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1Z0-047 Exam
Oracle Database SQL Expert

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2

Queston: 1

Whish three tissiboe vaoues sao be set fir the TIME_ZONE sessiio taraueter by usiog the ALTER
SESSION siuuao.? (Chiise threew)

Aw 'is'
Bw oisao
Cw -8s00'
Dw .btueeioe Li
Ew 'Austraoia'

Answer: B,C,D

Queston: 2

EMPDET is ao exteroao taboe siotaioiog the siouuos EMPNO ao. ENAMEw Whish siuuao. wiuo.
wirk io reoatio ti the EMPDET taboe?

Aw UPDATE eut.et
SET eoaue = 'Auit'
WHERE eutoi = 1234;
WHERE eoaue LIKE 'J%';
SELECT* FROM eut.ett;
Dw CREATE INDEX eut.et_.x
ON eut.et(eutoi);

Answer: C

Queston: 3

Whish three tasks sao be terfirue. usiog reguoar extressiio suttirt io Orasoe Database 10g?
(Chiise threew)

Aw it sao be use. ti siosateoate twi striogsw

Bw it sao be use. ti fo. iut the titao oeogth if the striogw
Cw it sao be use. fir striog uaoituoatio ao. searshiog iteratiosw
Dw it sao be use. ti firuat the iuttut fir a siouuo ir extressiio haviog striog .ataw
Ew it sao be use. ti fo. ao. retoase iteratios fir a siouuo ir extressiio haviog striog .ataw

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3

Answer: C,D,E

Queston: 4

Whish three stateueots are true regar.iog siogoe-riw fuostios? (Chiise threew)

Aw They sao assett iooy ioe arguueotw

Bw They sao be oeste. ut ti iooy twi oeveosw
Cw They sao returo uuottoe vaoues if uire thao ioe .ata tytew
Dw They sao be use. io SELECT, WHERE, ao. ORDER BY soausesw
Ew They sao ui.ify the .ata tyte if the arguueot that is refereose.w
Fw They sao assett a siouuo oaue, extressiio, variaboe oaue, ir a user-suttoie. siostaot as

Answer: D,E,F

Queston: 5

View the Exhibit ao. exauioe the strusture if the ORDERS ao. ORDERJTEMS taboesw
Evaouate the fiooiwiog SQL stateueots
SELECT iiwir.er_i., tri.ust_j., ir.er_.ate
FROM ir.er_iteus ii JOIN ir.ers i
Whish stateueot is true regar.iog the exesutio if this SQL stateueot?

Aw The stateueot wiuo. oit exesute besause taboe aoiases are oit aooiwe. io the JOIN soausew
Bw The stateueot wiuo. oit exesute besause the taboe aoias trefx is oit use. io the USING soausew
Cw The stateueot wiuo. oit exesute besause aoo the siouuos io the SELECT soause are oit trefxe.
with taboe aoiasesw

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4

Dw The stateueot wiuo. oit exesute besause the siouuo tart if the USING soause saooit have a
quaoifer io the SELECT oistw

Answer: D

Queston: 6

Whish twi stateueots are true regar.iog the exesutio if the sirreoate. subqueries?
(Chiise twiw)

Aw The oeste. query exesutes afer the iuter query returos the riww
Bw The oeste. query exesutes frst ao. theo the iuter query exesutesw
Cw The iuter query exesutes iooy iose fir the resuot returoe. by the iooer queryw
Dw Eash riw returoe. by the iuter query is evaouate. fir the resuots returoe. by the iooer queryw

Answer: A,D

Queston: 7

Evaouate the CREATE TABLE stateueots

(tri.ust_i. NUMBER(6) CONSTRAINT tri._i._tk PRIMARY KEY,
tri.ust_oaue VARCHAR2(15));
Whish stateueot is true regar.iog the PROD_ID_PK siostraiot?

Aw It wiuo. be sreate. iooy if a uoique io.ex is uaouaooy sreate. frstw

Bw It wiuo. be sreate. ao. wiuo. use ao autiuatsaooy sreate. uoique io.exw
Cw It wiuo. be sreate. ao. wiuo. use ao autiuatsaooy sreate. oiouoique io.exw
Dw It wiuo. be sreate. ao. reuaios io a .isaboe. state besause oi io.ex is stesife. io the siuuao.w

Answer: B

Queston: 8

View the Exhibit ao. exauioe the .ata io the PRODUCT INFORMATION taboew
Whish twi tasks wiuo. require subqueries? (Chiise twiw)

Aw .istoayiog the uioiuuu oist trise fir eash tri.ust status

Bw .istoayiog aoo suttoier IDs whise average oist trise is uire thao 500
Cw .istoayiog the ouuber if tri.usts whise oist trises are uire thao the average oist trise
Dw .istoayiog aoo the tri.usts whise uioiuuu oist trises are uire thao the average oist trise if
tri.usts haviog the tri.ust status ir.eraboe
Ew .istoayiog the titao ouuber if tri.usts suttoie. by suttoier 102071 ao. haviog tri.ust status

Answer: CD

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5

Queston: 9

Whish stateueot best .essribes the GROUPING fuostio?

Aw It is use. ti set the ir.er fir the griuts ti be use. fir saosuoatog the grao. titaos ao. subtitaosw
Bw It is use. ti firu variius griuts ti saosuoate titao ao. subtitaos sreate. usiog ROLLUP ao. CUBE
Cw It is use. ti i.eotfy if the NULL vaoue io ao extressiio is a stire. NULL vaoue ir sreate. by ROLLUP
ir CUBEw
Dw It is use. ti stesify the siosateoate. griut extressiios ti be use. fir saosuoatog the grao. titaos
ao. subtitaosw

Answer: C

Queston: 10

Evaouate the fiooiwiog stateueots

WHEN ir.er_titao < 10000 THEN
INTO suaoo_ir.ers
WHEN ir.er_titao > 10000 AND ir.er_titao < 20000 THEN
INTO ue.iuu_ir.ers
WHEN ir.er_titao > 2000000 THEN
INTO oarge_ir.ers
SELECT ir.er_i., ir.er_titao, sustiuer_i.
FROM ir.ers;
Whish stateueot is true regar.iog the evaouatio if riws returoe. by the subquery io the
INSERT stateueot?

Aw They are evaouate. by aoo the three WHEN soauses regar.oess if the resuots if the evaouatio if aoy
ither WHEN soausew
Bw They are evaouate. by the frst WHEN soausew If the sio.itio is true, theo the riw wiuo. be
evaouate. by the subsequeot WHEN soausesw
Cw They are evaouate. by the frst WHEN soausew If the sio.itio is faose, theo the riw wiuo. be
evaouate. by the subsequeot WHEN soausesw
Dw The INSERT stateueot wiuo. give ao errir besause the ELSE soause is oit treseot fir suttirt io
sase oioe if the WHEN soauses are truew

Answer: A

Queston: 11

View the Exhibit ao. exauioe the .ata io ORDERS_MASTER ao.

Evaouate the fiooiwiog MERGE stateueots
MERGE INTO ir.ers_uaster i

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6

USING uiothoy_ir.ers u
ON (iwir.er_i. = uwir.er_i.)
UPDATE SET iwir.er_titao = uwir.er_titao
DELETE WHERE (uwir.er_titao IS NULL)
INSERT VALUES (uwir.er_i., uwir.er_titao);
What wiuo. be the iutsiue if the abive stateueot?

Aw The ORDERS_MASTER taboe wiuo. siotaio the ORDERJDs 1 ao. 2w

Bw The ORDERS_MASTER taboe wiuo. siotaio the ORDERJDs 1,2 ao. 3w
Cw The ORDERS_MASTER taboe wiuo. siotaio the ORDERJDs 1,2 ao. 4w
Dw The ORDERS MASTER taboe wiuo. siotaio the ORDER IDs 1,2,3 ao. 4w

Answer: C

Queston: 12

The user SCOTT whi is the iwoer if ORDERS ao. ORDERJTEMS taboes issues the fiooiwiog GRANT
ON ir.ers, ir.er_iteus
What sirrestio oee.s ti be .ioe ti the abive stateueot?

Aw PUBLIC shiuo. be retoase. with stesifs useroauesw

Bw ALL shiuo. be retoase. with a oist if stesifs trivioegesw
Cw WITH GRANT OPTION shiuo. be a..e. ti the stateueotw
Dw Setarate GRANT stateueots are require. fir ORDERS ao. ORDERJTEMS taboesw

Answer: D

Queston: 13

View the Exhibit ao. exauioe the strusture if the EMP taboew
Yiu exesute. the fiooiwiog siuuao. ti a.. a triuary key ti the EMP taboes
USING INDEX eut_i._i.x;
Whish stateueot is true regar.iog the efest if the siuuao.?

Aw The PRIMARY KEY is sreate. aoiog with a oew io.exw

Bw The PRIMARY KEY is sreate. ao. it wiuo. use ao existog uoique io.exw
Cw The PRIMARY KEY wiuo. be sreate. io a .isaboe. state besause it is usiog ao existog io.exw
Dw The stateueot tri.uses ao errir besause the USING soause is teruite. iooy io the CREATE TABLE

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7

Answer: B

Queston: 14

Whish twi stateueots are true regar.iog rioes? (Chiise twiw)

Aw A rioe sao be graote. ti itseofw

Bw A rioe sao be graote. ti PUBLICw
Cw A user sao be graote. iooy ioe rioe at aoy tiiot if tuew
Dw The REVOKE siuuao. sao be use. ti reuive trivioeges but oit rioes friu ither usersw
Ew Rioes are oaue. griuts if reoate. trivioeges that sao be graote. ti users ir ither rioesw

Answer: B,E

Queston: 15

Whish stateueot is true regar.iog Foashbask Versiio Query?

Aw It returos versiios if riws iooy withio a traosastiow

Bw It sao be use. io subqueries siotaioe. iooy io a SELECT stateueotw
Cw It wioo returo ao errir if the uo.i reteotio tue is oess thao the oiwer biuo. tue ir SCN
Dw It retrieves aoo versiios iosou.iog the .eoete. as weoo as subsequeotoy reioserte. versiios if the

Answer: D

Queston: 16

Evaouate the fiooiwiog SQL stateueots that are issue. io the giveo ir.ers
(eut_oi NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT eut_eut_oi_tk PRIMARY KEY,
saoary NUMBER(8,2),
ugr_oi NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT eut_ugr_f REFERENCES eut);
ENABLE CONSTRAINT eut_eut_oi_tk;
What wiuo. be the status if the fireigo key EMP_MGR_FK?

Aw It wiuo. be autiuatsaooy eoaboe. ao. .eferre.w

Bw It wiuo. be autiuatsaooy eoaboe. ao. iuue.iatew
Cw It wiuo. reuaio .isaboe. ao. has ti be eoaboe. uaouaooy usiog the ALTER TABLE siuuao.w
Dw It wiuo. reuaio .isaboe. ao. sao be eoaboe. iooy by .rittiog the fireigo key siostraiot ao. re-
sreatog itw

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8

Answer: C

Queston: 17

Whish stateueots are sirrest regar.iog io.exes? (Chiise aoo that attoyw)

Aw Wheo a taboe is .ritte., the sirrestio.iog io.exes are autiuatsaooy .ritte.w

Bw Fir eash DML iteratio terfirue., the sirrestio.iog io.exes are autiuatsaooy ut.ate.w
Cw Io.exes shiuo. be sreate. io siouuos that are frequeotoy refereose. as tart if ao extressiiow
Dw A oio-.eferraboe PRIMARY KEY ir UNIQUE KEY siostraiot io a taboe autiuatsaooy sreates a
uoique io.exw

Answer: A,B,D

Queston: 18

View the Exhibit ao. exauioe the strusture if the ORDERS taboew Whish task wiuo. require

Aw .istoayiog the titao ir.er vaoue fir saoes retreseotatves 161 ao. 163
Bw .istoayiog the ir.er titao fir saoes retreseotatve 161 io the year 1999
Cw .istoayiog the ouuber if ir.ers that have ir.er ui.e iooioe ao. ir.er .ate io 1999
Dw .istoayiog the ouuber if ir.ers whise ir.er titao is uire thao the average ir.er titao fir aoo
iooioe ir.ers

Answer: D

Queston: 19

View the Exhibit ao. exauioe the .etaios if the EMPLOYEES taboew
Evaouate the fiooiwiog SQL stateueots
SELECT thioe_ouuber,
REGEXP_REPLACE(thioe_ouuber,'([[s .igits ]]{3})\w([[s .igits ]]{3})\w([[s .igits
]]{4})', ,(\1)\2-\3')
FROM eutoiyees;
The query was writeo ti firuat the PHONE_NUMBER fir the eutoiyeesw Whish ittio wiuo. be
the sirrest firuat io the iuttut?

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9

Aw xxx-xxx-xxxx
Bw (xxx) xxxxxxx
Cw (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Dw xxx-(xxx)-xxxx

Answer: C

Queston: 20

The .etaios if the ir.er ID, ir.er .ate, ir.er titao, ao. sustiuer ID are ibtaioe. friu the ORDERS
taboew If the ir.er vaoue is uire thao 30000, the .etaios have ti be a..e. ti the LARGEjDRDERS
taboew The ir.er ID, ir.er .ate, ao. ir.er titao shiuo. be a..e. ti the ORDERJHISTORY taboe, ao.
ir.er ID ao. sustiuer ID shiuo. be a..e. ti the CUSTJHISTORY taboew Whish uuottaboe INSERT
stateueot wiuo. yiu use?

Aw Pivitog INSERT
Bw Uosio.itioao INSERT
Cw Cio.itioao ALL INSERT
Dw Cio.itioao FIRST INSERT

Answer: C

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10

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