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Signification of Houses

The 1st house, (Tanur Bhava)

This is called Ascendant or Lagna, its lord is called Lagnesh. This house signifies life,
longevity, self, health, nature and appearance of native. Complexion, vitality, sorrows,
gains and profits to younger brothers and his friends. It governs head and face.
It is the Sign or constellation (and the specific degree within that constellation) that is
rising at the eastern horizon at a specific time and location on the earth.
Is considered the most important house since it marks the beginning, the origin, the
motivational impulse, the contact between the sky and the earth.
The ascendant actually represents the position of the earth in referent to the sky at a
particular moment. Also by determine the ascendant; all the other houses are
determined at the same time, relating the Signs or Rashis with the various houses or
areas of life. The 1st house represents: the Self, the self identity, character, personality,
the main energy that impulses the starting of a life or an event, the beginning, the birth
and early infancy and its condition, the physical body and its health, strengths or
weaknesses and its physical appearance. The condition and strength of the first house
and its ruling planet is a very important factor for the general health and vitality of the
individual. Within the physical body, it specifically it represents the area of the head,
including heir and brain. It also shows important personality trends and how the
individual projects himself on a public level, thepublic appearance. The Sign and the
planets placed or aspecting this house as well as the planet ruling the 1st house and
the house it is placed on also has an important effect on the personality, sense of
dharma and career propensities.

The 2nd house, (Dhana bhava)

This house indicates inflow of finances, bank position, right eye, family, early age or
boyhood, speech, sanyas, servants and friends. Self earned wealth, loss or damage,
worldly possessions, jewellery, grandfather and mother. It also denotes family,
eyesight, understanding with family members, inheritance, law suits, throat, right eye,
domestic comforts in general. This house is related to the wealth and prosperity. It
represents money, prosperity, accounts, finances, precious and valuable objects like
jewels or similar, banks, and treasury. It also represents the mouth and food, the way
we eat and drink and what kind of foods one likes, speech, languages and the capacity
for verbal communication, the family, family inheritance, money of the family and
childhood. Physically it represents the face, mouth, throat, neck and thyroid gland,
righteye, teeth, tongue, nose, nails. It also shows inner potentials.

The 3rd house, (Bratri Bhava)

It denotes younger brothers and sisters and their relations. It signifies courage,
intelligence, education up to Higher Secondary level, taste for writing, ornaments,
clothes, short journeys. Signing contracts and documents etc. Body parts are arms,
right ear, shoulders, sports etc. This house represents desires, impulses, courage,
ambitions, motivations, constant movement or short trips, bothers and sisters (mainly
younger) and close friends. It is also the house of expression and communications and
is related to artists, musicians, actors, dancers, writers, journalists, the show
business, the media and internet. Physically represents physical strength, the upper
limbs, arms, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands and the upper chest, lungs and upper
breath passages.
The 4th house, (matri bhava or sukha bhava)

This house signifies mother, property, conveyance, domestic surroundings and

happiness. Old age environments, private affairs, public, inheritance, false allegations,
agriculture land and its produce. It represents breasts, chest, lung, stomach, elbow
joints etc. The fourth house represents what is underneath, the earth.
It represents the inner life, the mother, motherhood, the earth and Mother Nature, the
home, the education, property like houses, land, cattle, real estate and vehicles.
It also relates to the emotions, inner intimate feelings and inner happiness.
Physically represents the chest area, breast, milk and the heart.
Spiritually it is the house of devotion or Bhakti, love, emotional and mental peace and
well being.

The 5th house, (putra bhava)

Children, speculation, intellectual status and luck are gauged from this house.
Pleasure, love affairs, lady love, legal or illegal amusements, kidnap, rape etc. are also
checked. Belly, heart, liver, spleen are the body covered by this house. This house
represents the capacity to have children, the relationship with them and their well
being. It also represents the capacity to be creative on a mental level, creative ideas,
creative intelligence or buddhi, writing and artistic creativity.
It is an auspicious house related with the Purva punya or past good karmas or merits
and how they can manifest in talents and blessings in this life.
It is a house of dharma, related with the sense of righteousness, justice, wisdom,
education, the process of learning, studying and teaching, educational institutions,
books, writers, libraries, sacred scriptures and Mantras. Spiritually, it is an important
house to determine the Ishta Devata or the deity or form of God that the person has a
natural connection with, coming from past life worship and natural mental tendencies.
That house is also related with the capacity to play, games, child-like nature, sports,
entertainment and the romanticism in love relationships, recreation or what we like to
do. It also relates with good luck, fortune in speculation, gambling or investing.
Physically it represents the upper part of the abdomen, the stomach, liver, pancreas,
and pregnancies.

The 6th house, (shatru bhava)

This house is responsible for enemies,, health, service, servants, uncle, aunts and
relations on fathers side. Food, subordinates, debts, obstacles in life, mental worries,
theft and calamity etc. The body parts denoted are kidney, large intestine, uterus and
anus. This is called the house of difficulties, enemies, debts, obstacles, diseases, hard
work and servitude. It also shows the capacity to overcome those obstacles and
diseases and the capacity to win over enemies, so it is usually related with doctors and
healers, military, policeman, athletes and physical strength, capacity to do big effort
and hard work. Usually the placement of the ruler of the 6th house and planets placed
on the 6th house will show the more difficult areas of life, areas where there may be
more opposition and need to do a big effort, and also the parts of the body that can be
more prone to diseases, injuries and pains. More specifically it is related to the
digestive system and the immune system. Spiritually it relates with Karma Yoga or
selfless service and also to the capacity to do a constant and steady effort, necessary
for Sadhana or spiritual practices, self discipline and austerities.
It is also an important Artha house representing the capacity to work hard to attain
the material goals.

The 7th house, (kalatra bhava)

Matters regarding wife, husband, partnership, external sex organs, conjugal
happiness are checked from 7th house. This house also denotes marriage, married life,
love, contracts, litigations, divorce, honour and reputation in foreign country. Body
parts are private parts, uterus, glands etc. This house relates mainly with marriage,
the spouse and other important relationships and partnerships. The 7th house is the
opposite of the ascendant. Therefore it represents what the individual is looking to
complement him/herself. Opposites attract. The 7th house represents the other
person the opposite but complementary to the self. All matters related to the marriage,
sexuality and important partnerships in life are seen in this house. It is a Kama
house, related with the sexual desires and passions, and the desire or impulse to have
committed relationships. This house is also related with trade, commerce, business
partners and client kind of relationships, and it also represents traveling and locations
other than the one the individual is placed and foreign trade.

The 8th house, (ayur bhava or mrityu bhava)

Diseases, death finances through unfair means, internal sex organs, longevity, mental
pain, obstacles, dowry of wife, gain from in-laws, mode of death, imprisonment, worries
and privations are checked from 8th house. It indicates body parts as scrotum, pelvis,
seminal vesicles, external genetalia, etc. This house represents death and longevity. It
is a difficult house, related with obstruction to the flow of life, material prosperity and
mental wellbeing. It represents the hidden, unknown, mysterious and dark areas of life
and the bad or difficult karmas. It also represents the sexual organs and sexual energy,
sexual magnetism or attraction. If this house is afflicted it can lead to a short life span
or chronic diseases, suffering, tragedies, fear, mental depression, anguish, loss of dear
objects or people, financial bankruptcy, crimes, imprisonment or other forms of
punishment, sexual aberrations, influence from low astral entities, drug addictions,
alcoholism or other forms of mental and physical degradation.
On the other hand, if this house is strong and well disposed, it can bring the opposite
results, meaning: long life, destruction of enemies and difficulties, knowledge of the
mind and its hidden potentials, knowledge of psychology, mathematics and sciences,
awakening of psychic powers and paranormal faculties, intuition, knowledge of secrets,
esoterical knowledge like astrology and tantra, proficiency in Yoga and the control of
the mind and the astral body and attainment of Moksha or spiritual liberation. This
house represents the Kundalini power. According to the Yogic scriptures, if this
energy flows downwards it takes the person to slavery or hell, if it flows upwards, it
takes the person to heaven and the attainment of spiritual illumination or liberation
from all suffering. Planets placed on the 8th house and the houses they rule tend to
suffer and be areas of difficulties, unless those planets are strong, like in their
exaltation or own sign, when they can bring good results.
It is basically a difficult house for the material aspects of life, since it represents the
withdrawal of the energy from the material plane, but because of that, it has also an
important role in the spiritual awakening and evolution. This house relates to intense
transformation and purification of the old bad karma, which is so necessary for the
spiritual awakening, even though the process is usually painful.
Physically it represents the private parts the external genital organs and the area of
the anus.

The 9th house, (Dharma bhava)

9th House: This house indicates religion, luck, father , foreign travel, publicity,
preceptor, higher education, learnings, writing books, also faith, wisdom, prosperity,
powers of foresight, religious institutions, providential help, etc. Hips, thighs are body
parts. This is the house of dharma, righteousness, doing good actions, good karma,
justice, moral and ethics, wisdom, higher learning, higher values, philosophy, religion,
spirituality, the Guru and the relationship with him/her, interest in teaching and
spreading knowledge. This is considered the most auspicious house or the house of
good luck. Good luck is the result of following Dharma or right actions in the past.
Therefore planets placed in this house and the houses they rule will tend to flourish
and manifest their best qualities, unless they are debilitated or severely afflicted.
The planet ruling the 9th house is also a benefic planet which will bless the house it is
placed or aspecting , if it is not afflicted. The 9th house is the main house to assess the
spiritual inclinations of a person, their philosophical values, spiritual path, religious
approach, and the main dharma or mission in life, the kind of path that will be
conducing to the greatest benefit or growth. It is also related with pilgrimages,
successful travels for spiritual reasons and connections with foreigners.

The 10th house, (karma bhava)

This important house indicates father, profession, status in life, activities outside
house, pleasures, honour, power and authority, Government favour, trade, business,
command, honour, occupation, adopted son. All questions regarding worldly activities
and moral responsibilities. Body parts are knees, joints, bones, hairs and back. This
house represents our actions and main work in this life. It is the house where we can
assess matters related to the success or failure in career, natural vocation and talents,
name, fame, prestige, honor and recognition in our work. It represents the position
and power that a person has in the society, related with his work achievements. The
10th house is the highest position in the sky at the moment of birth, so it represents
our direction and goals in life, the personal mission or work that we are supposed to
do in this life. Is an Artha house, related with prosperity and material security. The
10th house is considered the strongest Kendra or angular house, being an important
pillar in supporting the strength of the chart as a whole. Planets placed on the 10th
house tend to be very important, strong and externally visible and manifested in the
life of a person, and tend to make the person ambitious, out-going and achievement
oriented. The nature of those planes and the house they rule will be important
influential factors to determine the career and profession a person does in life.

The 11th house, (labha bhava)

It accounts for accumulated wealth, elder brothers and sisters and relations with
them. Friends, fluctuating money gains, club or social activities, emotional
attachments, love affairs and friends, honour, social success etc. Body parts are legs,
left ear, ankle etc. This is called the house of Gain. It is a Kama house, related with
the aspirations and desires and the capacity to fulfill them.
It relates with abundance, money, income and possession of the desired objects.
Planets placed in the 11th house tend to give good results and the houses they rule
prosper and develop their potentials. Planets in this house and the connection they
make with other houses show the means of income of the native, their main way to
make money or gain, and can also be an important factor in determine the profession
and work of a person, together with the 10th house and the ascendant.
It is also related with the social environment of the person, groups of people, the close
friends and siblings, mainly the elder siblings.

The 12th house, (vyaya bhava)

It signifies private enemies, pleasures of beds, law suits, imprisonments, secret works,
moksha, hospitalisation, conjugal relations with opposite sex other than legitimate.
Sorrows, debts, lost goods etc. are judged. Body parts are feet, left eye, teeth etc.This
is called the house of loss, detachment, letting go, surrender and renouncing.
It is the last of the houses, so, it represents the endings, the dissolution, the moment
when the individuality is lost and everything returns back to the source.
It represents isolation, seclusion, and liberation from the material attachments.
It represents what we have to detach from in this life and our main source of expenses
or material loss. If this house and its ruler are afflicted it can cause material loss,
separation, feeling of loneliness, depression, mental sorrow, isolation, imprisonment,
hospitalization, addictions, lack of success in undertakings, loss of dear objects and
people.On the other hand, this is the most important house from the spiritual point of
view.It is the house of Moksha or attainment of liberation from the cycle of births
and deaths, pain and material attachments, to return to the source where the soul
came from, the God consciousness. This house represents the opposite to materialism.
It is the moment when the material dissolves and returns to the origin, the spirit, the
pure consciousness. This house is related with monks, people who search for God and
enlightenment, the capacity to detach from the material illusion to become one with
the divine. It relates to non-profit organizations, actions done without any
expectations for material reward, charity, giving, generosity, desire to be in secluded
places out of the worldly noise, ashrams and monasteries, places of prayer and
meditation, spiritual and mystical experiences. This house is related to loosing
oneself, loosing the individuality or the ego to find the oneness with God.
But if this house is severely afflicted and there are other indications of weakness of
the mind in the chart, it can lead a person to desire to loose his ego and personality
trough unhealthy and un-spiritual methods like addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex, being
subjugated or enslaved by other people, loss of will power and weakness of
personality. Planets placed on the 12th house tend to loose their strength and
capacity to express their energy in the material level, even though they can be vary
favorable for the spiritual practices or for success in foreign countries.
Important planets like the Ascendant lord, the Moon or the sun on the 12th house can
bring a sense of dissatisfaction with life, a feeling that something is missing or a sense
of not belonging to, which can create a feeling if loneliness or isolation, but this is also
a strong call to search for the real source of happiness, which is on the Divine.
It really shows an advanced Soul who is ready to move into a higher spiritual
realization. Once established on a spiritual path and finding inner peace, they can
also be successful in other activities of life. If those planets represent people, like
parents, children, spouse, etcetera, their placement on the 12th house will tend to
create a separation or loss of them or will indicate that this people may have some
personal difficulties. This house is also relates with the bed conforts so it is related
with the capacity to sleep well or not, and the sexual enjoyments or difficulties.
The 12th house also represents exile, far away places, foreign countries, foreign
people, long distance travel, foreign trade, imports-exports, tourism, travel agencies
and like; places of isolation and seclusion, like hospitals, jails, monasteries, living in
the nature, out of the noise of the cities, are also ruled by the 12th house.
Physically it represents the feet.

Planets and its Significations


(1)The soul (2)power (3)Father (4)fortress (5) good strength (6) heat (7)splendour (8)fire
(9)worship of Siva (10)courage (11)thorned trees (12)being in royal favour
(13)bitterness (14)old age (15)cattle (16)wickedness (17)land (18)father (19)taste
(20)self-realisation (21)skyward look (22)one born of a timid woman (23)world of
mortals (24)square (25)bone (26)valour (27)grass (28)the belly (29)strenuous effort
(30)forest (31)half a year (32)eye (33)wandering over the mountains (34)quadruped
(35)king (36)travelling (37)dealing (38)bite (39)scorch (40)circular shape

(1)Mother (2)flower (3)good perfune (40going to a fortress (5)disease (6)Brahmin
(7)idleness (8)Phlegmatic humour (9)epilepsy (10)enlargement of the spleen
(11)mental disposition (12)heart (13)woman (14)virtue or vice (15)sourness
(16)sleep (17)happiness (18)any thing like water (19)silver (20)thick sugarcane
(21)typhoid (22)travel (23)well (24)tank (25)mother (26)impartiality (27)mid-day
(28)pearls (29) consumption (30)whiteness (31)waistband (32)bell-metal (33)salt
(34)short stature (35)mind (36)ability (37)pond (38)diamond (39)winter season (40)
a break of 48 minutes


(1) SPORTS (2)land (3)strength (4)carrying arms for the battle (5)Kingship (6)loss of
verility (7)thief (8)battle (9)hostility (10)enemy(11)generosity (12)love for deep red
colour things ((13)owning a garden(14)sound of a trumpet (15)
affection(16)quadruped (17)king (18)fool (19)anger (20)going to a foreign country
(21)firmness (22)supporter (23)fire (24)controversy (25)bile (26)heat (27)wound
(28)service under a ruler (29)day (30)sky (31)seeing (32)shortness (33)disease
(34)fame (35)tin (36)sword (37)lance or spear (38)minister (39)fracture of a limb


(1)education (2)horses (3)treasury (4)mathematics (5)wisdom (6)speech(7)Brahmin

(8)infantry (9)writing (10)new garment(11)palatial building (12)green colour
(13)sculprure (14)astrology (15)pilgrimage to holy places(16)wise lectures
(17)temple (18)trading (19)best ornaments (20)courteous speech(21)Vedanta
philosophy (22)maternal-grand-father (23)bad dreams (24eunuch (25)facing North
(26)skin (27)wet (28)bell-metal (29)renunciation (30)Ritu (31)a beautiful house
(32)doctor (33)neck (34)influencing through recitation of mantras (35)child
(36)crooked look(37)heaven (38)modesty (39)paternal relation (40)fear


(1)SON OR DAUGHTER (2)Guru (3)ones duty(4)Chariot (5)cow (6)infantry

(7)savings(8)Meemamsa (9)treasure (10)horse (11)curd, etc. (12)large body
(13)Valour (14)reputation (15)logic (16)astrology (17)son (18)grandson
(19)dropsy(20)wealth of elephants (21)philosophy (22)great grand-fathers
(23)palacial house (24)gems (25)eldest brother (26)grand father (27)Lord Indra
(28)cold season(29)wrath (30)jewel (31)merchant (32)physical health (33)a beautiful
mansion (34)royal honour (35)thigh (36)Gods (37)penance (38)charity(39)religious
duty (40)helping others


(1)WIFE OR LOVER (2)a good chowrie (3)garment (4)marriage (5)income (6) a biped
(7)woman (8)Brahmin (9)Subha (10)Whiteness (11)wife (12)sexual happiness
(13)short (14)sour (15)flower (16)command (17)fame (18)Youthful vigour
(19)Vehicle(20)silver(21)South-East quarter (22)saltish(23)ogling (24)scratching
(25)half a month (26)the quality of passion (27)strong (28)pearl (29)Yajur Veda (30)
Vaisya (31)beauty (32)buying and selling (33)love-making (34)watery resort
(35)elephant (36)horse (37)variegated colour (38)poetry (39)dancing (40)middle age

(1)laziness, etc.(2)obstruction(3)OLDER PEOPLE(4)elephant(5)skin(6)gain7)proof or
through a woman(14)maid servant(15)asses and mules(16)outcaste (17)one with
disfigured limbs(18)haunting woods(19)handsome look(20)gift(21)a lord(22)a
portion of life(23)eunuch(24)one born of the lowest caste(25)birds(26)the three
sacred fires(27)a servile duty(28)unrighteous conduct(29)one without
manliness(30)telling lies(31)long lasting(32)wind (33)old age(34)tendons and
muscles(35)strong at the end of the day(36) Sisira Ritu or winter(37)great-
anger(38)exertion(39)born of a very low mother (40)bastard


(1) Umbrella (2)Chowrie (3)kingdom (4)gathering (5)fellacious argument (6)hurting

by speech(7)downcast(8)wicked woman(9)decorated vehicle(10)an irreligious
man(11)gambling(12)strong at twilight(13)intriguing with a wicked woman(14)going
abroad (15)impurity(16)bone(17)enlargement of spleen(18)falsehood(19)downward
look(20)perplexity(21)emerald(22)facing the Southern quarter(23)shelter of outcaste
or low people(24painfulswelling(25)a big forest(26)wandering in rugged
places(27)mountain(28)pain(29)staying outside(30)tending towards South-
breeze(36)sharp(37)long(38)reptile(39)reading of dreams(40)travel


(1)Worship of God Chandeesa, God Ganesha and many other

gods(2)doctor(3)dog(4)a cook(5)vulture(6)salvation(7)all kinds of
wealth(8)consumption (9)pain(10)fever(11)bathing in the Holy Ganges(12)great
penance(13)wind(14)a Hunter(15)friendship(16)conferring of
prosperity(17)stone(18)wound(19)witchcraft(20)inconstancy(21)knowledge of
sore(24)stupidity(25)thorn(26)deer(27)knowledge(28)observingsilence as a fast
(29)philosophy(30)all sorts of luxuries(31)luck(32)trouble from enemies(33)loss of
appetite(34)indifference to the world (35)paternal grandfather(36)hunger(37)severe
stomachache(38)boil sand the like skin troubles(39)revoking the orders of arrest
and (40)the association of Sudra.

Malefics and benefics: Planets are termed natural benefics and natural malefics.
These are: Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and increasing Moon-natural benefics; Saturn,
Mars, Rahu and Ketu-Natural malefics. If Mercury joins a natural malefic, he does
not remain auspicious. As regards the Moon, she is auspicious from 10th day of
dark fortnight through the 5th day of bright fortnight.

Apart from the above, planets are classified as favourable and adverse based on
births under the 12 different ascendants. These are narrated below:

Aries: Pure benefics are Jupiter and the Sun. Malefics are Saturn, Mercury and
Venus. Venus is the prime killer. Jupiter will give inauspicious results if he is
conjunct an adverse planet. However when with Saturn he is not wholly adverse.

Taurus: Saturn and the Sun are benefics and can cause Rajayoga. Jupiter, Venus
and Moon are not auspicious and may prove death inflicting palnets. Mercury can
cause some Yoga.
Gemini: Venus is the only benefic. Mars, Sun and Jupiter are inauspicious. Saturn
and Jupiter together behave in the same manner as for Aries birth. The Moon is the
prime killer. (Some replace the Moon with Saturn).

Cancer: Mercury and Venus are malefics. Mars, Jupiter and Moon are auspicious.
Mars is a supreme Rajayoga karaka. Saturn is capable of inflicting death and is
Maraka lord.

Leo: Inauspicious planets are Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Mars, Jupiter and the
Sun are benefics. Jupiter with Venus cannot give fully benefic results. Saturn is
Maraka and the Moons effects depend on her association.

Virgo: Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are adverse. Venus is the only favourable
planet. Mars is a Maraka lord.

Libra: Saturn and Mercury prove auspicious. The moon and Mercury and capable
of conferring great benefits and position. Jupiter, the Sun and Mars are
inauspicious. Mars is a Maraka lord. Venus gives balanced results for this
ascendant, if unafflicted by others.

Scorpio: Jupiter, as well as the Moon are benefics, the Moon and the Sun are
Rajayoga planets. Mercury and Venus give inauspicious effects. Saturn gives mixed
results . Jupiter if illrelated will become a Maraka. Mars is of mixed nature.

Sagittarius: Venus is adverse. Mercury, Mars and the Sun are yogakaraakas. If the
Sun joins Mercury he will also become a Rajayoga Karaka. Saturn is a killer apart
from Venus.

Capricorn: Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are inauspicious. Venus and Mercury are
benefical. Saturn is not a Maraka lord, while Mars etc. may prove as killers.

Aquarius: Jupiter, Moon and Mars produce adverse results. Venus and Saturn are
exclusively benefics. Mars and Jupiter are killers. If others are related to one of
these two, they will also become adverse.

Pisces: Saturn, Venus, Mercurry and the Sun are classified as unfavourable. Mars
and Moon are auspicious. Mars and Jupiter are Yogakarakas. Saturn and Mercury
are Marakas.

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