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Kunkel, Sabina © 4:33PM (16 hours ago) tome, Collen Dear Mr. Mackin — Pease fnd attached our response to your request fr the folowing ‘Reports forthe period of Sept 27, 2016 to present day, about the cost- ‘benefit analysis induding, but oot inited to, cost confidence) and grotechnieal architectural and engineering feasibility about Surrey Light ‘al Transit (elated to 14-163 and any subsequent or successor contracts), Surey Light Ral Trans, Phase 3A Technical Services, led by ‘Stocr Davies Gleave and Hatch Mott MecDonal, with subcontractors ‘tanec, Via rchitectre, Tony Steadman and The Stewart Group. ‘Yu wil see that certain information constituting advico andlor recommendations developed by o fora public body. the Aisclosure of which could reasonably be expected to harm TransLink's nancial or economic interests, has been withheld, pursuant to sections 131) 8 17(1] ofthe Freedom of information & Protection of Prvacy Act. Ifyou disagree with our response, you have the right to seek a review, by the Office ofthe Information & Privacy Commissioner (at hips: oipebe.ca), within 30 days. Sincerely, Sabine Kunkel Manager, Information Access Direct Line: (778) 375-7702 sean Sule 400 787 Nelson's Court Now Westminster, BC VSL ET INTERNAL MEMO REGARDING REQUEST Tanne ia INTER-OFFICE MEMO July 17, 2017 To: Sabina Kunkel Manager, Information Access FROM: ‘Angela Jarvis Projects Coordinator ~ South of the Fraser SUBJECT: FOI Request: 2017/39 ‘The attached reports are the latest working drafts and information is subject to change as preliminary ‘engineering activities continue. Should the project proceed to implementation, the material will be used to develop procurement documents and is comprised of commercially sensitive information that should remain confidential in anticipation of commercial negotiations. 2 So 3 2 we 356 z 8 Bo; @ 8 ge @ se & 8 £6 & 2 se 3.9 38 £25 38 e222: B22 88 e 5 2 5 8r $ su gg Ir 8 22 & ‘00002 = steer davies gleave HATCH South of Fraser Rapid amans/iunu Transit Newton-Guildford Operations Tratfic Modelling Report JV ref: 350135-TE-230-A0- October 2016 0003 Client ref: MT01701P Propared by: Mott MacDonald Suite 1688 — $50 Burard Street 400 ~ 287 Nelson” s Court BC Ve 285 Now Westminster, BC SL 08 ‘Stoor Davies Gleave & Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture ‘Suite 970-955 Burrard Sweet Suite 1000 ~ 1086 West Hastings Vancouver, BC VeC 268 Stroot Canada Vancouver, BC VBE 8x2 +1 (604) 629 2610 +1 (604) 629 1736 na steerdaviesgleave.com hatchmottcom ‘The Stor Davies Geavo an Hatch Mot MacDoni Joint Vontute[SOGIHMM JV] ha prepare hs male for TransLink Ts matonal may only be used ihn the contest and scope for wach the SOGINM JV has prepared and may nt be reed upon par or whole by any th party oY be ued fo any ane purpose ‘Any person choosing to uso any par of ts maloal without ihe express and writen permission othe SOG! HM shal b deemed to can tna agreement tandemly bath Stor Daves Goavo and Hatem Met ‘MacDonai oa loss or damage ‘osuing thereon, Toe SOGHIMN JV has prepared hs mara sing, Professional pracioos and procedures using oration aval tat the time as ae such ry nom Infomation could arth vay o! ho rasuls ard conclusions made. "Nowion-Gulelor Oporatons | Trafic Modeling port 5130) samt) Contents 1 3 Modelling Methodology. 34 3.2 3.3 34 35 3.6 37 38 4 Design Parameters 44 42 43 5 Trattic Signal Configuration .W re: 950195-TE-250-A0-0008, October 2016 "Nowion-Gulelor Oporatons | Trafic Modeling port 63 64 65 230) sam) seerdavesgleme HATCH | M J 980187620 40009 1 "Nowion-Gulelor Oporatons | Trafic Modeling port Introduction Background ‘The South of Fraser Rapid Transit will be a future 27 km rapid transit network linking ‘Surrey City Centre with: + Newton Town Centre to the south, along the King George Boulevard corridor; * Guildford Town Centre to the east, along the 104 Ave corridor; and * The City of Langley to the south east, along the Fraser Highway corridor. The network will compromise two lines, the Surrey- Langley Line and the Newton- Guildford Line. The Newton Guildford Line, which is the focus of this report, wll be an urban style LRT system, integrated into the existing streetscapes, using modern lower floor Light Rail Vehicles. As the Newton-Guildford line will bea standalone system using different technology, it will not be directly linked to the existing SkyTrain network, although it will provide transfer opportunities onto the SkyTrain network, at two interchange points at ‘Surrey Central and King George Stations. Work is ongoing to determine the preferred rapid transit technology for the Surrey-Langley Line, but if LAT is selected as the preferred technology, then the two lines will run on a common section of track in the Surrey City Centre area between King George and 104 Ave This report refers to the Newton-Guildford Line only which is 11 km in length and will include the following infrastructure components: + 9.at-grade LAT stops and 2 LRT terminus stations (with provision for a future station at 84” Ave); + 2new Bus Transit Centres at both terminus stations; and + Passenger interchanges at Surrey Central and King George with existing SkyTrain stations and bus stops. steerdavesglewe HATCH | Ml {1 et, 350195 1E-2000-0009 Sea October 201617, "Nowion-Gulelor Oporatons | Trafic Modeling port Figure 1.1: Newton-Gulldford Line LRT Alignment ar 5130) sim) M 7M Jat sense 230400009 cay Goce a8 steer davies eave © HATCH Pages 8 to / a 37 are withheld pursuant to sections sont retenues en vertu des articles 13(1), 17(1) of the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act de la Loi sur la protection de la vie privée South of Fraser Rapid Transit Phase One: Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT Project Business Case Confidential Draft Fall 2016 (November 28) Zz TRANS/LINK Surrey-Newlon-Gulldford LRT Project Business Case ‘CONFIDENTIAL. DRAFT -- Page | TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Introduction ‘Metro Vancouver Region and the South of Fraser Sub-Region Are Growing Current Transit Cannot Meet Demand in the South of Fraser Sub-Region Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT Project ison Effective Solution ‘Scope of Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT Project Benefits of Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT Project for the Province and Region Procurement Assessment and Project Delivery Project Schedule and Costs ‘Recommendation 1 Purpose PART A~ RATIONALE FOR RAPID TRANSIT IN SOUTH OF FRASER SUB-REGION 2. Strategic Context 24 1K) a say 23 24 3. Existing and Future Challenges 31 32 33 Ba BS 4 Project Objectives PART B - PROJECT DELIVERY 5 Options Assessment 5A 52 53 5a 55 6 Project Scope 61 62 63 7 Project Assessment 10 a uw B “ 1“ 15 16 vv 18 19 19 2 23 26 30 31 32 36 39 41 sans partnerships ‘Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT Project Business Case 72 73 74 7s 76 27 78 79 8 Project Status a1 82 83 PART C- PROCUREMENT DECISION 9 Procurement Options Analysis a4 92 93 94 95 96 10 Recommended Procurement Option PART D~ PROCUREMENT & FUNDING PLAN. 11 Procurement Plan 4 14.2 143 1.4 15 12. Funding 1241 12.2 123 24 125 PART E~ recommendation ‘Appendix 100) amy TRANS/IINK > ‘CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT -- Page i partnerships 130) ud ‘Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT Project Business Case ‘CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT ~ Page i LIST OF FIGURES a 2 B 15 20 20 23 2 26 27 31 32 33 BsSersages 50 51 51 52 53 53 56 2s sea mn ” ” rennet partnerships 00041 ‘Surrey-Newon-Guildford LRT Project Business Case ‘CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT ~ Page iv aL 101 108, us a7 a2. S134) samy sans partnerships ‘Surrey-Newon-Guildford LRT Project Business Case ‘CONFIDENTIAL ORAFT -- Page v LIST OF TABLES 54300) sam) sans partnerships Surrey Nowon-Guldord LRT Project Business Case 0 CONFIDENTIAL ORAFT = Page eat GLOSSARY OF TERMS ‘Surrey-Newion-Guildford LRT Project Business Case ‘CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT ~ Page vi ‘Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT Project Business Case ‘CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT -- Page vil 130) sara) rennet partnerships 130) samy ‘Surrey-Newion-Guildfrd LRT Project Business Case CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT ~ Page 9 Enoch nad INTRODUCTION ‘This business case recommends the implementation of the Surrey-Newton-Guildford LAT Project (the Project), a SIililliilll 10.4-kilometre light rail transit (LRT) line extending from Surrey City Centre east ‘along 104 Avenue to Guildford Town Centre and south down King George Boulevard to Newton Town Centre. The Project will be 2 modern, ‘urban style’ LAT line that will operate at street level, primarily in the center medians of 104 Avenue and King George Boulevard. The Project, as illustrated in Figure 1, ill include 11 stops along the length ofthe line, delivering frequent and reliable transi service between Guildford and Newton town centres via Surrey City Centre and will be coordinated with, and connect to, ‘the local and regional cycling network as well as local bus (highlighted in blue) and regional SkyTrain transit systems (highlighted in grey). Figure 1 ~ Surtey-Newion- Guildford LRT Project Map ‘The development ofthe Project would playa key role inthe realization ofthe Cty of Surrey, Metro Vancowver and the Province of British Columbia's vison for the livability, environmental and economic development of the Region. The Projects highlighted as part of ‘+ The Government of Canada's effort to build strong cities through public transit investment from its Public “Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTI) ‘+ The Province’s plan to reduce 3 million tonnes of Greenhouse Gas emissions in ks Climate Leadership Plan’ ‘+ The Province’s sb uiding principles to adress housing affordability rani partnerships + The Province’s commitment to invest in transit development as part ofits BC on the Move? + Metro Vancouver’ Region Growth Strategy — Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping Our Future, +The Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation's 10-Year Vision” ‘The Project represents a significant investment in transit South of the Fraser River, comprising one of two rapid transit corridors that together make up the South of Fraser Rapid Transit (SOFRT) network. The second rapid transit corridor, connecting Surrey Metro Centre with Fleetwood Municipal Town Centre ‘and Langley Regional City Centre (via Fraser Highway), will be addressed in a separate and subsequent business case once further technical work on the route and technology have been confirmed. This business case, while focused primarily on the justification for senior government investment in the Project, provides an overview of the regional context to support the ultimate build-out of the entire SoFRT network, along with a detailed description of the planning history and options assessment leading to the selection of the Project as the preferred alternative and priority line to be implemented as the first phase of the ultimate SoFRT network. METRO VANCOUVER REGION AND THE SOUTH OF FRASER SUB-REGION ARE GROWING For more than 50 years, Metro Vancouver, the political body overseeing the Metro Vancouver region (the Region), has focused its land and transportation planning efforts on the development of a livable and sustainable region of urban centres connected by a robust transportation system. Over the years, its leaders have successfully and consistently aligned its growth and development with transportation plans, strategies, and investments. ‘As more people move into and invest in the Region, Metro Vancouver faces new mobility and affordability challenges. The Region already has the highest average housing prices in Canada and factoring in transportation, many low-income households devote up to 67% of their pre-tax income just to live and commute in the Region. ‘The South of Fraser Sub-Region (the Sub-Region) is one of the fastest growing areas in the Region with population and employment levels set to increase by nearly 70% In the next 30 years. As outlined in Figure 2, the Sub-Region includes the City of Surrey, City of Langley, Township of Langley, Corporation of Delta, City of White Rock and Tsawwassen First Nation. The City of Surrey (the City) is the urbanizing ‘core of the Sub-Region ands expected to absorb a significant amount of this population and ‘employment growth. This growth represents a significant opportunity for the economic, urban, and ‘environmental future of the City. partnerships reans/Aimc Both Metro Vancouver and the City have envisioned medium to high-density residential and commercial development along key corridors within the City. This development would transform the City into a ‘more livable and attractive environment for its residents and visitors. CURRENT TRANSIT CANNOT MEET DEMAND IN THE SOUTH OF FRASER SUB-REGION Metro Vancouver and the City both have plans for redevelopment that cannot be achieved without an ‘effective rapid transit solution. LRT infrastructure serves as a means of connecting destinations along the corridor, shifting people away from private cars and supporting higher density development. ‘The Sub-Region is underserved by transit, with a lower proportion of residents within walking distance of rapid transit compared to other parts of the Region. iFleft unmanaged, the continued growth, and ‘accompanying single occupancy vehicle use would place a significant strain on the City resulting in increased traffic congestion, travel times, greenhouse gas emissions and housing affordability challenges. ‘As the Sub-Region grows, in the absence of investment in improved transportation and transit infrastructure, the Province of British Columbia (the Province) and Metro Vancouver are unlikely to ‘meet their climate action, environmental, and transportation goals. 'SURREY-NEWTON-GUILDFORD LRT PROJECT IS AN EFFECTIVE SOLUTION reans/imnk partnerships srey-Newlor- Guildford LRT Project Busines ‘CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT ~ For more than a decade, the City has planned for rapid transit along key corridors, envisioning it as a catalyst to transform its suburban community into the second urban core of the Region. The City’s policy framework is arguably the most comprehensive within the Region, and has been adopted with extensive ‘support from its diverse residential and business communities. Figure 3 illustrates the City’s vision for a Figure 3~ Proposed LT at Newton Transit Exchange ‘The Project represents a significant investment in the Sub-Region and will be the first step towards the Ultimate build out of the SoFRT network. The Project will help shape growth along the Newton-Guildford corridor, and provide much needed transportation choices for communities that will face an on-going. struggle with gridlock in the absence of an investment in rapid transit. An at-grade LRT line along the. Newton-Gulldford corridor will facilitate investment and attract the scale of development that the City has carefully planned for within the corridor. For its part, the Project will playa significant role in the transformation of two important corridors creating an attractive and safe pedestrian-friendly environment, attracting mid-rise housing development supported by community services and neighbourhood retail as illustrated for 104 Avenue in Figure 4. raansAinic partnerships ‘Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT Project Business Case CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT Pago 13, Figure 4~ Rendering of LRT on 108 Avenue In addition to being able to attract the type and scale of development envisioned for the rapidly growing ‘communities along the Newton-Gulldford corridor, LRT will also provide the necessary transit capacity to meet the forecasted demand over the long-term. ‘When compared to @ Business as Usual (BAU) scenario that assumes the Newton-Guildford corridor, ‘would continue to be served by buses only, the Project performs exceptionally better. Under the BAU scenario, even higher frequency B-Line bus service operating along the Newton-Guildford corridor will reach capacity over the planning period through to 2045. ‘Simply put, additional investment in the bus network along the corridor is @ temporary solution that will be unable to service long-term ridership demand or catalyze the type and scale of development that has been planned for. By contrast, the Project will provide reliable transit capacity to meet the forecasted ‘demand through to 2045 and beyond, thus addressing both city-shaping aspirations and transportation objectives. ‘SCOPE OF SURREY-NEWTON-GUILDFORD LRT PROJECT ‘The Project will introduce LRT connecting Surrey City Centre to Guildford Town Centre via 104 Avenue ‘and Newton Town Centre via King George Boulevard. The system will use low-floor light rail vehicles, with stations approximately 800 metres apart. This urban-style approach alms to integrate into ‘communities along the corridor and promote complementary transit and pedestrian-oriented development. Light rail technology supports city-shaping, mixed-use and transit-oriented development (TOD) opportunities along the corridor. ‘The Project scope includes the following: + Construction of 10.4 km at-grade LRT trackway with 11 new LRT stops; rans Arm partnerships ‘Surrey-Newton-Guildford LRT Project Business Case CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT ~ Page 14 ‘+ Roadwork including widening and modifications to accommodate the LRT system; | Right of way design to include safe, attractive facilities for pedestrians and cyclists + Construction of road retaining structures and replacement of one single-span bridge; “+ Utility relocation and protection; + Construction of anew LRT Operations and Maintenance Facility (OME); '+ Procurement of 16 articulated low floor light rll vehicles, 40 metres long: ‘+ Power supply including power distribution, overhead catenary, and 8 traction power sub-stations; ‘+ Installation of communications systems, train control and signalling; + Environmental mitigation; * Construction of two new transit exchanges at terminus stations; and '* Property acquisition to accommodate the expanded right of way. BENEFITS OF SURREY-NEWTON-GUILDFORD LRT PROJECT FOR THE PROVINCE AND REGION ‘The Project will not only connect to the regional SkyTrain system but also create new ‘neighbourhood to neighbourhood’ connections necessary to support residential and employment growth within the Region's second largest urban core. In addition, the Project results inthe following benefits: | Providing fast, frequent and reliable service that is capable of handing long-term deman« '* Providing significant transit user benefits inthe form of travel time savings and improving the customer experience; + Improving transportation options and economic development potential; + Usiizing a dedicated right of way forall modes and traffic signal priority to improve reliability and reduce conflicts with other vehicle traffic, bicyles and pedestrians; ‘+ Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing automotive vehicle kilometers travelled (VKT) and replacing diesel bus B-Line service with electric LRT service; and '+ Improving affordability by enabling greater mobility at reduced cost for resents across the region and encouraging transit-oriented urban development and housing availablity. PROCUREMENT ASSESSMENT AND PROJECT DELIVERY ‘A range of feasible procurement options and structures, including both traditional public sector and. partnership models were identified and analyzed as to their suitability for the Project 1940) sama) — aire partnerships ‘Surrey-Newion-Guildford LRT Project Business Case CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT ~ Page 15 PROJECT SCHEDULE AND COSTS A high-level Project schedule i illustrated in Figure 5*. The schedule indicates construction will ‘commence in fall 2019 with service commencement expected by winter 2023. Pectetebstenstitetecet| peat : sam Projet Peeuremant al oe | | / i Prien comestin 1 Operon S13) sama) Figure ~ Project Schedule ‘The estimated capital cost of the Project is approximately Sill nominal dollars, including ‘Table 1— Construction Cost Allocation (§ mlions) “Tomtes musings niet alent rae poaroan ivan a Tena abe rans partnerships ‘Surrey-Newion-Guildford LRT Project Business Case CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT ~ Page 16 RECOMMENDATION ‘This business case recommends the following approvals from Governmer b) a sa) eam rans partnerships Pages 55 to/a 544 are withheld pursuant to sections sont retenues en vertu des articles 13(1), 17(1) of the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act de la Loi sur la protection de la vie privée

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