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Sasha Otanez

ENGL 2610

Midterm Log Report


My reading log is organized by weeks of assigned reading and so far I have about six

entries, which have their own subcategories. The number of subcategories differs,

depending on the amount of assigned reading for that week. I tend to write in bullet points

rather than paragraphs so each post is anywhere from 7-10 bullet points, depending on

what it was. Some weekly entries are longer than others if there was more reading

involved, or a video. Weekly entries where just a book was assigned are generally shorter

because I usually underline things in my book and then write down things about the book

once it is discussed in class.


In my log entries I sometimes write while I am reading and will summarize in my own

words what the text is saying. For some readings that are based on theory I will pull quotes

from the article and write them in my log. I do this so when I go back and look at my log I

can see the main points I thought were important without having to search through and

find the article. To me, this is sometimes better than summarizing in my own words

because my words wont remind me of the key points as well as the author did. When
reading poems and stories sometimes I write background information if its given, like

dates and setting. For stories I do like to write while I am reading because I will write

specific things I think are important that I wont remember as well once I am finished with

the entire reading. Since this semester is very fast paced I have noticed that my log entries

have become shorter as I try to focus on the main ideas rather than writing down every

thought. I also have noticed my log entries have been more like notes rather than forming

sentences because it is easier for me to comment on the text that way.


My reading log is a good place to come to for quick references such as titles and author

names. It is helpful to have it written down on paper because it is easier to find things

rather than looking it up online. The thing I like most about the log is when I write quotes

from the readings because its a quick way to remind me of my thoughts, instead of having

to go and re read the article. I have kept reading logs before for other classes and have

found it helpful I think if I were a teacher I would ask my students to keep a reading log.

Its a way to record your thoughts right when you have them instead of just taking notes in

class because sometimes you forget what your original reaction was. Since this semester is

fast paced, I didnt enjoy keeping a reading log as much as I maybe would have in previous

classes just because its sometimes hard to keep up and make sure I have long enough

Sample Log Entries:

6/12/17 - Complicating Questions of Identity: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration by Paula


Identifying as Hispanic a category created by U.S. government very few identify

as such
Basis for assigning/choosing an ethnic identity
o Common language, physical characteristics, shared culture, national origin
White people have ability to create racial/ethnic categories and apply them to POC;
resulting in lumping them together
o Disregards social, cultural, and economic differences
Simple categorization leaves out different histories and heritages
Political conservatives keep model minority myth alive by using it to rationalize the
unequal distribution of opportunity and privilege

6/12/17 Short Stories and Poems

When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine by Jhumpa Lahiri

o 1971, east coast, Pirzada is from Dacca
o Differences of narrator learning all about American history and not being
aware of Indias
o Contrast of her life here and Pirzadas family back in Dacca
o Struggle of identities as American citizens and as immigrants
For a New Citizen of These United States by Li-Young Lee
o American poet born in Indonesia
o Narrator maybe speaking to a younger family member who was too young to
o About the struggles and hardships one must suffer as an immigrant but their
future children will not have to relate
o After becoming an American citizen do you forget your past culture?
With Ruins by Li-Young Lee
o Use an empty ruined home to take time to remember
o Metaphorical house brings up memories of what happened

6/26/17 Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference by Audre Lorde

Good defined in terms of profit rather than in terms of human need

Oppressed groups expected to bridge the gap between their lives and the
consciousness of their oppressor
It becomes the responsibility of the oppressed to teach the oppressors their
Respond to the human differences between us with fear and loathing and we handle
that difference in 1 of 3 ways
o Ignore it
o Copy it if we think its subordinate
o Destroy it if we think its dominant
Poetry has been the major voice of the poor, working class, and colored women
WOC become other when white women define women in terms of their own
experience alone
Unless one lives and loves in the trenches it is difficult to remember that the war
against dehumanization is ceaseless
Rape is not aggressive sexuality, it is sexualized aggression
Oppressed must recognize the masters difference in order to survive

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