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[Annual Report] 2009/2010


Leoistic year 2009/2010


In the year 2009/2010 Leo multiple district 306 started its journey from the Vidya Mawatha with the
annual Leo Multiple District council installation. This event was attended by a large gathering of Leos
exceeding 210 Leo club members. In this installation Leo Sadeepa Palliyaguru was inducted as the
Multiple District President and Leo Kamal Jayathilake was installed as the Multiple District vice
President. Multiple Council Officers were also inducted in the same event.

Launching the Multiple Web Site

Multiple District web site www.leomd306.org was launched by the Past International President Lion
Mahendra Amarasuriya during the mass induction ceremony jointly organized by the districts 306 C2
and 306 A2 at University of Moratuwa. In addition Multiple District has maintained internet
presence through a facebook fan page, a blog and a monthly podcast. These events are used to
promote leoism as well as to appreciate the projects done by the Leo districts of Sri Lanka.

Leos today Leaders tomorrow – Leo Leadership


Leadership Development was a key area of the program of

the Leo multiple district. Therefore multiple district
organized a leadership development program covering
leadership development and public speaking skills for the
Leos. Past Multiple District President Leo Tuan Roshan
attended this event as the chief guest. This event was

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[Annual Report] 2009/2010

organized by Leo club of Kandana Ja-Ela and Leo Amanda Rabbot was the project chairman of this

Show of Strength – Multiple District Walk and Camp Fire

In this year where leoism in Sri Lanka is celebrating its

40th anniversary, Leo multiple district organized the
annual Leo walk in a ceremonious way. Organized by 6
Leo clubs belonging to 6 Leo districts, this walk was
attended by more than 500 Leo club members. This walk
included a vehicle parade, a motor bike parade and a
colorful Kandiyan dancing group. Walk was followed by a
camp fire at the Lions activity center. This event was
organized by past district president Leo Thirupparan Sivapathasundaram.

Celebrating the sportsmanship – Multiple District Sports Meet

After a lapse of 5 years Leo multiple district once again rallied all the Leos for the Multiple District
Sports Meet. This event was organized in order to develop the unity between the Leos of Sri Lanka
and to recognize their sporting talents.

Multiple district sports meet was jointly organized by 10 Leo clubs of Sri Lanka. They belonged to
different Leo districts. The event was begun with the ceremonious lighting of the Olympic lamp.
Multiple Council Chairman Lion Mohan De Silva was the chilef guest of this event. He appreciated
the fact that Leos have united in the name of sports and requested the Leos to continue this spirit.
Lion Asitha Pinnaduwa , who was a participant of the last sport meet read out the pledge of
sportsmanship. Then 12 Leos representing each Leo district lit the ceremonial Olympic lamp.

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The events included track and field events and few fun games for the Leos. A large number of Leos
gathered to this colorful event and each leo district decorated their huts colorfully. Leo District 306
A2 was recognized for the highest participation and overall championship.

Music , Dance and many more – Leo Talent Search

In order to recognize the artistic skills of Leos , the multiple talent search was organized. This project
was organized by Leo club of Colombo circle and Leo district 306 B2 on behalf of the multiple
district. Lots of leos took part in this event where leos competed in Singing, dancing, Chaplin comedy
, ad show , spelling bee and Smart than a 5th grader events.

This project showed the creativity and the talents of the Leos all over Sri Lanka and organized for the
first time in the history of Leoism of Sri Lanka.

Cricket – a sport that unites all!

Multiple District Leo Cricket Carnival 2010 was organized by Leo Club of Viwekananda College and
Leo District 306 B2. This event was attended by more than 30 cricket teams from various corners of
Sri Lanka.

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Leo Visionaries 2010 - Regional Workshop

Leo Visionaries 2010 is the regional workshop organized by the southern province Leos to develop
leadership skills within the membership of leos of southern province. This project was the first time
where the Leos of southern province got together for a common cause. This event included several
leadership development and capacity building programs organized by Leo leaders including Lion
Asitha Pinnaduwa , Leo Sadeepa Palliyaguru and PDG Lion Lestor Aponso. The program was held on
20th March 2010 at the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society, Dadella Galle. This program was organized
under the leadership of Regional coordinator for the southern province Leo Nasim Fauzul Nilaufer
with the support of Leo Clubs of district 306 A1 and 306 A2.

Leo multiple district held a series of regular meetings to strengthen the district and club
administration. This includes meetings with the district presidents and a special meeting organized
for the district Leo club chairmen. New Bank account was opened at NSB and action is being taken
to reactivate the previous bank account which is in a dormant stage. Multiple Districts sent periodic
reminders to Districts and Leo Clubs about the administrative deadlines and guidance to achieve

A detailed set of recommendations to uplift the Leo movement was presented to the Leo and Lion
leaders of Sri Lanka for discussion and action. We are planning to convert this draft strategy in to a
detailed strategy plan for the Leo movement of Sri Lanka.

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This year has been an active year for the multiple where the multiple district was active in events as
well as administrative initiatives. Leo Multiple District council would like to thank all the Lions and
Leos who made this year colorful. Together we have done tremendous service while developing
leadership skills.

Leo Dinesha Somasiri – Multiple District Secretary

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