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Session 2 - News Review
(here) a device for gathering information

the circular path one object takes around another in space

vehicle used in space

(here) difficult or dangerous

(here) the centre

Session 3 - LingoHack
on such a scale
(here) of a large size

ability to make good decisions

on record
officially measured

people who cut down trees

moving around a planet or star

Session 4 - Treasure Island: 9 uses of 'time'

a long time (A2)
a lot of time

in no time (C1)
very quickly; soon
only a matter of time (C1)
it will definitely happen

at times (C1)
occasionally; sometimes

as time goes by (C1)

as time passes

at one time or another (C2)

at an unspecified time, usually in the past

time after time (C2)

again and again

in no time (C1)
very quickly; soon

time-consuming (C1)
taking a long time to do


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
Session 2 - News Review
set to
ready to / likely to

to become
is going to become

follow in someone's footsteps

to do something (normally a job) which someone has done before you

take the reins

to take control of something

Session 3 - Lingohack
needs quick action

(here) place where an incident happened

bad health caused by a poor diet

(adjective) named informally by many people

Session 4 - Oliver Twist: 7 uses of 'light'

light (B1)
make something start to burn

light (B1)

shed light on (C2)

give new information to help explain a situation

light (A1)
pale in colour
out like a light (C1)
sleeping deeply

in the light of (C1)

because of certain facts

brings to light (C2)

reveals something previously unknown


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced

Session 5 - Tim's pronunciation workshop

Linking /r/
Words that end with an // sound are often pronounced with an /r/ sound at the end,
which links to the next word if that word begins with a vowel sound. Some examples of
phrases where this might happen include:

Can somebody call for an ambulance?

I haven't read War and Peace.
You've got something in your eye.
Session 1 - News Review
use the words or ideas of someone else and pretend they are your own

rip off
steal something or copy something

a rip-off
something that is not worth the price OR something which is a copy of something else

bear a striking similarity

to have a very strong similarity

Session 3 - Lingohack
person who applies for a job or a post

very critical

general development in a situation

Session 4 - The Rue Morgue: 8 uses of 'run'

make your blood run cold (C2)
make you feel very scared

run (A1)
move fast by taking steps that are much quicker than walking

running (B2)

run up against (something) (C2)

start to experience a problem
runs through (C2)
thinks about

running through (his head) (C2)

thinking about

run the risk of (C2)

do something that might cause something bad to happen

runs away (B2)

escapes; leaves somewhere quickly and/or secretly

runs after (B1)



A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
Session 2 - News Review
keep something away (for example: insects/water) by being unattractive or unpleasant
to it

something/someone repels you

you find something/someone disgusting or unpleasant and want to stay away from

prevent/discourage someone from doing something by making it difficult or unpleasant
for them to do it

a pun
a funny way of using a word so that more than one meaning is suggested

steer clear of
avoid someone or something

Session 3 - Lingohack
breaking through
forcefully opening the way through (a barrier)

failed to be achieved

very large fires

before its expected time

Session 4 - Little Red Riding Hood

cut out (C1)
stop eating

to cut a long story short (C1)

to only talk about the most important or interesting details
cut (someone) short (C2)
stop (someone) from finishing what they are saying or doing

shortcut (B2)
different route or direction that saves time

cut to the chase (C2)

don't waste time, just get to the important bit

cutting down (A2)

making a tree fall to the ground by cutting it near the base

woodcutters (B2)
people whose job is to cut down trees

cut (someone/something) up (B1)

use a sharp tool to separate something into pieces

cutbacks (C2)
reductions in money available to spend

cutting remark (C1)

a cruel comment intended to upset someone


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
Session 2 - News Review

very dirty

waste water from toilets

teeming with
containing a large number of

not surprised or worried

areas of Brazilian cities where the housing is very poor

Session 3 - Lingohack
(here) expressed doubts about

from a distance


Session 4 - Pride and Prejudice

looking for (A1)
trying to find

has the looks (C2)

appears intelligent and/or handsome

the look of (B2)

the appearance of
looks on (C1)
has a particular opinion

looks like (B1)


looking to (C2)
planning to

looks as if (B2)
appears to be

looks over (C2)


look down on (B2)

believe that someone is less important than you

look up (C1)

look forward to (C2)

be excited and happy about a future event


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
Session 2 - News Review
person with a strong belief in a certain cause who takes action to achieve their aims

hunger strike
time during which someone refuses to eat as a protest

period of time when a person chooses not to eat

Here used as an adjective used to describe a person who is mentally and emotionally

Session 3 - Lingohack
asking oneself

to log
to make an official record

elegant and fashionable

made public in a ceremony

Session 4 - Robin Hood: 9 uses of 'stand'

stand up for (B2)
give support to; defend

can't stand (B1)

strongly dislike

don't stand a chance (C2)

have little possibility of success

stand for (C2)

represents an idea or priniciple
stand to lose (C2)
be in a situation where you may lose an advantage

won't stand for (C1)

refuse to accept or allow a situation

stand out (B2)

be noticeably better than other people

stands by (B2)
supports someone in a difficult situation

stands (C1)
remains; exists in a place


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
Session 2 - News Review
an upset
when someone beats the team or player that was expected to win

pull something off

to succeed in doing something that is difficult

egg somebody on
encourage someone or urge someone to do something (especially something they
shouldn't do)

a situation in which there is a lot of noise or craziness because people are excited,
angry, or frightened

Session 3 - Lingohack
medal tally
number of medals won

feeds on
eats, consumes (especially for animals)

breaking the rules of a competition

Session 4 - Pygmalion: 8 uses of 'round'

driving him around the bend (C2)
making him very annoyed

comes round (C2)

begins to accept something previously rejected

round and round (B2)

moving in a circular direction

round the clock (C1)

all day and all night
round (A2)
on all sides (of something)

goes round to (A2)


in a roundabout kind of way (C2)

more or less; sort of

round off (B2)

finish; complete (something)


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
Session 2 - News Review
kick off
begin or cause something to begin

pass the baton

give responsibility for something important to another person or group

wrap up
finish something

look carefully or closely

Session 3 - Lingohack
look carefully or closely

thought something was lower than it really was

put (something) down to

(phrasal verb) gave something as a reason for something else

Session 4 - Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde: 9 uses of 'sound'

sound out (B2)
talk to someone to find out their thoughts and ideas

by the sound of it (C2)

basing your ideas on information you have heard or read

sounds (B2)

doesn't like the sound of [something] (C1)

is unhappy about a situation he has heard about

not a sight or sound of [someone] (C2)

nobody has seen or heard from [someone]
sounds strange (A2)
seems unusual

sound (A2)
something that can be heard

sounds as though (B1)

appears to be true, based on what you have heard

sounds like (B1)

(also) appears to be true, based on what you have heard


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
Session 2 - News Review
to quickly leave a place, normally because it is dangerous or unpleasant

used here as an adverb before a number to mean 'approximately'

a place which is the the centre of a particular activity

short missions

not stable; likely to break

Session 3 - Lingohack
marine reserve
area of ocean protected by the law

moving in a circular path around an object (especially for planets)

sadness because someone has died

Session 4 - Romeo and Juliet: Eight uses of 'break'

breaks the news (C2)
tells someone about something bad

break off (B2)

end a relationship

breaks into (B1)

enters a place by force

break up (B1)
end a relationship
breaks down (B1)
gets upset; starts to cry

break her promise (B2)

not do something she had agreed to do

breaking (A2)
separating into smaller pieces

breaks her heart (B2)

makes her feel extremely sad


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 10:
Session 2 - News Review
(here) thought to be lower than it really is

ways of earning money in order to live

rising quickly

falling quickly and suddenly

very shocking and surprising

bear the brunt of

suffer the worst part or effect of something bad or harmful

Session 3 - Lingohack
sudden occurrences of disease or war

passed away

noticed after looking carefully

Session 4 - Frankenstein: 10 uses of 'make'

makes (A1)

has made a name for himself (C2)

has become well-known for something

makes (B1)
causes something to happen
to make matters worse (B2)
to cause a bad situation to get even worse

makes for (B2)

moves towards

makes a start (C2)

begins to do something

makes his blood boil (C2)

causes him to be very angry

makes up his mind (B1)

finally decides

make of (C2)
understand the meaning of

makes time (C1)

finds spare time to do something


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 11:
Session 2 - News Review
hold/keep/play your cards close to your chest
not share key information; be secretive

come clean
tell the truth about something you were keeping secret

big deal
something important

not that big a deal

important, but not very important

short period when you are ill or unhappy; a short period of activity

bat away
(here) reject

Session 3 - Lingohack
formal speech

made secret information public

(here) understood something previously unexplained

Session 4 - Hansel and Gretel: 13 uses of 'turn'

take a turn for the worse (C2)
suddenly become worse

turns out (B2)

is discovered to be

turns a blind eye (C1)

turning (A1)
changing direction

turn back (B2)

travel in the direction they came from

turn of events (C2)

outcome of a situation

turn up (B2)

turns into (B1)

changes; becomes


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 12:
Session 2 - News Review
giant / massive / gigantic
very big

from outside planet Earth

secretly listen to a conversation

Session 3 - Lingohack

made unhappy

(here) something or somebody very popular

Session 4 - The Snow Queen: 9 uses of 'stick'

stick up for (C2)

sticks (B2)
goes into

stick with (B2)

stay close to

stick by (C2)
continue to support

stick (B1)
a long, thin piece of wood

stuck (B2)
unable to move
can't stick (C1)

stick (B2)
become attached

stick together (B2)

support each other


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 13:
Session 2 - News Review
to have an angry argument

in direct competition

lose your cool

to become angry/lose your temper

Session 3 - Lingohack
creating (something) that lasts

occurrences of physical damage to a person

(here as an adjective) original; not seen before

Session 4 - Far from the Madding Crowd: 11 uses of 'set'

set (B2)
(a story) situated in a particular time and/or place

set their sights on (C2)

have a particular goal (of doing something)

dead set against (C1)

completely opposed to

sets off (B1)

starts a journey

sets out (C2)

starts doing something in order to achieve an aim

sets him off (C2)

causes him to
setback (C1)
problem that delays or worsens a situation

set (B1)
ready (to do something)

set on (B2)
determined (to do something)

sets on (B2)

all set (C1)

completely prepared and ready


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 14:
Session 2 - News Review
common ground
something people agree about, especially when they disagree about other things

pick yourself up
recover from a difficult situation

try very hard to do something in a hurry, often when competing with other people

Session 3 - Lingohack
lack of effort or skill needed to do something

final time when something should have been completed


sold to whoever pays the highest price

Session 4 - The Piper of Hamelin: 12 uses of 'pay'

pay up
pay money that is owed

pays a heavy price

suffers terrible consequences

pay attention
watch or listen carefully

give money in exchange for goods or services

pay off
be successful after taking a risk
pay handsomely
give a lot of money in exchange for goods or services

pay in cash
pay using coins and notes rather than by cheque or credit card

be in the pay of
work for someone (often secretly and/or dishonestly)

money you receive for doing a job

pay day
the day you receive your wages from your job

be punished

without paying a penny

not giving money in return for goods or services
UNIT 15:
Session 2 - News review
a burning issue
an important and urgent problem, often one that people have strong opinions about

burn a hole in (someone's accounts)

cause them to spend lots of money

money burns a hole in my pocket

whenever I have money I have to spend it

it burnt a hole in my pocket

it cost a lot of money

come/be under fire

be criticised or held responsible

Session 3 - Lingohack
make a political or economic system less safe or reliable

demand or interest

limiting the damage

reducing the negative effects

gently encourage

Session 4 - Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles :

9 uses of 'dead'
dead (A2)
not alive

dead certain (C1)

completely sure about something

deadly danger (B2)

extreme danger
the dead of night (C1?)
the middle of the night

stops dead in his tracks (C2?)

stop suddenly

dead silence (C1)

completely quiet

stone dead (C1?)

completely dead

dead giveaway (C2?)

something that accidentally but clearly reveals a secret

dead ringer (C2?)

exact likeness


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 16:
Session 2 - News Review
endangered species
a type of animal or plant that might stop existing because there are only a few of that
type alive

get to the bottom of

to discover the truth about something or find the cause of something

a turn of events
a change in a situation

serious and emotional requests for something

Session 3 - Lingohack
accessible only to authorised people (for example: documents)

lack or shortage of something

large boat

Session 4 - David Copperfield: 13 uses of the word 'take'

takes (A1)
brings a person or thing from one place to another

taken someone into (your) care (C1)

agreed to look after someone and be responsible for them

takes the opportunity (B2)

uses the situation to do something he wants to do

take (someone) off to (C1)

move (someone) from one place to another

take refuge (C2)

find shelter (from danger or unhappiness)
takes pity on (B2)
feels sympathy for

takes an instant dislike to (B2)

immediately feels hostility towards something or someone

seems/is taken with (C1)

is attracted to

taken advantage of (C2)

used a situation to get what you want (often by deceit)

takes up (B2)
begins a hobby, job or activity

take off (B2)

start to become successful

take a turn for the worse (C1)

start to go wrong

take care of (B1)

look after

Session 5 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop

Pronunciation of 'can'
In fluent everyday speech when the modal auxiliary can isnt stressed the
pronunciation becomes /kn/.

Some examples of phrases where this might happen include:

I can speak fluent Japanese.

Can you bring the shopping in please?
How long can you hold your breath?


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 17:
Session 2 - News Review
drinking more than another person

wine o'clock
(humorous) an appropriate time of day to start drinking wine

knocking back
drinking something quickly or in large amounts, particularly alcohol

person who drinks a lot of alcohol

Session 3 - Lingohack
given the green light
approved to proceed


organisation that raises money for a particular purpose of public interest

Session 4 - Orpheus and Eurydice: 13 uses of the word 'long'

all day long (B1)
continuously throughout the day

long (A1)
measuring a large distance between two points

before long (B1)

soon; quickly

last long (B1)

continue for a lot of time

a long way off (B1)

a large distance away
take long (B2)
need a lot of time

long gone (C1)

departed a large amount of time ago

as long as I live (B2)

for the rest of my life

no longer (B2)
not any more

a long shot (C2)

an attempt that is unlikely to succeed

at long last (B2)

finally; after a lot of time and/or effort

so long as (C1)
on the condition that

longed (C2)
wanted to do something very much


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 18:
Session 2 - News Review
strike back
attack someone who has attacked you

make a strong promise to do something; make a determined decision to do something

(here) intended to harm or steal private information from a computer

relating to computers

shore up
make more secure

Session 3 - Lingohack
transported by aircraft

side effects
additional unpleasant results of taking a drug

set free

Session 4 - Jamaica Inn: 10 uses of the word 'stay'

stay (A2)
live in a place for a short time

stay out of his way (C1)

avoid him

stay on (C1)
continue to be in a place

stay over (B2)

sleep in a place for the night instead of going home
stays up (B2)
doesn't go to bed at the usual time

stay away from (C1)


stay put (C2)

remain in a place

stay (A1)
continue to be in a place

stay out of trouble (C2)

not get involved with something that will cause problems

stay together (B1)

continue to be with each other


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 19:
Session 2 - News Review
the mechanism of voting

system of secret voting

something you say to persuade people to support you or do something

Session 3 - Lingohack
move with force

shattering the dreams

ending the hopes

temporary; usually of poor quality

influenced positively

Session 4 - The Princess and the pea: 9 uses of the word 'sleep'
loses sleep over (something) (C2)
worries about (something)

sleeps through it (C1)

remains sleeping despite the noise

sleep (A1)
rest, in a natural state of unconsciousness

sleep (B2)
has enough beds for a particular number of people to sleep in

sleeping like a baby (C1)

sleeping very well
get some sleep (B1)
have a period of rest

falls asleep (B1)

starts to sleep

didn't sleep a wink (C2)

slept very badly

sleep on it (C2)
think about something before making a decision


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 20:
Session 2 - News Review
sweltering; sizzling; scorching
very, very hot

on course; on track; on pace

happening in the way we expect, based on what has happened until now

make tracks
leave a place (often quickly)

lose track
stop being aware of what someone is doing or what is happening

go off the beaten track

travel to places where not many people go

Session 3 - Lingohack
evade tax
not pay money you owe the government by law

extremely small quantities

finding a reason, explanation or answer to a question or problem

Session 4 - Moby Dick: 9 uses of the word 'see'

see (B2)
find out; assess the possibility of

see (A1)
notice with their own eyes

you see (C1)

let me explain

see how (C2)

believe (something is possible)
wait and see (C1)
wait until later to find out what will happen

see sense (C2)

realise he is wrong

sees red (C2)

gets angry

see (B1)

see eye to eye (C2)

agree with each other


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 21:
pull the plug on something
stop something from continuing or happening

scrap; ditch; dump

stop doing something or get rid of something that is no longer wanted or needed.

formally say that you no longer support or accept something

a (bath/sink) plug
a round piece of rubber or plastic that fits into the hole in a sink or a bath

a plug
part with two or three metal pins at the end of an electric cord to connect it electricity

Session 3 - Lingohack
a murky world
complicated and badly understood

fell into the hands of

went to the wrong person or people

falling well short

not achieving what is expected

sudden economic increase

Session 4 - The Vampyre - 9 uses of the word 'keep'

keep away (B2)
not go near somewhere or someone

keep (B1)

keeps him company (B2)

stays with him so he is not alone

keep his eyes open (C2)

watch carefully for someone or something
keep (something) a secret (B1)
not tells anyone about (something)

keep his word (C1)

do what he has promised

kept woman (C1)

a woman who is given money and a home by a man

keep (something) to himself (C2)

not tell anyone (about something)

keep (B2)
store safely


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 22:
Session 2 - News Review
officially having a particular purpose

describes people, plants and wildlife that have lived in a certain place for longer than
later arrivals

connected with religion or considered to be holy or precious

Session 3 - Lingohack
process of sadness after someone has died

cathartic release
letting out of strong feelings that had not been shown before

statement about what is likely to happen in the future

development; improvement

Session 4 - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - 11 uses of the word

getting out of hand (C2)
become hard to control

get (A1)
catch (in this context. The wider meaning is obtain)

gets underway (C2)


get (A2)
get to (B2)
have the opportunity to (do something)

get away (B2)


get worse (B1)

become more unpleasant

get off (A2)


gets (A2)
starts to

get through it (C1)

deal with a bad experience

getting up to (something) (C2)

being involved in; doing


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 23:
Session 2 - News Review
(here) to create a digital profile

team up
to get together with other people or organisations to achieve something

make a serious promise

Session 3 - Lingohack
in labour
in the last stage of pregnancy when the baby is pushed out

keeping up
progressing at the same rate as something else

up close
very near something

Session 4 - Huckleberry Finn - 9 uses of the word 'come'

come into (C2)
received or found (something)

coming across (C1)

behaving like

comes (A1)

comes up with (B2)

thinks of (something)

come with (A1)


come to the rescue (C2)

yet to come (B2)
going to happen

comes to light (C2)

is revealed

come naturally (C1)

happens easily


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 24:
Session 2 - News Review
sudden increase

making less effective

increased and decreased suddenly

Session 3 - Lingohack
a testament
evidence that something exists

lived rough
lived outside, often on the streets

safe places

urban oasis
a quiet place in a built up area

Session 4 - X uses of Y

a far cry from (C1)

very different to

cry (A2)
produce tears from her eyes

a shoulder to cry on (C2)

a person who listens to your problems and gives you sympathy

cries (B1)
says loudly
cry your eyes out (C2)
get very upset and cry a lot

crying out for (C2)

really wanting or needing

for crying out loud (C2)

(said to express anger)

crying out (C2)

shouting in fear or pain


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced

Session 5 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop

Assimilation of /d/ and /j/

When a word ends in a /d/ and the next word begins with /j/, the two sounds often come
together and change to //.

Would you do me a favour?

Has it been painted yet?

The /u/ sound in you can be pronounced as schwa.

Would you like a cup of tea?

UNIT 25:
Session 2 - News Review
standing guard
protecting something to make sure it stays safe or doesn't escape

keeping watch
paying close attention to a situation so you can react to any problems

someone's plan or original idea

Session 3 - Lingohack
cabin feverish (to have cabin fever)
frustrating and boring because you have been indoors for too long

control and make use of

three-dimensional and life-like, created by lasers

a person you spend a lot of time with

Session 4 - Cinderella: 12 uses of 'go'

go shopping (A1)
visit shops to buy things

go downhill (C2)
become worse

it goes without saying (B2)

it is obvious

go to (A2)

go into detail (B2)

talk about all the facts
goes by (B2)

to go (C1)

go without (C1)
not have something that you need or usually have

touch and go (C2)


give it a go (B2)
try something

goes (B1)

go with (B1)
match; look good next to


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 26:
Session 2 - News Review
something real, that you can touch

welcomed with enthusiasm

record high
highest amount reached

turning the tables

changing from the weaker position to the stronger

Session 3 - Lingohack
a realistic model of something yet to be built

social isolation
lack of contact with other people

people who like to do dangerous things

Session 4 - The North Wind and the Sun: 10 uses of 'catch'

catching (B2)
touching; reflecting on

catch my breath (C1)

take a short rest

caught off guard (C2)


catches sight of (C1)

suddenly sees

catch hold of (B2)

grab; seize
catch his death (C2)
develop a severe cold or chill

catch up (B2)
get up-to-date

catch up (B2)
go faster to reach someone in front of you

catch (B1)

caught out (C1)

shown to have made a mistake


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 27:
Session 2 - News Review
the bulk of
most of; the majority of

a change that improves something

set to
organised so that something happens in the future

Session 3 - Lingohack
dirty, connected with illegal or morally wrong activity

urban areas
towns, cities or suburbs

young animals (bears, foxes, lions)

Session 4 - King Midas and his Golden Touch

touch and go (C2)
uncertain; with a risk of not succeeding

a touch (C2)
a small amount

touched (B2)
emotionally affected

touches (B1)
puts his hand on

a nice touch (C2)

a small but effective detail

gets in touch (B1)

contacts (someone)
sense of touch (B2)
ability to feel things


A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 28:
Session 2 - News Review
refuse to take part in something as a protest

allowed by the law

get bigger

Session 3 - Lingohack
mainly; mostly

very harmful; damaging

mentioned as evidence or proof

something people disagree about

Session 4 - X uses of Y: Emma

right (B1)

in her own right (C2)

not relying on anything or anyone else

right (B1)
most suitable

right (B2)
morally acceptable

right through (C2)

all the way
has no right (C1)
does not have a good reason

do the right thing (B2)

take action that is morally correct

right away (B1)



A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced

Session 5 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop

Assimilation of /t/ and /k/

When the letter 't' comes after a vowel sound and before another word that starts with
the sound /k/, its pronunciation changes from /t/ to /k/.

Note that some words that begin with the letters qu, like quite and quick, also start with
the sound /k/.

Did you see Usain Bolt run in the race? I didn't realise he ran that quickly!
Would you pass me that carrot? I need it for this stew I'm cooking.
Fat cat bosses in the city earn far more than the average worker.
UNIT 29:
Session 2 - News Review
Used as a prefix to mean 'too much'

describes something possible in the right circumstances

browned off

Session 3 - Lingohack
before its due date

benefit to someone's well-being

state of being so fat that it is a risk to your health

Session 4 - The Island of Dr.Moreau

with (A1)

with (B1)
on; to

with (B2)
because of

with bated breath (C2)

anxiously; nervously

live with (B1)


with (B2)
with his bare hands (C2)
using physical strength and no weapons

with the aid of (C1)

using something that helps you

A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced
UNIT 30:
Session 2 - News Review
sack / fire
remove from a job

refusing to obey

act of not being loyal

Session 4 - Macbeth
out (C1)
a long way from home

set out (C1)

begin an attempt

out of (B1)
from an amount or number

out of his mind (C2)

unable to deal with things normally because of something bad

get out (B1)

become known

find out (A1)


out (A1)
not at home

out (B1)

out (B1)
available to everyone

sets out (C2)

begins (a journey)
gives out (B2)
makes; produces

left out (B2)

not included

A1 = Beginner
A2 = Elementary
B1 = Lower Intermediate
B2 = Higher Intermediate
C1 = Towards Advanced
C2 = Advanced

Session 5 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop


Over this series, we've looked at how:

/t/ and /d/ sounds disappear between consonants

'Mashed potato' becomes /mptet/

Consonant sounds can link with vowel sounds

'An egg' becomes 'anegg'

Certain vowel sounds can link with certain other vowel sounds by adding sounds
'The shoe is' becomes 'the shoe /w/ is'

Two consonant sounds can join together, or twin

'It takes two' becomes /teks tu/.

Some sounds can change completely

'Green Park' /grin pk/ becomes /grimpk/.

Unstressed grammar words are often weak

'I'd have been late' becomes /adv bn let/

Schwa is important to the rhythm of natural spoken English

'A piece of cake' / pis kek/

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