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Applying the ACSM Preparticipation Screening Algorithm to U.S. Adults:
NHANES 200104

Geoffrey P Whitfield1, Deborah Riebe2, Meir Magal3, and Gary Liguori2
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, NC
Accepted for Publication: 18 May 2017

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Copyright 2017 American College of Sports Medicine

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Publish Ahead of Print
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001331

Applying the ACSM Preparticipation Screening Algorithm to U.S. Adults:

NHANES 200104

Geoffrey P Whitfield1, Deborah Riebe2, Meir Magal3, and Gary Liguori2

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, NC
Running title: Preparticipation screening algorithm

Corresponding Author: Geoffrey P Whitfield

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


4770 Buford Highway, MS F-77

Atlanta, GA 30341

770-488-3976 (v); 770-488-4820 (f)

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
No outside funds were used for this study. The results of the study are presented clearly,

honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation. The findings

and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the

official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nor do they constitute

endorsement by ACSM. The authors have participated in development of the ACSM

preparticipation screening algorithm and the Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription.

Other than travel compensation, no financial support was received.


Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

PURPOSE: For most people, the benefits of physical activity far outweigh the risks. Research

has suggested exercise preparticipation questionnaires might refer an unwarranted number of

adults for medical evaluation before exercise initiation, creating a potential barrier to adoption.

The new American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) prescreening algorithm relies on current

exercise participation; history and symptoms of cardiovascular, metabolic or renal disease; and

desired exercise intensity to determine referral status. Our purpose was to compare the referral

proportion of the ACSM algorithm to that of previous screening tools using a representative

sample of US adults. METHODS: Based on responses to health questionnaires from the 2001-

2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, we calculated the proportion of adults
aged 40 years or older who would be referred for medical clearance before exercise participation

based on the ACSM algorithm. Results were stratified by age and sex and compared to previous

results for the ACSM/American Heart Association Preparticipation Questionnaire and the

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. RESULTS: Based on the ACSM algorithm, 2.6% of

adults would be referred only before beginning vigorous exercise and 54.2% of respondents

would be referred before beginning any exercise. Men were more frequently referred before

vigorous exercise and women were more frequently referred before any exercise. Referral was

more common with increasing age. The ACSM algorithm referred a smaller proportion of adults

for preparticipation medical clearance than the previously examined questionnaires.

CONCLUSIONS: Although additional validation is needed to determine if the algorithm

correctly identifies those at risk for cardiovascular complications, the revised ACSM algorithm

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
referred fewer respondents than other screening tools. A lower referral proportion may mitigate

an important barrier of medical clearance from exercise participation.

Key Words

Population, Exercise safety, Cardiovascular screening, physician exam


Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

The benefits of regular participation in physical activity are well-established and consistently

outweigh the risks of participation (10). Musculoskeletal injuries are the most common adverse

event associated with physical activity participation, and are seldom severe (10). An individual

bout of activity also carries an elevated risk of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or sudden

cardiac death (SCD). While severe, these events are rare and most commonly occur among

habitually inactive people performing vigorous-intensity activity (3, 8, 10); the risk of AMI or

SCD during activity is sharply attenuated by progressive, regular physical activity participation

(10). Among adults, occlusive coronary artery disease is usually the underlying cause of activity-

associated AMI and SCD (7). Because of this, attempts to identify adults at risk for activity
associated AMI or SCD have often included cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor assessment


The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recently released an updated exercise

preparticipation screening algorithm (henceforth: ACSM algorithm) that focuses on 1) the

respondents current exercise participation 2) the presence of signs/symptoms or known history


of cardiovascular diseases and 3) the desired exercise intensity, and in contrast to previous

screening tools, does not assess cardiovascular risk factors (11). These changes came about in

part because of indications that CVD risk factor-based screening may be overly conservative and

unnecessarily refer adults for medical clearance before exercise participation (15). Using data

from the 2001-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the

ACSM/American Heart Association Preparticipation Questionnaire (AAPQ) could potentially

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
refer 95% of all US adults aged 40 years or older to a medical provider before beginning an

exercise program (15), and 68% of US adults aged 40 years or older could be referred using the

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) (15).

Additionally, The AAPQ and PAR-Q predate the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for

Americans, which, like the ACSM algorithm, focus not on CVD risk factors, but on history of

chronic diseases, the symptoms thereof, and current activity levels to inform the need for medical

involvement (13). To date, referral estimates for the new ACSM algorithm are not available, so

its performance relative to the AAPQ and PAR-Q is unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this

research was to estimate the proportion of US adults aged 40 years or older that would be

referred for preparticipation medical clearance using the ACSM algorithm in order to place this
tool in context with previous findings.


Data Source

To ensure comparability across the three screening measures, a dataset from previous work was

used that included health history interview responses from US adults aged 40 years or older from

the 2001-2004 NHANES (15). Accordingly, the number of respondents and demographic

characteristics of the samples are identical with the previous report (15). This dataset was limited

to adults aged 40 years and older because of 1) the importance of underlying CVD as a causative

factor for exercise-associated SCD and MI in adults and 2) age restrictions in many of the CVD

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
questionnaire items in the data source. Complete information regarding NHANES methods are

publically available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (9) and are only

summarized here. NHANES is an ongoing public health surveillance system that uses

multistaged, stratified, probability sampling methods to achieve a representative sample of the

US, non-institutionalized population. Among all individuals screened to participate, 84% in

2001-2002 and 79% in 2003-2004 completed questionnaires (9). Data are continuously collected

and are prepared for release every two years. All NHANES data collection activities are

approved by the research ethics review board of the National Center for Health Statistics and

include informed consent for all participants.

Referral for medical clearance

The ACSM algorithm (Figure 1) first classifies respondents as active or inactive based on the

presence or absence of exercise in the past 3 months, with exercise defined as planned, structured

physical activity at least 30 min at moderate intensity on at least 3 days per week. Next,

respondents are classified based on presence or absence of known cardiovascular, metabolic, or


renal disease and presence or absence of signs or symptoms of these conditions (Figure 1,

footnote). Recommendations for medical clearance are then made based on the desired intensity

of exercise:

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Among those not currently exercising:

o Asymptomatic respondents with no history of the specified diseases are

recommended to begin light to moderate intensity physical exercise without

clearance, and gradually progress per ACSM guidelines

o Asymptomatic respondents with a positive history of the specified diseases are

recommended to seek medical clearance before beginning exercise of any intensity

o Symptomatic respondents, regardless of history, are recommended to seek medical

clearance before beginning exercise of any intensity

Among those currently exercising:

o Asymptomatic respondents with no history of the specified diseases are encouraged

to continue moderate or vigorous intensity exercise without clearance, and gradually

progress per ACSM guidelines

o Asymptomatic respondents with a positive history of the specified diseases are

encouraged to continue light to moderate intensity exercise without clearance, but

should have medical clearance before progressing to vigorous intensity exercise


o Symptomatic respondents, regardless of history, are recommended to seek medical


clearance before continuing exercise of any intensity


Linking NHANES to the ACSM Algorithm, AAPQ, and PAR-Q

The health questionnaires from NHANES 2001-2004 provide much of the information needed to

complete the ACSM algorithm. A matrix of algorithm components and their corresponding

NHANES items is presented in Table 1. To determine current exercise participation (based on

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the algorithms definition noted previously), the weekly frequency of each selected leisure

activity (bouts per week) was estimated by dividing reported monthly frequency by 4.286. The

weekly frequency was then multiplied by the reported duration (minutes per bout) and

NHANES-assigned metabolic equivalent value (METs), which is a measure of exercise intensity.

This provided estimated weekly exercise volume in MET*minutes/week. A value of 270

MET*minutes/week was classified as current regular exercise (30 minutes * 3 times per week *

3 METs). Several items in the ACSM algorithm were not available in NHANES. Regarding

CVD history, we were unable to determine if respondents had a previous diagnosis of peripheral

vascular disease, but patients could report pain in the lower legs when walking, which may

capture intermittent claudication. Regarding signs and symptoms of CVD, we were unable to

ascertain presence of orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND), ankle edema,

palpitations or tachycardia, murmur, or unusual fatigue. Sensitivity analyses suggested that signs

and symptoms we were able to assess tended to occur jointly (few reported only one symptom).

For example, of the 816 respondents that reported chest pain, fully 88% reported 1 additional

assessed symptom; of the 2,478 that reported breathlessness, 60% reported 1 additional

symptom. Three of five omitted symptoms relate to heart failure (orthopnea and PND, ankle

edema, and unusual fatigue) and often cluster together (14), which would lessen the impact of

each symptoms omission.


For each participant, binary variables for each component of the ACSM algorithm were created.

The value of this variable was determined by the value of the corresponding NHANES item(s)

(Table 1). These binary variables were used to classify respondents into the six possible groups

in the algorithm. Next, the referral status based on algorithm classification was assigned: 1) no

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
clearance needed, 2) clearance needed before vigorous-intensity exercise only, and 3) clearance

needed before any exercise. As noted previously (15), this method of algorithm completion and

scoring operates under the assumption that respondents will answer a preparticipation

questionnaire in the same manner that they answer the health history items in NHANES.

A similar process was used to complete the AAPQ and PAR-Q based on NHANES responses.

These methods have been previously published (15) and are only summarized here. Following

the AAPQ instructions, a participant was classified as referred if he or she responded yes to any

of the history and symptoms of CVD items or other health issues items, or responded yes to

two or more CVD Risk factor items (see Table, Supplemental Digital Content 1, Items from the

AAPQ and their corresponding items from NHANES 2001-2004,

http://links.lww.com/MSS/A958). Following the PAR-Q instructions, a respondent was

classified as referred if he or she were aged >69 years and reported less than the equivalent of 10

minutes per day of combined transportation, household/occupational, or leisure time physical

activity of at least moderate intensity, or responded yes to any of the PAR-Q items for which

NHANES corollaries were available (see Table, Supplemental Digital Content 2, PAR-Q items

and their corresponding items from NHANES 2001-2004, http://links.lww.com/MSS/A959).


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Statistical Analyses

Referral proportions with 95% confidence intervals were calculated for the sample as a whole,

and stratified by sex and age group. A cross-tabulation of referral status comparing the ACSM

algorithm to the AAPQ and PAR-Q was also conducted. Differences in referral proportions were

assessed with Wald tests with a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons; =0.5.

Post-hoc analyses were done to investigate the prevalence of reported symptoms of CVD. A

Monte Carlo simulation was conducted to determine the sensitivity of the algorithm to the most

prevalent symptom. In 500 replications, 10% of those reporting no for the most prevalent

symptom were randomly reassigned to yes and the referral criteria were applied to the resulting
dataset. This process was also used to change 10% of those originally reporting yes for the

most prevalent symptom to no. The average of the 500 referral proportions under each

condition (10% higher and 10% lower prevalence) was then compared to the original referral

proportions. All analyses used sampling and analytic weights supplied by NHANES. Variance

estimation was by Taylor series linearization. Survey commands within Stata version 13.1 were

used for all analyses.



The descriptive characteristics for this sample have been previously described (15) and are

summarized here. Complete questionnaire responses were available for 3459 women (97.9% of

total) and 3326 men (98.5% of total), accordingly, the demographic characteristics were quite

similar to the general adult population over 40 years of age in the US from this time period.

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Based on the algorithm definition above, 47.1% reported enough leisure time activity to be

classified as current exercisers.

The distribution of the population across the six categories of the 2015 ACSM algorithm and the

total referral proportions are presented in Table 2. Among those reporting no current exercise,

18.0% reported no history or current symptoms, 3.0% reported a positive history but no current

symptoms, and 32.0% reported current symptoms. Among those currently exercising, 25.1%

reported no history or current symptoms, 2.6% reported a positive history but no current

symptoms, and 19.3% reported current symptoms. With this distribution across categories,

43.1% of the population would receive no referral for medical clearance before beginning or

continuing exercise, 2.6% would be referred for medical clearance before engaging in vigorous
intensity exercise, and 54.2% would be referred for medical clearance before beginning or

continuing any exercise.

The referral proportions stratified by sex and age group are presented in Table 3. Across four of

the seven age groups and for the sample as a whole, women would be referred for medical

clearance before any exercise more frequently than men (all p<0.05). The differences between

men and women across age groups was less clear for referral before vigorous intensity exercise,

but no group exceeded a 7% referral proportion for this outcome.

Combined results from the ACSM algorithm, the AAPQ, and the PAR-Q are presented in Figure

2, stratified by age group. Across all age groups, the AAPQ would refer more respondents

(94.5%) than either the PAR-Q (68.4%) or the ACSM algorithm, including those referred only

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
before vigorous exercise (2.6%) and those referred before any exercise (54.2%). When

considering those referred before any exercise, the ACSM algorithm and the PAR-Q performed

similarly in the 40-44 year age group (42.9% and 48.8% referred, respectively), then the referral

proportions diverged with increasing age. For those aged 70 years or older, the ACSM algorithm

would refer 70.9% before any exercise and the PAR-Q would refer 93.2%.

According to the cross-tabulation presented in Table 4, 37.7% of respondents were referred by

the AAPQ but were not referred by the ACSM algorithm. Only one respondent (<0.1% of the

weighted total) was not referred based on the AAPQ but was referred before vigorous-intensity

exercise based on the ACSM algorithm. Further, 19.0% of respondents were referred based on

the PAR-Q but were not referred based on the ACSM algorithm. Only 7.4% of respondents were
not referred based on the PAR-Q but were referred based on the ACSM algorithm (0.5% before

vigorous-intensity exercise only, 6.9% before any exercise).

The proportion that reported any current symptoms was higher than expected (54.2%) and

further investigated. Shortness of breath was the most commonly reported symptom: 72.0% of

those with any symptom reported shortness of breath. It is likely that many reported cases of

shortness of breath are due to benign causes other than worsening CVD. Monte Carlo-based

sensitivity analyses suggested shortness of breath was an important referral trigger. When the

prevalence of shortness of breath was randomly increased 10% in the sample, the proportion

referred for clearance before any exercise increased 9% (five percentage points) from 54% to

59%. When the prevalence was decreased by 10%, the proportion referred before any exercise

decreased 2% (one percentage point) to 53% (not shown).

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Using the same methods and assumptions as a previous evaluation (15), the ACSM algorithm

would refer fewer US adults aged 40 years or older for medical clearance than either the AAPQ

or the PAR-Q. Previous research suggested that 95% of this demographic group would be

referred for a physician visit under the AAPQ scoring criteria. While additional validation is

needed, this analysis suggests 37.7% of adults in this age range that would be referred based on

the AAPQ would not be referred based on the ACSM algorithm. This reduction in referrals may

mitigate a potentially important barrier to exercise adoption.

The lower referral proportion in the ACSM algorithm is likely attributable to the removal of
CVD risk factors from the prescreening criteria. Because of the widespread prevalence of CVD

risk factors (4) and the rarity of exercise-associated CVD events (12), CVD risk factor

assessment is likely a poor predictor of these events. For example, the CDC estimates that 70

million American adults have high blood pressure, compared to 600,000 who die of CVD each

year (0.9% of 70 million) (5, 6), and only a small percent of these CVD deaths occur during

exercise (12). Assessment of CVD risk factors therefore may overestimate the proportion of

people at risk for exercise-associated CVD complications. The removal of CVD risk factors also

aligns the ACSM algorithm with the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which

place focus on diagnosed chronic diseases and symptoms thereof:

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
People without diagnosed chronic conditions (such as diabetes, heart disease, or

osteoarthritis) and who do not have symptoms (such as chest pain or pressure, dizziness,

or joint pain) do not need to consult a health-care provider about physical activity. (13)

As with the ACSM algorithm, the Guidelines also consider a persons initial level of activity,

progression of activity, and development of symptoms when considering medical involvement:

Inactive people who gradually progress over time to relatively moderate-intensity

activity have no known risk of sudden cardiac events, and very low risk of bone, muscle,

or joint injuries. A person who is habitually active with moderate-intensity activity can

gradually increase to vigorous intensity without needing to consult a health-care provider.

People who develop new symptoms when increasing their levels of activity should

consult a health-care provider. (13)

While designed primarily for fitness professionals, the ACSM algorithm is more aligned with the

public health recommendations set forth in the Physical Activity Guidelines than previous

screening tools.

The ACSM algorithm differentiates referrals based on the desired exercise intensity of the

respondent, and the proportion that would be referred before any exercise was much higher than

the proportion that would be referred only before vigorous intensity exercise. This is likely

attributed to two factors. First, a recommendation for clearance only before vigorous exercise is

given to one highly specific group in the algorithm: those who have previously had

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
cardiovascular, metabolic, or renal disease, but have recovered or stabilized to the point that they

now perform regular exercise and are free of symptoms. They warrant referral under the

algorithm only before increasing to vigorous intensity. Second, in contrast to the very specific

group previously mentioned, three of the six categories in the algorithm receive a

recommendation for clearance before any exercise. These include any respondents that report a

current symptom (both physically active and inactive) and those that are currently inactive and

have a history of cardiovascular, metabolic, or renal disease. Among adults aged 40 years and

older, this includes a considerable proportion of the population. Samples with more diverse age

ranges would likely exhibit different referral proportions.

Using the present methods, the referral proportion of the ACSM algorithm was more similar to
the PAR-Q than the AAPQ, which was likely because of the similarity of these two instruments.

For example, both the ACSM algorithm and PAR-Q place emphasis on a history of CVD,

current chest pain, and dizziness or lack of balance. Further, the ACSM algorithm does not

consider age and the PAR-Q only considers age as important if the person is currently inactive.

The 19.0% of respondents that were referred based on the PAR-Q but not referred based on the

ACSM algorithm is likely due to the inclusion of bone and joint issues and medication use for

hypertension in the PAR-Q, neither of which are considered in the ACSM algorithm.

This report has several strengths. First, the exact methods and dataset from a previous evaluation

of the AAPQ and PAR-Q were used, allowing comparison of referral proportions under identical

assumptions (15). Second, the NHANES dataset is representative of the non-institutionalized US

population over 40 years of age; this study provides information about referral performance in

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the general public. Finally, this method allows for rapid comparison of screening tools at low

cost. Several limitations should also be noted. First, several symptoms on the ACSM algorithm

could not be assessed, but analyses suggested that assessed symptoms tended to cluster together,

which could limit the impact of unassessed symptoms. Nevertheless, omission of symptoms

could cause an underestimation of referral proportion. Second, we were unable to assess referral

proportions in adults under 40 years of age. Third, as with the previous report (15), this method

assumes that people will answer a pre-screening questionnaire the same way they answered

comprehensive health interview questions, and the validity of this assumption is unknown.

Finally, the criteria for participating in regular exercise in the ACSM algorithm is different from

the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines (13), but a post-hoc analysis that defined regular exercise

as 150 minutes per week of at least moderate intensity leisure-time activity instead of 90 minutes
per week suggested little impact on referral status (43.1% not referred [43.1% originally], 2.3%

referred before vigorous exercise [2.6% originally], and 54.6% referred before any exercise

[54.2% originally]).

In conclusion, the revised ACSM algorithm referred fewer NHANES respondents for medical

clearance compared to the AAPQ. Definitive confirmation of this finding would require

comparison of referral proportions in actual practice in exercise facilities. While additional


validation is needed to determine how well the algorithm identifies those at risk for CVD

complications during exercise, a lower referral proportion may mitigate an important barrier to

exercise adoption, especially among those who undergo a preparticipation screening program

based on ACSM recommendations. Considering that 73% of ACSM-certified Health Fitness

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Specialists report performing some type of preparticipation screening (2), the potential use of this

new algorithm is considerable.


Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

No outside funds were used for this study. The results of the study are presented clearly,

honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation.


The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily

represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nor do they

constitute endorsement by ACSM.

Conflict of Interest

The authors have participated in development of the ACSM preparticipation screening algorithm
and the Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. Other than travel compensation, no

financial support was received.


Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

1. American College of Sports Medicine. Preparticipation Health Screening. In: Pescatello LS

Arena R, Riebe D, Thompson P, editors. ACSM's guidelines for exercise testing and

prescription. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2014. p. 23-31.

2. Craig AC, Eickhoff-Shemek, J. Adherence to ACSMs Pre-Activity Screening Procedures in

Fitness Facilities: a National Investigation. J Phys Ed Sports Mgmt. 2015;2(2):120-137.

3. Dahabreh IJ, Paulus JK. Association of episodic physical and sexual activity with triggering of

acute cardiac events: systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2011;305:1225-1233.

4. Heart Disease Risk Factors [Internet]. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention; [Cited 2016 December 1]. Available from:


5. Heart Disease Statistics and Maps [Internet]. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention; [Cited 27 October 2016]. Available from:



6. High Blood Pressure [Internet]. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;

[Cited 27 October 2016]. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/bloodpressure/index.htm.

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
7. Kohl HW, 3rd, Powell KE, Gordon NF, Blair SN, Paffenbarger RS, Jr. Physical activity,

phyical fitness, and sudden cardiac death. Epidemiol Rev. 1992;14:37-58.

8. Mittleman MA, Maclure M, Tofler GH, Sherwood JB, Goldberg RJ, Muller JE. Triggering of

acute myocardial infarction by heavy physical exertion. Protection against triggering by regular

exertion. Determinants of Myocardial Infarction Onset Study Investigators. N Engl J Med.


9. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; Questionnaires, Datasets, and Related

Documentation [Internet]. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; [Cited 27

October 2016]. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/nhanes_questionnaires.htm.

10. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory

Committee Report. 2008. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services;


11. Riebe D, Franklin BA, Thompson PD, Garber CE, Whitfield GP, Magal M, Pescatello LS.

Updating ACSM's Recommendations for Exercise Preparticipation Health Screening. Med Sci

Sports Exerc. 2015;47(11):2473-9.

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
12. Thompson PD, Franklin BA, Balady GJ, et al. Exercise and acute cardiovascular events

placing the risks into perspective: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association

Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism and the Council on Clinical Cardiology.

Circulation. 2007;115(17):2358-68.

13. United States Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines for

Americans, Chapter 6: Safe and Active. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services; 2008. Pgs 35-40. Available from:

https://health.gov/paguidelines/guidelines/chapter6.aspx. [Cited 20 December 2016].

14. Warning Signs of Heart Failure [Internet]. Dallas, TX: American Heart Association; [Cited:
11 May 2017]. Available from: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartFailure/



15. Whitfield GP, Pettee Gabriel KK, Rahbar MH, Kohl HW 3rd. Application of the American

Heart Association/American College of Sports Medicine Adult Preparticipation Screening

Checklist to a nationally representative sample of US adults aged >=40 years from the National

Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001 to 2004. Circulation. 2014;129(10):1113-20.

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure Captions

Figure 1: 2015 ACSM Preparticipation Screening Algorithm, reproduced with permission from

Riebe, et al (11)

Figure 1 footnotes:

Exercise Performing planned, structured physical activity at least 30 min at

Participation moderate intensity on at least 3 dwk-1 for at least the last 3 months.

*Light Intensity 30% to <40% HRR or VO2R, 2 to <3 METs, 9-11 RPE, an intensity that

Exercise: causes slight increases in HR and breathing

**Moderate 40% to <60% HRR or VO2R, 3 to <6 METs, 12-13 RPE, an intensity that

Intensity Exercise causes noticeable increases in HR and breathing

***Vigorous 60% HRR or VO2R, 6 METs, 14 RPE, an intensity that causes

Intensity Exercise substantial increases in HR and breathing

Cardiovascular Cardiac, peripheral vascular, or cerebrovascular disease.

(CV) Disease

Metabolic Disease Type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus.

Signs and At rest or during activity; includes pain, discomfort in the chest, neck,

Symptoms jaw, arms, or other areas that may result from ischemia; shortness of

breath at rest or with mild exertion; dizziness or syncope; orthopnea or

paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea; ankle edema; palpitations or tachycardia;

intermittent claudication; known heart murmur; or unusual fatigue or

shortness of breath with usual activities.

Medical Approval from a healthcare professional to engage in exercise.

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

ACSM Guidelines See ACSMs Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 9th

edition, 2014

Figure 2: Comparison of predicted referral proportions for the 2015 ACSM algorithm, AAPQ,

and PAR-Q

Figure 2 footnotes:

Results for the AAPQ and PAR-Q have been previously published (15)

Abbreviations: ACSM: American College of Sports Medicine; AAPQ: ACSM/American Heart

Association Preparticipation Questionnaire; PAR-Q: Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire;

PA: Physical Activity


Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 1


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Figure 2


Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1: Itemized components of the 2015 ACSM preparticipation screening algorithm and their corresponding items from the

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2004.

ACSM Algorithm National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

Section Variable Prompt Classification Criteria
Regular Exercise PAQIAF PADACTIVE Over the past 30 days, what Reported exercise volume was
moderate/vigorous activities did you calculated as: (monthly
do? frequency/4.286)*duration in
PADLEVEL Reported intensity level of activity minutes)*(intensity in metabolic
equivalents [METs]).
PADTIMES How many times did you do this

activity? Those reporting 270
PADDURAT On average, about how long did you MET*minutes/week were
do this activity each time? classified as currently exercising
(30 minutes * 3 times per week *
PADMETS Assigned MET score
3 METs).
Disease History
Cardiac MCQ MCQ160E Has a doctor or other health Those reporting yes to either
professional ever told you that you had question were classified as having
a heart attack (aka MI)? a history of cardiovascular disease
MCQ MCQ160C Has a doctor or other health
professional ever told you that you had
coronary heart disease?

Peripheral vascular n/a n/a n/a

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Cerebrovascular MCQ MCQ160F Has a doctor or other health Those reporting yes were
professional ever told you that you had classified as having a history of
a stroke? cerebrovascular disease
Metabolic Disease

Type I / II DIQ DIQ010 (Other than during pregnancy) have Those reporting yes were
Diabetes you ever been told by a doctor or classified as having a history of
health professional that you have diabetes
diabetes or sugar diabetes?

Renal Disease KIQ_U KIQ022 Have you ever been told by a doctor or Those reporting yes were
other health professional that you have classified as having a history of
weak or failing kidneys? Do not renal disease
include kidney stones, bladder
infections, or incontinence.
Pain/discomfort in CDQ CDQ001 Have you ever had any pain or Those reporting chest pain when

chest, neck, jaw, arms, discomfort in your chest? walking uphill in a hurry or
or other areas walking at an ordinary pace on
(ischemia) level ground were classified as
CDQ002 Do you get it when you walk up hill or having pain that might be related to
in a hurry? (per 001) ischemia
CDQ003 Do you get it when you walk at an
ordinary pace on level ground? (per
Shortness of breath at CDQ CDQ010 Have you had shortness of breath Those reporting yes were
rest or with mild either when hurrying on the level or classified as having shortness of
exertion walking up a slight hill? breath with mild exertion
Dizziness or syncope BAQ BAQ010 During the past 12 months, have you Those reporting yes were
had classified as having dizziness or
dizziness, difficulty with balance, or syncope

difficulty with falling?

Orthopnea or PND n/a n/a n/a
Ankle edema n/a n/a n/a

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Palpitations or n/a n/a n/a
Intermittent DIQ DIQ140 Do you ever get pain in either leg Those reporting yes were
claudication while walking? classified as having intermittent

Heart murmur n/a n/a n/a
Unusual fatigue n/a n/a n/a

Abbreviations: MET Metabolic equivalent; PND Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

NHANES section abbreviations: PAQIAF Physical activity individual activities; MCQ Medical conditions; DIQ Diabetes;

KIQ_U Kidney conditions, urology; CDQ Cardiovascular health; BAQ - Balance


Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2: Percent of respondents aged 40 years that would be referred for medical clearance based on the 2015 ACSM

preparticipation screening algorithm, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2004

No current exercise Yes current exercise
No Disease Yes Disease No Disease Yes Disease
Yes Yes

History History History History
Symptoms Symptoms
No Symptoms No Symptoms No Symptoms No Symptoms
None Before Any Before Any None Before Vigorous Before Any
Percent 18.0% 3.0% 32.0% 25.1% 2.6% 19.3%
(95% CI) (16.7-19.4) (2.5-3.5) (29.5-34.5) (22.7-27.7) (2.3-3.0) (18.0-20.7)

Totals for Each Class of Referral Status
Not Referred Before Vigorous Before Any
43.1% 2.6% 54.2%
(40.6-45.7) (2.3-3.0) (51.6-56.8)

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 3: Percent of respondents (with 95% confidence interval) aged 40 years that would be referred for medical clearance based on

the 2015 ACSM preparticipation screening algorithm, stratified by sex and age, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,


Age Categories (Years)

40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+ Overall
WOMEN n=447 n=394 n=370 n=268 n=420 n=348 n=1138 n=3385
Referred 1.2% 1.5% 2.1% 2.0% 3.2% 3.0% 1.8% 1.9%
Vigorous (0.4-3.4) (0.6-3.7) (0.9-4.7) (0.7-5.2) (1.7-5.7) (1.3-6.6) (1.1-2.9) (1.5-2.5)
Referred 49.8% 51.9% 56.1% 61.9% 57.9% 66.3% 74.6% 59.8%
Any (42.4-57.2) (45.9-58.0) (47.7-64.2) (55.1-68.2) (50.1-65.2) (59.8-72.2) (71.2-77.7) (56.3-63.2)

MEN n=447 n=406 n=386 n=261 n=384 n=341 n=1051 n=3276
Referred 2.5% 2.2% 3.1% 2.0% 3.9% 7.0% 5.5% 3.4%
Vigorous (1.1-5.6) (1.3-3.6) (1.6-5.9) (0.7-5.4) (21.-7.2) (4.2-11.4) (3.9-7.7) (3.0-4.0)
Referred 36.1% 34.4% 50.8% 49.1% 57.0% 57.1% 65.7% 48.1%
Any (31.3-41.2) (30.8-38.3) (46.0-55.7) (42.4-55.9) (48.6-65.0) (48.6-65.1) (62.3-68.9) (45.7-50.5)
Values for women in bold are significantly different than the comparable value among men (Bonferroni-adjusted p<0.05)

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 4: Cross-tabulation of the percent of respondents (with 95% confidence interval) aged 40

years that would be referred for medical clearance by three screening tools, National Health and

Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2004

AAPQ Referral Status PAR-Q Referral Status

ACSM Algorithm
Referral Status Not Referred Referred Not Referred Referred
5.5% 37.7% 24.1% 19.0%

Not Referred
(4.6-6.5) (35.3-40.1) (22.4-25.9) (17.5-20.7)
<0.1% 2.6% 0.5% 2.1%
(<0.1-0.1) (2.3-3.0) (0.4-0.8) (1.8-2.5)

54.2% 6.9% 47.3%
Referred-Any 0%
(51.7-56.8) (6.2-7.8) (44.5-50.1)

ACSM: American College of Sports Medicine

AAPQ: ACSM/American Heart Association Preparticipation Questionnaire

PAR-Q: Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire


Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Supplemental Digital Content:

SDC 1: Table: Items from the AAPQ and their corresponding items from NHANES 2001-2004

SDC 2: Table: PAR-Q items and their corresponding items from NHANES 2001-2004


Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
SDC 1 Table: Items from the AAPQ and their corresponding items from NHANES 2001-2004.


Heart attack MCQ MCQ160E Has a doctor or other health professional ever Those reporting yes were classified
told you that you had a heart attack (aka MI)? as having a history of heart attack

Heart surgery MCQ MCQ160C Has a doctor or other health professional ever Those reporting yes were classified
Cardiac catheterization told you that you had coronary heart disease? as having a history of coronary heart
Coronary angioplasty disease
Pacemaker/ICD/Rhyth n/a n/a Likely captured with meds (antiarrhythmics)
m disturbance
Heart valve disease n/a n/a Likely captured with meds (anticoagulants)

Heart failure MCQ MCQ160B Has a doctor or other health professional ever Those reporting yes were classified
told you that you had congestive heart failure? as having a history of heart failure
Heart transplantation n/a n/a Likely captured under CHD, CHF, medication
Congenital heart n/a n/a Likely captured with meds


You experience chest CDQ CDQ0001 Ever had pain or discomfort in chest? Those reporting chest pain when
discomfort with walking uphill in a hurry or walking at
exertion CDQ0002 Do you get it (per 0001) when you walk uphill an ordinary pace on level ground were
or in a hurry? classified as having chest discomfort
CDQ0003 Do you get it (per0001) when you walk at an with exertion
ordinary pace on level ground?
You experience CDQ CDQ010 Have you had shortness of breath either when Those reporting yes were classified
unreasonable hurrying on the level or walking up a slight as having unreasonable breathlessness

breathlessness hill?
You experience BAQ BAQ010 During the past 12 months, have you had Those reporting yes were classified
dizziness, fainting, or dizziness, difficulty with balance, or difficulty as having dizziness, fainting, or
blackouts with falling? blackouts

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
You take heart RXQ_RX RXDDRGID Multum first level class 40 (CVD) or 81 Those reporting these classes were
medications (Coagulation modifiers) classified as taking heart medications


You have diabetes DIQ DIQ010 (Other than during pregnancy) have you ever Those reporting yes were classified

been told by a doctor or health professional as having diabetes
that you have diabetes or sugar diabetes?
You have asthma or MCQ MCQ010 Has a doctor or other health professional ever Those reporting yes to any of these
other lung disease told you that you had asthma? were classified as having asthma or

MCQ160G Has a doctor or other health professional ever other lung disease
told you that you had emphysema?
MCQ160K Has a doctor or other health professional ever
told you that you had chronic bronchitis
You have burning or DIQ DIQ140 Do you ever get pain in either leg while Those reporting yes were classified
cramping in lower legs walking? (>40y old) as having burning or cramping in legs
when walking short with walking

You have MCQ MCQ160A Has a doctor or other health professional ever Those reporting yes to either
musculoskeletal told you that you had arthritis? question were classified as having
problems that limit your OSQ OSQ060 Has a doctor ever told you that you had musculoskeletal problems
physical activity osteoporosis, sometimes called thin or brittle
You have concerns n/a n/a Not assessed in NHANES
about the safety of
You take prescription RXQ RXD030 or In the past month, have you used or taken Those reporting yes were classified
medications RXDUSE medication for which a prescription is as taking prescription medications
You are pregnant RHQ RHQ140 Do you think that you are pregnant now? Those reporting yes to any of these
RHQ141 Do you think that you are pregnant now? were classified as pregnant (later
RHD143 Are you pregnant now? discarded)


You are a man older DEMO RIDAGEYR Age in years Combined age/gender criteria
than 45 years RIAGENDR Gender

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
You are a woman older DEMO RIDAGEYR Age in years Any women aged greater than 55 years
than 55 years, have had RIAGENDR Gender who answered yes to the
a hysterectomy, or are RHQ RHD280 Have you had a hysterectomy including a hysterectomy question or indicated
postmenopausal partial hysterectomy, that is, surgery to menopause or hysterectomy in the
remove your uterus or womb? (F20-150y) subsequent questions was classified as

RHQ040 What is the reason you have not had regular having had a hysterectomy or being
periods in the past 12 months? (ans 5, going- postmenopausal
gone through menopause)
RHD042 What is the reason you have not had a period

in the past 12 months? (ans 7:
You smoke, or quit SMQ SMQ020 Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in Those reporting currently smoking
smoking within the your entire life? cigarettes, pipes, or cigars were
previous 6 months SMQ040 Do you now smoke cigarettes? classified as current smokers.
SMQ050Q How long has it been since you stopped
smoking cigarettes? (+SMQ050U for unit) Those reporting quitting smoking

SMQ120 Have you smoked a pipe at least 20 times in cigarettes within the past 6 months
your entire life? were classified as recent quitters.
SMQ140 Do you now smoke a pipe?
SMQ150 Have you smoked a cigar at least 20 times in These two classifications were
your entire life? combined in the checklist
SMQ170 Do you now smoke cigars?
Your blood pressure is BPQ BPQ020 Have you ever been told by a doctor or other Those reporting yes were classified
> 140/90 mm Hg health professional that you had hypertension, as having BP>140/90
also called high blood pressure?
You do not know your BPQ BPQ010 About how long has it been since you last had Those reporting never were classified
blood pressure your blood pressure taken by a doctor or other as not knowing their blood pressure
health professional?
You take blood BPQ BPQ040A Because of your hypertension/HBP, have you Those reporting current BP medication
pressure medication ever been told to take prescribed medicine? use were classified as currently taking
BP medications
BPQ BPQ050A Are you now taking BP medication?

RXQ_RX RXDDRGID Multum first level class ID 40 (CVD) and Regardless of BPQ questions, those
second class 41-44, 47-49, 52-56 reporting these classes of drugs were
classified as taking BP medications

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Your blood cholesterol BPQ BPQ080 Have you ever been told by a doctor or other Those reporting yes were classified
is > 200mg/dL health professional that you blood cholesterol as having high cholesterol
was high?
You do not know your BPQ BPQ060 Ever had blood cholesterol checked? Those reporting never having a blood
cholesterol level BPQ070 About how long has it been since you last had cholesterol check, or not knowing

your blood cholesterol checked? when their last check was, were
classified as not knowing their
cholesterol level
You have a close blood MCQ MCQ250G Including living and deceased, were any of Those reporting yes were classified

relative that had a heart your biological that is, blood relatives as meeting this criterion (note 50 years
attack or heart surgery including grandparents, parents, brothers, in NHANES is more conservative than
before age 55 (father or sisters ever told by a health professional that 55 years)
brother) or age 65 they had a heart attack or angina before the
(mother or sister) age of 50?

You are physically PAQ PAD020 Over the past 30 days, have you walked or Reported activity volume was

inactive (i.e., you get bicycled as part of getting to and from work, calculated as: (monthly
<30minutes of physical or school, or to do errands? (plus time and frequency/4.286)*duration in
activity on at least 3 frequency follow-ups) minutes)*(intensity in metabolic
days per week) equivalents [METs])
PAQ100 Over the past 30 days, did you do any tasks in
or around your home or yard for at least 10
minutes that required moderate or greater
physical effort? (plus time and frequency Those reporting <270
follow-ups) MET*minutes/week were classified as
PAQIAF PADACTIV Over the past 30 days, what currently inactive per the AAPQ
E moderate/vigorous activities did you do? instructions (30 minutes * 3 times per
PADLEVEL Reported intensity level of activity week * 3 METs)
PADTIMES How many times did you do this activity?
PADDURAT On average, about how long did you do this
activity each time?
PADMETS Assigned MET score

You are >20 lbs WHQ WHD010 How tall are you without shoes? Those reporting a weight at least 20 lbs

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
overweight WHD020 How much do you weigh without clothes or greater than the weight that results in a
shoes? BMI of 25 for their reported height
were classified as being 20 lbs


Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Supplemental Table 2: PAR-Q items and their corresponding items from NHANES 2001-2004


(Instructions) If you are over DEMO RIDAGEYR Age in years at screening Reported activity volume was

69 years of age and you are calculated as: (monthly
PAQ PAD020 Over the past 30 days, have you walked or
not used to being very frequency/4.286)*duration in
bicycled as part of getting to and from
active, check with your minutes)*(intensity in metabolic
work, or school, or to do errands? (plus
doctor equivalents [METs])
time and frequency follow-ups)

PAQ100 Over the past 30 days, did you do any
tasks in or around your home or yard for at
Those reporting <210
least 10 minutes that required moderate or
MET*minutes/week were classified as
greater physical effort? (plus time and
currently inactive (<10 minutes of any
frequency follow-ups)
activity * daily * 3 METs)
PAQIAF PADACTIV Over the past 30 days, what
E moderate/vigorous activities did you do?

Inactivity and a reported age of >69
PADLEVEL Reported intensity level of activity
years generated a referral based on the
PADTIMES How many times did you do this activity? PAR-Q instructions
PADDURAT On average, about how long did you do
this activity each time?
PADMETS Assigned MET score
1. Has your doctor ever said MCQ MCQ160B Has a doctor or other health professional Those reporting yes to any of the
that you have a heart ever told you that you had congestive heart four questions were classified as ever
condition and failure? having a heart condition
MCQ160C Has a doctor or other health professional
ever told you that you had coronary heart
MCQ160E Has a doctor or other health professional
ever told you that you had a heart attack
(aka MI)?
MCQ160D Has a doctor or other health professional

ever told you that you had angina, also

called angina pectoris?

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
that you should only do n/a n/a n/a
physical activity
recommended by a doctor
2. Do you feel pain in your CDQ CDQ0001 Ever had pain or discomfort in chest? Those reporting chest pain when

chest when you do physical CDQ0002 Do you get it (per 0001) when you walk walking uphill in a hurry or walking at
activity? uphill or in a hurry? an ordinary pace on level ground were
CDQ0003 Do you get it (per0001) when you walk at classified as having chest pain with
an ordinary pace on level ground? activity

3. In the past month, have CDQ CDQ0001 Ever had pain or discomfort in chest? Those reporting yes were classified
you had chest pain when as having chest pain. Note this is not
you were not doing physical temporally matched to the PAR-Q
activity? question

4. Do you lose your balance BAQ BAQ010 During the past 12 months, have you had Those reporting yes were classified
because of dizziness or do dizziness, difficulty with balance, or as losing balance because of dizziness

you ever lose difficulty with falling? or losing consciousness
5. Do you have a bone or MCQ MCQ160A Has a doctor or other health professional Those reporting yes to either of the
joint problem (for example, ever told you that you had arthritis? questions were classified as having a
back, knee, or hip) that OSQ OSQ060 Has a doctor ever told you that you had bone or joint problem
could be made worse by a osteoporosis, sometimes called thin or
change in your physical brittle bones
6. Is your doctor currently RXQ_RX RXDDRGID Multum first level class 40 (CVD) or 81 Those reporting these classes of drugs
prescribing drugs (for (Coagulation modifiers) were classified as taking blood
example, water pills) for pressure or heart medication
your blood pressure or heart
7. Do you know of any other n/a n/a n/a
reason why you should not
do physical activity?

Copyright 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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