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Original article

doi: 10.1111/jcal.12049


Modeling preservice teachers TPACK

competencies based on ICT usage
I. Kabakci Yurdakul* & A. N. Coklar
*Anadolu Universitesi, Turkey
Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey

Abstract The purpose of this study was to build a model that predicts the relationships between the
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) competencies and information and
communication technology (ICT) usages. Research data were collected from 3105 Turkish
preservice teachers. The TPACK-Deep Scale, ICT usage phase survey and the ICT usage level
survey were used to collect the research data. The structural regression model was conducted
to test the model regarding the fact that ICT usage phases and ICT usage levels were
predictors of TPACK competencies. The ICT usage phase was a statistically significant
predictor of TPACK competency for all such sub-factors of the TPACK-Deep Scale as design
( = 0.12; p < 0.01), exertion ( = 0.20; p < 0.01), ethics ( = 0.93; p < 0.01) and proficiency
( = 0.41; p < 0.01). Similarly, the ICT usage level was a statistically significant predictor of
TPACK competency for all such sub-dimensions of the scale as design ( = 0.23; p < 0.01),
exertion ( = 0.12; p < 0.01), ethics ( = 0.78; p < 0.01) and proficiency ( = 0.21; p < 0.01).
The research findings demonstrated that ICT use based on ICT usage phase and level and
technology use knowledge and skills also influence overall TPACK competencies. When ICT
usage phases and/or ICT usage levels are increased with the help of ICT training, it could be
stated that TPACK competencies might be influenced; however, certain sub-dimensions might
be influenced more, and some dimensions might be influenced less.

Keywords ICT usage, preservice teachers, structural equation modeling, technology integration, TPACK.

Brush, 2007; Inan & Lowther, 2010; Karaca, Can, &

Yildirim, 2013). Therefore, in recent years, there has
Technology integration into education is a complex been an increase in the number of studies on helping
process involving many factors such as technology preservice teachers gain competency in technology
competency, lack of time, technical support, and integration. In other words, it is seen that research on
technological and administrative support. One of the technology integration in education has focused on
most influential factors in technology integration is preservice teachers competencies.
teacher competency (Belland, 2009; Bingimlas, 2009; Approaches to helping teachers and preservice
Brinkerhoff, 2006; Chen, Looi, & Chen, 2009; Hew & teachers gain competency in technology integration
were initially technology-focused, yet in recent years,
there has been a tendency towards pedagogy-focused
approaches. In other words, technology usage was
Accepted: 23 October 2013
came into prominence in previous studies conducted to
Correspondence: Isil Kabakci Yurdakul, Department of Computer
Education and Instructional Technologies, Anadolu University, 26470, help become competent in technology integration. The
Eskisehir, Turkey. Email: isilk@anadolu.edu.tr primary purpose was to help teachers and preservice

2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (2014), 30, 363376 363
364 I. Kabakci Yurdakul & A.N. Coklar

teachers acquire the technology use (TU) skills. view of the integration process from the perspective of
However, today, teachers and preservice teachers are teacher competencies.
expected to combine their pedagogical knowledge with
technology. Similarly, technology-integration models
Theoretical background
reported in related literature could be said to undergo a
change from technology-focused models to pedagogy- Studies reported in related literature regarding TPACK
focused models. One of these integration models is were generally conducted for recognition purposes and
the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for the purpose of measuring TPACK. In a study
(TPACK). carried out by Koehler, Mishra, Yahya and Yadav
TPACK is an integration model that basically (2004) with the qualitative research method, first of all,
involves including technological knowledge into the the researchers defined the TPACK framework. This
structure of pedagogical content knowledge devel- study and another one conducted by Koehler and
oped by Shulman (1986) (Koehler & Mishra, 2005). Mishra (2005) pioneered the first survey-development
The TPACK model is made up of three basic compo- research on the TPACK framework. Following this
nents such as content knowledge (CK), pedagogical study, various surveys and questionnaires have been
knowledge (PK) and technological knowledge (TK). developed to measure TPACK. Some of these TPACK
The other components of the model include the scales focused on the components that formed the
intersection and combination of these basic compo- TPACK framework (Archambault & Crippen, 2009;
nents. These components are Pedagogical Content Kabakci Yurdakul et al., 2012; Sahin, 2011; Schmidt
Knowledge (PCK), Technological Content Knowledge et al., 2009), and some of them were developed to
(TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) measure TPACK self-competency (Burgoyne, Graham,
and TPACK (Koehler & Mishra, 2005, 2009; Mishra & & Sudweeks, 2010). Another TPACK survey aimed at
Koehler, 2006). determining preservice teachers TPACK profiles
In general, TPACK is referred to as teachers knowl- (Chai, Koh, & Tsai, 2010). In TPACK-related litera-
edge, skills and competency regarding technology ture, it is generally seen that various studies on the
integration. According to a more comprehensive defi- development of surveys and scales were conducted
nition, it is an integration model that regards teacher with preservice teachers. Besides these studies, some
knowledge as a holistic and elaborative combination other TPACK survey studies reported in related litera-
and intersection of content, pedagogy and technology ture were conducted to develop a TPACK model based
knowledge for technology integration (Koehler & on the TPACK framework. The information and
Mishra, 2008; Mishra & Koehler, 2006; Polly & communication technology (ICT)-TPCK model was
Brantley-Dias, 2009; Schmidt et al., 2009). In addition, developed by Angeli and Valanides (2009). Another
this model has a deeper structure and meaning than survey study formed the TPACK-based framework of
simple inclusion of TU into the current teaching Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge-Web
process and content field (Koehler & Mishra, 2005). (TPCK-W) (Lee & Tsai, 2010). One of these studies
Moreover, the TPACK model emphasizes not only the was for the development of the TPACK-Deep Scale
association of three different disciplines for effective and framework. In related literature, TPACK-deep is
technology integration, but also interdisciplinary inter- the first scale based on the TPACK component of the
action (Koehler & Mishra, 2009). In other words, TPACK framework. Figure 1 presents the structure of
TPACK refers to the teachers knowledge of effective the TPACK-Deep Scale (Kabakci Yurdakul et al.,
and efficient use of technology to increase the effec- 2012).
tiveness and quality of instruction in the whole teach- The TPACK-Deep Scale has a 4-factor structure.
ing process from planning to evaluation in the process These factors are design, exertion, ethics and profi-
of teaching a specific content. The TPACK model ciency. Design factor covers designing and developing
differs from other integration models reported in the teachinglearning processes using ICTs to increase
related literature in that it is an integration model learning. Exertion factor covers the ability to apply the
based on the techno-pedagogical approach (Kabakci plans regarding the use of appropriate technologies
Yurdakul et al., 2012). Also, this model puts forward a ranging from evaluating to planning. As for the ethics

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Modeling preservice teachers TPACK compentencies 365

CK, PCK, TCK and TPK) via various methods such as

inferential statistics and structural equation modeling
(Archambault & Barnett, 2010; Chai et al., 2010, 2011;
Chai, Ng, Li, Hong, & Koh, 2013; Koh, Chai, & Tsai,
2012). Another study conducted by Chai et al. (2010)
examined the influence of ICT course on TPACK
competency. The TPACK scale was applied to 439
preservice teachers before the course and to 365
preservice teachers after the course. It was found out
that following the education process, the values of TK,
PK, CK and TPACK all statistically increased, and that
the ICT-related courses increased the teachers TPACK
competencies as well. Another study was carried out in
Singapore by Chai et al. (2011) with 834 primary
school preservice teachers. Following the web-based
ICT course given to the participants, the changes in
Figure 1. The Framework of Technological Pedagogical Content their TPACK competencies were examined. The study
Knowledge (TPACK)-Deep Scale revealed that the ICT course had positive influence on
TPACK. On the other hand, the same study also exam-
ined the correlation between TPACK and TU. The
factor within the TPACK-deep framework, it refers to results of the study demonstrated that TU influenced
the demonstration of legal and ethical behaviour TPACK positively. In another study conducted by Koh
regarding the use of ICTs in the teachinglearning et al. (2012) with 455 teachers in Singapore, it was
process. Proficiency factor covers leadership skills in reported that the structural equation model explained
the process of integration of technological sources into the teachers TPACK perceptions. According to the
the teaching process (Kabakci Yurdakul et al., 2012). results obtained, it was found out that technological
With these factors, TPACK-deep provides a new per- knowledge and pedagogical knowledge had direct
spective regarding the measurement of TPACK. effects on teachers TPACK perceptions. In one other
In addition, it is seen that experimental studies study carried out with 550 preservice teachers from
on TPACK generally focused on determining the China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan using the
influence of professional development programmes structural equation model, it was found out that CK, PK
on teachers TPACK developments. These studies and TK had indirectly positive effects (Chai et al.,
revealed that the professional development pro- 2013).
grammes had positive influence on teachers TPACK Based on these research results reported in related
developments (Doering, Veletsianos, Scharber, & literature, it could be stated that the TPACK model is
Miller, 2009; Graham et al., 2009; Guzey & Roehrig, likely to be influenced by ICT usage. In literature, there
2009; Jimoyiannis, 2010; Richardson, 2009; Shin are several studies investigating the influence of skills,
et al., 2009; Jang, 2010). In related literature, the focus beliefs, knowledge and attitudes regarding ICT usage
of studies on TPACK is now on determining the change (Hakkarainen et al., 2001; Kivunike, Ekenberg,
in TPACK via experimental studies rather than on the Danielson, & Tusubira, 2011; Ngwenyama &
development of surveys and scales. Morawczynski, 2009; Tearle, 2004). In addition, ICT
Besides survey and experimental design studies, it is training given to preservice teachers also influences
emphasized in related literature that there is a need for teachers future ICT usage (Hammond et al., 2009).
research on examining the nature and construct validity Therefore, it is suggested that ICT training given in the
of the TPACK framework (Archambault & Barnett, teacher training process should constantly be updated
2010; Chai, Koh, Tsai, & Tan, 2011). In general, these and be given on applied basis regarding the applica-
studies tried to explain the relationship between the tions at schools (BECTA, 2004; Lee, Chai, Teo, &
TPACK framework and TPACK components (TK, PK, Chen, 2008).

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366 I. Kabakci Yurdakul & A.N. Coklar

In literature, TPACK-related studies generally aimed Table 1. Demographic Backgrounds of the Participants
at determining the influence of TPACK components. Variables N Percentage (%)
The studies conducted with the TPACK-related struc-
tural equation modeling, inferential statistics or Gender
explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) Female 1799 57.9
Male 1306 42.1
generally aimed at investigating the construct validity Departments*
and nature of the TPACK framework with TPACK Primary School Teaching 1549 49.9
surveys focusing on TPACK components. In addition, Field Education 1058 34.1
Foreign Languages 432 13.9
in these studies, TPACK was explained directly with Teacher Training Institutions
seven TPACK components (Archambault & Barnett, University A 178 5.7
2010; Chai et al., 2010, 2011, 2013; Koh, Chai, & Tsai, University B 436 14.0
University C 837 27.0
2010; Koh et al., 2012). It is also pointed out that in
University D 205 6.6
such studies, different TPACK surveys could lead to University E 757 24.4
stronger results in explaining the TPACK framework University F 258 8.3
and construct validity (Koh et al., 2012). Also, University G 434 14.0

Archambault and Crippen (2009) and Cox and Graham *Some of the students did not report their departments.
(2009) pointed out that in order to clarify and help
better understand TPACK-focused knowledge, there is
and foreign languages (34.1% and 13.9%, respec-
a need for far more studies on the measurement of this
tively). In geographical terms, Turkey is made up of
knowledge. Therefore, there is a need for far more
seven different regions that differ from one another
studies on the measurement and examination of this
with respect to economic and cultural factors. Thus, the
knowledge. Moreover, examining the influence of ICT
teacher training institutions were selected on random
usage on TPACK in detail could contribute to the
basis from seven different universities, each found in
development of the teacher training process in a way to
one geographical region. Table 1 presents the number
help preservice teachers gain technology integration.
of the preservice teachers participating in the study
The purpose of this study was to build a structural
from these seven teacher training institutions. Depend-
regression model that predicts the relationships
ing on the ethics committee approval of the teacher
between the TPACK competencies and ICT usages.
training institutions, the institutions were named as
Within the scope of the research purpose, the following
University A, B, C, D, E, F and G.
hypotheses were put forward:
Hypothesis 1: ICT usage phases will have significant
influence on TPACK. Instruments

Hypothesis 2: ICT usage levels will have significant In this study, three data collection tools were used to
influence on TPACK. collect the research data: TPACK-Deep Scale, ICT
Usage Phase Survey and ICT Usage Level Survey.
TPACK-Deep Scale
In the study, the TPACK-Deep Scale developed by
The participants of the present study included 3105 Kabakci Yurdakul et al. (2012) to determine preservice
preservice teachers attending teacher training institu- teachers TPACK competencies was used. In the devel-
tions in Turkey. Table 1 presents the demographic opment phase of the scale conducted on a total of 995
backgrounds of the participants. Turkish preservice teachers, the participants were
As can be seen in Table 1, of all the participating divided into two samples. Exploratory factor analysis
preservice teachers, 57.9% of them were female, and (EFA) was run for the data collected from 498
42.1% of them were male. The Department of Primary preservice teachers, and CFA was conducted for the
School Teaching was the one with the highest rate data collected from 497 preservice teachers. After EFA,
(49.9%) followed by the departments of field education the TPACK-Deep Scale included 33 items and had four

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Modeling preservice teachers TPACK compentencies 367

factors. These factors were design, exertion, ethics and I can become a leader in spreading the use of
proficiency. The Cronbachs coefficient was calcu- technological innovations in my future teaching
lated as 0.95 for the whole scale. This structure of the community.
4-factor scale was confirmed through CFA. In addition, I can use technology to find solutions to problems
the testretest reliability coefficient of the scale was (structuring, updating and relating the content to real
calculated as 0.80 (Kabakci Yurdakul et al., 2012). life, etc.).
The design factor refers to competency in designing
the instructional process from planning to assessment The Cronbachs coefficient was calculated as 0.95
to teach the content by applying technology and peda- for the whole scale. This structure of the 4-factor scale
gogy. The examples of some items related to design was confirmed through CFA. In addition, the testretest
factor are as follows: reliability coefficient of the scale was calculated as
0.80 (Kabakci Yurdakul et al., 2012). The TPACK-
I can develop appropriate assessment tools using Deep Scale, whose validity and reliability were
technology. verified, was used as the data collection tool in this
I can organize the educational environment in an study.
appropriate way to use technology.
ICT Usage Phase Survey
The exertion factor refers to competency in putting The ICT Usage Phase Survey was developed by the
technology into effect for the execution of the instruc- researchers. In this survey, ICT usage phases were
tional process designed regarding the subject area as determined as survival, mastery, impact and innovation
well as for the measurement and evaluation of the described by Mandinach and Cline (1994). The
effectiveness of the process. The examples of some preservice teachers ICT usages were also gathered
items related to exertion factor are as follows: under the dimensions of problem solving, effective
usage, innovativeness, updating ICT usage knowledge.
I can use technology-based communication tools In this way, ICT usage phases were examined from
(blog, forum, chat, e-mail, etc.) in the teaching different aspects in the educational process. One option
process. appropriate to different phases was given for each
I can use innovative technologies (Facebook, blogs, dimension, and the preservice teachers were asked to
twitter, podcasting, etc.) to support the teaching and mark the option that best suited them. In order to deter-
learning process. mine the face validity and content validity of the
survey, a total of 10 field experts (one professor, two
The ethics factor refers to competency in conducting assistant professors, one instructor and six research
the instructional process as appropriate to the ethical assistants) were asked for their views. The pilot study
rules considering the ethics of the teaching profession of this data collection tool was carried out with 112
in the environments where technology is used. The preservice teachers from different teacher education
examples of some items related to ethics factor are as programmes. The Cronbach value for the reliability
follows: coefficient of the questionnaire was calculated as
I can provide guidance to students by leading them to As an example for the structure of the questionnaire,
valid and reliable digital sources. the items for the dimension of effective usage of the
I can behave ethically regarding the appropriate use ICT Usage Phase Survey are as follows:
of technology in educational environments.
As I am specialist in ICT usage, I can lead people in
The last factor, proficiency factor, refers to compe- my environment regarding its use.
tency in acting as a leader regarding the integration of I can easily use ICTs without help and also help
technology into content and pedagogy by getting spe- others with ICT usage.
cialized in the field of teaching. The examples of some I need help to use ICTs.
items related to proficiency factor are as follows: I have difficulty using ICTs even if I get help.

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368 I. Kabakci Yurdakul & A.N. Coklar

As can be seen, the participants were asked to mark level, I use in medium level and I use in high level.
only one item for the dimension of effective usage of The pilot study was carried out with 112 preservice
the ICT Usage Phase Survey. The preservice teachers teachers from different teacher education programmes.
technology usage phases for each area were scored as The internal consistency coefficient of the question-
Survival = 1, Mastery = 2, Impact = 3 and Innova- naire (Cronbachs ) was found to be 0.89. As an
tion = 4, and the total scores and mean scores for the example for the structure of the questionnaire, the
five areas were calculated. Depending on this, the items of the dimension of instructional technologies of
lowest score received from the survey was 1 demon- the ICT Usage Level Survey are as follows:
strating that the preservice teacher was in the phase of
survival. As for the highest score, it was 4 demonstrat- LMS
ing that the preservice teacher was in the phase of Class management systems (NetOp School . . .)
innovation. Projector (Data Show)
Overhead Projector
Smart Board (Elektronic Board)
ICT Usage Level Survey Dia Projector
The ICT Usage Level Survey was developed by the
researchers as well. First of all, 23 technologies were For the ICT usage levels, a competency range of
determined by the researchers. The technologies deter- three dimensions such as low level, medium level
mined were gathered under four headings in the data and high level were determined. Accordingly, the
collection tool such as information processing technol- scores ranging between 1.00 and 2.33 were coded as
ogies, communication technologies, Internet technol- low level, those between 2.34 and 3.67 as medium
ogies and instructional technologies. In order to level and those between 3.68 and 5,00 as high
determine the face validity and content validity of the level.
survey developed, 10 field experts (one professor, two
assistant professors, one instructor and six research
Data analysis
assistants) were asked for their views. Following this, a
pilot application was conducted with preservice teach- In order to reveal the demographic backgrounds of the
ers, and the survey was finalized. This survey was made participating preservice teachers and their levels of
up of 24 items under four headings such as information TPACK competencies, descriptive statistics were
processing technologies (9 items), communication applied. In this respect, frequencies, percentages,
technologies (4 items), Internet technologies (5 items) means and standard deviation were used. For the
and instructional technologies (6 items). In this data purpose of determining the ICT usage phases and
collection tool, information processing technologies levels, means and standard deviation were used. Also,
included such technologies as computer (PC, laptop, such computer programs as the Statistical Package for
tablet PC), personal digital assistant, printer, scanner, the Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago,
video recorder, audio recorder, digital camera, flash IL, USA) and Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS)
memory and MP4 player. Communication technol- 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) were used. In
ogies included e-mail, chat software (MSN, Skype), order to determine whether ICT usage phase and ICT
web camera (WebCam) and smart phone. In the survey, usage level were predictors of TPACK competencies,
Internet technologies covered blogs, wikis, remote the structural regression model with maximum likeli-
sensing system, podcasting and social networks hood estimation, one of structural equation modeling
(Facebook, Twitter). Finally, instructional technologies methods, was used (Arbucle, 2006). The evaluation of
were determined as learning management systems model data fit was based on recommended indices:
(LMS), class management systems (NetOp School), chi-square goodness of fit (2), root mean square error
projector (data show), overhead projector, interactive of approximation (RMSEA), normed fit index (NFI),
white board and slide projector. The survey items were TuckerLewis index (TLI) and comparative fit index
5-point Likert type items as I do not know this tech- (CFI). For all the statistical analyses, the level of sig-
nology, I do not use this technology, I use in low nificance was taken as 0.01.

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Modeling preservice teachers TPACK compentencies 369

Table 2. Mean and Standard Deviations

for TPACK-Deep Scale and ICT Usage Male Female General
Phases and Levels Surveys (n = 1306) (n = 1799) (n = 3105)

TPACK-deep factors X SD X SD X SD

Design 3.85 0.60 3.86 0.55 3.85 0.57

Exertion 3.95 0.61 3.96 0.55 3.96 0.58
Ethics 3.85 0.65 3.90 0.58 3.88 0.61
Proficiency 3.72 0.65 3.60 0.62 3.65 0.64
TPACK-deep 3.84 0.58 3.83 0.52 3.84 0.55
ICT usage phases 2.72 0.60 2.52 0.57 2.61 0.59
ICT usage level 3.80 0.65 3.69 0.60 3.74 0.62

ICT = information and communication technology; SD = standard deviation;

TPACK = Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

Findings and results Structural regression analysis

Preservice teachers TPACK competencies
For the purpose of testing the model regarding the fact
Table 2 presents the mean scores regarding the ICT that ICT usage phases and ICT usage levels were pre-
usage level and phase survey and TPACK-Deep Scale dictors of TPACK competencies, the structural regres-
and the competency levels for its four factors. The sion model, one of structural equation models, was
TPACK overall mean was calculated as 3.84. The sub- conducted using AMOS 16. The use of predictor-
dimension of exertion had the highest mean (3.96), independent variables such as ICT usage phases and
while proficiency was the sub-dimension with the the outcome-dependent variables forming the TPACK-
lowest mean (3.65). In addition, the preservice teach- Deep Scale together in the model developed requires
ers mean score for ICT usage phases was found to be the structural regression model. Structural equation
2.61, and their mean score for ICT usage levels was models include three different models such as CFA,
calculated as 3.74. Accordingly, the presevice teachers path analysis and the structural regression analysis, a
were in the phase of mastery for ICT usage phase and combination of the two models (Meydan & Sesen,
at high level for ICT usage level. Table 2 lists the mean 2011). Structural regression models are used to reveal
and standard deviation values for the male and female the relationship between the latent variables which are
participants TPACK competencies. found among the observed variables obtained as a
On the other hand, Table 3 demonstrates the statis- result of the CFA used for a scale and the latent vari-
tical values and the correlations among the factors of ables obtained for the factors whose influence on that
the TPACK-Deep Scale. scale is being investigated (Arbuckle, 2009; Heck &
As can be seen in Table 3, the correlation coeffi- Johnsrud, 1994). Therefore, the structural regression
cients for the sub-dimensions of design, exertion, model is an appropriate one to test the model for the
ethics and proficiency, which all formed the TPACK- relationship of such latent variables as design, exertion,
Deep Scale, ranged between .68 and .88. All the sub- ethics and proficiency which are the factors of the
dimensions had a high level of positive relationship TPACK-deep with the variable of ICT usage phase
with the TPACK competency levels. as well as with the latent variable of ICT usage

Table 3. Summary of the Statistics And

Correlations Among the TPACK-Deep Variables Design Exertion Ethics Proficiency X SD
Scale Factors (n = 3105)
Design 1.00 0.88* 0.76* 0.80* 3.85 0.57
Exertion 1.00 0.79* 0.76* 3.96 0.58
Ethics 1.00 0.68* 3.88 0.61
Proficiency 1.00 3.65 0.64

*p < .01. SD = standard deviation.

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370 I. Kabakci Yurdakul & A.N. Coklar

level which included the observed variables of data was also normal that the value of 2 was significant.
processing, communication, Internet and education. Especially the value of RMSEA = 0.49 pointed out that
Kline (2005) refers to the structural regression model the model demonstrated good fit, while the values of
as a method used to determine the relationship between NFI = 0.934, TLI = 0.941 and CFI = 0.957 referred to
the scale and the independent variables thought to have an acceptable value and even close to an excellent
influence on the scale. value. All the fit indices revealed the fitness of the
As can be seen in Figure 2, in the TPACK-Deep model. In other words, besides the correlation values
Scale, the latent variable of design was obtained with presented earlier, the fit indices confirmed the model
10 items; exertion with 12 items; ethics with six items; demonstrating that ICT usage phases and ICT usage
and proficiency with five items. Each of the items con- levels were predictors of TPACK competencies.
stituting these variables was an observed variable, and
the scale sub-factors including these variables were
ICT usage phases as predictors of
regarded as latent-endogenous (outcome/dependent)
TPACK competencies
variables. On the other hand, ICT usage phase is a
directly observed exogenous (predictor/independent) In order to reveal that ICT usage phases significantly
variable. The variable of ICT usage is a latent variable predicted TPACK competency, the value of between
obtained via the observed variables of data processing, ICT usage phases and each factor constituting the
communication, Internet and education, and this vari- TPACK-Deep Scale was examined. All the factors in
able is an exogenous (predictor/independent) one as the TPACK-Deep Scale such as design ( = 0.12;
well. In the regression model presented in Figure 2, the p < 0.01), exertion ( = 0.20; p < 0.01), ethics ( =
curves with two-way arrows connecting two variables 0.93; p < 0.01) and proficiency ( = 0.41; p < 0.01) sig-
demonstrate the correlation coefficients between inde- nificantly predicted TPACK competency. In other
pendent variables, and one-way arrows demonstrate the words, when the ICT usage phase increased by one
influence of one variable on another. In addition, the standard deviation, the standard deviation value of the
circles represent the prediction errors of the dependent- TPACK-design factor increased by 0.12 in terms of
endogenous variables (Aricak, 2009; Kline, 2005). standardized regression weights. Similarly, when the
In order to determine the fitness of the model ICT usage phase increased by one standard deviation,
suggested in structural equation modeling, there are the standard deviation value of the TPACK ethics
important statistical methods to be applied. Chi-square factor increased by 0.93. On the other hand, a 1-point
Goodness of Fit (2), RMSEA, NFI, TLI and CFI change in the standard deviation value of the ICT usage
are among the most suggested statistical methods. phase causes a 0.20-point change in the standard devia-
Table 3 presents the value ranges suggested for these tion value of the TPACK-exertion factor or a 0.41-point
methods (Arbuckle, 2009; Aricak, 2009; Byrne, 2001; change in the standard deviation value of the TPACK-
Kelloway, 1998; Kline, 2005; Schumaker & Lomax, proficiency factor. It could be stated that in line with the
2004; Tabannick & Fidell, 2001). Also, the maximum standard deviation values of the standard regression
likelihood method in a general linear model context weight, ICT usage phase predicted such factors of
was used in the analysis. TPACK competencies at most as ethics, proficiency
As can be seen in Table 4, in order to determine the and exertion, respectively, and at least the design factor.
fitness of the model, chi-square statistics and fit indices This finding confirmed the first hypothesis of the study.
of RMSEA, NFI, TLI and CFI were used. It was
considered normal that in the model, the value of
ICT usage level as the predictor of
2 supposed to be insignificant was significant
TPACK competencies
[2 = 5298.804; degrees of freedom (df) = 652;
p > .01] and that 2/df = 8.127 was higher than 5, Another point investigated within the scope of the
which was an unacceptable value. However, Blunch study was the question of whether ICT usage level
(2008) states that the chi-square (2) value will be significantly predicted TPACK competency. For this
significant in the case of a big size of sample. In this purpose, the regression values between ICT usage level
model tested with a large group of 3105 participants, it and the factors constituting the TPACK-Deep Scale

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Modeling preservice teachers TPACK compentencies 371

Figure 2. Structural Regression Analysis: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage Phase and Level as the Predictors
of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)-deep

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Table 4. The Fit Indices For the Structural

Fit value for Equation Model And the Values Obtained
Fit statistics Excellent fit Acceptable fit the model in the Model (n = 3105)

RMSEA 0.05 0.060.08 0.49

NFI 0.95 0.940.90 0.934
TLI 0.95 0.940.90 0.941
CFI 0.97 0.950.96 0.957
2/degrees of freedom 3 5 8.127*

*Corresponding author. CFI = comparative fit index; NFI = normed fit index;
RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation; TLI = TuckerLewis index.

were examined. All the factors of design ( = 0.23; (2005) was explained generally by focusing on TPACK
p < 0.01), exertion ( = 0.12; p < 0.01), ethics ( = components (Archambault & Barnett, 2010; Chai
0.78; p < 0.01) and proficiency ( = 0.21; p < 0.01) et al., 2010, 2011, 2013; Koh et al., 2010, 2012). This
were significant predictors of TPACK competency. In study was carried out based on this gap in related
terms of standardized regression weights, the TPACK literature. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to
design factor increased by 0.23 as the ICT usage level build a structural equation model that predicts the rela-
increased by one standard deviation. Similarly, when tionships between the TPACK competencies and ICT
the ICT usage level increased by one standard devia- usage phases and levels.
tion, the TPACK exertion factor increased by 0.12. This Depending on this purpose, a model was developed
change was 0.78 for the factor of ethics and 0.21 for to explain the TPACK competencies of preservice
proficiency. This finding confirmed the second research teachers. The participants of the present study were
hypothesis. Thus, ICT usage level, as it was for ICT 3105 preservice teachers attending seven teacher train-
usage phase, was a predictor of TPACK competencies. ing institutions in Turkey. In the model developed, first
The factors most influenced were again ethics, design of all, the relationships among the factors of the
and proficiency, while the least influenced one was the TPACK scale were investigated. The correlation coef-
factor of exertion. On the other hand, when the ICT ficients ranging between 0.68 and 0.88 demonstrated
usage phases were examined (Figure 2), it was seen that the factors of design, exertion, ethics and profi-
that the ICT usage level and all the data processing, ciency constituting the scale had high levels of rela-
Internet and communication technologies constituting tionships. The two factors with the highest level of
this level had a correlation value ranging from 0.82 relationships were design and exertion with the corre-
(data processing) to 0.71 (education) and that these lation coefficient of 0.88, while the two factors with the
technologies thus had almost the same effect on ICT lowest levels of relationships were ethics and profi-
usage level. In this respect, it could be stated that dif- ciency with the correlation coefficient of 0.68. The only
ferent technologies had similar influence on TPACK moderate level relationship with a correlation coeffi-
deep competencies. cient of 0.68 was between the factors of proficiency and
ethics. Except for this, the relationship among all the
factors had high levels of correlation coefficients
(r 0.70). The highest correlation was between the
In related literature, it is seen that there has been a shift factors of design and exertion with a coefficient of
in the focus of TPACK studies from examining the 0.88. These correlation values also confirmed the inter-
development of TPACK concept and framework to nal consistency of the scale.
examining the TPACK development of preservice According to the research findings, the structural
teachers (Voogt, Fisser, Pareja Roblin, Tondeur, & regression model demonstrated that ICT usage had
van Braak, 2013). In addition, studies investigating direct influence on TPACK competencies. In the other
the TPACK framework were conducted using the words, ICT usage phase and level were significant pre-
structural equation modeling, inferential statistics or dictors of TPACK competency. This finding obtained
explanatory and CFA. However, in these studies, the in the study is consistent with the results of various
TPACK framework developed by Koehler and Mishra other studies reported in related literature, which

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Modeling preservice teachers TPACK compentencies 373

pointed out that TU influenced TPACK positively for explaining preservice teachers TPACK competen-
(Chai et al., 2010, 2011, 2013; Doering et al., 2009; cies. In other words, ICT usage based on ICT usage
Harris & Hofer, 2011; Jang, 2010; Jimoyiannis, 2010; phase and level and TU knowledge and skills related to
Koh et al., 2012; Wilson & Wright, 2010). However, the dimension of TK, which is only one of the dimen-
the research finding differs from the findings of other sions of TPACK, also influence overall TPACK com-
studies because ICT usage levels and phases are both petencies. Studies in related literature demonstrate that
important for TPACK competency. Archambault and technology-rich instructional materials, educational
Crippen (2009) and Cox and Graham (2009) pointed technology courses and ICT-based lessons are influen-
out that in order to clarify and help better understand tial on increasing preservice teachers technological
TPACK-focused knowledge, there is a need for far knowledge (Maeng, Mulvey, Smetana, & Bell, 2013;
more studies on the measurement of this knowledge. In Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2012; Polly, Mims, Shepherd &
addition, in various experimental studies conducted to Inan, 2010). According to the research findings and
examine the TPACK developments of preservice teach- literature review, it could be stated that TPACK com-
ers, it was found out that at the end of the course, TK, petencies will change when ICT courses to be taught to
one of the core variables, demonstrated a change as an preservice teachers cover ICT technologies in a way to
important predictor of preservice teachers TPACK involve different technologies and when they are
(Koh & Chai, 2014; Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2012; Polly, planned in a way to include activities that will influence
Mims, Shepherd & Inan, 2010). It is seen that these their skills, experiences and attitudes. This increase in
results are parallel to the findings obtained in the TPACK competencies will influence the factor of
present study. However, in a similar study conducted ethics most and that of design and exertion least.
by Koh and Chai (2014), it was revealed that PCK was Finally, it is necessary to focus on developing the
a component demonstrating a change as an important ICT usage knowledge and skills for the development of
predictor of teachers TPACK. Thus, the findings preservice teachers TPACK competencies within the
obtained in the present study suggest that ICT usage teacher training system. This will also contribute to the
levels and phases are both important variables for development of preservice teachers competencies in
preservice teachers TPACK competency. ICT integration in education. Similarly, development of
According to the model developed, as a predictor, ICT usage strategies in teacher professional develop-
ICT usage phase influences the factors of ethics, pro- ment programmes could be more influential on increas-
ficiency, exertion and design, respectively. In other ing the TPACK development of teachers (Chai et al.,
words, when ICT usage phase increases, this will influ- 2013; Koh et al., 2012).
ence the factor of ethics at most, one of TPACK com- This study is one conducted with preservice teachers
petencies. This factor will be followed by proficiency, based on the TPACK-deep framework and ICT usage
exertion and design, respectively. Similarly, according variables. Future studies to be conducted with teachers
to the model, ICT usage level is a predictor of TPACK using the structural regression or equation modeling or
competencies as well. The TPACK competencies influ- correlational statistical methods for the purpose of
enced by ICT usage level at most were ethics, design, examining and explaining the structure of the TPACK
proficiency and exertion. An increased ICT usage level framework will strengthen the findings of the presents
will influence again the factor of ethics, one of TPACK study. In addition, modeling studies to be carried out
competencies, which will be followed by design, pro- based on other surveys and scales developed for the
ficiency and exertion, respectively. TPACK framework will help explain and develop the
structure of TPACK from a scientific perspective.
Conclusion and recommendation
The model developed in the present study brings about
a different perspective for the explanation of TPACK. The present study was based on a part of a scientific
With the help of the structural regression model devel- research project funded by the Scientific and Techno-
oped in this study, it was found out that ICT usage and logical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
the related variables were among important indicators Grant Number 109K191 called Effect of The

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