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Anlisis del funcionamiento de la configuracin

del reactor anaerobio de flujo ascendente

filtro percolador para el tratamiento a
escala real de aguas residuales domsticas
P. Torres-Lozada*, J.A. Rodrguez-Victoria, C.L. Surez-
Marmolejo, Y. Duque-Burbano y L. Enrquez-Castillo
Grupo de Investigacin Estudio y Control de la Contaminacin Ambiental ECCA, Escuela de Ingeniera
de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente, Facultad de Ingeniera, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

Analysis of the performance of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket - trickling

filter configuration for treating domestic sewage at full scale

Anlisi del funcionament de la configuraci del reactor anaerobi de flux ascendent - filtre percolador
per al tractament a escala real daiges residuals domstiques

Recibido: 28 de octubre de 2015; aceptado: 4 de febrero de 2016

SUMMARY operacin y mantenimiento, se encontr un desempeo ade-

cuado en trminos de eficiencias de remocin de DQO, DBO5
In addition of the existence of wastewater treatment plants y SST (alrededor de 80%). Dadas las bondades de esta confi-
(WWTP), it is necessary ensure their effectivity and sus- guracin para el tratamiento de aguas residuales domsticas,
tainability over time through a proper selection of technol- es recomendable establecer criterios de diseo, operacin y
ogies, good design and construction and good practices mantenimiento apropiados, lo que resultar en una mayor ca-
of operating and maintenance. The configuration: UASB pacidad y eficiencia del tratamiento.
reactor followed for a Trickling Filter has demonstrated the
obtaining of an effluent in line with the requirements of the Palabras clave: Agua residual domstica; filtro percola-
environmental legislation. The Valle del Cauca-Colombia dor; tratamiento anaerobio/aerobio; UASB.
state has 19 WWTP and five has this configuration. Al-
though the analysis realized in these WWTP shows weak-
nesses associated with inadequate selection of design RESUM
criteria and deficiencies of operation and maintenance, it
was found an adequate performance in terms of the re- A ms de lexistncia de plantes de tractament daiges
moval efficiencies of COD, BOD5 and TSS (about 80%). residuals (PTAR), cal assegurar la seva efectivitat i sos-
Given the benefits of this configuration to treat domestic tenibilitat en el temps a travs duna adequada selecci
sewage, it is advisable to establish criteria of design, op- de tecnologies, un bon disseny i la construcci i bones
eration, and maintenance appropriate, what will result in prctiques doperaci i manteniment. La configuraci
greater capacity and efficiency of treatment. Reactor UASB seguida de filtre percolador, ha demostrat
lobtenci dun efluent dacord amb els requeriments de
Keywords: Anaerobic/aerobic treatment; domestic was- la legislaci ambiental; el Departament del Valle del Cau-
tewater; trickling filter; UASB. ca-Colmbia t 19 PTAR i cinc delles presenten aques-
ta configuraci. Encara que lanlisi realitzat a aquestes
PTAR, mostra debilitats associades a la selecci inade-
RESUMEN quada de criteris de disseny i deficincies doperaci i
manteniment, es va trobar un desenvolupament adequat
Adems de la existencia de plantas de tratamiento de aguas en termes deficincies de remoci de DQO, DBO5 i
residuales (PTAR), es necesario asegurar su efectividad y sos- SST (al voltant del 80%). Donades les bondats daques-
tenibilidad en el tiempo a travs de una adecuada seleccin de ta configuraci per al tractament daiges residuals
tecnologas, buen diseo y construccin y buenas prcticas de domstiques, s recomanable establir uns criteris de
operacin y mantenimiento. La configuracin Reactor UASB disseny, operaci i manteniment apropiats, el que resul-
seguida de Filtro Percolador, ha demostrado la obtencin de tar en una major capacitat i eficincia del tractament.
un efluente acorde con los requerimientos de la legislacin am-
biental; el Departamento del Valle del Cauca-Colombia tiene 19 Paraules clau: Aigua residual domstica; filtre percolador;
PTAR y cinco de ellas presentan esta configuracin. Aunque el tractament anaerobi/aerobi; UASB.
anlisis realizado a estas PTAR, muestra debilidades asociadas
a seleccin inadecuada de criterios de diseo y deficiencias de *Corresponding author: patricia.torres@correounivalle.edu.co

AFINIDAD LXXIV, 576, October - December 2016 315


In 2025, the world population will be about 7.2 billion

people of which 2/3 would locate in cities [1]. In Latin-
American and Caribbean (LAC) context, a big population
percentage are located in urban centers, but the predom-
inance of small population cities is remarkable (of 14000
municipalities, 90% has less than 50 thousand inhabit-
ants and more than 30% has less than 5 thousand [2].
Figure 1a shows the worldwide domestic wastewater
treatment - DWWT coverage context, being the regions Figure 2. Distribution of DWWTP by treated flow
of the developing countries the lowest coverage of recol- in Colombia (L/s). Source: Adapted from [11]
lection and adequate treatment [3]. Figure1b proves this
tendency in LAC, as it is seen that in 21 countries ana- Among technologies for DWWTP implemented in Co-
lyzed, low coverage predominate, being the main causes lombia, the two most applied technologies are stabiliza-
financial aspects and the lack of knowledge about low tion ponds and anaerobic systems [11], this situation is
cost alternative technologies, which compromises the very similar with the tendencies on DWWT in developing
sustainability, management and operation of wastewater countries [5] where tropical and subtropical climate condi-
treatment systems [4-6]. tions predominate with temperatures above 20C. In these
regions anaerobic technology is the most sustainable for
the DWWT due to mainly aspects as simplicity and lower
investment costs, low energy consume, high potential
of methane generation and the nutrient approach of the
treated wastewater and low sludge production and GHG
emissions [6,12-14]; These traits make them particularly
well suited for decentralized wastewater treatment, mainly
in rural areas and small towns [15].
Despite the operational simplicity of stabilization pond
systems, factors such as the high land cost and the con-
sequences on the regional economy that means sacrific-
ing high agricultural production areas [16], have led to
the implementation of other treatment technologies more
compact as anaerobic reactors alone or combined with
Figure 1. Wastewater treatment cover- aerobic systems [9,10,17-19]. Experiences at different
age context. Source: Adapted from [3] scales have demonstrated that the treatment of anaerobic
reactor effluents with aerobic processes allows to obtain
DWWT is also of vital importance due to an increase in better quality of treated effluent and economical advan-
the scarcity of clean water, which makes it is necessary tages [20-28].
the appropriate management of available water resourc- The UASB is the most anaerobic reactor implemented for
es [7]. Building a wastewater treatment system by itself treating DWW in the world [5-6]. The UASB followed by
does not mean a solution to environmental issues; to trickling filter (UASB/TF) would also ensure effluent quality
make this possible it is necessary to ensure effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of the environmental
and sustainability over time through appropriate technol- legislation and it has allowed to meet three fundamental
ogy selection and system operation [8,9]. principles necessary to ensure implementation [14]: i) uni-
Selection of DWWT technologies depend on factors such versal access, ii) efficiency and economic sustainability
as i) wastewater characteristics, ii) locations social and and iii) use of appropriate technologies considering the
cultural traits, iii) the effluents required quality accord- payment capacity of user and the adoption of gradual and
ing to its use or final destination, iv) lands availability, v) progressive solutions. That configuration is usually capa-
compatibility of the different operations and processes, ble of achieve COD, BOD5 and TSS removal efficiency up
vi) environmental impacts due to technology, vii) invest- to 91, 96 and 94% respectively [29-31]. Additionally, this
ment and operating cost of the treatment system, viii) reli- configuration allows produce a renewable energy source
ability and ix) available means of evacuation for the final such as methane and produce smaller amounts of sludge
pollutants[10]. which is also stabilized in the same reactor.
Despite the abundance of water resources in Colombia, Although not extensively reported in the literature, there
their distribution is not uniform, because most of the are successful full-scale experiences in countries like Co-
population (74%) is concentrated in areas where offered lombia, Brazil and Guatemala that have reported overall
superficial water is only 21% [11]. Of the 1097 cities that COD removal efficiencies above 80%. In Brazil, Aisse et al.
exist in Colombia, 43% have DWWTP (total 562). [32] it was reviewed the DWWT that treats UASB reactors
Even though the seven DWWTP with flow > 500L/s rep- effluents of the states of Paran for populations between
resent only 3% of the total DWWTP (Figure 2), constitute 200 thousand and 600 thousand inhabitants, among which
54% of the capacity installed in the country (flow design (UASB/TF) configuration is included; Onas DWWTP
18 m3/s). Additionally, there are few cases where treat- (Brazil) is considered the largest DWWTP in LAC with a
ment coverage is 100% and of 72.2 m3/s of wastewater treatment capacity of 1.8 m3/s which may be expanded
generated by the urban population in 2010, only 31% to 3.6 m3/s [33]. In Egypt, a full-scale experience was pre-
(22,4m3/s) was treated [11]. sented [34], in which this configuration obtained removal

316 AFINIDAD LXXIV, 576, October - December 2016

efficiencies of 70% of COD and BOD5 and of 86% of TSS. Table 1 shows the main characteristics of the DWWTP that
The department of Valle del Cauca is the Colombias re- have UASB/TF [39]. According to information obtained,
gion where UASB/TF configuration is most implemented the municipalities where these DWWTP are located, the
for the treatment of DWW; on this paper we intended to population varies between 8000 and 61000 inhabitants,
identify the advantages and limitations in the design, con- considered small communities, classified as medium or
struction, operation, maintenance and performance of this low economic power and temperatures typical of tropical
configuration based on the theoretical knowledge and ex- and subtropical climate [9,40,41]. These conditions show
perience in other DWWTP under similar conditions. the technology selected as suitable for the regional con-
text [5, 9,10,14,17-19].

METHODOLOGY Table 1. Main characteristics of DWWTP evaluated.

Source: HLR: Hydraulic Load Rate. Adapted from [39]
Identification of DWWTP Location
We initially identified the departments municipalities that Item Calima-
Restrepo Riofro Pradera Caicedonia
use the UASB/TF configuration for treating DWW; then we Darin
compiled an overview related to demographics aspects Design year 1995 2003 2003 2007 2006
(population, density and stratification and growth rate), uti- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS
lities (water supply, sewage collection and disposal of solid Start date of operation 1998 2007 2008 2010 2011
waste, energy, telecommunications, coverage) and waste- Design period (years) 10 20 20 20 20
water production (average and peak flows). In order to know Design population (inh) 8960 17284 11975 61089 43692
the configuration, operation and maintenance of each DW- Design flow (L/s) 40,2 96 43,5 126,6 92,6
WTP, information was requested regarding origins of the Operating tem-
16 - 21 18 23 23 23
perature (C)
project, expected benefits, technology selection, mainte-
nance activities, generation and product management, ef-
UASB HRT (h) 8,5 8 8 8 11,5
fluent quality, receiving bodies characteristics and the role
UASB depth (h) 4 6,7 6 5,1 5,5
of environmental authorities in developing the project.
Biogas management Gas burner Flares
Identification of critical issues of design, operation and
TF HLR (m3/m2*d) 30 49,8 43,4 8,4 53,1
To define the critical issues in the design and operation
TF depth (m) 4
& maintenance on the preliminary treatment, UASB reac-
Type of media Plastic
tors, trickling filter and final settler, calculation reports were
reviewed to establish the design criteria of the treatment
HLR (m/d) 14
system units. Additionally, technical visits were made in
order to identify the most relevant aspects of the construc- Identification of critical issues of design, operation and
tion, operation and maintenance. By reviewing the literatu- maintenance
re and comparisons with full-scale application at the same The treatment system include coarse and fine screens, grit
conditions (temperature, rainfall, sunshine) we identified chamber, grease trap, UASB reactors, trickling filter, final
identify the advantages and limitations. settler and sludge drying bed. With the revision of calcu-
WWTP performance evaluation lation reports and technical visits to the DWWTP, it was
Given that environmental and population characteristics found that some units had adopted design criteria that do
of the DWWTP evaluated are similar, performance evalua- not match to those recommended in the literature. Table 2
tion was conducted by analyzing the results of 32 cha- show the critical points identified in the preliminary treat-
racterizations made in 3 DWWTP (Calima-Darien, Riofro, ments in DWWTP.
Restrepo), that included measuring of pH, BOD5, Total and
Filtered COD, TSS, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) and Total Table 2. Critical issues in preliminary treatment.
Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN), which were determined accor- Unit Critical point Impacts
ding to Standard Methods [35]. The evaluation was per- Often plugged, poor
Rectangular or circular bar shape
formed using descriptive statistical analysis of average, performance
median, maximum and minimum data, coefficients of va- Coarse and Solids accumulation Odor problems,
fine screens in screen channel poor performance
riation and standard deviation. The results are presented in
Improper access for maintenance
Boxplot graphs, in order to observe the variability in time,
Single unit: hinder maintenance
the existence of outliers and symmetry of distribution.
Grit Inorganic solid ac-
Inadequate design
chamber cumulation in UASB
Hydraulic jump, im- Grease accumula-
Grease trap
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION proper operation tion in UASB.
Source: [14,20].
Identification of DWWTP
SSPD [11] indicates that of 42 municipalities in the De- Table 3 presents the critical issues found in UASB reac-
partment of Valle del Cauca, 18 have DWWTP (two in Cali), of tors. With the exception of two DWWTP, it is stress as
which 17 have secondary treatment and the other two have a positive development the installation of tilted plates
advanced primary treatment. The predominant technology in the settling zone UASB reactor in order to promote
are the stabilization ponds and UASB/TF configuration with the retention of solids. But it was observed considera-
seven systems each one, followed by Chemical enhanced pri- ble losses of biogas mainly due to inappropriate Solid-
mary and high-rate Trickling Filter with two each system; the Liquid-Gas (SLG) separator design, construction and
last technology is Septic tank/Anaerobic Filter [36-39]. operation.

AFINIDAD LXXIV, 576, October - December 2016 317

Table 3. Critical issues in UASB reactors. Moreover, noted that the TF, which acts as a polishing
Reference Critical issues Impacts unit, presents a smaller reduction than that achieved in the
Gravity feed from Manifold (perforated
Clogging, hydraulic UASB reactor. However, the concentration and removal
problems, poor mix- efficiency observed in the final effluent is consistent with
top by tube tube) and lateral
ing and contact
Upflow velocity: Poor expansion sludge those reported by literature [17,31,32,46,47].
0,13 a 0,47 m/h
0,5 1,5 m/h blanket, poor performance
Treatment volume
HRT: 4 - 10 h 8 11,5 h
than is necessary
Biomass washed-out,
SLG separator Improper design corrosion and odor
problems, biogas losses
V-notch weirs,
Perforated sub- Odor, corrosion and
Perforated tube
merged outlet hydraulic problems
poorly constructed
Inadequate performance
Collection and Inefficient gas
of the reactor, biogas
disposal of biogas collection
release in settler
Improper drain and Clogging feed tube, hinder
sludge sampling valves sludge evacuation
Meter and biogas No record biogas produc-
Special devices
burner out of operation tion, release to atmosphere
Biogas release to atmo-
Covers in por condition
sphere, odor problem

Source: [14,20].

Table 4 shows the critical points identified in the trickling

filter and the final settler of the DWWTP. It should be noted
that clogging in TF distributor causes a damming of was-
tewater in the UASB reactor, which exceeds the level of
the biogas collection pipe, causing their accumulation and
release of the reactor covered by the pressure by biogas.

Table 4. Critical issues in trickling filter and final settler.

Unit Reference Criticalissues Impacts
Dry zones, reduced effi-
Circular shape Rectangular
ciency process
Rotary Fixed nozzle Clogging, inadequate moisture
distribution distributor on media, low biomass growth
Peripheral filter low biomass grow,
Poor ventilation
ventilation odor problems
Dead zones, inadequa-
Circular shape Rectangular te solid retention and
hydraulic problems
Final Sludge purge
Figure 4. COD, BOD5 and TSS Variation.
Weekly, Decomposition and flo-
Sett- at least once
biweekly tation of settled solids
ler a day Figure 5 shows that the concentrations of TKN and TAN
V-notch weirs
and perfora-
Clogging of collection devi- are established within the typical range for domestic was-
collection ces, hydraulics problem.
ted plate tewater [42,48]. In the UASB effluent, there was a slight
Source: [14,20]. decrease in nitrogen and a smaller difference between the
two forms of nitrogen, which is associated with ammonifi-
DWWTP Performance cation processes. The minimal reduction presented in the
Figure 4 shows that the influent wastewater to the DW- final effluent is due that the system was not designed for
WTPs has a typical concentration of a dilute domestic the nitrogen transformation. However, taking into account
wastewater [42], which is associated with combined sew- that the TF has limitations in design and operation, as well
age systems and that wastewater does not receive indus- as the final settler, it is possible that optimization strate-
trial contributions or atypical contributions could interfere gies permit a further reduction of nitrogen. Table 5 shows
with biological treatment [43]. The average efficiency COD a summary of concentration and removal efficiencies for
(65%), BOD5(90%) and TSS (90%) concentrations of UASB DWWTP as well as reported by research and application.
reactors shows that on this unit is transforms most of the
organic matter, which coincides with the report by several
authors that report reductions between 60-80% and 70-
80%, in terms of BOD5 and TSS, respectively [6,16,24,30].
The observed values when compared with those reported in
the literature for UASB reactors followed by aerobic post-treat-
ment indicate good performance of UASB [13,14,20,27,44,45],
despite the critical issues identified in both the design and op-
eration, resulting in COD, BOD5 and TSS concentrations and
removal efficiencies in accordance with the reported experienc-
es. Additionally, it emphasizes the considerable TSS removal
observed in this unit as a result of the installation of tilted plates
in the settling zone, demonstrating the importance of retention
of solids in the UASB reactor efficiency. Figure 4. TKN and TANs concentration.

318 AFINIDAD LXXIV, 576, October - December 2016

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