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Digital Arts & Media Class Syllabus - 6th grade

The 6th grade Digital Arts & Media curriculum is intended to first and foremost build comfort with the students laptop.
Some students experience anxiety when given their DSST laptop for the first time, and by taking away the mystery
surrounding how the machine works, nervousness and hesitation to use this wonderful tool goes away, too. We focus
on how the computer works and other problem solving skills in trimester one.

In trimester two, students shift their focus to poster design. We discuss layout techniques, color choices and typography
while making a Public Service Announcement poster.

Students shift focus to the gestalt design principles in trimester three. This is college level design content, but ends up
being a very fun project to end the year with!

This course is meant for all student skill levels. Students who move quicker through project checkpoints will be given
extension opportunities as well as classroom leadership opportunities.

Unit descriptions and grading policies are below - please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Lauren Schroer

Year Overview:

Unit 1: Problem Solving

Unit 1 is a highly interactive and collaborative introduction to basic computer skills, as framed within the broader
pursuit of solving problems. Through a series of puzzles, challenges, and real world scenarios, students are introduced
to a problem solving process that they will return to repeatedly throughout the course. Students then learn how
computers input, output, store, and process information to help humans solve problems.

Unit 2: PSA Design

6th graders will tie in content knowledge and personal opinions from other core content to create impactful PSA
announcements for our school. These messages will tie in the idea of community and what it takes to build and
maintain a successful community. Students would work individually and in groups to create their own powerful
message, choose imagery and decide on a call to action for their posters. Students will also learn about the importance
of layout design.

Unit 3: Gestalt Principle Monsters

This unit serves as an introduction to higher level design rules. Students will learn and practice the rules of each of the 6
design principles by creating basic designs, and eventually designing a monster that represents each principle. Students
will go through a planning process for developing designs from hand drawn sketches to digital completion.

Grading Policy
40% Weekly Participation:
Complete Do Nows
Actively participate in activities and turn & talks
Actively participate in discussions

30% Summatives:
Trimester 1 Summative Assessment will cover Unit
1 material
Trimester 2 Summative Project: PSA Poster
Trimester 3 Summative Project: Gestalt Monsters

20% Formatives:
Each unit will include a formative assessment
towards the end of the unit
Mastery Check scores will be included in the
gradebook as formative assessments

10% Homework:
Homework is rare in Digital Arts, but is graded according to completion

Absences and Make-up Work:

The downside of a class that only meets once a week is that one absence can sometimes have a significant impact on
project completion. The great news about a class that meets once a week is that there is plenty of time between classes
to make up any missed work due to an absence! Students should do their best to make up Digital Arts classwork prior to
returning to class. All materials will be posted on the OneNote, and Ms. Schroer will always be available via email to
discuss any makeup work. Of course each situation and circumstance is different, so the sole expectation for students
who will miss class is to communicate with the teacher as soon as possible.

Email: Lauren.Schroer@scienceandtech.org

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