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Lesson Plan:

Lesson Title: Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships Grade Level: 6-8

Developed By: Mars Ostrowski and Brittany Hoover Date: 31OCT16

Step 1: Desired Result

A. Health Topic: Mental and Emotional Health

B. Healthy Behavior Outcome(s)

1. HBO 8: Establish and maintain healthy relationships

C. National Health Education Standard(s)

1. NHES #1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and
disease prevention
2. NHES #2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media,
technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

D. Iowa Core Curriculum-21 Century Skills-Health Literacy and Essential Concept(s)


1. 21.6-8.HL.1 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Demonstrate functional health

literacy skills to obtain, interpret, understand, and use basic health concepts to
enhance personal, family and community health.
2. 21.6-8.HL.4 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Integrate media literacy skills to
analyze media and other influences to effectively manage personal, family and
community health situations.

E. Knowledge and/or Skill Expectations

1. MEH1.8.33 Describe characteristics of healthy relationships. (HBO 8)
2. MEH1.8.34 Explain the qualities of a healthy dating relationship. (HBO 8)
3. MEH1.8.35 Differentiate healthy and unhealthy relationships. (HBO 8)

Step 2: Assessment Evidence

A. Name/Type of Assessment:
1. Identifying the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships
Instructing students to write characteristics on post-it notes and place them
on a Board. Separating unhealthy and healthy relationships.
2. Fortune tellers
3. Ticket to Class (Before lesson)
4. Ticket to Success (After lesson)

B. Criteria:
1. Ticket to class slip (Before lesson)/ Ticket to Success (After lesson)
Students will answer questions before and after a lesson to evaluate level
of understand prior to after the assigned lesson
a. Describe 1 characteristic of a healthy relationship towards a
b. Describe 1 characteristic of a healthy relationship towards
family members
c. Describe 1 characteristic of a healthy relationship towards
teachers and other students
d. Describe 1 characteristic of an unhealthy relationship for one
of the above (friend, family member, teachers, or other

Step 3: Active Learning Plan (How will I teach so all my students learn?)
Steps for Students Steps for Teachers

1. Listening 1. Teacher hands out ticket to class slips (one to each


2. Teacher asks students to look at the questions and

answer them to the best of their knowledge without
talking to a partner or friend

3. Student looks at questions on 3. Teacher moves around the room to ensure students are
slip and answers them while on task and answer any questions that arise
sitting quietly

4. Students eyes on speakers 4. Teacher directs students to put down their writing
utensils and turn papers face down and send them to the
end of the aisles.

5. Teacher asks, Can anyone in the class guess what the

topic of discussion is today, based on the ticket to

6. Student raises hand quietly 6. Teacher asks students to raise their hands until being
called upon. Teachers reminds students to remain quiet
until being called on.

7. Student waits to teacher to 7. Teacher partners students and asks the partner on the
partner them up and then the left to come up and get the envelope for their group

8. Student on right places slips 8. Teacher tells the partner on the right to lay out all the
on the table vertically, slips vertically. Teacher draws example on the board
following the example (Barb style)
diagram drawn on the board

9. Groups discuss which 9. Allow time for collaboration. Have students place their
characteristics best fit with hands on their lap once they are done.
the definitions given

10. Raise their hand to answer 10. Discuss the slips with the students (read the description)
the question presented by the and asks students to raise their hand to share what word
teacher in (COLOR) best describes the descriptors.

11. Partner on the left places 11. Tells the partners on the left to place the slips back in
slips back in envelope and the envelope and hand it to the person on the right
hands them to their partner

12. The partner on the right turns 12. Directs the person on the right to hand in the envelopes
in the envelope and collects and collect the fortune tellers. Informs students to
the fortune teller collect them and leave them on the desk.

13. Eyes on teacher 13. Describes and demonstrate how to use the fortune teller

14. Takes turns playing and 14. Tell them to practice the fortune teller with their
analyzing the situations on partner. Each partner gets two turns and then student
the fortune teller switches. The student without the fortune teller will
guess whether the situation is healthy or unhealthy.

15. Walks around and ensures students are on task and

places the sheet for the following task on the desks face

16. Student currently holding the 16. Leave the white slips face down at the top of your desk.
fortune teller will open it up Have students open the fortune teller to discuss the
so the situations are visible situations as a class
for discussion

17. Thumbs up/down to each 17. Have students give you a thumbs up at the chest if it is
situation a healthy relationship and a thumbs down if it is a
unhealthy relationship.

18. Student sits quietly 18. Read the situations out loud, REPEAT, wait 10 seconds
contemplating the situations for response.

19. Respond to what you see. For example: I notice that

most of you said this is a healthy relationship (If we
notice a significant amount of students unsure or
incorrectly answering we can discuss it further to
elaborate on what it means)

20. Turns white slip over and 20. Tell students to turn over the two white slips of paper at
reads the situations listed the top of their desk and turn it over. Read the situation
to themselves and think whether it is a healthy or
unhealthy situation.

21. Gives students time to think to themselves. Draw on

the whiteboard 3 columns. At the top, label the left side
healthy, the middle column unsure, and the right
side unhealthy. Provide small pieces of tape on the
board for students to grab.

22. Call on a group of students to come up and place their

slip under healthy, unhealthy or unsure column. (About
2 groups at a time)

23. Discuss each column on the board to the class. Read

each situation outloud to the class. Discuss any grey
areas or situations.

24. Sit down at desk 24. Ask students to sit back down at their desk.

25. Students will reflect and 25. Wrap Up/Closure: Hand out Ticket to Success slips
answer questions and pass and ask students to reflect on what they learned. Tell
them to the end of the aisle students to answer the questions, then fold the slips in
for teacher collection half. When they are done they will pass them to the end
of the aisle for teacher collection.
A. Materials:
1. Ticket to class slips
2. Origami (Fortune Teller)
3. Colored notecards with characteristics printed on them
4. Envelopes (to stick the slips in)
5. Pre-cut sheets with healthy and unhealthy relationships (column activity)
6. Tape

B. Time: 30-40 minutes

C. Differential/Modifications:


D. Resources:
1. http://kidshealth.org/en/teens/healthy-relationship.html
2. http://kidshealth.org/classroom/6to8/personal/growing/healthy_relationships.pdf
3. http://www.thehotline.org/2013/02/teaching-teens-about-healthy-relationships/
4. http://www.downloadablecootiecatchers.wordpress.com
5. http://www.tolerance.org/toolkit/portfolio-activity-possession-obsession
6. http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/hecat/pdf/hecat_module_meh.pdf
7. https://iowacore.gov/iowa-core/subject/21st-century-skills/8/health-literacy
8. http://tswynard.faculty.noctrl.edu/Healthy%20Relationships%20Lesson.docx
9. Barb Bakker, UNI Health Education Instructor

Step 4: Reflection

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