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Content-Based Lesson Plan

Unit: Les Rfugis et Les Rlations

Lesson #: 5 Author: Libby Mahoney

Grade: 11 Proficiency level: Novice Mid/High

ACTFL Standards met: 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2

Content Standards met:

WG.3.1 Analyze how cooperation, conflict, and self-interest impact the cultural, political, and economic regions
of the world and relations between nations

WG.5.1 Describe and classify reasons for human migration in terms of push or pull factors to determine the
changes and similarities in these factors over time

Lesson Objectives

What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson?

Language Objectives

Do Know
can do statements knowledge they identify (you can list)

Students will be able to. Students will know...

-Use the pass compose & the o The basic details of the conflict in Syria
imparfait to describe different reasons o Where Syria is
behind and events of the conflict in o Why other countries are involved in the Syrian
Syria to their classmates Conflict

- Students will be able to use multiple

tenses to summarize a short reading
about part of the Syrian conflict.

Content Objectives

SWBAT to explain various parts of the conflict in Syria based on a reading and their group

Culture Objectives (if any)

Learning Strategies (if any) Jigsaw sharing, sw read short articles in groups that
explains part of the Syrian conflict and then share
with the class about their part so that everyone will
end up with the whole picture on their graphic


Formative Assessments Mode of Communication

SW read a short article on the conflict in Interpretive/Presentational

Syria (What is Syria, what is happening
there, why is there a war, who is
involved, and why are other countries
involved), they will write key points in a
graphic organizer and then present their
key points to the class. They will be
assessed on a rubric and I will also use a
key to mark how many of the major
ideas they pulled out of the text.

SW discuss where they think the Interpersonal

children in the pictures from Where the
Children Sleep and why they are
sleeping where they are.


Opening Learning Activity Hook: Do Now w/ photos from Where the Children Sleep,
with the questions who are these children? Where are they? We will discuss our
answers and then look a little bit at the website so they can see the images and
Learning Activity 1. What do you know about the Syrian conflict? Why is it important to
know about? This will help me know what my students already know about the conflict and I
will try to group them by spreading out the students who are already very knowledgeable. We
will write the answers on a big post-it so we can look back at it at the end of class.Then I will
introduce what we are going to do with the jigsaw idea. Everyone will get an empty graphic
organizer and each group will be assigned a part of the petit libe site on Syria (5 groups, 1
part each).
Learning Activity 2. Rania before the groups do their own part we will read the part about
Rania together and practice pulling out key details and key words. They are asked to define
any key words they think are important for everyone to know.
Learning Activity 3. Each group will work on their own part of the graphic organizer, once
they have filled it out they will get a giant post-it to write out their main points to present to the
class. Then they will present to the class and fill out the rest of their graphic organizers.

Closing Learning Activity- Each group will work together to take the quiz based on the petit
libe, they will be able to use their graphic organizers. Then I will have students compare what
they thought they knew about the Syrian conflict at the beginning of class and what they know

*make your list of activities detailed enough that I could teach your lesson for you.
Include estimated times for each activity. Script out your teaching as much as

-Petit Libe Website - http://www.liberation.fr/apps/2017/02/le-ptit-libe-guerre-en-syrie/#/

-Slides - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1U_NLC9C0W2bCnN_U-

-Graphic Organizer
Le Conflit en Syrie (graphic organizer)
Que se pass-
t-il dans la

que la Syrie?
Pourquoi y a-
t-il la guerre?

Qui se fait la
dautres pays

Rania, 9 ans,
habite en
Rania, 9 o Elle habitait au Alep et elle a d quitter lcole cause des bombardements
o Elle a chang plusieurs fois de quartier
ans, o Il ny avait pas de nourriture et elle mangeait que ce quil y avait : des lentilles
habite o Maintenant elle est dans la rgion dIdlib au nord-ouest du Syrie ou il y a un
camp des rfugis
en Syrie o La rgion a trs froid
o Elle aimerait retourner lcole

Que se o En conflit depuis 6 ans

o Beaucoup de gens meurent et sunfuient
pass-t- o Alep est au nord-ouest taitune des villes les plus peuples avant le conflit
il dans o Les soldats du prsident a le contrle de la ville depuis Dec 2012
o Bcp de gens ont fui
la Syrie? o Depuis mars 2011 300,000 personnes sont mortes
o Les associations qui aident ont des difficults y aller
o Les journalistes ne peuvent pas sy rendre librement
o Les Syriens envoient des info aux journalistes, pas toujours prcis
o Les bombardements ont dtruites des villes, des coles et des hpitaux
o Les syriens meurent cause des bombes, du faim et de la manque de ressources de
o Des millions de personnes se snot enfuies et sont alles vivre dans dautre pays tel
que la Turqui, le Liban, la Jordanie, lAllemagne et la France.
o La France en accueille 40 fois moins que lAllemagne.
Quest- o Un pays au Moyen-Orient
o Cest entre Asie et Europe
ce que o La Syrie est 3 fois plus petite que la France
la Syrie? o Climat sec
o Les grandes villes sont Damas et Alep
o Un pays majoritairement musulman
o La langue officelle = larabe
o Un des premiers alphabets connus
o Damas - une des plus anciennes villes
o Gouvern par la France jusqu lindpendance en 1946

Pourqu o La famille de Bachar al-Assad dirige la Syrie depuis 40 ans

o Hafez al-Assad, le pre du Bachar, tait la tte du pays pendant 29 ans
oi y a-t- o Hafez a fait un coup dtat et il tait trs autoritaire
il la o Assad et sa famille sont alaouites, une branche de chiite
o Lislam a deux grosses branches une sunnite (la majorit ds musulmans est sunnite)
guerre? et lautre chiite (Irak et Iran)
o Chaque branche a plusieurs petites branches
o La majorit des Syriens sont sunnites ; Les alaouites ne reprsentent que 10% de la
o Les alaouites taient pauvres avant que la famille Al-Assad prenne le pouvoir
o Bachar al-Assad ne place que des alaouites des postes important du gouvernement
o Tous ceux qui sopposent Bachar al-Assad sont enferms ou tus une dictature
o Les Syriens ont manifest en 2011 pendant les printemps arabes
o Assad a tu bcp de personnes qui sopposaient
o Des civils se sont mis utiliser des armes et certain soldats ont rejoint les civils
o Il y avait deux camps : ceux qui dfendaient le pouvoir et ceux qui se battaient
contre (les rebelles)
Qui se o Plusieurs groupes saffrontent
o Arm de Bachar al-Assad
fait la o Se bat pour dfendre le pouvoir du prsident
guerre? o On ne sait pas combien de soldiers il y a dans larme, beaucoup t tus ou ont
o Les chabihas groupes des hommes arms qui terrorisent la population
o Arme Syrienne libre
o Compose de civils et danciens soldats qui ont quitt larme dAssad
o En 2013 ils ont russi contrler plusieurs villes
o Groups Islamistes
o Les groupes veulent que des rgles svresdislam grent la vie ex : obliger les
femmes porter un voile
o Ils veulent prendre le pouvoir
o Jihadistes (Etat Islamique et Al-Qaeda)
o Ils veulent imposer lislam dans le monde en utilisant la violence
o Ltat Islamique (Daech) est une organisation terroriste qui est responsable
pour des attentats de Paris et de Nice. Son but est de crer un Etat en Syrie
et en Irak et supprimer de nombreuses liberts
o Fatah al-Sham est un autre groupe jihadiste en Syrie et est li Al-Qaeda
o Kurdes
o Certains Syriens ne sont pas arabes mais kurdes, surtout ceux-ci
habitent dans le nord
o Ils veulent avoir un territoire bien eux
Pourqu o Ds le dbut du conflit des pays et des groupes se sont mobiliss pour
dfendre le pouvoir du Prsident ou les rebelles
oi Pour Assad Contre Assad
dautres o Iran ils sont chiites aussi o France
o Hezbollah organisation chiite o Le Royaume-Uni
pays base au Liban, fournit des o Etats Unis
simpliq hommes, sont les terroristes o Arabie Saoudite
o La Russie, Poutine veut profiter o Qatar
uent-ils? de labsence des Etats-Unis o Turquie
o Les pays donnent de largent et
des armes
o Aucun pays na envoy de
soldats, davions ou
Presentational Speaking Rubric

4 3 2 1


Who can understand this persons language?

Is generally understood by Is understood with occasional Is understood, although often Most of

those accustomed to the difficulty by those accustomed to with difficulty, by those spoken/written
speaking/writing of non- the speaking/writing of non- accustomed to the language may be
natives, although additional natives, although additional speaking/writing of non- unintelligible or
effort may be required. effort may be required. natives. understood only with
additional effort.


Clarity, organization, and depth of presentation; degree to which presentation maintains attention and interest
of audience

Presented in a clear and Presented in a clear and Presented in a clear and Presentation may
organized manner. organized manner. organized manner. Some effort be either unclear or
Presentation illustrates Presentation illustrates to maintain audiences unorganized.
originality, rich details, and originality and features rich attention through visuals, Minimal to no effort
an unexpected feature that details, visuals, and/or organization of the text, and/or to maintain
captures interest and organization of the text to details. audiences
attention of audience. maintain audiences attention attention.
and/ or interest.

Language Function

Language tasks the speaker/ writer is able to handle in a consistent, comfortable, sustained, and spontaneous

Handles successfully Creates with language by Creates with language by Uses memorized
uncomplicated tasks combining and recombining combining and recombining language only,
requiring exchange of basic known elements; ability to known elements; is able to familiar language.
information related to work, express own meaning expands express personal meaning in a
school, recreation, particular in quantity and quality. Handles basic way. Handles
interests, and areas of successfully a variety of successfully a number of
competence. Narrates and uncomplicated communicative uncomplicated communicative
describes in all major time tasks and topics necessary for tasks and topics necessary for
frames, although not survival in target-language survival in target-language
consistently cultures. cultures.

Language Control

Grammatical accuracy, appropriate vocabulary, degree of fluency

Is most accurate when Is most accurate with Accuracy is limited to Has little accuracy
producing simple sentences memorized language, memorized words. Accuracy even with
in present time. including phrases. Accuracy may decrease when memorized words.
Pronunciation, vocabulary, decreases when creating and attempting to communicate
and syntax are strongly trying to express personal beyond the word level.
influenced by the native meaning.
language. Accuracy
decreases as language
becomes more complex.

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