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Right then, here is for some hands on stuff.

I always believe that it is best to

actually experience each individual element up close and personal, so that
when one starts to work with it or use it, you know what you're up against and
playing with. It's like the old saying "You're playing with fire ..." Well, we are.

Right then, so how does one go about experiencing the elements? Well, for
me, the best way is to actually get outside and face them! A lake, a river, a
stream or the sea (if you're lucky) will show you Water. Air can be
experienced either in a forest, where you can feel the wind in the trees, on
top of a tall building (just be careful!) on a mountain, even in the city in a park.
Same goes for Earth and Fire.

Whenever you go out and find out more about an element, be sure to have
an open mind. Try and see what it does, what it feels like, smells like, tastes
like. See its powers of both destruction as well as life-giving. They are both
parts of the element's powers.

I remember one day, it was pouring down rain and I sat for hours at my open
window, just listening to it and the noises outside. The rain falling, people
rushing around, the water splatting as cars drove through puddles. I could
also smell the difference in the air as it was saturated with the tastes of wet
trees, street and it was almost as if the rain was purifying everything! This
might sound a little strange, but give it a try and you will be amazed what you
experience, when you let your mind wander out.

Here's a little help:

"Element Meditation"

Earth Meditation

Go out in the woods, as far from civilization as possible, and find an old
tree that you feel right about. (for some of you, this may be a quiet spot in a
city park) Sit down close to it and make yourself comfortable. Relax, close
your eyes and concentrate.
Breath slowly, breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
When breathing in, feel how all your blood and life is drawn to your heart, and
when slowly breathing out, feel the life and blood spread through out your
Stretch out your hand and touch the tree, sit for a while then ask the
tree to share of it's wisdom and memory's of ancient times with you. If it
allows you, focus your mind on the tree, see it in front of you in your mind.
Feel it. Follow it's root's down in the earth, feel how it gets life from earth and
Open your mind and enter the tree, become one with the tree, share
your emotions and thoughts with it and feel the calmness that a long and still
life gives.
Feel the tree's thought's and memories and search for time's far away
and long since forgotten. Drink water and life from the earth and feel how you
get stronger.
When you feel ready, bid the tree farewell and thank it for its help.
Slowly open your eyes and rise. Be sure to have much time when doing this
practice, as trees has a different apprehension of time than we and you easily
could be sitting there for some hours without noticing the time going by.

An alternative to this is: Get some soil in a large mixing bowl and lie
down on your bed (couch, whatever). Let one hand fall off into the soil.
Breathing deeply, slowly, evenly, In through the nose.....and out through
the mouth.....feel the connection grow from your fingers to the soil. Feel
yourself shrink until the soil is the Earth itself....
Feel the age of the earth, relax and let the strength cradle you. Listen
for the whispers from the Earth and the other creatures who make their
homes within it.
When you are ready to leave, slowly feel yourself growing bigger, the
Earth shrinking to a bowl of soil .... Ease your connection with the Earth, until
it is just a tingle in your fingertips....And you're back.
"Air Meditation "

It is dawn. I find myself in a forest filled with Aspen trees. I raise my
eyes and look for the sky, but the boughs looming overhead hide it from my
view. As I look up, feel the cool breeze of spring brush my face, and hear the
sound of the rustling leaves. Blowing, laughing from the east, brings thoughts
of renewal and life. I follow the wind further into the soft shadows of the
forest, inhaling deeply the strong scent of the trees. I smell, too, the wafting
hints of fragrant incense. I follow where my senses lead me and come to a
small clearing circled by burning censers filled with sweet-smelling oils.
Toward the east end of the circle is a staff. I walk over to the place and swirl
around as if carried on the wind itself. They dance around my head and body,
swirling around as if caught in a dance to unheard music. Then, taking my
attention from the spirits of the air, I look up to find further figures emerging
from the mist. First comes a woman with the beauty of the dawn. As she
steps forward, each of the four winds, in turn, hasten from around here and
fly, one to each of the four corners of the earth. As she fades, there comes
another whose form seems insubstantial, and seems to constitute both the
image of a woman and a cow at the same time. I look closely the attempt to
solidify one form, but I cannot. As this image fades, I am presented with the
forms of two women who immediately remind me of the nighttime sky. One
glows with the pale light of the full moon, and her eyes hold the fullness of
hidden knowledge. The other, whom also seems to radiate cool starlight,
seems to embody the possibilities of many lifetimes. In due course, these
figures too fade and I am left with only the mist of the elemental world of air.
Suddenly, three male figures issue from the mist.
They seem to be three aspects of one man, but each's attributes differ.
The first glows with the light of the moon, seeming to be its protector. The
second and third appear almost identical, except that one has a winged
helmet and shoes. As I sit and study the sameness and difference of the
three, they begin to fade, as does the fog. When the mist clears, I find myself
sitting within the circle still clutching the staff in my hands. I place the staff
once again on the ground and rise. I thank the element of air, and all it is
associated with for sharing with me its wisdom, and leave the circle.

"Fire Meditation"

Fire is the easiest element to gain contact with, but if you are not
careful it might draw you too far. A candle is more than enough flame to start
with, as this will give you more control. Find a quiet place, indoors or
outdoors, where you can be alone. Bring a candle and a match and sit down.
Make yourself comfortable and breathe deeply and slowly, in through your
nose and out through your mouth. Let go of the things of the day, the
tensions of the day. Feel your toes/spine rooting in it's home, the Earth. Light
the candle. Relax and put your arms or hands on your legs.
Concentrate and focus all of your will on the flame.
Gaze into it and let it fill you, It is all that is.
When it draws you to it and wishes to share with you, accept and follow
the flame with your mind and soul.
You are no more flesh, you are the flame, you are fire. You are calm
and strength. You are determination and a will that will never give in. Feel
how you live and expand everywhere. Give yourself to the fire and let it give
itself to you. Feel how you receive the defenders wisdom and knowledge. Let
it fill your mind, it's memories become your own. If you have any questions,
now is the time to ask... When you feel ready or if you feel that you are
loosing yourself, give thanks to the fire and bid it farewell, draw your mind
back into your body and blow out the flame. Now close your eyes and open
them again, Rise and feel how you are filled with new power and

"Water Meditation "

Find a place by a lake, sea or ocean that you like and sit or lie down so
close that you can touch the water with your fingers. If you feel comfortable
with it you can be in a boat or even in the water. The important thing is that it
feels right. Urbanites and those not near water, use a large mixing bowl filled
with water.
Relax and look into the water, touch it with your hands. Breath slowly.
Breath in through your nose and feel the smell of the water, let it fill you, relax
and let go as you breath out through your mouth. Feel it as it touches your
skin and stretch out for it.
Concentrate your mind and follow the water as it moves away from
your skin. Ask the water to share with you and if it accepts, let your mind
follow it. You are water, feel how you flow and touches earth, sand and
beaches everywhere. Hear the sound you make as you hit stones and earth
around you. You are movement and beginning of all life. Feel it. Let the water
fill up your conciousness and lead you. Let it clean away all pain and sorrow
from your mind and soul. When you feel ready, draw your mind away from
the water and back into your body, take your hands away from the water and
take some deep breaths. Take some water in your hands and move them to
your face and hair letting it out over you. Bid the water farewell, and rise. If
you are inside, empty the mixing bowl in the garden.

"Akasha Meditation "

Find a comfortable place to sit and breathe deeply and evenly, in

through the nose and out through the mouth.
Keep breathing until all the things of the day are gone, all the tensions
are gone from your body. Feel your toes root into the earth, or your spine
grow down into the Earth, but do not draw up energy. See: On the top of your
head is a dime sized circle of white light. As you watch, it begins to spin
slowly. Your desire is to touch Spirit. The circle of light expands to the size of
a doughnut, spinning faster and faster.
The center pulses outward... The center bulges as if being pushed from
inside your skull, or pulled from Above... The center explodes like fireworks,
like the turning on of a fountain, into a sparkle of light, flowing from the top of
your head. It feels strange but do not be afraid. Slowly the particles of light
build up to a tunnel, a funnel, it connects to the sky. And as you have given
off energy, given off your desire for Spirit, now Spirit comes to you, fill you
and you suddenly Know..... A mirror is held before you and you laugh.... The
power of the Old Ones is within you, you are the vessel for the intelligence of
the Universe... Now is the time to ask questions, for all is within.... As Spirit
departs you recognize that it never leaves fully, that you and It are somehow
the same, yet different. You become aware of the earth beneath your feet, the
ground of your roots. You are safe. You are home. You are yourself once

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