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Our beloved Dominican Republic is a country of economic, social, geographical, natural as well as many

other contrasts. Education is undoubtedly one of those issues that most of us have many different
opinions on when trying to solve the question, what is the best educational offer? Public or private?
Undoubtedly each sector has its own indicators that it uses to demonstrate the reason for its existence,
the certainty of its prestige and the high quality of its curricula; unfortunately, there is little data available
on equal terms for both public and private institutions, which makes their objective comparison difficult.

The education provided by the State will tend to harmoniously develop all the faculties of the human
being, while at the same time, the love of our culture and the awareness of international solidarity,
independence and justice.

That simple but significant feature of public schools gives the perfect justification to the state to educate
as politically convenient and not as publicly beneficial. In Dominican Republic there are rarely any public
school unions that protect the teachers. This means that they have teachers who miss entire weeks to
classes, and poor education.

How can we demand academic excellence from a student who loses classes every month because his
teachers are "fighting" for justice?

On the other hand there are private universities, where a teacher receives his salary for his classes and
not because the state prevents his dismissal regardless of whether he is competent or not. Here the
professor who is missing a week to class loses his job and the prestige of institutions depends on the
quality of their graduates, the speed to find work and the evaluation of companies that receive highly
qualified professionals.

Private education is not moved by electoral periods, by union pressure or by indicators created by the
government. Here the quality is certified by international organizations outside the institutional interests.
Seldom are invited to evaluations that include public universities and when evaluated in an outstanding
way, the education indicators and data are not necessarily publicly available unless a parent wants to
communicate with the school and find out for themselves. Thus, although the Dominican Republic
Education System is falling apart, the authorities continue to "bond" with the educational unions, painting
public schools and building classrooms that fill government numbers with positive numbers.

In my opinion Dominican Republic should start by investing better in education, it is no use increasing the
education budget if it only serves to fatten the educational bureaucracy; Dominican Republic must raise
the quality of education through research, quality educational programs and above all objective and
accurate external evaluation, this will draw an accurate year by year image of the advancement of future

Dominican Republic is a lower-middle class developing country, with primary education and secondary
education, few have the means to access first education and the government does nothing to make public
education free of bureaucracy and helps serve as a springboard for in-home domestic development. With
this comparison and significant intelligent investment the dream of turning a developing country into a
fully developed country for our future generations to enjoy and have a better quality of life.

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