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from __future__ import division, print_function

from visual import *

from visual.graph import *

import wx

# wx is the wxPython library (see wxpython.org)

# wxPython is a Python library that makes it possible to create

# windows and handle events cross-platform, with native look-and-feel on

# Windows, Mac, and Linux. This program widgets.py uses VPython to handle

# 3D graphics, and wxPython statements to create buttons, sliders, etc.

# Among the documentation mentioned at wxpython.org, a particularly

# useful reference manual is docs.wxwidgets.org/3.0. At that site, the

# section "Categories" gives a useful overview of the components of wxPython,

# and the category "Controls" describes all the things you can do with

# buttons, sliders, etc.

# When you see "wxButton" that actually means wx.Button, after importing

# wx. The wxPython library is based on wxWidgets, a library for C++ programs,

# and the documentation for wxPython and wxWidgets is very similar.

# Because most wxPython classes inherit attributes and methods from

# other, more general wxPython classes, investigate the parent classes to

# learn about capabilities that may not be mentioned explicitly in the

# inheriting class.

# For simplicity, this program places various widgets at specific

# positions within the window. However, wxPython also offers the

# option to allow it to rearrange the positioning of widgets as

# a function of window size and shape. A good tutorial on wxPython,

# which includes a discussion of "Layout Management", is found at

# zetcode.com/wxpython.

# Functions that are called on various events

def setleft(evt): # called on "Rotate left" button event

cube.dir = -1

def setright(evt): # called on "Rotate right" button event

cube.dir = 1

def sethide(evt): # called on "Hide for 3 s" button event

w.visible = False


w.visible = True

def setfull(evt): # called on "Full screen for 3 s" button event

w.fullscreen = True


w.fullscreen = False

def leave(evt): # called on "Exit under program control" button event


def setred(evt): # called by "Make red" menu item

cube.color = color.red

t1.SetSelection(0) # set the top radio box button (red)

def setcyan(evt): # called by "Make cyan" menu item

cube.color = color.cyan

t1.SetSelection(1) # set the bottom radio box button (cyan)

def togglecubecolor(evt): # called by radio box (a set of two radio buttons)

choice = t1.GetSelection()

if choice == 0: # upper radio button (choice = 0)

cube.color = color.red

else: # lower radio button (choice = 1)

cube.color = color.cyan

def cuberate(value):

cube.dtheta = 2*value*pi/1e4

def setrate(evt): # called on slider events

value = s1.GetValue()

cuberate(value) # value is min-max slider position, 0 to 100

L = 320

Hgraph = 400

# Create a window. Note that w.win is the wxPython "Frame" (the window).

# window.dwidth and window.dheight are the extra width and height of the window

# compared to the display region inside the window. If there is a menu bar,

# there is an additional height taken up, of amount window.menuheight.

# The default style is wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE; the style specified here

# does not enable resizing, minimizing, or full-sreening of the window.

w = window(width=2*(L+window.dwidth),
menus=True, title='Widgets',


# Place a 3D display widget in the left half of the window.

d = 20

disp = display(window=w, x=d, y=d, width=L-2*d, height=L-2*d, forward=-vector(0,1,2))

gdisplay(window=w, y=disp.height+50, width=2*(L+window.dwidth), height=Hgraph)

cube = box(color=color.red)

# Place buttons, radio buttons, a scrolling text object, and a slider

# in the right half of the window. Positions and sizes are given in

# terms of pixels, and pos(0,0) is the upper left corner of the window.

p = w.panel # Refers to the full region of the window in which to place widgets

wx.StaticText(p, pos=(d,4), size=(L-2*d,d), label='A 3D canvas',


left = wx.Button(p, label='Rotate left', pos=(L+10,15))

left.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, setleft)

right = wx.Button(p, label='Rotate right', pos=(1.5*L+10,15))

right.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, setright)

hide = wx.Button(p, label='Hide for 3 s', pos=(L+10,50))

hide.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, sethide)

full = wx.Button(p, label='Full screen for 3 s', pos=(1.5*L+10,50))

full.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, setfull)
exit_program = wx.Button(p, label='Exit under program control', pos=(L+70,200))

exit_program.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, leave)

t1 = wx.RadioBox(p, pos=(1.0*L,0.3*L), size=(0.25*L, 0.25*L),

choices = ['Red', 'Cyan'], style=wx.RA_SPECIFY_ROWS)

t1.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, togglecubecolor)

# On the Mac, wx.TextCtrl is resized when the window is resized.

# This resizing does not occur on Windows or Linux. Unlike for

# wx.StaticText used above, there is no wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE option.

tc = wx.TextCtrl(p, pos=(1.4*L,90), value='You can type here:\n',

size=(150,90), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)

tc.SetInsertionPoint(len(tc.GetValue())+1) # position cursor at end of text

tc.SetFocus() # so that keypresses go to the TextCtrl without clicking it

# Note that disp.canvas.SetFocus() will put disp in keyboard focus.

s1 = wx.Slider(p, pos=(1.0*L,0.8*L), size=(0.9*L,20), minValue=0, maxValue=100)

s1.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, setrate)

wx.StaticText(p, pos=(1.0*L,0.75*L), label='Set rotation rate')

# Create a menu of options (Rotate right, Rotate right, Make red, Make cyan).

# Currently, menus do not work on the Macintosh.

m = w.menubar # Refers to the menubar, which can have several menus

menu = wx.Menu()

item = menu.Append(-1, 'Rotate left', 'Make box rotate to the left')

w.win.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, setleft, item)

item = menu.Append(-1, 'Rotate right', 'Make box rotate to the right')

w.win.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, setright, item)

item = menu.Append(-1, 'Make red', 'Make box red')

w.win.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, setred, item)

item = menu.Append(-1, 'Make cyan', 'Make box cyan')

w.win.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, setcyan, item)

# Add this menu to an Options menu next to the default File menu in the menubar

m.Append(menu, 'Options')

# Initializations

s1.SetValue(70) # update the slider

cuberate(s1.GetValue()) # set the rotation rate of the cube

cube.dir = -1 # set the rotation direction of the cube

# Add a graph to the window

funct1 = gcurve(color=color.cyan)

funct2 = gvbars(delta=0.5, color=color.red)

funct3 = gdots(color=color.yellow)

for t in arange(-30, 74, 1):

funct1.plot( pos=(t, 5.0+5.0*cos(-0.2*t)*exp(0.015*t)) )

funct2.plot( pos=(t, 2.0+5.0*cos(-0.1*t)*exp(0.015*t)) )

funct3.plot( pos=(t, 5.0*cos(-0.03*t)*exp(0.015*t)) )

# A VPython program that uses these wxPython capabilities should always end

# with an infinite loop containing a rate statement, as future developments

# may require this to keep a display active. It can be as simple as

# while True: rate(1)

while True:


cube.rotate(axis=(0,1,0), angle=cube.dir*cube.dtheta)

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