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econermeronte ILO % 00 394 JOINT INQUIRY - Commitee Senstive eam Fle, Trans MER Fie Document Number Prepared @y: Mies Kara Reviewed By (U) INTERVIEWEE: Trensportaton Securiy Agency (ree: FAA) (U) SUBJECT: Get Acquainted Meeting {U) otro Mtnod: oun Table Dstussion {U) Place: FAA Heecauerors (u Date May 10,2002 (FOUO) Participants: ug ies Kara Evorele Jordan David orton anol Gupta DOT Donal Horn, asisant General Counse! Lindy Knapp, Deputy Genersi Counsel Caria Marin: GC Offce laut Manno, Secrty Ofce,inthigenco Pat Ourgen Michae! Morse, Aviation Operations, Merk Randal, ACS 80, Mat Kolmaim, Analyst Angela Stubble Analyst RECORD OF INTERVIEW 1: {FOUO) DOT GC spokesperson reviewed for us tal there were three principal elements in Dot of interest ous: Coast Guard, TSA, andthe Oe of Securly(infligence). Today we more meeting with the ice of Secu: DoT answers to the 19 questions wore sil boing worked os was the isu of release o law enforcement information Mr Manno verified that Iney ula release ineligence procucts rom other agencies but he releese of any analyst exchange Information wold have tobe Caaret ist 2. (FOU) The Oe of Civ Avion Securty was in existence on 8/11 and provided primary ineigence sunmartes, o include threat assessment, support indications ond werng. ona Suppor ‘opoicy operations The ofice also tviod calecion rauiements on ne mligence communty, as requred. The Oftce also mehniins isison ofices et CTC, tale (Operate Security) and te F3.The te ison efor began n 1996, te other two Dogan orca 1950. Ta — srot0e 10.50 aN 1 seenenteerore liaison arrangement wih NSA i inthe works. Mr. Manno stated that the ison system, "works best can- The liaison offers are migrated wherever they ae, not ust appendopes, The Orica i aways interested im getting os much information 93 ce and trey oe seeing 6 ot rove since a1 3: (FOU) The Ofc stink to the IC trough ——tney maintain an operations center inc tere ere procedures n place wth the IC cutTg TVSaIs a hey occur. They ase maintain an SVTS (Secure viceo Teteconforence System) ink nthe operations center 4. (FOUG) FAA Operations A-qround conmunicatons are tne esporsity ofthe FAA and the comms can 9e ped into ther Forndon fecity and into tre FAA operations center Indi company communications are not necessary linked to FAA. They also mainaln Sch communication links and rave many portpeint lines with inerestes partes 5 (FOUO) rn terms of sanfzing and provcig information fo net customers they have two \ehictes, securty recives and information crcuar. Both products are tweet-based *‘Seourly Orecines are used to Grex i corer and fo apply adctionel Measutes, They ae tigned out by TSa. SDs goto domestic cafes and domeste atperts, They de net go geversly tometer general aviation frms of which there aro sround #50. Te SDs nave boon tree-based Since the Wort Trade Center bornoing in 1808.60 ipl comes fem CiAané Pa Post ait ‘volume has been a probiern, The counting of SDs canbe icky since ore SD cen have multiple ‘eral (clantsin DoDP terms) whch sons fo update te base dechve, Through the SO process they maintain tw ists (Cerogaory information isnot given to Ne carrer) "'Seletee List (60-60 names, less dangerous) SECROMNOPE RS 1 * Don't Fly List (200 plus names, most dangerous) “maton Creare are sed never cis ano da wih inresng test DUO Ore aa FOr 1 7SA\s aware ofthe TIPOFF program, but name ese-vton data fs nt curently robust enough tobe a fou nto IPOFE for crosucnock "re 1986 tere was no formal intligence lash-up an few names were brought to FAA attemion. That enanged wen CTC was formed “ig carers have automated systems, but Ino security sie of airines has never boon highly resources, ‘ceoneenererm® Thorauoe 1060 AM 2 seonemnerort 6 (FOUO) Lineage of he FANTSA inteligence effort. They stared in 1986 with @ handful of naiysts (0-4) and have pissed up over since afer cial evens. nthe aftermath of Pan Ary 408, by 1900 thay had 12 or 19 oils. During thal ime ey used he formal St (Statement of Ineligonce interest) process to establish requirements wih ie FEI and the Ic. The Fel process wes mare atic to manege than tne IC procese-—itferat system, diferent mores. Dung Desert Shiet/Stomn ney weno 24/7 operations fo he fst time hod an analyst srengh narengin nih WA gh 0 god iar nase Tenth of 7 porta 9/11 Feluaing amin support as at ee eae ST Progra 10. (FOUO) Concerning the Hani Hanjour story, there have been no studies done on fight schools. Prior to 9/11 they had:no knowledge of either Hanjour or Mossaul, None of the 19 Hijackers were on the no My list. croneeneRen 7110/2002 10:50 AM 3

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