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B-Well Program Theory

Program Intentions Program Activities and Short-term Outcomes: Longer-term Outcomes:

Resources (Inputs) Indicators (Outputs) Indicators (Outputs)
To improve student Tell Them From Me A Student Wellness A Student Wellness
(TTFM) data will be Advocacy Team (SWAT) Advocacy Team (SWAT)
mental health self- shared with staff, has been established with has been established with
advocacy and help students and parents 5 members. 8 members.
seeking skills. online and at meetings. Referrals to mental health Referrals to mental health
Student-led mental health services through the services through the
awareness campaign will student services student services
use web-based strategies, department have department have
posters, school screens increased by 10%. increased by 20%.
and announcements to Tell Them From Me data Tell Them From Me data
explicitly teach help- indicates a 10% increase indicates a 20% increase
seeking strategies. in student self-advocacy in student self-advocacy
A student wellness team and help-seeking skills. and help-seeking skills.
will develop flyers to Staff receives training to Staff receives training to
distribute to students support mental health support mental health
during the lunch break in awareness for a half-day awareness for a half-day
high traffic zones. PD session each year. PD session each year.
School staff will develop
strategies to support
mental health awareness
and students self-
advocacy skills through
whole staff PD sessions.
Program Intentions Program Activities and Short-term Outcomes: Longer-term Outcomes:
Resources (Inputs) Indicators (Outputs) Indicators (Outputs)
To increase Professional Learning Tell Them From Me data Tell Them From Me data
opportunities will support shows a 10% increase in shows a 20% increase in
students sense of teachers to increase their students have positive students have positive
belonging and ability to embed Social relationships, identifying relationships, identifying
positive Emotional Literacy friends at school they can friends at school they can
across all subject areas. trust and who encourage trust and who encourage
relationships. A Student Wellness them to make positive them to make positive
Team will meet monthly choices. choices.
to examine data and Parent and student Parent and student
discuss ways to support a feedback provided in feedback provided in
whole school approach to D2L, email and phone D2L, email and phone
wellness. conversations shows an conversations shows an
Changes will be made to increase in satisfaction increase in satisfaction
provide a welcoming, with the welcoming with the welcoming
safe and student-friendly nature of the school. nature of the school.
environment throughout (Anecdotal Evidence) (Anecdotal Evidence)
the school. (With focus A Student Wellness A Student Wellness
given to easing access to Advocacy Team (SWAT) Advocacy Team (SWAT)
information, quiet spaces has been established with has been established with
and support services). 5 members. 8 members.
A student/staff wellness The use of the
center has been student/staff wellness
established with a ping- center has increase and is
pong table and fitness typically occupied by 8-
equipment. 10 people.
The student/staff The Student Wellness
wellness center is Team has made changes
typically occupied by 3 to to the test centre to make
4 people. it more comfortable for
Program Intentions Program Activities and Short-term Outcomes: Longer-term Outcomes:
Resources (Inputs) Indicators (Outputs) Indicators (Outputs)
To imbed Social Professional learning Staff attends a day Staff attends a day
opportunities will be professional development professional development
Emotional Literacy provided to the whole session each year to session each year to
across all subject school staff or individuals support teachers support teachers
areas at CBe-learn. to learn how to embed increased capacity to increased capacity to
Social Emotional embed Social Emotional embed Social Emotional
Literacy across all subject Literacy across all Literacy across all subject
areas. subject areas. areas.
A Staff Wellness Staff with a strong Staff with a strong
Committee will be interest in whole school interest in whole school
established to examine wellness attend additional wellness attend additional
data and look at ways to sessions. sessions.
instill a culture of The Staff Wellness Staff who have attended
wellness at CBe-learn. Committee provides additional sessions to
additional wellness improve social emotional
learning literacy share what they
opportunities/activities to have learned at staff
the school staff. meetings.
Staff are sharing how The Staff Wellness
they embed Social Committee provides
Emotional Literacy additional wellness
(SEL) into their courses learning
at staff meetings. opportunities/activities to
Staff surveys indicate a the school staff.
10% increase in the use Staff are sharing how they
of appropriate strategies embed SEL into their
to support social courses at staff meetings.
emotional wellness in Staff surveys indicate a
their classes. 10% increase in the use of
appropriate strategies to
support social emotional
wellness in their classes.

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