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enhanced by COX-2mediated

prostaglandins from already inflamed

or damaged tissue.5,6 Coxibs may reduce
this type of pain.

Mechanisms of Pain Enhancement

Selective Cyclooxygenase by Prostaglandins
The mechanism by which inflammatory
Inhibition in Pain Management prostaglandins enhance pain perception
is incompletely understood. The
Raymond M. Pertusi, DO enhancement of pain perception occurs
(in part) as the result of prostaglandin-
mediated sensitization of the peripheral
and central nervous systems.7-10
Inhibition of COX-2 prevents the
conversion of arachidonic acid into
inflammatory prostaglandins. Arachi-
donic acid is derived from normally
sequestered membrane phospholipids.
Trauma or inflammation exposes mem-
Traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated for sur- brane-bound phospholipids to phos-
gical or short-term posttraumatic analgesia. Selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors pholipase A2, which converts them into
(coxibs) do not inhibit platelets and can be used in these settings. Coxibs arachidonic acid. COX-2 converts arachi-
reduce sensitization of the nervous system. The use of coxibs as part of a mul- donic acid into inflammatory
timodal analgesia results in a reduction in the amount of opioids needed to con- prostaglandins (Figure 1).
trol pain. Reduced opioid toxicity may hasten recovery. Inflammatory prostaglandins have
numerous effects on local tissue. They
cause vasodilation and the resultant clin-
ical features of erythema and warmth.
Local edema occurs in response to
agents in situations in which bleeding prostaglandin-related fluid shifts. Pain
S elective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)
inhibitors (coxibs; Table) differ from
traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
may limit the use of traditional NSAIDs,
such as trauma and surgical procedures.
perception is enhanced through
prostaglandin-mediated reduction in the
tory drugs (NSAIDs) in two major ways. threshold for postsynaptic stimulation
Coxibs are less likely to result in NSAID- Classification of Pain and enhanced excitability in conduction
induced gastropathy, and they do not Pain is typically classified as acute or of pain impulses (action potentials) along
inhibit platelet function.1 As a result, the chronic. Cancer and many chronic the peripheral neuron.10 This process is
major benefits of coxibs are the reduction inflammatory disorders can result in known as peripheral sensitization (Figure 2).
in gastric ulcer formation and bleeding acute pain superimposed on chronic Inflammatory prostaglandin levels
from those ulcers.2 Another benefit of pain. Typically, acute pain is a response increase along the entire CNS in response
the platelet-sparing coxibs is their use to injury. It is primarily nociceptive, and to local injury or inflammation, such as
as analgesics and anti-inflammatory designed to stimulate a withdrawal from trauma to a single limb or inflammation
the noxious source. Chronic pain per- in one or more joints .3,6 This increase in
sists long after any appreciable tissue inflammatory prostaglandins along the
Correspondence to Raymond M. Pertusi, DO, Asso- damage has resolved, and it may be due CNS may be due to a systemic increase
ciate Professor of Medicine, Division of Rheuma-
tology, Department of Internal Medicine, Univer- to a windup or sensitization of the cen- in cytokines originating from the local
sity of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort tral nervous system (CNS) resulting in site of inflammation or injury, or per-
WorthTexas College of Osteopathic Medicine, hyperalgesia or allodynia, whereby haps a neural intermediary. The cytokine,
855 Montgomery St, Fort Worth, TX 76107-2553.
Dr Pertusi is on the speakers bureau and is a minor stimulation is perceived as interleukin 1 (IL-1), induces transcrip-
consultant for Merck & Co and Pfizer Inc. He has painful.3 Differentiating acute pain from tion of COX-2, thereby increasing pro-
conducted research and has received grant support chronic pain can be difficult because eval- duction of prostaglandins that sensitize
from both of these companies.
E-mail: rpertusi@hsc.unt.edu uation tools are largely subjective. the entire CNS within 6 to 12 hours of
Coxibs have little effect on primary the onset of local injury or inflamma-
This continuing medical education
nociceptive pain, the pain associated with tion.11 In the dorsal horn, presynaptically,
publication supported by an unrestricted reflexive withdrawal from noxious these prostaglandins increase transmitter
educational grant from Merck & Co stimuli.4 Sensitivity to nociceptive stimuli release. Postsynaptically, they reduce the
(pressure, impact, burn, etc) can be threshold for stimulation (similar to

Pertusi Selective Cyclooxygenase Inhibition in Pain Management JAOA Supplement 8 Vol 104 No 11 November 2004 S19
Cell membrane
(protein-lipid bilayer)
{ Phospholipase

Arachidonic acid

COX Traditional

prostaglandins Coxibs
Preserve Preserve prostaglandins
GI mucosa platelet function

Figure 1. Prostaglandin formation and inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and coxibs.
(GI indicates gastrointestinal.)

Currently Available and Future Coxibs

Coxib Administration Half-life, h Pain Indications*

 Currently Available
 Celecoxib Oral 811 Osteoarthritis,
rheumatoid arthritis,
acute pain,

 Valdecoxib Oral 8 Osteoarthritis,

rheumatoid arthritis,

 Etoricoxib Oral 24 Osteoarthritis,
rheumatoid arthritis,
back pain, pain,
gout, acute pain,

 Lumiracoxib Oral 36 Osteoarthritis,

rheumatoid arthritis,
acute pain,

 Parecoxib Intravenous or 8 Acute pain, surgical pain


* Potential pain indications are listed for the coxibs likely to be available in the future.
Available until just before this issue went to press, rofecoxib (Vioxx) was withdrawn from the market by the manufacturer (Merck & Co) because of the risk
of cardiovascular events associated with long-term use. It had been indicated for the pain of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,
acute pain, dysmenorrhea, and migraine.

S20 JAOA Supplement 8 Vol 104 No 11 November 2004 Pertusi Selective Cyclooxygenase Inhibition in Pain Management
2mediated prostaglandin voking surgical or traumatic episode.
production may explain Local anesthetic blocks and coxibs may
some of the features of the prevent continued bombardment of the
sickness syndrome seen nervous system with pain impulses and
in patients with chronic therefore prevent sensitization from
diffuse inflammatory con- occurring.17-19 Coxibs are an option in
ditions. This syndrome these settings where traditional NSAIDs
CNS comprises fatigue, fever, are contraindicated because of platelet
loss of appetite, weight inhibition.
loss, and other constitu- The timing of the use of coxibs has
tional symptoms.13 received considerable attention based on
research models that have investigated
Clinical Application the time line for upregulation of COX-2
of Coxibs in the peripheral and central nervous
Traditional NSAIDs have systems. The impact of constitutively
been used in the manage- produced CNS COX-1 and COX-2 on
ment of various types of pain perception is also being considered
acute and chronic pain. when developing approaches toward
PNS Most coxibs have similar pain management.20-23 Animal models
+ B + indications to those of the suggest that central sensitization is a late
traditional NSAIDs (Table). phenomenon, occurring hours after the
A Traditional NSAIDs are initial injury or inflammation.24 The most
generally contraindicated critical time to prevent this windup of
+ in acute traumatic and sur- the CNS may be before these COX-
gical pain owing to inhibi- 2mediated prostaglandins are produced
tion of platelets and in the CNS.
bleeding potential. Because The role of long-acting COX-2
of the platelet-sparing inhibitors in preoperative and preemptive
properties of coxibs, their pain management has been studied in
COX-2 Mediated PGs role in the management of several models. Most models demon-
surgical and traumatic strate a reduction in the need for opioids
pain is currently under when coxibs are used. The most signifi-
intense investigation.14-16 cant advantage may be the reduction of
Tissue inflammation
Multimodal analgesia opioid toxicity which often acts as a major
often combines opioids, obstacle to recovery.
Figure 2. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) sensitiztion sec- anesthetic blocks, coxibs, Celecoxib, rofecoxib, and valdecoxib
ondary to tissue inflammation. COX-2mediated and other agents. Opioids have been administered preoperatively
prostaglandins (PGs) reduce threshold for postsynaptic stim- are preferred over tradi- and perioperatively in several surgical
ulation (A) and enhance excitability in conduction of impulses tional NSAIDs for anal- settings. Reuben et al25 showed that rofe-
along peripheral nerve (B). (CNS indicates central nervous
gesia when the potential coxib provided effective postoperative
system; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2.)
for bleeding exists. Opioids analgesia for arthroscopic meniscectomy
peripheral sensitization). Additionally, bind multiple receptors, most notably when administered at a 50-mg preoper-
glycine receptormediated inhibition the  receptor. However, their analgesic ative dose. Less opioid was used and
pathways are themselves inhibited by effect in acute pain management may in lower pain scores resulted with preoper-
these prostaglandins.12 These mecha- part be related to their sedative effects ative dosing in comparison to postoper-
nisms contribute to delayed sensitization mediated by other receptors. During ative dosing. In another study involving
of the CNS (Figure 3). acute pain (surgical or traumatic), opi- anterior cruciate ligament repair, Reuben
Peripheral and central sensitization oids do not appear to affect peripheral et al26 showed that preemptive use of
of the nervous system may result in and central sensitization mechanisms. rofecoxib as part of multimodal analgesia
intensification of response to painful or Patients may be unaware of the acute resulted in reduced pain and greater like-
ordinarily nonpainful stimuli. Significant pain as the result of -agonist activity lihood for patients to complete an accel-
windup of the nervous system may and sedation, but their nervous system erated rehabilitation program than a post-
result in intense pain from minor stimu- may be reacting vigorously to the insult operative pain protocol.
lation of the injured tissue as well as of via peripheral and central sensitization. For thyroid surgery, Karamanholu
noninjured tissue. Therefore, postoperative or posttraumatic et al27 showed that preoperative admin-
Significant elevations of systemic pain may be enhanced for considerable istration of rofecoxib, 50 mg, or celecoxib,
cytokines and upregulation of COX- periods following the initial pain-pro- 200 mg, resulted in significantly less post-

Pertusi Selective Cyclooxygenase Inhibition in Pain Management JAOA Supplement 8 Vol 104 No 11 November 2004 S21
Tissue Cytokines
(Bloodstream) mediated
inflammation (IL - 1) B

Figure 3. Central nervous system sensitization secondary to tissue inflammation. Systemic cytokines increase prostaglandins (PGs) throughout
central nervous system, enhancing presynaptic transmitter release (A), reducing the threshold for postsynaptic excitability (B), and dampening
postsynaptic inhibition (C). (IL indicates interleukin; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2.)

operative pain and a decrease in addi- impacted third molars. In their study, several acute and chronic pain models.43-46
tional opioid requirement than placebo in the median time to rescue medication Parecoxib, a parenteral formulation of
the first 4 postoperative hours. Rofecoxib was significantly longer for valdecoxib valdecoxib for intravenous or intramus-
resulted in significantly less pain than (10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, and 80 mg) than cular administration, will likely be posi-
celecoxib or placebo from the 6th through for placebo, and less overall rescue med- tioned for use in acute pain because of its
the 24th hour of the study. ication was required with valdecoxib.32 rapidity of onset, or when patients are
Recart et al28 studied celecoxib pre- Pain scores were significantly lower for not allowed oral intake.47,48 Patients may
operative management of postoperative all valdecoxib doses than for placebo. be switched to valdecoxib when appro-
pain from ambulatory ear-nose-throat The effect of the 40 mg and 80 mg doses priate. Preoperative or perioperative use
(ENT) surgery. The authors concluded were similar but generally superior to of parecoxib may be considered, though
that celecoxib at a dose of 400 mg was the lower doses of valdecoxib. Similar oral coxibs with long half-lives may also
superior to celecoxib at a dose of 200 mg findings were reported in a bunionec- be used in this setting when given before
and placebo in reducing postoperative tomy study by Desjardins et al33; how- all oral intake is suspended.
pain scores. Both doses of celecoxib were ever, the 10 mg dose of valdecoxib was Cyclooxygenase-3 (COX-3) has been
better than placebo in reducing postop- not evaluated. discovered, but it may be an isoform of
erative opioid consumption. Whether perioperative or immediate COX-1 rather than a unique enzyme.49
For elective single-level microdis- posttraumatic use of coxibs reduces COX-3 has an affinity for acetaminophen.
cectomy or laminectomy (or both), chronic pain (phantom limb, neuropathic, The inhibition of COX-3 may result in
Bekker et al29 showed that 50 mg of rofe- allodynia, hyperalgesia) has yet to be fully centrally mediated analgesia and
coxib given preoperatively reduced post- determined. Animal models of neuro- antipyretic effects. Preliminary evidence
operative narcotic consumption. Similar pathic pain (nerve injury models) clearly suggests that COX-1 is increased in the
results were reported for rofecoxib by suggest a central and peripheral increase CNS during early sensitization.50,51 Parac-
Shen et al30 for lower abdominal surgery; in COX-2mediated prostaglandins. The etamol (acetaminophen) has been shown
however, analgesic benefits of rofecoxib potential for long-term pain relief by lim- to inhibit this enzyme.52 Issioui et al52
were not maintained beyond 12 hours.30 ited use of coxibs in the initial phases of reported that preoperatively adminis-
For abdominal hysterectomy, pre- injury or inflammation exists.34-36 tered celecoxib at a dose of 200 mg in
emptive celecoxib at a dose of 100 mg or combination with acetaminophen
200 mg resulted in use of less opioid than Future Coxibs (2000 mg) was significantly more effec-
placebo. Significantly higher pain scores Newer coxibs may soon become avail- tive than placebo in reducing postoper-
were noted in the group receiving able (Table). These include etoricoxib, ative ENT surgical pain. However, nei-
placebo over the group receiving cele- parecoxib, and lumiracoxib. Etoricoxibs ther treatment alone was significantly
coxib.31 new drug application to the US Food more effective than placebo. Adding
Daniels et al32 evaluated valdecoxib and Drug Administration includes mul- acetaminophen to the multimodel
for preoperative management of post- tiple acute and chronic pain models.37-42 approach may synergistically enhance
operative pain after the extraction of two Lumiracoxib also has been studied in the dampening of central sensitization.

S22 JAOA Supplement 8 Vol 104 No 11 November 2004 Pertusi Selective Cyclooxygenase Inhibition in Pain Management
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Editors Note
NG, Mazenko RS, Fricke J Jr. Etoricoxib in acute Merck voluntarily withdrew rofe-
pain associated with dental surgery: a random- 48. Amabile CM, Spencer AP. Parecoxib for par- coxib from the market after identi-
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vascular events in comparison to
49. Chandrasekharan NV, Dai H, Roos KL, Evanson placebo while conducting a study of
43. Zelenakas K, Fricke JR Jr, Jayawardene S, Kell- NK, Tomsik J, Elton TS, et al. COX-3, a cyclooxyge- the effect of rofecoxib on colon
stein D. Analgesic efficacy of single oral doses of nase-1 variant inhibited by acetaminophen and polyps (www.vioxx.com). It has yet
lumiracoxib and ibuprofen in patients with post- other analgesic/antipyretic drugs: cloning, struc-
to be determined whether cardio-
operative dental pain. Int J Clin Pract. 2004;58:251- ture, and expression. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.
256. 2002;99:13926-13931. Epub 2002 September 19. vascular events are a class-effect.
The medical community awaits
44. Bitner M, Kattenhorn J, Hatfield C, Gao J, Kell- 50. Zhu X, Eisenach JC. Cyclooxygenase-1 in the direction from the US Food and
stein D. Efficacy and tolerability of lumiracoxib in spinal cord is altered after peripheral nerve injury.
Drug Administration.
the treatment of primary dysmenorrhoea. Int J Anesthesiology. 2003;99:1175-1179.
Clin Pract. 2004;58:340-345.


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