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This thread appears to be over a year past abandoned but I thought I might chime in in regard to several questions about

"L.E.R.M." and has any one ever gotten it to work.

I'm new to this forum, having followed a link posted on some other website about LERM. This is the only thread here I've
read so far so I hope I can be forgiven for butting in in the community here. I don't know what "matrix energetics" is.

Anyway, Not using so-called "LERM" exactly, but a method of my own. Very similar in some respects but different in a way. It
would take time to go into exact detail about it all but anyway...

This started many years ago, before this LERM material surfaced on the internet. Actually before there was any internet, in
the mid to late 70's into the 80's and on into the present I experimented with "Creative Visualization" learned from various
books, having become particularly interested in the question - is it possible to literally manifest physical objects Out-Of-Thin-
Air using such methods.

My experiments were from the beginning designed with this intent in mind - to actually MATERIALIZE a physical object from
nothing or out-of-thin-air.

For the first couple of years, these experiments did get some results of the "Law of Attraction" type.

That is, the visualized object, whatever it was came into my possession, usually in some bizarre coincidental way.

This was evidential of something but largely disappointing in terms of answering my original question.

I felt that the only way to resolve the issue would be to manifest something really really impossible. That is,...

If you visualize anything that could in some way happen by some "ordinary" means then it will arrive in the most ordinary way
possible, following the "path of least resistance" apparently.

So the idea was to work at manifesting IMPOSSIBLE things that simply could not happen in any ordinary way. Things where
the "path of least resistance" would be an actual "Miracle".

This strategy eventually produced the kind of results I was looking for.

The turning point came in the mid 80's after my wife and I had planted a small apricot tree in our back yard. We had gotten
the tree from a nursery, planted it, but it never grew or never "broke dormancy" after nearly two years in the ground.

The tree was apparently dead.

One day, though, while working in the garden near where this tree was planted I got the idea for an "impossible"
manifestation. - I would attempt to bring the little "dead" tree back to life.

I didn't know what result this might have. Possibly the tree would gradually recover and eventually grow, I thought, regardless
of the outcome I set to work "visualizing" energy pouring down from the cosmos through the top of my head, coursing down
through my body and going out through my finger tips. I leaned forward in the garden where I was working and worked my
fingers down into the soil so this energy could travel through the ground, across the garden and up into the roots of the
apricot tree.

I carried on this visualization for some time. In my imagination (with eyes closed) I saw the tree recovering and growing. It
had (in my imagination) several long green shoots emerging that had grown about two inches and were continuing to grow

Suddenly my concentration was broken by my wife who was calling me from the house to let me know that dinner was on the

Vaguely annoyed at her for interrupting my experiment I got up and went inside without ever even looking at the tree or ever
giving the experiment another thought for the rest of the day.

The next morning I was back in the garden working when I noticed something strange. I looked over and the "Dead" apricot
tree had several green shoots on it about 2 inches long, just as I had visualized.

In a state of disbelief I called my wife out of the house and asked her if she noticed anything strange or unusual, trying not to
give her any clue so as to avoid any hypnotic transference or whatever in case I was hallucinating or something.

After a moment she suddenly burst out: "I told you it would grow" (we had been looking at the tree and discussing it the day
before) and she went directly over to the apricot tree.
I had her verify to me what she actually saw and even had her touch the green shoots.

They were apparently quite real, quite physical in all respects, just ordinary green shoots on an ordinary living apricot tree,
but I was beside myself. I found this experience very unsettling.

The next day the shoots were gone.

Once again I had my wife come out to the garden to examine and verify what I saw.

She studied the tree for a while and then said: "Maybe a dear ate them".

I asked her to look very closely. Did she see any chew marks or broken branches where the green shoots had been.

No, she told me.

How do you explain that ? I asked her.

"I can't" she said.

The tree had reverted to its previous "dead" condition with its unopened buds in tact as though they had never grown into the
two inch long shoots we both had seen.

I then began telling her about my "experiment" and she just turned around and threw her hands up in the air and headed
back towards the house waving her arms over her head and saying "I don't want to hear any more about it".

Anyway, however this might be interpreted, I felt that the full and sudden appearance and then just as full and sudden
disappearance of the apparently PHYSICAL green shoots ruled out "coincidence".
I love matrixing garden trees and plants back to health.
Money is cool- but this is more holistic.

The Leom guys have manifested 50 dollar bills out of thin air before---

Drawing a three dimensional box in the air - the length and breadth
of a 50 dollar bill and using thier enteric brain to cast
wait for it...

'light encoded- photons' onto the 3 dimensional box.

That's what they say...

Personally I have found that methodology, as far as specific steps or actions is arbitrary. Most of the "work" is mental and/or
emotional or actually psychological. The act of "doing" something like: "Drawing a three dimensional box in the air - the
length and breadth of a 50 dollar bill..." is just a kind of arbitrary or "made up" psychological device used more-or-less just to
convince oneself or "the rational mind" that something is going on.

For example, when I visualized so-called "cosmic" energy "pouring down from the cosmos through the top of my head,
coursing down through my body and going out through my finger tips... so this energy could travel through the ground, across
the garden and up into the roots of the apricot tree." That whole scenario was made up off the top of my head just specifically
for that particular experiment. I did not particularly "believe in" any such "cosmic energy". It was just a way of "grounding" the
intention to put life back into the tree.

In other words, IMO, I could just as well have visualized some other, entirely different scenario made up on the spot. Like I
could have imagines a cloud of "life force" enveloping the tree or any one of a dozen other ideas... Like asking the "deva" of
the apricot tree to bring life into the tree or whatever.

Likewise following some specific "procedure" like "Drawing a three dimensional box in the air - the length and breadth of a 50
dollar bill..." to manifest money has its usefulness but has no real power in itself. Some other procedure could be substituted
and would most likely work just as well.

Such "action" is like the last leg of what is really a 99.9% entirely mental or psychological process. The "device" of using
some specific procedure may help with the "final grounding" so-to-speak but I have not only found that this is more or less
arbitrary, that is, there are dozens of different systems using a dozen different "methods" and one is just as effective, or no
more effective than the other in practice. You can choose from one or another "method" or just make something up
specifically tailored for the occasion. Eventually I found that it is not really necessary to use any specific method at all.

We are actually "manifesting" all day long, like it or not, knowingly or unknowingly without any "method".

A "method" is like doing a breathing exercise so as to become aware of ones breathing. It is not to learn how to breath but
rather to become more aware of what you are already doing.

The same with any "methodology" for manifesting. It is not to learn how to manifest. We are all already doing that. but rather
to slow the process down and take it step by step and do it deliberately with attention and awareness.

This is actually rather artificial and awkward. Interfering with a "natural" process, like breathing exercises "interfere" with
natural breathing.

Once one gets a handle on it it is possible to go back to manifesting almost effortlessly or naturally without any particular
"method" which method is really only interference in order to bring about awareness. It becomes, not so much a method or
procedure as a state of mind.

I would put "enteric brain" in more or less the same category as my "cosmic energy". A made up name put on a piece of
creative imagining.

I watched some Matrix Energetics videos that talked about "Two Point".

I hope no one is offended by this but I suspect this is another "device". The important part of the process is mental. Placing
ones fingers here or there is just helping to focus or direct the mental energy in the physical plane. Some other entirely
different procedure could probably be used and be equally effective.

What is important, I believe, is having an entirely harmonious mind set. Whatever procedure is used if any, it should be one
that a person can "get into" that does not seem awkward or "silly". Something that "makes sense". The "method" is a
panacea for the logical mind, more or less to get it out of the way so that the "illogical" or "impossible" can happen. If it
doesn't feel right or doesn't make sense it won't work.

All thoughts, feelings, intentions, beliefs, actions etc. should be focused and aligned like a laser without any internal conflict.
A method that accomplishes this alignment will work. But the method is not important. What is important is the total

If a method is not understood, if it doesn't make sense if it isn't in alignment or in harmony with ones own way of thinking and
feeling then it probably won't work. That is why ones own "made up" method that makes sense and feels comfortable that
one can "get into" without arousing internal conflict will work where someone else's tried and true method may not.

Anyway, what I wanted to get across is that it seems this L.E.R.M. stuff, where some actual physical object is literally created
out of thin air IS really possible, though the "LERM" methodology is not important. What seems essential is clarity of intent
with an absence of any inner conflict or contradiction.

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