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Abnormal Psychology; A Beautiful Mind

The film A Beautiful Mind Characterizes is about a genius mathematician John Nash who
falls a victim of paranoid schizophrenia. The film begins by John pursuing his career of
mathematics at Princeton University. He was well known for his intelligence although he was an
arrogant and antisocial student of mathematics who spent most of his time effortlessly trying to
discover mathematical equations. Halfway the film, it is revealed that all the events that have
occurred are illusions within the beautiful mind of Nash. This is the point that leads to the
realization that Nash has schizophrenia and that some of the people like Charles were just
hallucinations in his mind. They never existed in reality. After some long treatment, he manages
to get along well with his condition and even learns how to socialize.
The film portrays some significant lessons with regards to psychology. The film uses a
visual medium to portray stress and mental illness within the mind of an individual. One thing I
learned about the film is about competition and conflict. Nash had the problem of creating a
distinction between reality and delusions. To some extent, this is a common problem even with
the normal people who fail to distinguish the emotional alterations in their viewpoints. The
sudden mood change and attitude are as a result of shifting the mind control the intelligence of
myriad competition and conflict.
I would applaud the film for creating a better understanding of schizophrenia. One issue
that came out clearly in the film is the use of willpower to recover from schizophrenia. Nash
stops taking drugs as he realizes that he cannot cope with the side effects of these drugs. So, he
embraces the sheer force of will to handle the disease. Nevertheless, the notion that willpower is
enough to overcome schizophrenia is unprovable. Drugs, emotional support, and therapy are the
most significant in overcoming the disease.

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