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Moon Heavy News: The moon found a few million tons of gold de

posits, in the moon on the back of the moon, etc. may exist in the
water or metamorphosis water (Prof.Fangruida)


The moon is a major discovery: the moon has hundreds of billions of to

ns of gold deposits, polar and the back of the moon or other water
or metamorphic water resources

Lune, Saturne, Vnus, Mercure, les lunes de Jupiter, les astrodes, les
plantes ont beaucoup d'or et d'autres rserves de mtaux prcieu
x, estims 10 millions de tonnes -4000 millions de tonnes, d'une
valeur totale d'environ many and many dollars et entre le dollar d
es tats-Unis, afin de mesurer l'valuation relle d'au moins 1.000. $ d'abord, peut-tre plus. Mais la lune est concern
, plusieurs centaines de billions de dollars de rserves d'or sont
autant au moins. Lune est une norme corne d'abondance, n'a pas
de prix riche, les espces minrales, en plus du fer, le silicium, les
mines nuclaires, il y a beaucoup de rserves d'or. Ceux-ci n'ont p
as t reconnues peuvent tre trouves dans les fouilles minires
A. lave chaude magmatiques montante partir du sol, l'coulement pntre dans le sol ou sur la crote terrestre, la temp
rature est abaisse en raison, progressivement refroidi et form, comme le granit, le basalte, et analogues. Dans l'activit
magmatique, le magma de matriau utile enrichi pour former des dpts, appels dpts endognes. Beaucoup mine d
e mtaux dans le monde est ainsi form. Dans le vent, la pluie, le soleil et l'effet biologique, les roches de surface sont di
vises en gravier, du sable et de l'argile, la roche aprs le dpt du vent et du transport de l'eau sous une forme consolid
e, appeles roches sdimentaires. Il a gnralement une hirarchie, mais aussi de trouver des fossiles. Les dpts forms
sous une force extrieure, appele dpts exognes. Comme l'or dans le lit de la rivire, les lacs intrieurs et de charbon
de la mine de gypse, le ptrole et ainsi de suite. En raison de diastrophism et l'activit magmatique mtamorphique, un
e certaine temprature, pression, etc., de sorte que la composition des roches et de la structure de l'original est modifi p
our former un nouveau rock. Les dpts forms dans le processus de roches mtamorphiques, les dpts mtamorphiqu
es appels. Les dfauts et en changeant la prsence de digues et de pices composites, souvent favorable zone forme
d'or. srie de drapeau diffrenciation magmatique de base complte roche acide, suivie d'une substance riche en sodi
um felsiques intrusives. Jinfeng degr plus lev, et il y a une grande dispersion altration hydrothermale tardive des
digues est une marque de minralisation aurifre. la base d'une zone de roches volcaniques mafiques est galement b
nfique pour trouver de l'or hydrothermal volcanique et mine d'argent. haut indice magntique, granite haute alcalin
e est un signe de l'or. drapeau d'altration hydrothermique alcalis metasomatism: savoir, le sodium et le potassium
de la phase liquide chaude, la performance de albitisation, de feldspath de potassium et de sricite. suicide: Parce que
l'or est dissous dans l'activit, le processus de migration a prcipit beaucoup de SiO. Et les conditions de prcipitation e
t SiOz mme, donc, la minralisation aurifre et silicification, veines Shi Ying accompagns apparat relation trs troite
entre les deux. pyrite: oxyde complexe d'or, et autres. Ramener des chantillons du point de vue de la Lune, la comp
osition des roches lunaires est relativement simple. Au mois principalement pour la mer de basalte d'inondation, la terre
et le mois de hautes terres principalement par roche igne riche en composition plagioclase. Prise en arrire partir des
chantillons de la surface lunaire peuvent tre diviss en trois catgories: igne cristalline; brche; mois sol et
des particules de verre. Les types de roches basaltes marins, basaltes non mare et riche rock Cripple. Dans les roches lun
aires ont t trouvs dans trois types d'aucun nouveau minral sur terre: pierre Jinghai, fer triclinique pyroxne et faible
tialite de fer. Par rapport la terre de basalte, le mois de basalte de la mer K2O, Na2O et le contenu Al2O3 est faible, te
neur leve en FeO et Cr2O3. roches lunaires pas d'eau, pas de fer ferrique, mais contenant du fer et troilite (de FES) an
orthosite anciennes roches lunaires, principalement plagioclase composition riche en calcium, contenant environ 35% A
l2O3. sonde lunaire amricaine pour obtenir des informations de premire main sur important, cependant, en raison du p
oint d'exploration limite, la lune est pas exactement la mme structure gologique. Granit, le basalte existe aussi, seule
une zone limite. Ct de la lune, les ples de la lune, etc., peuvent tre significativement diffrentes formations gologi
ques et les structures rocheuses. En fait, bien que beaucoup appontage sur la Lune et fait beaucoup de dtection fiable, c
ependant, que toute pense, de dire la lune n'est pas l'or et non absolue. Les humains savent vraiment beaucoup de travai
l de recherche et la lune commence peine. Etats-Unis plusieurs fois la lune a gagn beaucoup de ralisations, mais ont
encore besoin de continuer travailler dur, il y aura de nouvelles dcouvertes.
B. l'eau dans l'eau de l'eau de l'eau de l'eau minrale de roche de zolite lie de la structure de cristallisation ple eau en
vrac de l'eau de la membrane l'eau solide et de l'eau de mtamorphose de l'eau gazeuse (eau, sol gel, etc.). formations
rocheuses lune ou structure interne profonde, il est possible que la prsence d'eau, ou du ct polaire de la Lune, etc., l'a
rpentage toujours pour dtecter les angles morts et des angles morts. Bien sr, ce besoin d'une exploration plus approfon
die de l'enqute sur le terrain, afin de dcouvrir compltement le mystre.

Moon, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Asteroid, other planets have a lot
of gold and rare metal reserves, estimated at 10 million tons -4000
million tons, the total value of about 830 trillion - US dollars and 96
0 trillion Between the dollar and the actual measured valuation, at l
east $ 1,000 trillion, perhaps more. But in terms of the moon, gold r
eserves are at least a few hundred trillion dollars as much. The mo
on is a huge cornucopia pot, priceless, rich in mineral deposits, in
addition to iron, silicon, nuclear ore, there are a lot of gold storage.
These have not been recognized by the people found to be able to
explore mining extraction.
It is highly likely that there will be metamorphic water or water resources in the polar or individual areas of the moon, a
ccording to the monthly image and the lunar geologic structure map and a large number of computer simulation modeli
ng, simulation checking, detector and lunar collection of ore. Especially the lunar geological structure and the geologica
l structure of the earth, Venus, Mercury, Mars and other geological structure of comparative analysis, a variety of detect
or data to determine the data.

A. magmatic rocks are formed by the underground hot magma, into the crust or sprayed from the ground, due to lower t
emperature, gradually formed by cooling, such as granite, basalt and so on. In the magma activity, the magma in the use
ful material enrichment and the formation of deposits, called endogenous deposits. Many of the world's metal mines are
formed. In the wind, rain, sun and biological effects, the surface rock was broken into gravel, sand and soil, after the wi
nd or water transport and consolidation of the formation of the rock, called sedimentary rocks. It usually has a level, but
also to find fossils. Under the action of external forces formed by the deposit, called exogenous deposits. Such as gold i
n the river bed, inland lake gypsum mine and coal, oil and so on. Metamorphic rocks are due to crustal changes and mag
matic activity, under a certain temperature, pressure and other conditions, so that the original composition and structure
of rock to change the formation of a new rock. In the process of rock metamorphism, the deposit is called metamorphic
deposit, and the fault structure and the change of the formation of the veins are often favorable. Magmatic rock signs
basic series of different differentiation of the acid rock, followed by rich in sodium-rich intrusive rocks. Jinfeng degr
ee is higher, the dispersion is large and the hydrothermal alteration is one of the signs of gold mineralization. mediu
m-based volcanic rock development area, to find volcanic hydrothermal gold and silver mine is also beneficial. high
magnetic, overbased index of granite is a sign of gold. Hydrothermal alteration signs alkaline metasomatism: the hyd
rothermal period of sodium and potassium, the performance of sodium feldspar, potassium feldspar and sericite. silic
ification: the gold in the activities of the dissolved, the migration process of precipitation of a large number of SiO. And
with the same conditions of SiOz precipitation, so gold mineralization and silicification, accompanied by quartz veins a
ppear, the relationship between the two very close. pyrite: gold oxide complex, and so on. From the moon back to th
e specimen point of view, Yue Yan composition is relatively simple. In the sea is mainly for the overflow basalt, the mo
nthly land is mainly composed of plagioclase rich diagenetic composition. Samples collected from the surface of the lun
ar can be divided into three categories: crystalline igneous rocks; breccia; lunar and glass particles. The rock ty
pes are the sea basalts, the non-glacial basalts and the crestic rocks. In the lava has been found in three kinds of new min
erals on the earth: Jinghai stone, iron triplicate pyroxene and low iron fake titanium. Compared with the basal basalts, th
e content of K2O, Na2O and Al2O3 in the sea basalts is lower, and the contents of FeO and Cr2O3 are higher. The rock
is not water, no iron content, but with iron and meteorite iron (FeS) plagioclase is the ancient rock on the moon, mainly
composed of calcium-rich plagioclase, containing about 35% of Al2O3. Lunar (less than 1 mm in diameter) consists of
different proportions of crystalline rock, breccia fragments, mineral particles and glass. Lunar exploration to obtain firs
t-hand important information, but because of the limited exploration, the lunar geological structure is not exactly the sa
me. Granite, basalt, etc. are the same, but the area is limited. The back of the moon, the moon poles, etc. may have a sig
nificant difference between the geological structure and the rock structure. In fact, although many people on the moon a
nd made a lot of reliable detection, but, that the moon is no gold mine argument can not be absolute. Many of the work t
hat man really knows and studies the moon has just begun.
B. Water Resources Rock Minerals Internal Combinations Water Zeolite Water Structure Water Crystals Water Film Wat
er Water Gravity Water Solid Water Water Gaseous Water and Metamorphic Water (Frozen Soil, etc.). The interior or de
ep structure of the lunar rock formation, there may be water, polar or lunar back, etc., is still the exploration and detectio
n of blind spots and blind spots.

Lunar gold reserves of about 5000-7000 million tons, more than all the gold deposits of the earth, about 600 trillion doll
ars. The lunar gold and the earth's gold mineral resources are slightly different and are more likely to be mined in some
ways. According to the "Economist" reported that in 2011 the global gold mining costs may not be less than 1,000 US d
ollars (about 202 yuan per gram).

As a result of the increase in costs, in recent years the cost of domestic gold mining has increased year by year. Howeve
r, gold mining is indeed the most profitable link in the gold industry chain.
The world is now identified gold resources of 89,000 tons, the reserve base of 77,000 tons, reserves of 48,000 tons.
Earth's gold stocks: the world currently exists about 137,400 tons of gold, while the amount of gold on the ground every
year is about 2% growth rate. According to experts and finance professors inferred that the crust of gold resources of ab
out 60 trillion tons, more than 10,000 tons per capita. However, the world is now identified gold resources only 89,000 t
ons, the reserve base of 77,000 tons, reserves of 48,000 tons. As of 2005, the human extraction of gold, but 125,000 tons,
accounting for about 600 million of the total reserves, per capita only 20 grams.

Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter satellites and other gold ore about the amount of about 9,000 tons, about 7500 trillion dol
lars. Global Gold Reserves: There are more than 80 countries in the world. South Africa accounts for 50% of the world's
gold reserves and reserves, accounting for 38% of the world's reserves; the United States accounts for 12% of the worl
d's identified resources, accounting for 8% of the world's reserves and 12% of the world's reserves. In addition to South
Africa and the United States, the main gold resource countries are Russia, Uzbekistan, Australia, Canada, Brazil and so
on. Among the world's 80 gold-producing countries, the Americas account for 33% of the world's total (including Latin
America 12%, Canada 7%, US 14%); Africa accounted for 28% (22% of South Africa); Asia Pacific 29% (Australia Ac
counting for 13%, China accounted for 7%). With an annual output of more than 100 tons of countries, in addition to th
e previously mentioned five countries, there are Indonesia and Russia. The annual output of 50 tons -100 tons of countri
es are Peru, Uzbekistan, Ghana, Brazil and Papua New Guinea. In addition, Mexico, the Philippines, Zimbabwe, Mali,
Kyrgyzstan, South Korea, Argentina, Bolivia, Guyana, Guinea, Kazakhstan is also an important gold producer.

According to the World Gold Council, the world's gold reserves are: 8133.5 tons in the United States, 3412.6 tons in Ge
rmany, 3217.3 tons in the World Monetary Fund, 2508.8 tons in France, 2451.8 tons in Italy, 1054 tons in China, 1040.1
tons in Switzerland, SPDR in gold Trust (ETF Fund) 1024 tons, Japan 765.2 tons, the Netherlands 621.4 tons.

Location Production of mining companies in 2011

Burton Dayton, Australia 741,000 ounces of Newmont Mining open pit mining
Karl Gulli, Australia 750,000 ounces of Barrick Gold Company open pit mining
Santiago, Peru 770,000 ounces of Barrick Gold Company open pit mining
Caltonville, South Africa 792,000 ounces of Ange Lu Aashan company underground mining
Kesi Dobo, South Africa 831,000 ounces of Ange Lu Aashan company underground mining
San Juan, Argentina 957,000 ounces of Barrick Gold Company open pit mining
Nevada, USA 1,088,000 ounces of Barrick Gold Company open pit mining both underground mining
Cahamaca, Peru 1,293,000 ounces of Newmont Mining, World Bank open pit mining
Nevada, USA 1,421,000 ounces of Barrick Gold Company open pit mining
Papua, Indonesia 1,444,000 ounces of free port - McMullan copper gold company open pit mining underground mining

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