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LV, §2] and Then ORTHOGONAL BASES, POSITIVE DEFINITE CASE. iit w= Brey +> + Bren KD, WY = Carey Hoe + gens Bier + °° + Buen? X %Bien es) = 4,8, +++ + 0B, Thus in terms of this orthonormal basis, if A, B are the coordinate vec- tors of v and w respectively, the hermitian product is given by the prod- uct described in Example 3, namely A.B. We now have theorems which we state simultaneously for the real and complex cases. The proofs are word for word the same as the proof of Theorem 2.3, and so will not be reproduced. Theorem 2.6. Let V be either a vector space over R with a positive de- finite scalar product, or a vector space over C with a positive definite hermitian product. Assume that V has finite dimension n. Let W be a subspace of V of dimension r. Let W* be the subspace of V consisting of all elements of V which are perpendicular to W. Then W* has di- mension n —r. In other words, Theorem 2. dim W + dim W* = dim V. Let V be either a vector space over R with a positive de- finite scalar product, or a vector space over C with a positive definite hermitian product. Assume that V is finite dimensional. Let W be a subspace of V. Then V is the direct sum of W and W* V, §2. EXERCISES 0. What is the dimension of the subspace of R° perpendicular to the two vec- tors (1, 1, —2, 3,4, 5) and (0,0, 1, 1,0, 7)? 1. Find an orthonormal basis for the subspace of R* generated by the following vectors: (a) (1, =1) and (1,01) (b) (2,1,1) and (1, 3, =1) 2. Find an orthonormal basis for the subspace of R* generated by the following vectors: (a) (1,2, 1,0) and (1,2, 3, 1) (b) (1, 1,0,0), (1, —1, 1, 1) and (~1, 0,2, 1) 3, In Exercises 3 through 5 we consider the vector space of continuous real- valued functions on the interval [0,1]. We define the scalar product of 112 SCALAR PRODUCTS AND ORTHOGONALITY Cv, §2] two such functions f, g by the rule Lo= j Sa at 0 Using standard properties of the integral, verify that this is a scalar product. 4, Let V be the subspace of functions generated by the two functions f, g such that f(Q) =¢ and g(t) = 12, Find an orthonormal basis for V. 5. Let V be the subspace generated by the three functions 1, t, 1 (where 1 is the constant function). Find an orthonormal basis for V. 6. Find an orthonormal basis for the subspace of C? generated by the following vectors: (a) (1,40) and (1,11) (b) (1, =1, ~i) and (i, 1,2) 7. (a) Let V be the vector space of all n x n matrices over R, and define the scalar product of two matrices A, B by (A, BY = (AB), where tr is the trace (sum of the diagonal elements). Show that this is a scalar product and that it is non-degenerate. (b) If 4 is a real symmetric matrix, show that tr(44) 20, and tr(4A) > 0 if A#O. Thus the trace defines a positive definite scalar product on the space of real symmetric matrices. (©) Let V be the vector space of real nxn symmetric matrices. What is dim V2 What is the dimension of the subspace W consisting of those matrices A such that tr(4) = 02 What is the dimension of the orthogonal complement W+ relative to the positive definite scalar product of part (b)? 8. Notation as in Exercise 7, describe the orthogonal complement of the sub- space of diagonal matrices. What is the dimension of this orthogonal com- plement? 9. Let V be a finite dimensional space over R, with a positive definite scalar product. Let {v,,...,tq} be a set of elements of V, of norm 1, and mutually perpendicular (ie. ? Show that {0,,...,0,} is a basis of V. 10. Let V be a finite dimensional space over R, with a positive definite scalar product. Prove the parallelogram law, for any elements v, we V, Iu + oll? + ju — vl]? = 2(\|ul]? + [l]?). LV, §6] THE DUAL SPACE AND SCALAR PRODUCTS. 125 Then it happens that (1,0) and (0,1) form an orthogonal basis for this product also. However, (1,2) and (2,1) form an orthogonal basis for this product, but are not an orthogonal basis for the ordinary dot product. Example 2. Let V be the subspace of R* generated by the two vectors A=(1,2,1) and B= (1, 1,1). If X = (x4, x2, x3) and Y= (y, Yo, Ys) are vectors in R?, define their product to be = 0 for all we W. Then dim W + dim W+ = dim V. This proves Theorem 3.1, which we needed in the study of linear equations. For this particular application, we take the scalar product to be the ordinary dot product. Thus if W is a subspace of K" and W+ = {XeK"such that X- ¥ = 0 forall Ye W} then dim W + dim W* = n. V, §6. EXERCISES 1. Let A, B be two linearly independent vectors in R". What is the dimension of the space perpendicular to both 4 and B? 2. Let 4, B be two linearly independent vectors in C". What is the dimension of the subspace of C" perpendicular to both A and B? (Perpendicularity refers to the ordinary dot product of vectors in C*) 3. Let W be the subspace of C? generated by the vector (1,i,0). Find a basis of W* in C (with respect to the ordinary dot product of vectors). 4, Let V be a vector space of finite dimension n over the field K. Let g be a functional on V, and assume #0. What is the dimension of the kernel of 9? Proof? 5. Let V be a vector space of dimension n over the field K. Let ¥, @ be two non-zero functionals on V. Assume that there is no element ceK, c #0 such that ¥ = cg. Show that (Ker p) 0 (Ker W) has dimension n — 2. 6. Let V be a vector space of dimension n over the field K. Let V** be the dual space of V*. Show that each element ve V gives rise to an element 4, in V** and that the map v++ 4, gives an isomorphism of V with V**. 7. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over the field K, with a non-degen- erate scalar product. Let W be a subspace. Show that Wi+ = W.

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