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Summer School Marking Plan

Date Time Activity

Tuesday June 20th 10:00-11:30 EGAP 3 Productive Writing Exam
Wednesday June 21st 9:00-12:00 EGAP 4 Equivalency Exam
10:00-11:50 EGAP3 Reading & Listening Finals
12:30 Collect scripts for 1st essay marking
(MCR) (Both EGAP 3 and EGAP 4)

1st/2nd bubble sheet marking

(Both EGAP 3 and EGAP 4)

Thursday June 22nd 9:00 Return 1st essay marking

(MCR) 2nd Essay marking (global)

12:30 Completion of grade in Blackboard/Babel

Grade center downloaded &
Babel Screen Shots uploaded on K-drive

(MCR) = Male Conference Room

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