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Elementary Spanish Lesson Plan

Objective: I can use vocabulary words: duerme, el despertador, and suena in


Lesson Plan:

1. La promesa (The Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish)

By starting class everyday with the pledge, its a good way to state its the start
of class!

2. Introducir Vocabulario (Introducing new vocabulary with gestures)

This is helpful for all types of learners.
Duerme - he/she/it sleeps
El despertador - the alarm clock
Suena - he/she/it sounds/rings

3. Teacher talk with the words. We just talk about the words and use
different prompts to get them listening, hearing and using the words. This
is helpful for auditory learners, unless the questions are provided on the
board then it includes visual.

Cul es una persona famosa que duerme mucho? - fun

Duermes en la cama?
Duerme arriba de la cama o debajo de la cama?
Cul es una cosa que suena?
Hay un despertador en tu casa? En tu cama? En la clase de espanol?

6. Un Cuento - a story. Using new vocabulary words. I will read/tell the

story and the chosen students are expected to act out the story in front of
their classmates with the gestures. This is very helpful for the auditory and
kinesthetic learners.

Hay una gatita. (Cmo describe la gatita?) La gatita se llama (Cmo se

llama la gatita?). ______ es una gatita que come la pizza de Klavons mucho,

pero tambin, duerme mucho. La gatita duerme mucho mucho! Duerme de da y

duerme de noche. Duerme en la casa y en la escuela. La gatita duerme mucho!

(Cul da duerme clase?), ________ duerme. (Duerme en el sof o en la

cama en la casa?) Duerme bien y est contenta. Pero hay un despertador

arriba de (el sof o la cama). A las cinco y media (or should I ask a que hora?)

de la maana, el despertador suena. El despertador suena mucho. Qu

problema! _______ no est contenta y grita: NO! Despertador malo!

Entonces, _________ tiene una idea: (Ella come o pega el

despertador?) Ahora, el despertador no suena. ___________ duerme ms. La

gatita est contenta y dice: PURRRRRRRRR.


7. Dibujalo (Draw it!)

Once the students are comfortable with the story, I will provide a written version
on the board and the students will have a piece of paper with 9 blank box. Each
will have a sentence or two from the story and they will draw a picture according
to that scene. This is very helpful with the visual and kinesthetic learners.

8. Review: We will talk about the story in English at the end to make sure
everyone is on the same page and review the vocabulary words with some type
of game whether it is Pictionary where you need to draw the word or charades.

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