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a satellite of Earth,

Distance from Earth: The Moon's average distance from Earth is 238,000 miles (383,500 km).

Orbit around Earth: It takes the Moon 27.3 Earth days to revolve around our planet one time.

Rotation: The Moon spins on its axis once every 27.3 Earth days.

Surface: The Moon's surface is covered with craters, mountain ranges, rilles (long narrow
channels), and lava plains. The vast, dark regions we see on the Moon's surface are called maria, or
seas. They are actually very large, smooth lava beds. The bright, light areas on the Moon's surface
are called highlands.

The Moon is covered with a solid, rocky crust about 500 miles (800 km) thick.
Underneath the crust, scientists think there is a partially molten zone that leads to a small core of
iron. Craters on the Moon come in a wide variety of sizes. The largest crater measures 1,600 miles
(2,575 km) across, while the smallest is the size of a pinprick.

Atmosphere: The Moon has no long-lasting, significant atmosphere, so the footprints left by Apollo
astronauts will last a long time.

Temperature: The mean daytime temperature is 225 F (107 C), while the mean nighttime
temperature is 243 (153 C).

Escape velocity: To escape the Moon's gravity, you need to travel 5,200 miles (8,400 km) per
hour, compared to 25,000 miles (40,200 km) per hour necessary to escape Earth's gravity.
Earth's gravity is six times greater than the Moon's.

Why Can We See The Moon During The Day?

On earth, we know that we have two bright objects in the sky: the sun and the
moon. When the earth faces the sun during its rotation, the energy from the
sun gives us light and heat. When the earth faces away from the sun it
becomes dark and we see the moon in the sky

The moon has an orbit around the earth and we can see it at night because of
the reflection of the suns rays and energy that bounce back to the earth. This
is what gives the moon the brilliant white glow

The earth is tilted on an axis

Why is the Moon Leaving Us?

Our moon was formed billions of years ago when there was a collision
between earth and plantory objects . The explosion resulted in the earth we
have today and the creation of the moon. At that moment, the moon was
really much closer to the earth. A day was only 2-3 hours long because the
earth was rotating very fast.

Both the moon and the earth have a gravitational pull and ewe are pulling so
much, that it causes a bulge in the earth and the moon

The process is causing the earths rotation to slow down and this allows the
moon to drift away, ever so slowly.

each year, our moon is drifting away at 1-2 cm. This is causing our earth days
to get longer by 1/500th of a second each century, as the rotation of the earth
The moon will still be with us for a long time. The fact is, the moon is not
strong enough to be able to escape the earths gravitational pull completely.
The moon is affected by the solar tides of the sun and that has a tendency to
want to push the moon closer to earth. Between both of these factors,
scientists have said that the moon wont leave us, it will just drift away a bit

Why does the moon shine?

he moon is made up of large dark volcanic rock. The moon is not like earth,

The reason that we see the moon with a glow or shine, is because the light of
the sun is reflecting off of the moon that is visible to us.
Due to the fact that it is made up of such dark material, it reflects only about
12% of the light that hits it. The amount of light that gets bounced back to
earth also depends on the time and place of the orbit of the moon. When the
moons orbit puts it in direct forward facing to the earth, we get a larger
amount of light bounced back.
This is when we have a full moon. It appears larger and brighter and we can
usually see the man-in-the-moon face really clearly. As the orbit changes, the
angle of the light changes and less and less light bounces back to earth.
During the various quarter stages of the moon it is actually only reflecting
around 8% of the light. Due to the elliptical orbit, the moon occasionally gets
even closer. When this happens, and it is facing the earth, we see the moon
at a 20% reflection and this is called a super moon. The light of a super moon
is so bright, that astronomers have to put away their telescopes because the
light hides a lot of the surrounding night sky, including the light of smaller

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