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Differential Diagnosis of Local

Cervical Syndrome versus Cervical

Brachial Syndrome

Phillip S. Sizer, Jr., MEd, PT; Valerie Phelps, PT; Jean Michel Brismee, MS, PT
School of Allied Health, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas

C ervical pain is a common affliction experienced by

most individuals at one time or another in life.
This commonality inspired Bland to suggest that Pain
One can describe LCS as a disorder that presents with
local neck complaints, due to either 1 or 2 disc-related
conditions. In a 1 disc-related LCS, the patient suffers
in the neck is such an everyday event that it is often used due to pain generation from the disc itself, as the disc is
to describe a situation, certain people, an unpleasant job a structure with the capacity for generating both priop-
to be done, or an institution.1 This commonality pre- rioceptive and nociceptive afferent information. While
sents a great challenge for clinicians, whose task of diag- the cervical disc segments can produce observable radio-
nosis and treatment is complicated by the structural and graphic changes associated with disc protrusion, a LCS
functional complexities found in the cervical region. can also emerge from an internal disc disruption with-
Not only does the cervical spine function as a very sensi- out any findings on standard MRI or CT, making the di-
tive sensory organ, but it also demonstrates prevalent agnosis more challenging for the clinician.
three-dimensional coupling behaviors. These physiolog- LCS can also be related to 2 disc-related changes.
ical and mechanical intricacies lend to clinical conse- Local cervical symptoms can stem from long-standing
quences that could easily mislead the clinician in diagno- changes in the articular structures of the cervical spine
sis and treatment of cervical disorders. that were triggered by previous degradation in the inter-
Authors have attempted to classify cervical disorders vertebral disc. Similar to the lumbar spine, pain can
from structural and functional perspectives. Winkel et al emerge from the zygapophyseal joints (ZAJ), as these
clinically categorized cervical disorders in the following joints experience significant proportional load bearing
fashion, based on the location of the symptoms related to that is associated with their more horizontal orientation
the disorder: (1) Local Cervical Syndrome (LCS); (2) Cer- (coursing approximately 45 ventral cranialdorsal
vico-Brachial Syndrome (CBS); (3) Cervico-Cephalic Syn- caudal).3 These loads are accentuated by the postural
drome; and (4) Cervico-Medullary Syndrome.2 Within muscle tone that is aimed at supporting the head, whose
each of these categories, various etiologies were observed center of mass and line of gravity course anterior
that might explain the pattern and behavior of the related through the trunk and produce a perpetual tendency for
symptoms. the head to fall forward. Thus, joint orientation that is
coupled with increased compressive loading can lend to
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Phillip S. Sizer Jr, MEd,
PT, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, School of Allied Health, ZAJ irritation and pain generation. This tendency can
Physical Therapy Program, 3601 4th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79430. U.S.A. be further compounded by macrotrauma, as witnessed
after a whiplash injury. Macrotrauma produces greater
2001 Blackwell Science Inc., 1530-7085/01/$15.00 involvement of the ZAJ in the cervical spine versus the
Pain Practice, Volume 1, Number 1, 2001 2135 other levels, due to the same orientation.4
22 sizer et al.

Unlike the lumbar spine, symptoms associated with spine, as they synkinetically sidebend in the same direc-
LCS can also stem from irritation to the uncovertebral tion as the kinetic rotation. Additionally, this lower cer-
joints (UVJ), which are only found in the cervical disc vical coupling behavior can also be observed from C7T1
segments of the spine (C2C3 to C6C7). These unique to T3T4, allowing those segments to clinically affect the
joints, which develop more completely in childhood and mechanical behaviors of the segments above.
early adolescence, can become significant pain genera- Functionally, the cervical spine demonstrates many
tors. The UVJ demonstrate significant influence on the unique features. First, rotational movement of the head
control of sidebending and can lead to local cervical produces segmental movement caudally to T3T4. This is
symptoms that are especially aggravated through side- also observed with upper extremity elevation, which pro-
bending behaviors.5 duces movement of the thoracic segments from T1T2 to
CBS produces complaints in both the local cervical T5T6. Second, motion at C2C3 is critical to the entire
region and one or both upper extremities. The upper ex- function of the cervical spine. Motion limits at C2C3 can
tremity pain indicates there is nerve root irritation, which restrain movement at C0C1 and C1C2, due to the power-
can stem from either a tension event associated with a ful influence of the alar ligaments. Additionally, any mo-
protruded or prolapsed intervertebral disc (1 disc-related tion limits at C2C3 will negatively influence the sensory
disorder), or a compression event associated with a 2 function of the upper cervical spine, as these functions are
disc related disorder.6 The compression event, or Nerve directly linked to motion and position of the head.4
Root Compression Syndrome (NRCS), develops as re-
sult of the segment adapting to degenerative disc changes. Osteology
Here, the affliction is not so much due to instability (as The vertebral bodies of the cervical disc segments are
seen in the lumbar spine), but rather to architectural short and wide. There is a ridge, particularly posterolat-
changes in ZAJ/UVJ. These changes lead to anterior-pos- eral, where the UVJ can be found. While the pedicles are
terior narrowing of the intervertebral foramen. very small and run dorsolateral, the laminae are long,
Cervico-Cephalic Syndrome produces complaints both extensive, and can be easily palpated.7 The spinous pro-
locally in the cervical region and the head (including cesses from C3-C6 are bifid, typically off-center in their
headache, dizziness, and tinnitus). These symptoms, if orientation, and difficult to palpate. Thus, any clinical or
mechanically activated, can arise from afflictions to the radiological interpretation of segmental malpositioning
upper cervical segments, including limitation and insta- is confounded by this asymmetrical tropism. The spinous
bility. Patients suffering from this category of affliction process of C2 is particularly large, as it serves as an inser-
can also suffer from Vertebro-Basilar Insufficiency (VBI). tion point for many cervico-occipital muscles. The trans-
This disorder can be purely mechanical, but is more com- verse processes demonstrate 2 tuberculi (anterior and
monly related to sympathetic nervous system dysfunction posterior) that serve as levers for muscles inserting upon
and, therefore, is considered to be functional in nature. them. These processes form gutters (or sulci) through
On the other hand, Cervico-Medullary Syndrome may which the nerve roots pass. In the lower cervical disc
produce local cervical complaints, but is mainly charac- segments the nerve roots are anchored by connective tis-
terized by spinal cord symptoms associated with cord sue within these gutters, complicating the use of dural
compression at the cervical spine. testing for the detection of a primary disc affliction (Fig-
ure 1).2
Classification of the Cervical Segments One witnesses the intervertebral foramen just proxi-
A clinicians clear understanding of the pathoanat- mal to the sulcus. The spinal nerves course through neu-
omy and mechanics of the cervical spine can serve as ral grooves and then enter the foramen anterior-medial
foundation for clarity in differential diagnosis. The first to the articular processes and lateral to the uncinate pro-
through seventh cervical segments have been classified cesses. Because of the unique orientation, the foramena
anatomically, biomechanically, and functionally. Ana- are best observed on an anterior oblique x-ray. As result
tomically, the cervical spine has been divided into the disc of the bony walls of the canal, patients rarely present
(C2C3-C6C7) and nondisc (C0C1-C1C2) segments. Bio- with a pure posterolateral disc protrusion imposing ten-
mechanically, C0C1 and C1C2 are collectively labeled as sion load on the spinal nerve (which would result in
the upper cervical spine, due to their tendency to synki- only arm pain). Rather, arm pain related to a disc lesion
netically sidebend opposite to kinetic rotation. Con- will almost always be accompanied by neck pain, by vir-
versely, C2C3C6C7 are labeled as the lower cervical tue of an irritated posterior longitudinal ligament. When
Diagnosis of LCS versus CBS 23

Figure 2. Cervical Disc Segments, Frontal View. (a) Uncinate pro-

cess; (b) Sulcus within the transverse process; (c) Vertebral body;
Figure 1. Cervical Bony Segment, Transverse View. (a) Posterior (d) Nucleus, intervertebral disc; (e) Uncovertebral joint; (f) Bony
transverse tubercle; (b) Anterior transverse tubercle; (c) Vertebral segments: Cranial convex segment on caudal concave segment.
body; (d) Uncinate process; (e) Transverse process; (f) Transverse
foramen; (g) Spinal foramen; (h) Spinous process; (i) Articular facet.

develop within the first 12 years as result of weightbearing

a patient presents with isolated arm pain, this is not typically imposed by the head. The uncinate processes can first be ap-
associated with a primary disc affliction, but rather with de- preciated as they begin to develop at approximately 7 years
generative changes in the uncinate and or zygapophyseal ar- of age. By 33-years-old, individuals present with well-devel-
ticular processes. These degenerative changes result in nar- oped uncinate processes and accompanying UVJ.10
rowing of the intervertebral foramen, which is especially The uncinate process, which is curved in shape when
observed in a dorsal-ventral direction versus the cranial- observed from above, demonstrates 3 regions: anterior,
caudal direction that is frequently witnessed in the lumbar posterior, and foraminal. This architecture allows the
spine.8 The consequences of compression can be clinically UVJ to enhance the stability of the cervical spine.11,12
reduced by dorsoventral mobilization to the caudal bony The uncinate processes act as a rail to guide transla-
segment, as this increases the a-p diameter of the canal.2 tory behavior of the cranial vertebra on the caudal verte-
Ebraheim et al reported that the antero-posterior diame- bra of a motion segment. As a result, this feature con-
ter of the intervertebral foramina was smaller for the C4, tributes to the regulation of extension and lateral bending
C5, and C6 root levels compared with that associated with in the cervical disc segments. Penning suggests that the
the C3 or C7 levels. Additionally, the length of nerve root most prominent (tallest) uncinate process is found at
between the lateral border of the dural tube and the medial C2C3 (see Figure 3), by virtue of the increased translatory
border of the vertebral artery gradually increased from C3 movement demonstrated at this segment during flexion/
(3.3 / 1.1 mm) to C7 (8.1 / 2.1 mm). These investi- extension.13 This stabilizing feature develops and changes
gators reported that a combination of higher uncinate pro- with age adjacent to changes in the uncinate processes.1416
cess, smaller antero-posterior diameter of intervertebral fo- The uncinate processes contribute to the reduced inci-
ramina, and longer course of nerve roots in close proximity dence of isolated arm pain associated with a primary disc
of the UVJ at the C4 to C6 root levels may explain the pre- lesion. The uncinate processes act as a barrier to posterior
dilection of nerve root compression by uncovertebral osteo- lateral disc protrusion or prolapse, reducing the discs ac-
phytes at these levels. Whereas foraminotomy may decrease cess to the root. Any disc affliction associated with arm
root compression, it may also compromise the stability of pain will typically access the root medial to the uncinate
the C-spine, due to uncinate process loss.7 process, irritate the posterior longitudinal ligament, and
Found in the lateral zone of the cervical disc segment, the create accompanying cervical pain. Furthermore, if the pa-
UVJ are comprised of the uncinate process observed on the tient presents with isolated arm pain that is referred in na-
caudal vertebra and an indentation on the caudal aspect of ture, the clinician must suspect a huge prolapse extending
the cranial vertebra (see Figure 2). This joint, which main- over the uncinate process, a neurinoma, Thoracic Outlet
tains the synovial compartment, is intimate with the inter- Syndrome (TOS), foraminal stenosis, or serious pathology.
vertebral disc as it forms the discs posterior-lateral border.9 The ZAJ are formed by the articular processes of two
The uncinate processes are not present at birth, but instead adjacent cervical segments. These processes are located
24 sizer et al.

the cavity of the UVJ, becoming a component of the UVJ

as they fill with synovial fluid. The fissures develop in
the anular lamellae, and ultimately the adjacent collag-
enous fibers reorient to course parallel with the fis-
sure.15,21,22 Along with the uncinate processes, these clefts
are most prominent from C2C3 to C4C5 and less promi-
nent from C5C6 to C7T1. This prominence is a function of
greater translation in the upper cervical disc segments due
to more caudal location of the instantaneous axis of rota-
tion for flexion/extension. Greater translation merits more
prominent uncinate processes for stability. More promi-
nent uncinate processes induce a greater deformation in
Figure 3. Cervical Disc Segments, Sagittal View. (a) Uncinate pro- the outer anulus, leading to clefts in the disc. Additionally,
cess, C3; (b) Vertebral body, C4; (c) Articular pillar, C4; (d) Spinous
process, C6; (e) Orientation of zygapophyseal joints, pointing to- greater uncinate processes reduce pure axial rotation in the
wards the orbit; (f) Bony segments: Cranial concabe segment on cervical disc segments, requiring coupled synkinetic side-
caudal convex segment. bending to achieve adequate osteokinematic rotation.
The cervical disc segments ultimately transform into
just posterior to the transverse processes and are ori- sellar joints.14,15,25 This transformation is a function of
ented from ventral-cranial to dorsal-caudal at 45 in re- several factors. First, the functional architecture of the
lation to the vertebral end plate. In general, the articular cervical motion segment contributes to this transforma-
surfaces are oriented towards the orbita with the neck in tion. From a sagittal view, the cranial segment is con-
the zero position (see Figure 3). The presence of the UVJ cave on a convex caudal segment (see Figure 3). From a
and the frontally-inclined position of the ZAJ facets are frontal view, however, the cranial vertebral body is con-
among the more important factors causing a strong cou- vex on the concave caudal body (especially in the poste-
pling between kinetic (voluntary, active) and synkinetic rior aspect of the intervertebral segment due to uncinate
(involuntary, passive) motions.12 processes, see Figure 2). Secondly, the fissures in the disc
associated with the UVJ ultimately communicate, reduc-
The Intervertebral Disc ing the constraining contribution from the annulus and
The intervertebral disc presents a disc to vertebral body rendering the disc to sliding and gliding. The splitting of
height ratio of 1:4 compared to a 1:3 ratio observed in the the disc is greater from C2C3 through C4C5, due to the
lumbar spine. Whereas the lumbar disc determines the greater translatory motion in those segments. The im-
mechanics of those spinal motion segments, the cervical portant feature to remember is that these changes are
disc simply interacts with the influences of both the UVJ physiological and not pathological in nature.
and ZAJ. The cervical disc can develop both mechanical These physiological adaptations increase linearly with
and chemical phenomena similar to Internal Disc Disrup- age. Investigators have demonstrated that 86% and 89%
tion (IDD) found in the lumbar spine, thus, rendering it as of discs of asymptomatic men and women over 60 years
a potent pain generator. However, the form and function of age, respectively, will demonstrate some degree of this
of the adult cervical intervertebral disc are considerably degeneration. However, the findings of degeneration
different than that observed in the lumbar spine.17,18 may not always be clinically relevant.26 This may be ex-
The annulus fibrosus has a series of anular lamella plained by the characteristics of the degenerative event,
sheets with collagen fibers oriented at 65 in relation to where selected segments of the cervical spine demon-
the vertical axis in each layer.19,20 The cervical disc nu- strate degenerative patterns that are different from the
cleus is closer to the center of the disc, and, therefore, other spinal levels. Whereas the lumbar spine degener-
the annulus does not demonstrate the same structural ates from inside to outside, the upper cervical disc seg-
asymmetry as in the lumbar spine. The key distinctive ments (C2C3 to C4C5) degenerate from outside to in-
feature of the cervical disc is the lateral clefts, or fis- side. This pattern contributes to a reduced incidence of
sures, associated with the UVJ (see Figure 2). The an- 1 disc afflictions in those levels. On the other hand, the
nulus extends beyond the vertebral body and up the C5C6 to C7T1 segments degenerate from inside to out-
slope of the uncinate process. Along this slope the fis- side (likened to lumbar spine). Because of this particular
sures form over time and ultimately communicate with pattern, patients can experience increased incidence of
Diagnosis of LCS versus CBS 25

1 disc afflictions in these lower cervical levels. Further- bral disc. Finally, the PLL is a possible site for ossification
more, the anterior intervertebral disc is the last region of and subsequent central stenotic clinical events.27
the disc to degenerate. This is due to the proximity of the The anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL) demon-
anterior disc to the oblique IAR (Instantaneous Axis of strates multiple layers and configurations.17 The ALL is
Rotation) for SB/rotation. Here less rotation occurs, ren- connected to anterior atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial
dering this area to greater stability and reduced degenera- membranes in upper cervical spine, contributing to me-
tion.13 However, if the anterior disc indeed degenerates, chanical continuity between the head and the cervical
then the patient may present with pain during swallowing spine. This ligament is also a probable site for ossifica-
or with palpation to thyroid/crycoid cartilage. tion with increased incidence accompanying diabetes.27
The nuchal ligament is a long connective tissue struc-
ture spanning the entire length of the dorsal cervical
Capsuloligamentous Structures spine. This system demonstrates 2 primary layers: the fu-
One can witness synovial-lined capsular structures nicular layer, coursing cranial-caudal from the tips of the
surrounding both the ZAJ and UVJ. Mercer and Bogduk spinous processes of C5, C6, and C7 up to the occiput;28
reported the potential for intraarticular inclusions from and the lamellar layer, coursing in an anterior-posterior
the capsule into the cervical synovial joints.17 The most direction from the lamellar layer to the spinous processes
common of these inclusions are fibro-adipose meniscoid of C2, C3, & C4.29 This ligament possesses insertions
slips. Less common are thickenings surrounding the en- from the trapezius, splenius capitus, serratus posterior
tire joint perimeter, or capsular rims, whereas projecting superior, and rhomboid major, suggesting a dynamic
fat pads are least common. These projections have the function of the ligament for assisting control of head po-
potential for obstructing movement of the cervical mo- sition and movement. This ligament may also contribute
tion segments by becoming lodged between articular to a paradoxical extension of the C0C1 motion segment
surfaces. The patients who possess these intrusions typi- during full cervical flexion, explaining why individuals
cally report variable, unpredictable catching pain that is are capable of producing greater C0C1 flexion during
local, unilateral, and transient. retraction versus full cervical flexion.30
The capsule of the ZAJ allows for a great deal of seg-
mental motion, both in rotary and translatory directions Neural Structures
(up to 9 mm at a given level). Most stress is imposed on When observing the neural structures of the cervical
the capsular structures during rotation that is performed spine, one must consider both the neural networks linked
in a three-dimensional fashion. Pure sagittal motion can- to the structures of the cervical spine as well as the nerve
not produce enough motion to stress these capsules. On roots exiting the cervical spine. The posterior aspect of
the other hand, the capsule of the UVJ is best stressed the vertebral motion segment is innervated with 2 differ-
with three-dimensional sidebending motion. Thus, if the ent layers of the nerve fibers, a superficial and deep net-
greatest pain is produced with three-dimensional rota- work. These layers, especially addressing the posterior
tion, the clinician should suspect ZAJ as the primary longitudinal ligament and posterior annulus, are respon-
pain generator. Conversely, one should suspect UVJ in- sible for supplying these areas with nociceptive end-
volvement if the greatest pain is produced with side- ings.31 The deeper layer is monosegmental, lending to
bending. Finally, the clinician should suspect the disc as more focal symptoms. Conversely, the superficial layer is
the primary pain generator if the greatest pain is pro- polysegmentally innervated by the sinuvertebral nerve,
duced with flexion and or extension.4 lending to more diffused nonradicular pain patterns
The posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL) is very when irritated.32 This may explain why deeper disc af-
prominent and more developed versus the same liga- flictions present with more localizing symptoms versus
ment found in the lumbar spine. Additionally, this liga- the more diffused nonradicular symptoms associated
ment provides a greater biomechanical contribution to with afflictions that reach the outside of the cervical disc
motion restraint in cervical spine versus lumbar spine. and posterior longitudinal ligament. The medial branch
The PLL is attached to tectorial membrane and demon- of the dorsal primary ramus innervates the ZAJ. Once
strates a very tight connection to the disc. This ligament again, the joints associated with each segmental level are
possesses a rich population of nociceptive endings, ren- polysegmentally innervated. This innervation pattern
dering it as a potent pain generator in the context of af- may contribute to the overlapping nonradicular pain
flictions to the posterior and posterior-lateral interverte- reference zones associated with afflictions to the ZAJ.33
26 sizer et al.

Ventral rami of C5 to T1 (occasionally as high as C4 foramen will likely be narrowed. Similar to the lumbar
and as low as T2) join to create the brachial plexus. spine, the dorsal root ganglion is sensitive to pressure
Each root is comprised of several ventral and dorsal and can result in immediate referred pain. Antitheti-
rootlets that emerge from the spinal cord. Each of these cally, the upper extremity symptoms that start several
rootlets leaves the spinal cord and traverses to the inter- hours or days after the onset of cervical pain or exacer-
vertebral foramen at a different angle. The more cranial bating circumstances are likely due to chemical irrita-
rootlets course in a more dorsal lateral oblique direc- tion of the root itself, as roots are only mechano-sensi-
tion, versus the more horizontal orientation of the more tive when chemically irritated. Thus, it obligates the
caudal rootlets of a given segment.34 This relationship is clinician to ask the patient about the time involved in
especially noted at the C5 root level, where any lateral the onset or provocation of his or her upper extremity
deviation of the spinal cord may increase the tension pain, as that timing will indicate whether the root afflic-
loading in the caudal rootlets at C5. This may explain tion is mechanical or chemical in nature. This informa-
why a posterior paramedian primary disc affliction at tion will guide the clinician in selecting a management
C6C7 may result in C5 radiculopathy. As the disc pro- strategy, as mechanical root disorders respond more ef-
lapse shoves the spinal cord aside, the lateral movement fectively to mechanical treatments including posterior-
loads the C5 root resulting in C5 radiculopathy. Thus, anterior mobilization.23 Conversely, the effects of me-
clinicians cannot trust the presence of a C5 radiculo- chanical therapeutic interventions may be less effective
pathy to convince them of a C4C5 disc affliction. for chemical root irritations and these roots may re-
The C7 root maintains several unique characteristics spond better to pharmacological interventions that are
as well.35 First, it is relatively larger than the other roots followed up by root mobilization, which can prevent or
in the cervical spine. Second, the root canal may be reduce negative consequences associated with chemi-
smaller in diameter. Third, the root courses closer to the cally-activated adhesions.
facet pillar than other roots. Finally, it courses more lat- When discussing clinically significant neurological
eral in the transverse plane. These features lend the C7 structures about the cervical spine, one must also con-
root to frequent compression when the canal is compro- sider selected cranial nerves. The spinal accessory nerve
mised by degeneration associated with secondary disc- (SAN) is the only cranial nerve without nuclei in the
related disorders. brain. Rather, the nuclei are located in the brainstem
Detecting a primary tension sign during dural tests, and spinal cord coursing from C1 to C4 (occasionally,
including the slump test and straight leg raise supports as far caudal as C6).39, 40 The SAN is the only cranial
the diagnosis of a primary disc affliction of the lumbar nerve that lacks a sensory component and is exclusively
spine.36 A similar testing paradigm would serve the cli- motoric in function. These nuclei innervate the trapezius
nician for diagnosis of cervical primary disc-related dis- muscle, which frequently demonstrates increased tonic-
orders. However, the roots C5, C6, and C7 are fixated ity in patients with chronic cervical symptoms. Al-
on the transverse processes through inter-transverse lig- though this increased muscle activity has been histori-
amentous anchors. This relationship makes it difficult cally interpreted as a primary muscle lesion associated
for clinicians who wish to use a neural tension test to with a cervical condition, it may be more related to in-
identify 1 tension signs in those cervical levels that are terneuronal pool firing in the cervical spine. Incoming
prone to disc afflictions. Thus, alternative testing must nocisensoric impulses from C2 to C6 can be relayed ven-
be performed in order to tension load the nerve struc- trally to the motor neurons associated with the SAN via
tures (to be discussed later). interneurons. This increase of interneuronal activity
One may observe anatomical variance in the position may escalate the motor output of the SAN, elevating the
of the dorsal root ganglion within the intervertebral fo- resting tone in the trapezius. Thus, pain in the midcervi-
ramen.37 The ganglion may be found either outside the cal region can trigger increased muscle tone of the trape-
bony root window or within it. When positioned within, zius muscles. Furthermore, clinicians must be careful
the ganglion is more predisposed to bending or kinking with the use of trapezius stretching for patients with
around the pedicle during movements of the upper ex- neck problems, as this may not address the source of in-
tremity or cervical spine. Lu and Ebraheim observed this creased trapezial activity, but rather simply aggravate
phenomenon in 48% of C6 and 27% of C7 root lev- the underlying cervical condition.4
els.38 This predisposition is enhanced when the disc seg- Branches of trigeminal nerve (opthalmic, maxillary,
ment has degenerated, as the size of the intervertebral and mandibular) are entirely sensory in nature. As with
Diagnosis of LCS versus CBS 27

the SAN, the trigeminal nerve possesses nuclei in the spi- tentially extending far below the level of origin (see Fig-
nal cord from C1 to C4 (possibly C5). In instances of ure 4).33 Due to these nonradicular referral patterns, a
chronic pain in cervical spine, different adaptive pro- clinician must consider a cervical origin for patients
cesses begin to take place in the spinal cord. Chemical pain that extends into the interscapular region.
substances are released in the spinal cord and new inter- For LCS that is 1 disc-related, the patient suffers due
neuronal connections are constructed as the interneu- to pain generation from the disc itself, as the disc is a
rons reorganize. Increased interneuron activity can lead structure with the capacity for generating both prioprio-
to cervicotrigeminal relay, where a patient experiences ceptive and nociceptive afferent information. The most
chronic headache and/or facial pain that is associated frequent disc levels to present as LCS are C5C6 and
with various different afferent inputs from local cervical C6C7, due to the previously mentioned inadequate un-
afflictions at mid cervical segments. Whereas cervical cinate processes, as well as the characteristic internal de-
headache is very common (ie, Cervico-Cephalic Syndrome), generative changes. Patients may experience pain with
it may be due not only to compression of the greater occipi- swallowing (due to instantaneous cervical flexion dur-
tal nerve, but also to irritation of the trigeminal nerve nuclei ing a swallow) and motions that impose either a tension
in the upper spinal cord.31,41,42 Thus, the clinician must or compression load on the disc. Pain associated with
consider involvement of the cervical disc segments when this local cervical disorder, however, is not limited to the
evaluating a patients Cervico-Cephalic Syndrome. cervical spine and cervico-thoracic junction. Shellhas et
al were able to provoke symptoms in seemingly dubious
Differential Diagnosis of Afflictions locations around the head, neck, and shoulder girdle re-
in Cervical Disc Segments gions (see Table 1).43 Thus, the cervical intervertebral
disc can be responsible for pain in otherwise unsus-
Cervical Postural Syndrome. Cervical Postural Syndrome pected areas, such as the cranium, jaw region, throat,
(CPS), although not belonging to any other category of anterior chest, and scapula.
syndromes, is closely related to the onset of primary disc- LCS associated with a 1 disc affliction can be classi-
related disorders. Onset of CPS is linked to imbalance of fied into 1 of 2 different subcategories: (1) acute torti-
muscle activity within the cervico-thoracic spine. The collis or (2) disc protrusion. Acute torticollis is seen
muscles of the cervical spine encounter overload when most frequently in children and young adults as result of
the head is positioned too far forward, increasing the sustained poor posturing (eg, during sleeping) in a side-
flexion movement at the lower cervical segments and bent and rotated position. While individuals normally
compensatory muscular response in the dorsal muscula- change position frequently at night, sleeping pills, alco-
ture. This tired neck is frequently experienced by indi- hol, or extreme fatigue will lead a person to maintain a
viduals involved in activities requiring static forward bent single position throughout the entire sleep cycle. During
posturing such as drafting technicians, computer operators, this time, the discs nuclear material can migrate into the
and students. This condition is seen more frequently in lateral fissure of the UVJ on the contralateral side to the
women vs. men (3:1) and is perpetuated by bifocal use and sidebent position. After waking, patients develop ex-
prolonged driving. Clinically, individuals (from 6 to 40 treme stiffness and local pain in the cervical spine. They
years of age) will complain of a tired feeling in their necks, present with a head laterally shifted away from the pain.
stiffness, and potential symptoms in the TMJ. They may Motion is limited in a noncapsular pattern of extension,
present with tenderness, but frequently present with a nega- ipsilateral sidebending, and ipsilateral rotation. This
tive functional examination, where movement and force do
not provoke the symptoms. These patients are best managed
through postural reeducation, isometrics for strengthening,
and local infiltration to muscle trigger-point regions.2

Local Cervical Syndrome. One can describe LCS as a dis-

order that presents with complaints that are local and re-
ferred in a nonradicular distribution. Pain related to LCS is
Figure 4. Nonradicular pain reference zones for the cervical zyg-
typically aching in nature and extends from C2C3 down
apophyseal joints. Adapted from Dwyer A, Aprill C, Bogduk N.
to midthoracic levels. Dwyer et al demonstrated that Cervical zygapophyseal joint pain patterns I: A study in normal
pain associated with each segmental level overlaps, po- volunteers. Spine. 1990; 15:453-461.
28 sizer et al.

Table 1. Discogenic pain reference patterns of the plished by first flexing the neck forward, followed by re-
cervical disc segments. traction of both scapulae (Disc Test 1, see Appendix A).
Involved Disc Level Here, the retraction event can increase the tension load-
ing of the T1 root level, thus, loading the cervical spinal
Region of Pain C3C4 C4C5 C5C6 C6C7
dura and more cranial roots by virtue of the short dis-
Mastoid * * tances any rootlet courses from the spinal cord to the
Temple *
Jaw * root anchors. This increased tension will provoke the
TMJ * patients local cervical symptoms, whereas the same
Parietal Cranium * *
Occipital Cranium * * *
symptoms would not be aggravated in the case of ZAJ
Craniovertebral Junction * * * or UVJ involvement. This back door technique may
Neck * * * *
be sensitive and specific for the detection of primary disc
Throat * * *
Upper Back * * * afflictions that would otherwise be confusing and
Trapezius * * * * vague.4
Top of Shoulder * * * *
Upper Extremity * * * * LCS can also be related to 2 disc-related disorders.
Anterior Chest * * * Local cervical symptoms can stem from long-standing
Scapula *
changes in the disc and articular structures of the cervi-
Adapted from Shellhas KP, Smith MD, Gundry CR, Pollei SR. Cervical discogenic pain. cal spine that were triggered by previous intradiscal deg-
Prospective correlation of magnetic resonance imaging and discography in asymp-
tomatic subjects and pain sufferers/. Spine. 1996;21:300312. radation. This family of disorders can include: (1) annu-
lar tears with IDD; (2) UVJ afflictions; and/or (3) ZAJ
afflictions. Patients with LCS that is associated with in-
commonly experienced crick in the neck can be inter- ternal disc disruption present with vague, and often con-
preted as a disc affliction as evidenced by difficulty in fusing, symptoms. The condition is regularly associated
sidebending towards the side of pain. This affliction is with chronic irritation to the disc and is related to a
regularly self-limiting, but recovery can be encouraged chemical cascade that was initiated earlier in the disc
through soft tissue mobilization, axial separation in the with apparently innocuous trauma. With trauma to the
deviated position with correction in rotation and side- nuclear envelope of the disc, chemical factors enter the
bending, and short-term use of a firm cervical collar.2 disc, triggering the production of Metallo-Matrix Pro-
Patients with a LCS that is associated with protrusion tease Inhibitors (MMPIs) that initiate deterioration of
present with a characteristic profile. These patients are the internal environment of the disc anulus.45 This pro-
more commonly between the ages of 30 and 45 years cess is accentuated by collagenase release and is accom-
with episodic histories of acute torticollis.2 Pain is again panied by autoimmune activities, including the release
distributed in previously mentioned nonradicular areas of bradykinin and serotonin, the aggregation of T-lym-
and is exacerbated with forces that stress the discs an- phocytes, and the production of phospholipase A2
nulus with either compression or tension loads. Exami- (PLA2), which facilitates production of prostaglandins
nation of the MRI may or may not reveal the protrusive and leukotrienes.45,46 These responses sensitize silent
event. Patients typically demonstrate the most pain dur- nociceptors in the outer sanctum of the disc, leading to a
ing movements in the sagittal plane (flexion and or ex- painful response even under loading and movement con-
tension), due to increased mechanical loading5 and in- ditions that were previously considered normal.
tradiscal pressure44 that can be especially demonstrated The diagnosis of cervical IDD is difficult at best. Pa-
in the lower cervical disc segments. Additionally, the tients present with local and nonradicular symptoms
pain is also provoked during sidebending and or rota- that are most easily provoked by movements in the sag-
tion towards the painful side. Because the nonradicular ittal plane (flexion and or extension) that produce ten-
pain can arise from the posterior annulus, posterior lon- sion and or compression in the discal structures. Patients
gitudinal ligament, and dura of the root, tension loading report stiffness in the early morning and increased
in the root may provoke the symptoms. Motor, sensory, symptoms by the end of the day. Pain is located in the
and reflexive tests are typically negative. While a stan- midline and either unilateral or bilateral paramedian re-
dard neural tension test may not provoke these symp- gions of the cervical spine. The pain is aching in nature
toms (due to the anchoring of the C5, C6, and C7 roots and is typically long-standing. Patients may or may not
in the sulcus of the transverse processes), a clinician can present with motion limits and the previously men-
nevertheless increase root tension loading. This accom- tioned dural tension test will be negative, along with
Diagnosis of LCS versus CBS 29

negative motor and or sensory findings. Conclusively,

IDD may appear to be very similar to LCS associated
with the ZAJ or UVJ. Thus, the IDD diagnosis should be
made in exclusion of joint involvement from the local ex-
amination findings that will be discussed next.
While the cervical disc segments can produce observ-
able radiographic changes associated with disc protru-
sion, internal disc disruption can be absent of any find-
ings on standard MRI or CT, making the diagnosis
more challenging for the clinician. However, patients
suffering from IDD frequently present with a loss of cer-
vical lordosis, as witnessed on sagittal imaging. Reduced
lordosis is associated with accelerated discosis, whereby
the disc height diminishes, the cranial vertebral body of
a motion segment descends and contacts the posterior
curve of the uncinate process, and further disc height
loss forces the cranial bony segment to tip forward
(see Figure 5). This angulation is typically accompanied
by a posterior shift of the discs nucleus, which progres-
sively disintegrates with further changes.23 These changes
can be useful to the diagnostician, as a reduced cervical Figure 5. Anterior kinking of cervical disc segments associated
lordosis on the imaging can suggest IDD and discosis. with accelerated cervical disc degradation.
These patients will present with a non-capsular pattern
demonstrating a disproportional loss of extension due Similar to the lumbar spine, pain can emerge from the
to pain, while rotation and sidebending are often found ZAJ, as these joints experience significant proportional
to be within normal limits. Symptoms and the loss of load bearing that is associated with their more horizon-
lordosis can be reduced through posterior-anterior mo- tal orientation (coursing approximately 45 ventral cra-
bilization and specific home exercises.23 nialdorsal caudal).3 These loads are accentuated by
Unlike the lumbar spine, symptoms associated with the postural muscle tone that is aimed at supporting the
LCS can also stem from irritation to the UVJ, which are head, whose center of mass and line of gravity course
only found in the cervical disc segments of the spine anterior through the trunk and produce a perpetual ten-
(C2C3 to C6C7). These unique joints, which develop dency for the head to fall forward. Thus, joint orienta-
more completely in childhood and early adolescence, tion that is coupled with increased compressive loading
can become significant pain generators. The UVJ dem- can lend to ZAJ irritation and pain generation. This ten-
onstrate significant influence on the control of sidebend- dency can be further compounded by macrotrauma, as
ing and can lead to local cervical symptoms that are es- witnessed after a whiplash injury. Macrotrauma pro-
pecially aggravated through sidebending behaviors.5,11 duces greater involvement of the ZAJ in the cervical spine
Conversely, sidebending is typically not the greatest versus the other levels due to the same orientation issues.
pain-producing motion in a cervical IDD, due to an ac- LCS associated with ZAJ irritation must be differen-
tual decrease in intradiscal pressure at end range of the tially diagnosed from internal disc disruption and/or
motion.44 Neither is this motion most provocative with UVJ afflictions. Unlike a cervical disc affliction, the
ZAJ afflictions, due to the apparent laxity in the cap- greatest pain provocation associated with ZAJ synovial
sule. Onan et al observed 28 of isolated segmental side- irritation is not witnessed during flexion and or exten-
bending allowed by the ZAJ capsule, which again far ex- sion. This is related to the apparent laxity of the joint
ceeds the physiological motion demonstrated by any capsule during those movements. Onan et al observed
cervical segments.47 However, sidebending can induce that isolated facet joints allowed up to 19 of segmental
increased pressure and irritation to the posterior and fo- flexion and 14 of segmental extension, which far ex-
raminal portions of the uncinate process on the side ipsi- ceeds the movements that physiologically occur in the
lateral to the direction of sidebending, as well as increased sagittal plane at any give cervical motion segment.47
tension on the UVJ capsule on the contralateral side.11 This suggests that flexion and or extension are not suffi-
30 sizer et al.

cient to tension load the capsule of the joints. Rather,

rotation appears to maximally tension load the ZAJ
capsule, suggesting the primary role of the ZAJ in con-
trolling rotation. Furthermore, while extension does in-
crease the loading on the ZAJ articular surfaces, the
same symptoms can be provoked with contralateral ro-
tation and ipsilateral sidebending (by virtue of the load-
ing in the contralateral ZAJ with these motions). This
behavior allows for differential diagnosis from a cervical
IDD, which will also provoke greatest pain during ex-
tension but not during the previously mentioned three-
dimensional motion.5
Therefore, a clinician must differentiate between 5
different local conditions associated with 2 disc-related
disorders: (1) internal disc disruption and discosis; (2)
synovitis of the UVJ; (3) arthropathy of the UVJ; (4)
synovitis of the ZAJ; and (5) arthropathy of the ZAJ. Al-
though this differential diagnosis is not simple at face
value, it is necessary to guide the clinician to a more ex-
pedient management strategy. The differential diagnosis Figure 6. Interpretation of Local Cervical Syndrome: Greatest
Pain Provocation in Sagittal Plane Motions.
can be determined through a brief, but specific, three-
dimensional provocative examination (see Appendix B).
The examination is divided into 5 different test catego- direction and the capsular structures to reach their max-
ries: (1) active Sagittal motions (Flexion/Extension); (2) imum tension load. The coupled motions of the cervical
active & passive rotation; (3) active & passive sidebend- spine are sidebending and ipsilateral rotation. Com-
ing; (4) active & passive three-dimensional rotation; and bined motions, on the other hand, limit the kinetic mo-
(5) active & passive three-dimensional sidebending. Pas- tion by adding a second motion that contradicts the nor-
sive tests are only conducted if the patients hesitance mal synkinetic behavior of the segment. This reflects the
does not allow the clinician to provoke the symptoms articular surfaces getting in the way of the motion and
through active testing, and many times the active tests locking the segment. For the cervical spine, combined
are sufficient for effective differential provocation. motions are sidebending and contralateral rotation.2
The first motions performed in the examination are The first three-dimensional movement is performed
flexion and extension. If the patient suffers from disc in- by initiating sidebending, accompanied by rotation in 2
volvement, these sagittal motions will induce the great- different directions. After the sidebending is initiated,
est provocation, versus planar and or three-dimensional the patient then rotates to the ipsilateral side, producing
movements in the directions of sidebending or rotation a coupled motion. Here, the capsule and synovium of
(Figure 6). One can note that this provocation can be the UVJ are maximally stressed on both the ipsilateral
greatest with flexion, extension or retraction. These and contralateral sides to the direction of sidebending. If
provocation patterns are related to tension and or com- these tests maximize provocation, then the clinician should
pression events in the disc, addressing specific structures suspect synovitis of the UVJ (Figure 7). Next, the sidebend-
in an age-specific fashion. The second set of motions in ing is accompanied by contralateral rotation, where the ar-
the exam (frontal plane motions) involves sidebending. ticular surfaces of the UVJ are compressed on the side ipsi-
While the clinician can begin to suspect uncovertebral lateral to the direction of sidebending. If this test is most
involvement when planar sidebending is most provocative, provocative, then one may strongly suspect an UVJ arthr-
this diagnosis can be strengthened with three-dimensional opathy as the principal pain generator (Figure 8). Con-
movements. The three-dimensional sidebending move- versely, if the same test provokes most pain on the con-
ments produce either a coupled or combined motion in the tralateral side of sidebending, then the clinician can be more
cervical disc segments. Coupled motion is one where a suspicious of an IDD, as the UVJ on that side is unloaded.
synkinetic motion predictably occurs in response to a ki- If the patient suffers from ZAJ involvement, the pain
netic motion, allowing maximal motion in the kinetic produced during planar and or three-dimensional rota-
Diagnosis of LCS versus CBS 31

same side as rotation, then the clinician should suspect

ZAJ synovitis at C2C3 or C3C4. This is because this
movement maximally extends the upper ZAJ and maxi-
mally stresses the capsule, along with the synovial lin-
ing. However, if pain is produced those same segments
on the opposite side to rotation, then the clinician
should suspect IDD. Conversely, if rotation, ipsilateral
sidebending, and flexion produce the most pain in the
lower cervical disc segments on the opposite side to ro-
tation, then the clinician should again suspect ZAJ syno-
vitis in that region. This is because the contralateral
lower ZAJ is maximally flexed and the capsule is maxi-
mally stressed on that side. Furthermore, if pain is pro-
duced in those same segments on the same side as rotation,
Figure 7. Interpretation of Local Cervical Syndrome: Greatest
Pain Provocation in Sidebending and Coupled Rotation Move- then the clinician should suspect IDD at those levels (Fig-
ments. ure 9). Finally, the patient performs a combined motion of
rotation and contralaterally sidebending. If the greatest pain
is produced during this movement on the same side as the
tion will be greatest, as the ZAJ are most responsible for sidebending, then the clinician should suspect ZAJ arthrop-
controlling rotation of the cervical disc segments. Thus, athy, due to the compression of the joint surfaces during
the third set of motions in the exam (transverse plane combined motion (Figure 10).
motions) involves rotation. First, the patient rotates and After the suspected structure of involvement has been
then ipsilaterally sidebends to produce a coupled motion. identified (Disc, UVJ or ZAJ), the clinician can use a
Flexion and extension are each superimposed onto this mobility test to propose the segmental level of involve-
coupled motion. These motions are added because rota- ment. This test is performed by positioning the patient
tion produces osteokinematic extension from C0C1 to in cervical sidebending to the corresponding segmental
C3C4 and extension from C4C5 to C7T1. Additionally, level (determined by palpating the closure of the ZAJ)
rotation produces arthrokinematic extension on the ipsi- and providing overpressure in a direction contralateral
lateral ZAJ and flexion on the contralateral joints. to the sidebending. The segment that produces the great-
Diagnostically, if a combination of rotation, ipsilat- est local pain with brief overpressure would be the seg-
eral sidebending, and extension is the most provocative ment that the clinician could suspect as the pain genera-
movement in the upper cervical disc segments on the tor.2 Although this test outcome may be clouded by

Figure 8. Interpretation of Local Cervical Syndrome: Greatest Figure 9. Interpretation of Local Cervical Syndrome: Greatest
Pain Provocation in Sidebending and Combined Rotation Move- Pain Provocation in Rotation and Coupled Sidebending Move-
ments. ments.
32 sizer et al.

present with distal upper extremity pain in a nonradicu-

lar distribution associated with the lower trunk and me-
dial cord of the brachial plexus (C8-T1). Their symp-
toms are provoked with upper extremity elevation and
use versus a release phenomenon causing sleep distur-
bances in the early hours of the morning. Neurinoma
produces pain and sensory changes that begin distal and
radiate proximally. Symptoms associated with a pan-
coast tumor can be elusive, but many times can be accom-
panied by other organic signs such as malaise, lethargia,
dry cough, and weight loss. Additionally, the upper ex-
tremity symptoms are not easily provoked through physi-
cal examination and may be more profound at night.
A clinician should differentiate a cervical patients up-
Figure 10. Interpretation of Local Cervical Syndrome: Greatest per extremity pain as related to 1 versus 2 disc-related
Pain Provocation in Rotation and Combined Sidebending Move-
changes. Upper extremity symptoms associated with a 1
disc-related disorder accompany the local cervical symp-
toms previously discussed, due in part to the irritation of
referred tenderness, it provides a starting point for the a well-developed posterior longitudinal ligament. Pri-
clinician in administering appropriate treatments. mary disc-related CBS is typically observed in patients
younger than 45 years of age, who commonly report nu-
Cervical Brachial Syndrome merous previous episodes of LCS. The root tension
One can describe Cervical Brachial Syndrome (CBS) event is associated with disc protrusion or prolapse, es-
as a disorder that presents with complaints in both the pecially at C5C6 or C6C7. This soft disc lesion is typi-
local neck and upper extremity, due to either 1 or 2 cally preceded by direct or indirect trauma that has oc-
disc-related conditions. The neck pain associated with curred recently or in the past. These lesions produce
CBS is typically aching in nature and extends from radicular pain that can be provoked with coughing,
C2C3 down to midthoracic levels, as observed with sneezing, or straining. The pain is worse in the morning,
LCS. These symptoms in the neck are related to the due to the increased water content of the disc, and can
same processes previously described and can be typically be accompanied by parasthesias associated with vaso-
provoked with similar testing. The arm pain associated neurvorum irritation producing a relative ischemic
with CBS is related to either irritation of the dorsal root event. More extensive disc lesions may produce motor
ganglion or the root itself, and is related, for the most deficits and numbness, depending on the size of the spi-
part, to the size of the spinal canal, intervertebral fora- nal canal. As previously mentioned, radicular symptoms
men, and or sulcus within the transverse process.2 The are frequently observed at the C5 root level, due to the
arm pain associated with dorsal root ganglion irritation configuration of the rootlets. Symptoms are also com-
is sharp and immediate upon mechanical stimulus, as a monly observed in the C6 and C7 distribution. Serious
dorsal root ganglion is mechano-sensitive.48 The pain pathology must be ruled out if patients in this age group
associated with root compression demonstrates a slow present with radicular symptoms at more cranial root
onset and is aching in nature. This root irritation is the levels, due to the low frequency of 1 disc lesions at
consequence of vascular compromise and an inflamma- higher levels.6,49
tory cascade that sensitizes the nerve root. Once chemi- Physical examination of these patients produces the
cally sensitized, the cervical root then becomes mech- limitation patterns that are similar to the 1 disc-related
ano-sensitive, as described for the lumbar spine.45 LCS. The patient may experience increased neck and up-
Upper extremity pain that is associated with a cervi- per extremity pain when the shoulder girdles are re-
cal disorder is typically accompanied by cervical pain. tracted with the neck in a forward bent position (as pre-
When the patient presents with isolated upper extremity viously discussed). In addition, patients may report
pain, the clinician should suspect other pathologies, increased arm symptoms associated with cervical side-
such as disorders of the shoulder, TOS, neurinoma, or bending in a direction contralateral to the side of upper
pancoast tumor.2,6 Individuals with TOS commonly extremity pain, due to increased neural tension around
Diagnosis of LCS versus CBS 33

the disc prolapse (Disc Test 2, see Appendix A). When tions can present as a LCS, which produces cervical pain
this pain is reduced by passively abducting the patients that is local and referred in a nonradicular distribution.
painful shoulder while the neck is sidebent in this fashion, A 1 disc-related LCS can be classified as either an acute
then the 1 disc-related diagnosis is confirmed. This con- torticollis or a disc protrusion, while a 2 disc-related
dition is best treated with physical agents, gentle soft tis- LCS is associated with either chronic disc irritation or
sue techniques, cervical traction, home exercise, and pos- arthropathy of the UVJ and or ZAJ. Patients may also
sible anaesthetic procedures when the symptoms persist. develop upper extremity symptoms associated with a 1
Upper extremity symptoms associated with a 2 disc- or 2 disc-related disorder. Tension on the dorsal root
related disorder are associated with a NRCS. Although ganglion and nerve root can be caused by a disc protru-
the symptoms can be isolated to the upper extremity, sion or prolapse, leading to a 1 disc-related CBS. NRCS
they can also be accompanied by local cervical symp- can be caused by 2 disc-related changes that produce
toms previously discussed, due in part to the irritation of front-back and or up-down compromise to the interver-
the UVJ and or ZAJ. Nerve NRCS is more frequently as- tebral foramen. A clinicians careful examination and
sociated with bony changes versus forminal narrowing differential diagnosis of these disorders can serve as a
from instability, as witnessed in the lumbar spine. The pathway to expedient and effective management.
degenerative changes associated with UVJ and ZAJ com-
monly leads to exostosis, which can account for the front-
back narrowing of the intervertebral foramen and sulcus.
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active nerve fibers innervating the rat posterior longitudinal logical study of acute prolapsed cervical intervertebral disc.
ligament. Spine 1997;22:194147. J Bone Joint Surg 1984;66A:90714.
Diagnosis of LCS versus CBS 35

Appendix A. Functional Examination of the Cervical Spine

Resisted Cervical Extension
Resisted Cervical Rotation Right Left
Resisted Cervical Sidebending Right Left
Resisted Cervical Flexion
Motor Screening Muscle Grade Root level
Resisted Sh. Girdle Elevation C2-C4
Resisted Sh. ABduction C5
Resisted Sh. ADduction C7
Resisted Sh. Internal Rotation C5, C6
Resisted Sh. IExternal Rotation C5, C6
Resisted Elbow Flexion C5, C6
Resisted Elbow Extention C7
Resisted Wrist Palmar Flexion C7
Resisted Wrist Dorsal Extention C6
Resisted Thumb Extention C8
Resisted 5th digit Abduction T1
Sensory Screening C6 C7 C8
Reflexes BrachioRadialis C5 Biceps C5, C6 Triceps C7
Special Tests Test Outcomes
Spurling Test (Foraminal Compression)
Disc Test 1 (Flexion Sh. Retraction)
Disc Test 2 (Contra SB Sh. ABduction)

Appendix B. Local Examination of the Lower

Cervical Spine

Active Sagittal Motions Provocation Location of Sxs

Frontal Motions Active
Passive Provocation Location of Sxs
Sidebend (R)
with (R) Rot
with (L) Rot
Sidebend (L)
with (L) Rot
with (R) Rot
Transverse Motions Active
Passive Provocation Location of Sxs
Rotation (R)
with (R) SB, Flex
with (R) SB, Ext
with (L) SB
Rotation (L)
with (L) SB, Flex
with (L) SB, Ext
with (R) SB

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