democracy exists and also acknowledging massive 14 3
washed) Gerald Ford gave Nixon an advance and ity-centered elections in which an only periodi-
total pardon, attacked Cambodia and approved In- cally and partially mobilized and semi-partici-
donesia’s nearly genocidal invasion of East Timor? patory “people” get to intermittently choose
When John Fitzgerald Kennedy initiated an their merely political rulers from a generally
illegal war of aggression against Vietnam while narrow spectrum of capital-vetted business
wiretapping Martin Luther King, Jr. and pressur- candidates whose fealty to core capitalist
ing the civil rights movement to “cool it”? When values is enforced by numerous mechanisms.
President Lyndon Baines used his famous Gulf of The mechanisms include (but are not restricted
Tonkin fabrications to dramatically escalate the to) the giving (or withholding) of large-scale
mass-murderous assault on Vietnam, while con- political funds (required to mount serious
tinuing the aforementioned wiretapping? campaigns by purchasing and developing
expensive advertisements on corporate media),
When Harry Truman lied about the “interna-
the seductive lobbyist-industrial-complex, the
tional communist threat” in Greece to “Scare the
offering (or withholding) of lucrative employ-
Hell out of the American people” so that they
ment opportunities to former politicians and
would accept the permanent imperial re-militari-
public officials, and the public relations liqui-
zation of U.S. society and policy – helping thereby
dation of candidates and public officials daring
to sustain and expand the powerful “military in-
(and/or foolish) enough to question corporate
dustrial complex” that Dwight Eisenhower left the
rule and policy. It’s about elite governance pur-
White House warning Americans about?
portedly “for the people,” and never actually
When Truman and two key members of his “by the people.” It’s called “dollar democracy”
cabinet “systematically deceived Congress and the – the “best democracy than money can buy” or,
public into thinking that the USSR was about to more bluntly, “plutocracy.”
launch World War III with an invasion of Europe
• The existence of a bourgeois constitutional
in 1948” in order “to push through their foreign
order in which the legislative and judicial
policy program, inaugurate a huge military build-
branches of government are empowered to ex-
up and bail out the near bankrupt airline indus-
ercise some reasonable restraint on the power
of the executive and in which the “rule of law”
When U.S. forces helped rebuild fascist power is sufficiently entrenched for the accumulation
structures in occupied Italy and Washington of capital to proceed without too much profit-
planned military interventions against left elec- disrupting interruption.
toral victories in post-WWII Europe?
• The restriction of this so-called “democracy” to
When Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s State De- the political sphere. There is no effort to ex-
partment voiced its approval of European fascism ercise any measure of popular input, or check
– as (what thery considred) an understandable upon, the tyrannical powers that be in the
: Frank Kofsky, Harry S. Truman and the War Scare of 1948 [New York, private economic sector. Never mind that ordi-
NY: St. Martin’s, 1993] 4 13 nary citizens experience most of their material
among the propertyless and property-poor multi- response to, and check on, the European left?4
tude. Interestingly enough, one of the grievances When the Robber Barons ruled over the Billion Dol-
against King George listed in the Declaration of lar Congress? When President McKinley advanced false
Independence accuses the British monarch of ‘ex- claims to launch an imperial war for territorial conquest
citing domestic insurrection among us.” in the Caribbean and Pacific? When President Polk

POLY- lied the nation into an annexationist war of aggression

against Mexico?

ARCHY When Andy Jackson smashed the U.S. Bank and an-

nounced the rule of “the people” even as the “market
eflecting the disproportionate influence revolution” concentrated ever more wealth in capital-
of the wealthy capitalist few in the indus- ist hands and reduced millions to poverty and “wage
trialized world’s most unequal state, it slavery” – all while Native American were being finally
should hardly be surprising that leading cleansed from the eastern and middle sections of the
U.S. policymakers, experts, “democracy country and literal black cotton slavery expanded across
promoters,” and commentators do NOT accept the quasi-feudal South to feed the Satanic mills of Dick-
the popular, ultimately anticapitalist definition of ensian England?
When the corporate-Jacksonian Reagan adminis-
What do these authorities mean when they pro- tration traded arms for hostages and claimed that the
claim their faith in American “democracy?” U.S. United States was threatened by tiny and “Communist”
foreign policy rhetoric notoriously uses the word Nicaragua (and the related menace of Marxist Grenada)
democracy – as well as related words and phrases while smashing U.S. labor and slashing taxes on the
like “freedom,” “liberty,” “respect for the rule of wealthy few?

law” and “civilization”- to characterize the pur-
ported basic goal and purpose behind pretty much

any and all U.S. policies and actions, no matter
how authoritarian, regressive, illegal, and savage

those policies may be.
ut then what exactly do we mean when we
Putting that unpleasant fact further aside than
say “democracy?” Like numerous other
may be appropriate, we can identify four basic and
loaded terms (“freedom,” “liberty,” “the
limited (from a popular-democratic perspective)
general welfare,” etc.), democracy is a quint-
constituent elements of what passes for “democ-
essentially contested concept. It is a word
racy” in ruling U.S. doctrine:
for which different and competing definitions can be
• The periodic holding of staggered and heavily found, reflecting the intrusion of social power com-
corporate crafted, money-driven and personal- plexities into the supposedly neutral and elementary
11 : Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy [New York: Hill and Wang,
: Ibid.
12 5 1992], pp. 37-42)?
realms of language and vocabulary. cans and propertyless white males at the time. It
The definition I gave above (in this article’s sixth set up elaborate checks and balances to prevent the
paragraph) carries radical connotations when it taken possibility of the common people making policy in
seriously. Consistently followed and applied, it is in- a direct fashion. It omitted any mechanism of direct
compatible with capitalism. popular accountability between elections and in-
troduced a system of intermittent and purposefully
This is for simple reasons. The capitalist system that
staggered elections to discourage focused electoral
western and U.S. ideology falsely conflates with “de-
rebellions by the majority. It create an aristocratic
mocracy” rests upon a core basis of tyranny in daily
Supreme Court appointed for life with ultimate de
material and economic life. With its definitional attach-
facto veto power over legislation that might too
ment to private ownership of the means of production
clearly bear the plebian input of the popular mass-
and distribution, its inherent tendency towards con-
es. The Electoral College was installed to guarantee
centration and centralization of wealth and power, and
that the popular majority would not select the Presi-
its progressive reduction of most people to dependent
dent even on the limited basis of one vote for each
wage-earning (labor-power-renting) status, capitalism
propertied white make person.
is deeply authoritarian at core. It’s about “survival of
the fittest,” the subordination and exploitation of the As the openly authoritarian state -capitalist
“unfit” and the “Winner-Take- All” concentration of Alexander Hamilton explained in Federalist no. 35,
resources and power. It’s about private appropriation the common people were incapable of serving in
of the social product. Congress and found their proper political represen-
tatives among the wealthy merchant class. “The
Its basic but hidden idea of an efficient and desirable
weight and superior accomplishments of the mer-
social outcome is the enhancement of private profit at
chants,” Hamilton explained, “render them more
the least possible private expense. It relentlessly pushes
equal” than “the other classes of the community,”
the maximum possible externalization of costs onto an
including the “mechanics” (artisans), whose “habits
ever more overburdened society and ecology.
in life have not been such as to give them those ac-
It’s fairly absurd to tell people that they are liv- quired endowments” required for meaningful par-
ing under democracy because they occasionally pass ticipation in “a deliberative assembly” and thereby
through narrow-spectrum voting booths when they made “useless” to “representative democracy.”
spend most of their lives under the material dictator-
The Founders’ philosophy of what they called
ship of the bourgeoisie. The publicly disastrous “pri-
“popular government” was not simply one of
vate” economy retains enormous autonomy from public
partial, limited, or “watered-down” democracy.
interference under the functional rules of capitalism,
British authorities charged that the American inde-
which impose a deep structural division between the
pendence movement would breed mass rebellions
“political” and “economic” spheres in ways that make
against property and authority in North America,
merely “political democracy” relatively irrelevant 5 – a
but the Founders understood their republic to be
: Ellen Meiksens Wood, Democracy Against Capitalism: Renewing more effectively antidemocratic than European
Historical Materialism[Cambridge University Press, 1995] 6 11 absolutism, which bred “wicked” and “improper”
problem deepened by capitalism’s inherent tendency
own the country ought to govern it.” They may to “globalize” economic life and decision-making
have diverged on numerous questions, but they beyond the scope of territorially bound, place based
agreed on a basic principle: the common people, jurisdictions, including even entire nation states.
with little or no property, must not have too much
During the 1830s and 1840s, the United States sup-
power. “In their minds,” historian Richard Hof-
posedly entered the Age of Democracy and the Com-
stader noted in his classic study The American
mon Man because voting rights were extended to all
Political Tradition (1948), “liberty was linked not to white U.S. males, regardless of their wealth and election
democracy but to property” and democracy was a campaigns became boisterous public affairs with a large
dangerous concept “sure to bring arbitrary redis- degree of mass engagement.
tribution of property, destroying the very essence
of liberty.” New England minister Jeremy Belknap The ugly fact that millions of adult white females
and black chattel (not to mention First Nations people)
stated nicely the basic idea behind the Founders’
lacked voting rights was not the only anomaly for the
authoritarian notion of “popular government.”
era’s popular-democratic pretensions. Equally significant
“Let it stand as a principle,” he told an associate,
was the market and early industrial revolutions’ roles
“that government originates from the people, but
in concentrating more and more material power into
let the people be taught…that they are not able to
private bourgeois hands, rendering the public sector less
govern themselves.” For all but one of “the Repub- relevant than ever in the management of economic life
lic’s” constitutional framers (James Wilson), Jenni- and the distribution of material rewards and power. The
fer Nedelsky notes, “property was the main object state and politics were opening up to an unprecedented
of government” and the people were “a problem to level of popular contestation and (perhaps) input at a
be contained.” 9 time when the state’s power to shape real-life circum-
Consistent with these sentiments, widely evident stances and social relations was receding in the face of
in Hamilton and Madison’s Federalist Papers10, “free market” advance. The market’s glorious “progress”
the nation’s rich white fathers crafted a govern- included the ruthless, unremitting and socioeconomi-
ment marvelously designed to keep the nonwealthy cally authoritarian proletarianization of millions of “free”
masses distant from the levers of power and to white males. 6
preserve and expand existing inequalities of wealth At the same time, the holders of capitalist wealth
and power. The Constitution divided the govern- are never content to restrict the wielding of their vastly
ment into three parts, with just one-half one of disproportionate economic power to the private and
those three sections (the House of Representatives) economic sphere. Reflecting the business community’s
elected directly by “the people” – a category that natural desire to cover all bases in their quest for wealth
naturally excluded blacks, women, Native Ameri- and security, the considerable utility of the state as an
: Nedelsky, Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism
arm of capital and capitalists’ fear that government could
[Chicago: University of Chicago, 1990] be used for and by popular and social democrats, leading
10 6
: Paul Street, “By All Means, Study the Founders: Notes From the : David Montgomery, Citizen Worker: The Experience of Workers in the
Democratic Left,” The Review of Education, Pedagogy & Cultural Studies United States With Democracy and the Free Market During the Nineteenth
[volume 24, no.4, October-December 2003]: 281-302) 10 7
Century [Cambridge, 1993]
private wealth-holders make sure to invest heavily equality, and not only or simply with the out-
in politics, policy, and the bribery and indoctrination wardly democratic process of elections and the
of the public and its supposed representatives. This existence of (not-so) “popularly” selected office-

regular and ongoing investment has yielded a rich holders. The meaningful pursuit of that outcome
historical windfall of governmental labor repression, “entails a dispersal of political power formerly
radical suppression (Haymarket, Red Scares, Mc- concentrated in the hands of elite minorities, the
Carthyism and COINTELPRO, etc), state subsidy redistribution of wealth, the breaking down of
(e.g. the granting of public airwaves to concentrated structures of highly concentrated property own-
private media) and protection, natural resource ership, and the democratizing of access to social
appropriation, imperial defense for overseas invest- and cultural opportunities by severing the link
ment, and much more. The windfall is generally between access and the possession of wealth.”8
supplied by policymakers who have been trained
and conditioned to see the world through the eyes
of the “economic elite” and thus to reject the popular the REPUBLICAN
definition of democracy.7


hat definition is “traceable,” the left soci-
ologist William I. Robinson notes, “to the obinson’s characterization of clas-
literal, classical Greek definition of democ- sic popular democracy is a good
racy as the rule, of power (cratos), of the description of the historical proj-
people (demos).” It “posit[s] a dispersal ect of the radical-democratic left.
throughout society of political power through the It is well to the left of the repub-
participation of broad majorities in decision-mak- lican thinking that guided the construction
ing. [It] conjoins representative government to of “the Republic” in the late 18th century.
forms of participatory democracy that hold states
The Founders included some brilliant
accountable beyond the indirect mechanisms of
periodic elections” and pursues “the construction individuals, but their brilliance was har-
of a democratic social order.” nessed largely to the cause of antidem-
ocracy. Drawn from the elite propertied
In order to be relevant, the popular-democratic segments of a deeply stratified society, the
model holds, “democracy” must be “a tool for delegates to the Constitutional Convention
changing unjust economic structures, national as
shared their compatriots John Jay’s and
well as international.” It is strongly concerned,
John Adam’s view that “the people who
therefore, with the substantive outcome of social
7 : William I. Robinson, Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization,
: for example Barack Obama’s book The Audacity of Hope: thoughts on US Intervention, and Hegemony [Cambridge, 1996], pp. 57-58]
Reclaiming the American Dream [2006]

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