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Saiyid Muh:ammad
Z:ahi:r Naqvi

Engineer Ali Mirza: invents different terms and some of them are highly controversial. .I study of two
of his terms are made , so that he may be exposed
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Invirogation Of Faith English Version of TaqviatulI:man Shall be presented Insha:Allah.

Engineer Ali: Mirza: and his invented terms.

Engineer Ali: Mirza: has invented some terms which are far beyond the rational minds proving that he
is not a rational persons.

There are four such terms invented by him.


2] Tunni

3] Ulma: e: Crime

4] Ulma: e: Prime.

We sense that these terms are based on satyr and disgrace in regard to Ahlussunnah Wal Jama:ah and
some Noun relative to Holy Cities on the planet Earth.

The first term:

The First term is Phakki.

Discussion on the Sounds of Letter of Alimirzai term Phakki [A phonetical Approach]

It consist of a Consonantal Sound Ph as found in Hindi and Sanskrit. This sound is absent from Arabic,
Persian, Turkish, Latin, Greek ,Hebrew and Aramaic languages.

It is a forcibly pronunciation of the sound P, so forcibly that the very sound of P changes to a new sound.

It is related to the sound P. A similar case is with the sound B. Where Bh is a Forcibly pronunciation of B
so that the Original sound of B is changed to a new sound of Bh.

Technically Ph is a Bilabial Consonant. In English Ph combination is also used for Labiodental consonant

F,f. But this sound is not that of Bilabial Ph as found in Sanskrit, Sindhi, Hindi,Rikh:tah etc.

It is between Stops and Fricatives sounds.


The next important consonant is K , which may be represented by C in Latin, Kapa in Greek. It is Ka:f in
Arabic. It is a Stop in English , Sanskrit ,Ri:kh:tah, Sindhi etc. But it is Semi Stop or Stop with some
tendencies of Fricative , but it does not becomes a Fricative Kh sound. That is in Tajvi:d H-M-S,

It is very difficult to pronounce and I did find great Scholars who used much time in discussion of H-m-s
of Arabic Ka:f , unable to pronounce it correctly. Even I tried by best and succeeded in pronouncing it

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,yet my students gave up. How ever normal people of Subcontinent do not differentiate in clearly and
pronounce it without H-m-s EVEN WHILE RECITING THE HOLY QURA:N.

Some who try to pronounce the sound K [Ka:f of Aarabic] with H-M-S transforms the sound to Fricative
Kh sound of Sanskrit, Sindhi , which is more incorrect then the K sound with out H-m-s.

Now we come to the Vowel of the Abusing word Phakki.

The first vowel is a short of Arabic which may be considered as A,a in the words like German, or A,a in
the word Sugar or the letter U,u in the word But. Although an English speaker is likely to differentiate
between the U.u sound in But and A,a sound as in Sugar or in German, we leave such subtle differences
for they are irrelevant for the present purpose.

Two approximation are available in IPA. , As in Mud [Md], As in Standard [Standrd].

( NAME OF SYMBOL IS turned v, OR Arabic 8, or caret or Lambda ,NAME OF SYMBOL IS REVERSE e,, or Schwa )

The second Vowel sound is the long I,i sound usually denoted by EE,ee sound as in Week or in commitee

Or I,i sound as in the word Police.

IPA approximate representation of this Arabic sound is i, as in Police [Police].

It is di-syllabic word with two syllables. Phak [Ph is Fricative P of anskrit, short a of Arabic, K the Stop,K
the stop, and Long I sound as stated above].

When a letter sound is doubled it is not found in English with the probable exception of the word
Immortal otherwise a double consonant is pronounced as single in general.

But not in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Hindi, Sindhi etc. So the K sound is doubled. Even in Arabic it is
difficult to observe the H-M-S of Ka:f when it is doubled, in subcontinent no one observes it. I excercised
it with my Students but only two of them were able to pronounce it correctly but with great practice.

So there is no H-M-S in the pronunciation of double k sound in the Abusing word Phakki: .

This is of the measure Falan in Arabic Uru:d: . [Fa,Ain, La:m,Nu:n]. A normal metre of Poetry .

So the supposed metre of this word is FALI: and Arabic actual grammatical metre is Mafil [Like

This abusing word means A digestive medicine, in local languages. It has no proper English alternative as
for as my knowledge is concern.

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Out side Local Medicine it is a word of abuse and a term of disgrace.

Why Engineer Ali Mirza: has chosen this dirty and unholy word.

Engineer Ali: Mirza the Heretic of Heretics, could have chosen any other Noun of Medicine from
Greeco Arab Medicines [Al T:ib Al Yu:na:ni Val Arabi: ] which were incorrectly called as Persio-Arabic
Medinice for the period of Mugh:al India.. But he choosed a very disgracing word to use in his heretic
and apostate lectures. For he wants to make disrespect of an Arabic word which is of very high respect
Makki:. As the H-M-S in double k of the Holy Word Makki [ M nasal,K a stop with tendency of
Fricative, a short, and i long , see above] is totally neglected the two words one Unholy and other one
Holy rhymes in the Qava:fi: of Urdu.

What this heretic Engineer is trying , is to motivate a normal audience of his heretic lectures to began to
disrespect the Holy Word Makki: [Makki-yun in Ful Arabic form with Tavi:n] Nau:dhubillah and
Astagh:farullah. In is very normal that if one becomes a user of this unholy term in religious matters and
issues, he /she shall soon lose all respect of the Holy Word Makki which rhymes with this unholy word
[not to be repeated ], since it rhymes with it with all local standard , and even with the standard of Ilm
Al Uru:d: [Uruz] of Ri:kh:tah /Urdu: language, a daughter of Sanskrit. But even this is not the case. He
is trying to establish the disrespect of the Holy Word to a normal Panja:bi: mind who does not want to
do in details of the abusing term used by Engineer Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum.

Additionally he wants to convey his audiences that his opponents are a patient of Indigestion and they
require his medicine for digestion.

But the former stated point is not be noted that he wants to abuse the Holy Word Makki: and cause
disgrace in the minds of his audience.

A simple trick was used by the Hindus of Former East Pakistan which was separated from the West
Pakistan with a conspiracy [ a tragic event which makes every lover of Pakistan to Cry]. The Hindu
teachers use to say the unholy word Pa:ji [Mischievous] with the Holy Word H:a:ji, since they appear to
rhyme making a disgrace of the Holy Word H:a:ji: . So the loving Pakistanis in the former East Pakistan
protested against this mischievous trick but people like the Engineer continued this dirty and unholy
practice , and were successful in making normal people to use these two wards in a single sentence. This
was the first brick of Bangladesh.

[H:a:ji: in Simple Arabic Transliteration Scheme , also the approximately same in IPA].

[H: , h:is glottal H,h]

What else one need to know the dark heart of the Engineer.

But things does not stops here. Do not consider it as a coincidence . Engineer Ali: Mirza: uses another
Unholy word which rhymes with an other Holy word. It is discussed as below:=

The Second Alimirzai Term

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The second term is Tunni

Phonetical Discussion

The letter T as sound in English and Latin in found in Sanskrit,Sindhi, Ri:kh:tah, Hindi etc.

It is absent from Arabic, Persian,Hebrew languages. The Arabic Ta the Ta of Qarshat has the value 400,
and is assigned to the Ta of Hindi.

[ N is a nasal which is Tawassut inTajvi:d]

], and in this case a double nasal. U,u is short Arabic, and I is long Arabic. Short Arabic is represented in
IPA as , as in Put [Pt]

This word rhymes with the Holy word Sunni [Sn-ni:]

[ is a IPA letter usually called as upsilon but it may be called an Inverted Omega]

The word Sunni is derived from the Holy word Sunnah [ Sunnatun , with Tavi:n]. Sunnah in Ipa may
approximately be represented as Sn-nh or Sn -n h. Infact both may be approximate once and
mnone of the two may be exact one.

The ya is of relation [Nisbah]. The curve Ta [ not the long ta] whichis present in the original word is
dropped when the Ya of Relation is introduced in the word.

Sunni is a common word used for Ahlussunnah or Ahluttasannun . [Ba:b :=Tafaul] [Arabic Ta Tavi:lah,
Fa:, Ain, Ain, La:m]


In this case Engineer Ali: Mirza: is once again using the same stated above trick.

Not only to a common man but even to a learned person who have studied Phonetics as his subject, the
unholy word Tunni rhymes with the Holy Word Sunni. From the point Of Urdu Ilm Al Q-va:fi: when two
words rhymes with some additional letters it is necessary that they must rhyme after dropping them .
The greatest apostate of our era did sense this thing and did find that if the ya in the Holy Arabic word is
dropped and the Ya: of unholy word is also dropped these words still rhyme. A great technique which
really amazed me . This person had gone so deep , I had not thought it . This also shews to what extent
this person can go in making conspiracies and distortions . He is definitely and certainly using his
intelligent mind against Makkah amd Sunnah [Astagh:farullah Va Nau:dhu:billah].

So once again the Engineer is using the same technique invented by the Hindus of former East Pakistan
to motivate Muslims to use these two words in a single sentence or two or more consecutive sentence.

What this man of Jhelum is up to, it is quite clear and it is beyond the shadow of any doubt that he is
making a conspiracy not only against the very Isla:m but also AGAINST the beloved homeland, By
resurrecting the conspiracy of Hindus of East Pakistan.

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He has borrowed their technique and used it on different words. The techniques is old but the
application is probably new. Now it is almost as old as the period from the first lecture of his to the
recent last.

Third and Forth Term Of Engineer ALI: MIRZA:

The third term is Ulma: e: Crime, and the forth term is Ulma: e: Prime.

Now we come to consider these two terms one after another.

The word Ul-ma: is an Arabic word and is in the Plural Form. It is Al J-m- ;Al Mk-ss-r , and not

Al J-m As Sa:lim. [Irregular form of Plural and Not Regular form of Plural].

Its singular is A:lim which comes from the root word Ilm meaning Knowledge, Science.

But its basic meaning is Knowledge. Plural of Ilm is -LU:M which may be translated forcibly as
Knowledges. Since in English the plural of the word Knowledge is not used in general. Is some one has
any plural of it he may used it. But to the best of my Knowledge there is none.

The word Alim may be translated as Knower. A-L-MA ( Al Ma:di:)means He is one Who did Know,
Yalamu [Al M-d:a:r-], means He is one Who does know or He is one who shall know. Shall is auxiliary
deceptive verb in English. So the word Ulma: means Knowers.

Long Ya Majhu:l sound which in Simple Arabic transliteration scheme is e: , has an approximate
representation as e in IPA . So Uma: e: Prime may be written as l-m e Pram

in IPA, AND Ul-ma: e: Crime as l-m e Cram [Naudh:uBillah].

The firs letter is Ain ,which has the numerical value of 70 , and is consideres as a Semi/Hemi vowel by a
large number of Arabic Phoneticians . The second letter is Alif. There is a dispute among Arabists
whether H-mzah and alif are one the form of one and the same letter or they are two distinct letters.
The Arabic Lexicon imply that they are one and the same letter, since the first Arabic Alphabet in
all Lexicons is Apparently Alif and in fact H-amzah since it is Mutah:arr-c and not vwel less. Numarical
value of Alif and H-mzah is also one.

[ A Lexicon is a dictionary of Hebrew,Greek, Arabic, (Aramaic/Syriac)]

The third letter is La:m the Nasal which is between R-kh:u:h and Shiddah in Arabic Tajvi:d.

The forth letter is Mi:m the Nasal which is between R-kh:u:h and Shiddah in Arabic Tajvi:d.

The first vowel is a long vowel which is approximately equivalent to what be called as Italian A,a in
English Phonetics. It is represented as AH, ah, as in the Word Father. Its an other approximate
equivalent sound is in the word Car ,Bar etc.

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The second vowel is a short I as in Tin, In,Ink, Rick etc.

The word Rick is a standard in Oxford dictionaries for short Vowels.. [Rack, Reck ,Rick, Rock, Ruck].

Now In the word Ul-ma:, the first vowel is U,u as in the word Put [ not as in the words But and Cut], the
second Vowel is Long A,a sound which may be represented by an approximation of Italian A,a. But the
final letter is H-mazah , which is a Stop or a Stopper. So the sound stops. In this case it is a consonant
and not a vowel.

[For the short A,a see discussion above]

So he has invented two terms with the assumption that they are antonym of one another.

The words Crime and Prime rhymes with each other according to English metres .It is derived from Latin
word Primus meaning First.

The word Crime comes from Latin word Crimen meaning Accusation.

Both words rhymes in the modified English form though they do not in their source language Latin.

The I,i in the both words are considered as long i,I in Oxford dictionaries. Mite is the standard word with
long Oxford i,I . This sound represented by placing a bar on the Letter i,I in Oxford Representation
Scheme. But it does cause a confusion to many since in Arabic transliteration scheme the symbol bar
represents the sound of Long I,i As I,i in Police, ee as in Feet. So when the letter I,i

Be written with a Bar then it is necessary to quantify whether it is a Bar in Oxford Scheme , or a Bar in
Arabic Translation Scheme.

Other wise the ambiguity continues.

Now we come to the problem that in Phonetics the Oxford sound is a diphthong sound.

The term Ul-ma: e: Prime is apparently an Al Murakk-b Attaus:ifi: . [Attributive Construction]

and not an Al Mu-rakk-b Al -d:a:fi: . [Relative Construction]. Similarly the same same is true for the
heritically coined term Ul-ma: e: Crime.

How even the Attributive Construction uses a Persian form of sound long Ya Majhulah.

This sound is shown in Oxford dictionary by the symbol of a Bar placed on the letter A,a . As in the word
Came, Blame. This sound is absent from Arabic , yet it is represented by Ima:lah in Holy Qura:n in just

one Word M-J-RE:HA:

[There is also a Q-raah of Majhu:l sound in regard to long Arabic A Maru:f replaced by Ima:lah]


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But in Urdu/Ri:khtah it is not allowed to make a Murakk-b Attaus:ifi: with two words one from English
and one From Arabic. Similarly it is not allowed to make a Construction using one Arabic and one Hindi
or Hindi word, An Arabic and One English Word, a Persian and a Hindi word, or a Persian or an English
word. The similarly any other word borrowed from any Europian or Subcontinental language what so
ever, with the Possible exception of Turkish eg se the construction Urdu: e: Mualla:. Where the word
Urdu is a Turkish word.

So this is Grammatically incorrect to use these two constructions. Engineer Ali: Mirza: continuously
insists to use these two constructions which transgresses the Laws of Grammar [S:arf and Nah:v] of
Ri:kh:tah /Urdu: .

So this means that either the Engineer is ignorant of these Laws or Deliberately Transgresses them if he
knows them. But in any case this does shew that he holds his will above Grammar. One who violates the
laws of Grammar is an ignorant person. Caesar non supra grammaticos is a famous Proverb , but sons of
Mugh:als like Ali: Mirza consider them superior to Grammarians. EVEN the Mugh:al Kings never tried to
play with the Grammar of Persian and Ri:kh:tah. Mirza:s are the descendant of Mugh:als. But this
descendant of Mugh:al has attempted to what No Monarch from First Caesar to the Last Mugh:al
Monarch never dreamt to do in their wildest dreams and imaginations. To transgress the Grammar.

Can this person be considered as Rational???? Ask your self and decide the conspiracy behind the dark
side of the one who plays with the Grammar as he likes just to make fun of some Noble
word?.[Nau:dh:ballah Va Astagh:farullah]

Engineer Ali: Mirza: may response that even there are places in Holy Qura:n where Laws of Arabic
Grammar do not hold. A proper response to this is that , at times there are some special cases and
exceptional cases where Arabic Grammar allows some deviations. As Arabic Grammar permits it is
according to Arabic Grammar. Additionally Qura:n is the Source of Arabic Grammar, and the derived
Grammar cannot be used to argue against the very Source. But this is not the case WITH Engineer Ali:
Mirza: of Jhelum.

First he is not a Source of Urdu Grammar so he has no right to do it. He is not even a source of Panjabi
Grammar either.

Second there is no Law which permits any one to chose an English word and and Arabic word both
borrowed in Urdu: , to make such a construction. So this is certainly and definitely incorrect.

[I may be noted that if there are some exceptions to this rule then it requires a Sanad from authentic Urdu Poets , of 19 th
century CE and before. Poets who are bon in 19 th century and lived in the 20th century are exclused from this type of

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So Engineer Ali: Mirza: who is unaware of simple grammar of Ri:kh:tah can not be worthy to discuss
Ah:di:th: and Qura:n which are in Pure Arabic.

If he can violate such rules of a language, which were not even contradicted by Prophets, what he can
do with religious scriptures? Think Again.

An objection may be proposed on the Engineer that there are two terms 1] Ul-ma: e: H:aqq and 2] Ul-
ma:e: Su: . So he could easily use these two terms. Why he needed to invent two new terms?

It appears that he is using the same Rhyme technique once used by the Hindus of Former East Pakistan.

He must have known this technique, yet he applied it differently with his own modifications.

As the aims and objectives of this impious technique is stated above,one must be fully aware of them.

So if these terms are studied clearly every thing becomes obvious. But those who still follow this heretic
are his blind followers.

Either Engineer Ali: Mirza is among Ul-ma: e: Crime or is among Ul-ma:e: Prime or he is neither.

If these are two mutually exclusive terms then the third option is impossible. In this case we cannot
consider this person as Ul-ma: e: Prime, So he is among Ul-ma: e: Crime.

If he is Ul-ma: e: Crime he cannot be listened at all since such a person cannot be listened.

If he says that he is neither and these two terms are not mutually exclusive, then he is not among Ul-
ma: Prime and one who is not among then , he cannot be listened to.

If he accepts that he is not an A:lim and hence neither among Ulma: e: Crime nor among Ul-ma:
Prime ,

There are four terms and a coincidence if it really exists would be just of one term. So it is deliberate and
an engineered scheme.


The sign is used for different reason.

1] To omit a short vowel in Arabic transliteration schemes.

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2] To omit a Jazm as S:-br [ Sabr]

3]To omit a Tanvin S:abr- for [ S:abrun]

4] To make to syllables of a word distinct. Ah:-mar

5] To omit a short vowel in English W-sh [Wish] .

6] To make distinctions between syllables of a word Re-mem-ber of a

multi syllabic English word.


The author is a critic of Ali: Mirza: and has requested

that his research paper may be published on Issuu. He
allowed us to edit but we did not.
Typing mistakes may cause some misconceptions; neither the
author nor we are responsible for any distortion in meaning
due to typing errors .
No error whether grammatical or else is deliberate.

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