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Tools for Learning: Icedrop sticks to build a foundation, rock and sand, clay to form a two men: the wise and the foolish

Memory Verse:

1Co 3:11
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
In this lesson we will talk about the importance of building a strong foundation for our lives. Like a house or a building it cannot stand without a
foundation. The strength of the house depends upon the strength of its foundation. If the foundation is weak that house is also weak but if the
foundation is strong that house is also strong. In like manner, a person who has a strong spiritual foundation will also live a strong and victorious life.
In the book of Matthew 7:24-27, our Lord Jesus talks about two kinds of people who are building their houses in two different kinds of foundation.
(Please read Matthew 7:24-27)


Here in this story we see two kinds of people. The wise man and the foolish man. The basis of Jesus calling this person wise is not because he is
intellectual or a brilliant thinker but because he has chosen a firm foundation to build his house. House here speaks of our lives. If we build our life on
the right foundation, we are perceived and called wise by our Lord.


We see here that there are two kinds of foundation. A rock, which speaks of a firm foundation and sand, which speaks of a very weak foundation.

1. Rock signifies our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4). He is the Rock eternal (Isaiah 26:4). Jesus Christ is pictured in the Bible as a
rock because He is strong and will never ever change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is the chosen
and precious cornerstone (1 Peter 2:6). He is the only foundation given by God the Father to which we can build our lives upon (1
Corinthians 3:11).

2. Sand speaks of anything that is apart from Christ. Sand signifies those weak and lifeless foundations that men have built their lives on.
What are some of these weak foundations?

i. Religion some people are so proud on their church that they believed that if you will not join to their group you will not
be saved. They exalt and magnify their sect more than they magnify Christ. There trust is on their denomination and not
on God our savior.

ii. Money many people are so obsessed on worldly wealth that their whole life is focused on gaining material possessions.
The top priority of their lives is money and not Jesus. They love money more than they loved God. They based their
worth and identity on there accumulated possessions. Their trust and focus is on things and not on the Living God.

iii. Man some are so dependent on other people that they feel they could not continue living if these people whom they look
unto for help and satisfaction are no longer be there. The foundation of their lives is based on their spouse, parents,
friend, or others and not on Jesus Christ.

iv. Man made doctrines some people based their beliefs and values on man-made teachings rather than on the Word of
God. Any doctrine that is based to the teachings of the Bible is not worthy of listening much more believing.

v. Self many people are self reliant and independent of God. Instead of trusting and living for God, they live a life that is
totally void of the presence of God. They set their own laws, standards, and visions instead of walking in the ways of the
Lord. They focus on self and not on Christ.


In the story, the heavy rain and the strong winds hit both houses, which simply means that all of us will really experience problems. It doesnt mean
that if you are one with God you will not face tribulations. Jesus said, In this world you will have trouble (John 16:33). As long as we are still in this
fallen world we will always be bombarded with all kinds of pressures. From time to time we will experience problem in our family, finances, work, and
health. Trials and attacks will always be part of our life here on earth.


Our house must be established on the Rock, who is Jesus Christ, so that we will stand firm in the midst of the storms that will come to us. The house
that we are building can mean our life, our family, our work, our business, our ministry or any other endeavor we try to achieve. Everything we have
and everything we do must be rooted in Christ so that it will flourish and prosper. Apart from Him we are nothing and can do nothing.


How do we build our house on the rock? Jesus gave us this principle in Matthew 7:24: HEAR AND OBEY. If you take time to hear the word of God
and apply it, then you will be established in Christ the rock. The more you hear and obey the Lord the more you will be rooted and grounded in Him.


Before we can fully obey God we must first know His commandments and principles. We need to take time in reading, studying and hearing the word
of God. If we are ignorant to the teachings of the Bible then we cannot really obey God. We must first hear before we can obey.


Hearing the word of God is not enough we need to apply it. If we are just fond of hearing the word but we fail to practice it, then we are called foolish
by Jesus Himself (Matthew 7:26). We need to be doers of the word and not hearers only (James 1:22). Wise men practice what they know (Matthew


If we constantly hear and obey the word of God our relationship with Christ goes deeper and deeper. The more we are established in Him the more we
gain spiritual strength, enabling grace and supernatural power. And when the storms of life comes to us, it would not affect us because we are strong
on the inside. Our hearts are founded on Jesus Christ. Doers of the word are possessed by the Holy Spirit. God is with them. And if God is for us who
can be against us? (Romans 8:31).

APPLICATION: What kind of foundation have you been built with? What kind of foundation would you like to be?

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