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A Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the English Diploma III Degree

Arranged By :









1.1 Background of the Study

In addition to being a centre of industrial field in Central Java, Sukoharjo

has a number of tourism objects which become the icon and develop the value of

the city. There are many culinary objects to facilitate the people who come to the

city for business. Both tourism and culinary objects are also interesting for

foreign tourists. The government of Sukoharjo needs skillfull human resources to

the face globalization era and to attract people to have business there.
Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Sukoharjo is responsible for all matter

relates the development of human resources in industry and business in

Sukoharjo. Pandega Course Management Sukoharjo has the programs of industry

and business to develop human resources and it is one of the oldest Course

Managements in Sukoharjo.
To support activities, especially about learning, Pandega Course

Management Sukoharjo needs qualified and dedicated of the officers that they

have capable of planning, organizing and controlling tasks in Academic Planning

Division. Academic Planning Division has important role to support learning

activities in Pandega Course Management Sukoharjo. Because I am interested

discussing about this division, so I choose a topic The Role of Academic

Planning Division to Support Learning Activities in Pandega Course Management

Sukoharjo for the final assignment.

1.2 Scope of the Study
The topic is focused on the role of Academic Planning Division to support
learning activities in Pandega Course Management Sukoharjo. In this report, to

explain the topic, I focuse on activities of planning, organizing and controlling at

the role of the division. The role of Academic Planning Division is important to

support activities of learning in Pandega Course Management Sukoharjo.

1.3 Aims and Advantages of the Study

There are two aims of this report, namely:
1. To describe the role of Academic Planning Division to support learning

activities in Pandega Course Management Sukoharjo.

2. To explain activities of Academic Planning Division in Pandega

Course Management Sukoharjo.

There are two advantages of this report, namely:

1. To increase my knowledge about the role of Academic Planning

Division to support learning activities in Pandega Course Management

2. To inform people the role of Academic Planning Division in Pandega

Course Management.

1.4 Methods of Data Collection

There are two methods that it used to collect data in this report. They are

observation and interview. Observation Observation is the way to collect data

whereupon take and make a note through human sense (Sudikan, 1989: 87). In

the field, I observed directly about activities of Academic Planning Division in

Pandega Course Management Sukoharjo.

Debaish (2009: 146) states that interview is a conversation between two

or more people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by
the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. In this report, I

interviewed Mrs. Laili as the director of Pandega Course Management Sukoharjo

and my tutor during my job training in the place.

1.5 Organization of the Report

CHAPTER I : Introduction

This chapter contains background of the study,

scope of the study, aims and advantages of study,

methods of data collection and organization of the


CHAPTER II : Theoretical Framework

This chapter consists of definition of Office

Management, definition of Academic Planning and

the role of Academic Planning Division.

CHAPTER III : The Role of Academic Planning Division to

Support Learning Activities in Pandega Course

Management Sukoharjo

This chapter provides the profile of Pandega Course

Management Sukoharjo, types of tasks about

academic planning done by staffs at Pandega Course

Management Sukoharjo, and the role of Academic

Planning Division to support learning activities

done by staffs at Pandega Course Management


CHAPTER IV : Conclusion
This chapter contains the summary of the report and



This chapter present Office Management, Academic Planning and the role

of Academic Planning Division.

2.1 Management and Office Management

Acording to Montana and Charnov (2008: 11), management is working

with and through other people to accomplish the objectives of both the

organization and its members. This can be concluded that management means the

activity to arrange several divisions with the people within to reach some goals

determined for both team and management.

Rao (2000: 16), states that office management is the planning, organising,

and controlling of records by the administrators of an organisation. To any

business in any sector needs a planning process, and educational institute didnt

exception. Of course, that planning needs to be sensitive to sector academics and

needs, and in the case of educational institute there are two special features that

need to be accommodated. The first is the yearly rhythm of student intakes and

graduations, which naturally resonates with an annual planning cycle. The second

is the high level of dispersed expertise in educational institute, and the consequent

sense of management officer of educational institutional.

2.2 Academic Planning

Rowley and Sherman, 2004: 4 state that the academic plan defines the

curriculum and its potential impact on a variety of learning communities within

it. The definition explains about the details of task that should be done by the

officer of Academic Planning Division, to arrange curriculum and support other

additional ideas in educational institution.

2.3 The Role of Academic Planning

Academic planning in educational institutions is done by the management

office . the role of academic planning is preparing educational materials and

support facilities . educational materials prepared by Instructur while supporting

facilities prepared by the staff of the office. The following job descriptions staff

officer and Instructor

2.3.1 Staff Officer
Staff Officer in office management are planning, organizing,

controlling, directing, motivating, co-ordinating and ensuring the

implementation to handles the process of academic.

2.3.2 Instructor
According Lattuca and Stark (2009: 6-9), the role of Academic

Planning can be defined by eight elements. Here are the elements of

academic plan :
1. Purposes
This element contains of knowledges, skills and attitudes to that

should be learned. This element reflects to the goal of academic planning.

Academic planning has to plan and implement the way to manage the

students learning and the purpose of academic planning about knowledges,

skills and attitudes as a whole of education.

The purpose of academic planning should make the students clarify

their beliefs and values of commitment to make education as their

guidance of life.
2. Content
This element has subject for learning and further role in both

students and instructors to adjust encouragement of intellectual

development or effective thinking.

3. Sequence
This element has arrangement of curriculum and sequence of

curriculum. It can be defined as the way in which the subject matter is

used to facilitate learning as one of academic plans role. This element

focuses for the instructors in order to make appropriate of teaching.

4. Learners
This point focuses on capability and characteristic of the students.

It informs about knowledge of ability, preparation and goal for the

learners. Academic planning should provide the curriculum that relate to

the students. The motivation of learning for the students influenced by

their interest in topic that they learn and judge the relevance of the topic.
5. Intructional Processes
This element is about activities of learning, and processes is

separatedly discussed with curriculum but it influences the learning of the

student. The instructors generally have own strategies in teaching based on

their knowledge about learning.

6. Instructional Resources
This point relates to materials and settings. Educational programs

are frequently structured by textbooks, classrooms, laboratories, course

managements and practicum sites. Those important resources may not be

fully recognized, but should be consider as a part of academic planning.

7. Evaluation
To evaluate plan and result, evaluation has become increasingly

important for education recently. Lattuca and Stark, 2009: 11, described

that effective assessment is viewed as critical because educators must

understand how well students have made sense of what they encounter in

courses or programs. .
This terminology of evaluation considers to suitable of all element

of plans. Evaluation can be planned when goals and objectives of the

program have been clarified and designed.

8. Adjustment
This element talk about plans improvement developments and

efforts change of planning academic is about appropriate evaluation plans

to develop plans and processes of plans. When the plan is revised, specific

elements are needed to identify which part in academic planning that

should be improved.

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