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Incarico della Societ Filarmonica di Bussoleno, per commemorare i duecento anni di fondazione (1816 - 2016).

..., a tutti i musicisti della Banda di Bussoleno e al suo direttore titolare Danilo Trolton
per il grande lavoro musicale svolto a favore della Musica e della Banda Sinfonica.

Il Gatto con gli Stivali

F Horn 1 (Puss in Boots) (El Gato con Botas) Ferrer Ferran
Fiaba Musicale Sinfonica
Haba un molinero que, al morir, dej a sus tres hijos como nica herencia su molino, su burro y su gato. El hermano menor,
a quien toc solo el gato, se lamentaba de su msera herencia.
There was a miller who, dying, left to his three children his mill, his donkey, and his cat as the only legacy. The younger brother,
who has only received the cat, complained about his miserable legacy.

b 8
& b 68
Largo cantabile

- Una vez me haya comido el gato y con su piel haga unos zapatos ya no puedo hacer nada ms.
- Once I ate the cat and made shoes with his skin I cannot do anything more.

bb n - - - - - -
9 17

& J J J J
f p f
- Si me das una bolsa y un par de botas, te har millonario. El gato era tan astuto y listo que pensaba que poda sacarlo de la miseria.

- If you give me a bag and a pair of boots, I will make you a millionaire. The cat was so clever and smart that thought he could get it out of misery.


Se coloc las botas y fue a los matorrales para tender una trampa a los conejos.
He put on his boots and went into the bushes for making a trap for rabbits.

bb 44
31 Andante misterioso

Coloc la trampa y all revoloteaban todos los conejos, en el cual caz uno.
He set the trap and all the rabbits were trapped, and he hunted one.

2 2 6 n > .
Allegro vivace e leggiero
b . . . . . . . . nb 4
& b 44 w 45

w 4
Del mismo modo caz dos perdices y ms conejos...

4 .
Similarly, he hunted two partridges and other rabbits...

& b 44 w w w w . . J

. .

n b b b . . .

&b ! . . . J


b b n b j

> > > > > > > . . .
! . b . j
b . N .

& . . .
Copyright 2016, Ferrer Ferran. Valencia (Spain).
Edicin autorizada. Reservados todos los derechos.
www.musicaes.es / www.ferrerferran.com
Il Gatto con gli Stivali - F Horn 1
Nw .
&b ! w j . . .

. . .

Fue a visitar al rey y le ofreci todo lo que haba cazado de parte del Marqus de Carabs. El rey se lo agradeci.
He went to visit the king and offered him everything he had hunted by the Marquis of Carabas. The king thanked him.

. > > > > > > > . > > >
Adagio Marcial

& J !

p f
b. b. > > > # > . # . > .
solo poco rit.

&b ! !

Para que alcanzara la fortuna el gato le dijo a su amo que se baara en el ro y del resto se encargaba l.

2 4
To catch the luck the cat said to his friend to bathe in the river that he would take care of everything else.

45 44
a tpo.

& b Aw w !

Mientras se baaba, pasaba el rey en si carruaje.
While he was bathing, passed the King in his chariot.
Moderato con moto e leggiero

9 > .
> > >
&b !

El gato grit que se ahogaba y que le haban robado la ropa.
The cat screamed that he was going to drown and that someone had stolen its clothes.
Allegro vivo con forza
. . # # #w w 7
&b w w !

J J 8
Sus criados rpidamente fueron de rescatarlo de las aguas y el rey orden las ms bellas vestiduras para el marqus.

2 2 4
The kings' servants rescued him quickly from the water, and the king ordered the most beautiful clothes for the Marquis.

b . .
& b 78 . . 85

. 7 j >
& b b . n . 44

N . > .
F F >

Ah que el rey lo invit a subir a su carroza y lo acompaara en el paseo.

The king invited him to accompany him on his carriage during the journey.

4 .
& b 4 . . w w w

Il Gatto con gli Stivali - F Horn 1
El gato que iba delante de la carroza deca a todos los campesinos que all trabajaban que dijeran, mintiendo, que todas las tierras eran del
Marqus de Carabs.
The cat was gone, before the arrival of the coach, to say to all the farmers who worked there, that were supposed to say, laying, that all
lands were of the Marquis of Carabas.

> . > > > . > > > .

Moderato con moto e leggiero

b w

& w
f F
2 > . > > >
w w bbbb w w w
167 172

b . 3
& b bb . 68

El joven era apuesto y bien formado.., el hermoso traje realzaba su figura.

The young man was handsome and well mannered... , and beautiful dress gave importance to his figure.

Largo cantabile morendo

b . . n n n n 44
& b b b 68

Con las nuevas vestiduras, la hija del rey comenz a agradarle.
With his new robes, the king's daughter began to please him.

8 2
Larghetto amoroso

& 44 45 ! 44
206 216

> # > # > > . w

poco rit. a tpo. cantabile

& ! #


f F f F

poco rit. a tpo.
2poco string. ritardando
## 4
# 45 !

& # # # 4

Bast que el Marqus de Carabs le dirigiera dos o tres miradas sumamente respetuosas, para que la muchacha se enamorara perdidamente de l.
It was enough that the Marquis of Carabas looked at her two or three times, in a very respectful way, that the girl fell in love with him.

# - . - -
j N - J .
a tpo.

& # 44

231 tutti 3

- J
f 3

## 3 6 nn b 3
w w w
236 239

& w 4
Il Gatto con gli Stivali - F Horn 1

El gato lleg a un castillo, y la primera sala que se encontr era la bella sala de los espejos. Comenz a verse tmidamente en ellos, su
galantera superaba el admitirse hermoso y bello. Intent imitar el baile del Vals, aunque con temor y vergenza.
The cat went to a castle, the first chamber of which was "the beautiful hall of mirrors. He begins to look timidly; his gallantry exceeded
admitting to be nice. He tries to dance a waltz, though with fear and shame.

Andante Vals Lento con spiritu

3 U 5

&b 4
250 solo

. 4 . . .
f F
. . . .
& b .

Allegro Vivo (Vals)

. . U . .
& b . 43
266 270 tutti

F p

&b . . .

8 #
& b b b n

Al verse imponente con sus bonitas botas y su capa bordada, dej a un lado su retraimiento, y comenz a danzar bailando el vals en aquella
hermosa sala de los espejos.
Seeing himself powerful, with its beautiful embroidered boots and his cape, he abandoned his hesitation, and began to dance the waltz in that
beautiful hall of mirrors.
# N !
& .

# > > > . > > > > n > . 3

! b N


b N . . > > > > 44

& b n a
El gato se dio cuenta que estaba en un hermoso e imponente castillo donde habitaba el ogro ms rico y poderoso del lugar.
The cat realized he was in a beautiful and powerful castle where the richest and most powerful orc in the area lived.

# 4 > > > > > > > . > > > > > >
Adagio Marcial

. .

& 4 J
Il Gatto con gli Stivali - F Horn 1

# > > > > > > n > . > > > b. > > > n
b . b b

& J
- Seor Ogro, vos tenis el don de convertiros en cualquier clase de animal.
- Cierto es - respondi el ogro-, y para demostrarlo os har ver como me convierto en len. Tanto se asust el gato al ver a un len melenudo y
rugiente, que en un relmpago trep y corri por todo el castillo.
- Mr. Orc, you have the gift of being able to transform into any type of animal.
- It is true - replied the ogre, and to prove it I will show you how I can become a Lion. The cat was so surprised to see a hairy roaring lion that
quickly went up and ran around the castle.

. . . . . . . . 2
& b b J b b
Allegro vivace e leggiero

& b bw w # # w


- Me han asegurado que te puedes convertir en el ms pequeo de los animales. Y as que el ogro se convirti en un ratn, y al instante el gato
se le ech encima y de un solo bocado se lo trag.
They told me that you could become the smallest of animals as well. And so the ogre turned into a mouse, and immediately the cat was on him
and swallowed it in one gulp.

4 .
& b Nw w w w
. . J !

. .

. . . > > > > > > >

& b n b b b b b j

. . . J
n b .

.. . . j
& b . . . ! b b . N . ! w w

. J

En ese momento el rey en su carruaje haba visto el hermoso castillo. El gato corri para alcanzarlo y le dijo al rey:
- Vuestra Majestad sea bienvenida al Castillo del seor Marqus de Carabs.
At the same time, the king in his carriage had seen the beautiful castle. The cat ran to join him, and said to the king:
- Your Majesty is welcome to Castle Marquis of Carabas.

> > w> 2

& b . - . .

Il Gatto con gli Stivali - F Horn 1

> > 2 > > > > > > > > > > >
&b n w N # n N b N

> > >> >> >> >
f cresc.

El rey asombrado al igual que la princesa, el Marqus le ofreci su mano a la joven princesa, y entr con ella a una gran sala donde encontraron
una magnfica cena.
The king and the princess were amazed, the marquis offered his hand to the young Princess, and went with her to a large room where he offered
a magnificent dinner.

Larghetto amoroso
> > > >
poco rit. a tpo.

&b ! w

f F f
La princesa estaba loca de amor por el Marqus. El rey dijo: - Solo depender de vos, seor Marqus, que usted contraiga matrimonio con mi hija.

The princess was mad with love for the Marquis. The king said: - It just depends on you, Mr. Marquis, if you want to marry my daughter.

&b 45 ! b b 44
403 ritardando

El Marqus, haciendo grandes reverencias, acept el honor que le haca su Majestad, y ese mismo da se despos con la princesa.
The marquis, making a bow, accepted the honor that has made His Majesty to him, and the same day he married the princess.

b 4 j 3
j A - . - - J- .
a tpo.

&b 4
411 3 3

A su lado, el gato se convirti en un gran seor, y si alguna vez volvi a correr tras las ratas no lo hizo sino como diversin.
Beside him, the cat became a great lord, and if sometimes he chases again a few mouse he does it just for fun.

b > > > >. - - - - - - - - - - - -

poco rit. a tpo.

&b !

> > >
F 3 3 3 3

b > . > > > > > > > > > > > > n > > > > > . > > > > > > > n >
& b . n
424 3

3 3 3 3

b > . > > > > . 2 > > A > > >
b "

> >

ritenuto a tpo.

b w> U >
normal position

&b w J
431 bell up

. w
> > > > > > > > > > p

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