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Multiplication Lesson Plan - 3/8/2016

AusVELS Level 3: Recall multiplication facts of two and three (ACMNA056)


Going off yesterdays lesson I have decided to focus todays lesson on our 2 and 3 times tables.

I am going to raise the question of is 5x2 the same as 2x5? why or why not?

Can you prove this?

Can anyone show me how we would represent this sum as an array?

Can someone show me how they would represent this sum using equal groups?

Can someone show me what I might mean if I ask you to solve this equation using repeated

Now in a moment I am going to send you off into your groups, however first I am going to explain
each rotation to you

Working over in the corner will be iPad use. Here you will be playing multiplication games.
The other rotation will be playing a basketball game. Here you will roll one dice and flip one
card (will be either a 2 or a 3). You will multiply the number on the dice by the number on
the card. Each role you will add to your previous score. First player to reach 100 wins.
Multiplication Lesson Plan (Sequence of Lessons)- 8/8/2016

AusVELS Level 3: Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies
and appropriate digital technologies (ACMNA057)


Will commence the lesson by revisiting what we learnt last week. So ask the students what our focus
was last lesson and what they learnt. The students should talk about different ways they learnt to
solve multiplication sums. So using arrays and groups of. I will put a sum on the board and get the
students to demonstrate how to solve the equation using the strategies we used last week.
Reinforce that last week our focus was 2 times tables get students to skip count to 20!!

E.g. of sum 6x2solve using array and solve using groups of!!

Once students have demonstrated that they are all comfortable and confident with that I will then
introduce todays focus of 3 times tables. I will put a sum on the board such as

3x7 and ask to solve using the strategies discussed above!

However, todays focus is solving multiplication sums using number sentences. I will put a sum on the
board and using the pictures (models) I will show how we can create a number sentence or story
from this. I will pose the question. Imagine you have gone to the supermarket and you have to buy
lollypops to share with your friends. You have 5 friends and they would like 3 lolly pops each. How
many lollypops will you have to buy?

I will then put a multiplication sum on the board and I will ask the students to create their own
story that fits the sum. I will write 3x4 a possible sentence might be I have 3 friends, and each
friend needs 4 footballs each to play the game. How many footballs will I need to bring to training


The first rotation will be in the back corner you will be playing a dominoes game that works on your
twos and threes times tables.

The second rotation will be a Tic Tac Toe. Multiplication sums will be written on the board and
students have to solve the sum before they can mark an X or an O on the game board!

Lesson Focus: the kids can identify the multiplication sum when reading a number sentence and can
solve using either groups of or an array.
Multiplication Lesson Plan (Sequence of Lessons)- 9/8/2016

AusVELS Level 3: Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies
and appropriate digital technologies (ACMNA057)



Show the kids a 3 times table video (sing along). Now get the students to sing out loud their 3 times
tables to 21 and aim to get to 30!!!

Will revisit last lesson and what we learnt the kids should mention about solving number sentences
using multiplication strategies such as groups of or arrays

Now will put a number sentence on the board e.g. Bailey went to the pet store and brought 3 new
puppies. Each puppy has 4 legs. How many legs are there altogether?

Can you explain to me the multiplication sum and how we might solve this to find the right

Once the kids are happy and confident with this I will then move onto them creating their own
number sentences. I will put the sum 3x6 on the board and will ask them to create a story that
compliments this for example Cooper and his 9 friends played basketball. Each friend scored 3
points. How many points did Cooper and his friends score altogether?

Now will explain todays rotations!!

Rotation one will be the same as yesterday and will be playing Tic Tac Toe for some kids this game
is about reinforcing the multiplication facts, for others (higher order thinkers) they play strategically
and choose sums that will win them the game.

Rotation two will be on the iPads playing multiplication games that work on 3 times tables.

Kids who are working with me we will work on recalling multiplication facts in their head for a warm
up. Then will move onto creating their own number sentences.
Math Lesson Plan: Multiplication Sequence- 10/8/2016

AusVELS Level 3: Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies
and appropriate digital technologies (ACMNA057)

AusVELS Level 4: Solve word problems by using number sentences involving multiplication or
division where there is no remainder (ACMNA082)


Encourage the kids to skip count by 3 to 30

Will begin lesson by going over a number sentence. Will put a sum up on the board such as 4 x 6
will probe the students and get them to think about a number sentence that could work with this
sum e.g. Dom played cricket on the weekend. Dom hit 4 shots and each shot was worth 6 runs.
How many runs did Dom make altogether?

Once students have demonstrated they are confident with this mathematical concept will move
onto the next step!


Students will watch and listen to the picture story book Centipedes 100 Shoes. I will encourage
them to look out for possible multiplication sums that may be evident in the story!!

Once the story has finished I will ask the students what they think and if they could find any
multiplication sums in the story.

Get them to think about the animals in the text. Can they remember what animals were included in
the story? Get them to list the animals!!

Animal Number of Number of Multiplication

Legs Animals Sum
Spiders 8 5 8x5=40
Beetles 6 4 6x4=24
Woodlice 14 2 14x2=28
Grasshopper 6 1 6x1=6
Worms 1 2 1x2=2

Once the students have discussed the animals get them to talk about how many legs each animal
has. I will then give each student a table and they will complete the task I will encourage them to
draw pictures and create a sentence to go with their workings out.

How many shoes will each group of animals need? Show your workings out!
Will there be enough shoes for every animal?

If there is time leftover, we will play multiplication fast facts around the world game!!

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