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Design Spiral

The ship design process starts with deciding the mission requirements. These are usually
specified by the ship owner, who based on the current and future market scenario and
expectations, define the parameters and features of the ship. The further steps are outlined in
the image on right.

Along with the cycle the process goes through various phases -

Concept design phase - The key objective is to arrive at the feasibility of the project
Preliminary design phase - The key objective is to plan the project
Contract design phase - The key objective is to arrive at the costing of the project
Detailed design phase - The key objective is to construct the vessel
1 Design Spiral
2 Cycles
o 2.1 Owners Requirements
o 2.2 Concept Design
o 2.3 Preliminary Design
o 2.4 Contract Design
o 2.5 Detailed Design
o 2.6 Timeframes
3 Points on the Spiral
o 3.1 Mission Profile
o 3.2 Hull Form
o 3.3 Structural Arrangement
o 3.4 General Arrangement
o 3.5 Weights & Centres
o 3.6 Hydrostatics & Stability
o 3.7 Resistance & Propulsion
o 3.8 Auxillary Systems
o 3.9 Electrical System
o 3.10 Outfitting
o 3.11 Economics

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