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Daily Word List -18 August 2017 (http://www.quizcanvas.

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IBPS Specialist Of cer Recruitment (http://www.quizcanvas.com/exam/ibps-specialist-of cer-recruitment) SSC CGL (http://www.quizcanvas.com/exam/ssc-cgl)

IBPS Probationary Of cer Examination (http://www.quizcanvas.com/exam/ibps-probationary-of cer-examination) English

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1. Reverberate (verb)

(of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo; Have continuing and serious effects

Synonyms : resound, echo, re-echo, repeat, resonate

Her deep booming laugh reverberated around the room.

The statements by the professor reverberated through the Capitol.

2. WHIP (noun)

A scythe for cutting speci ed crops; A car; Beat (a person or animal) with a whip or similar instrument, especially as a punishment or to urge them on

Synonyms : pull, whisk, snatch, pluck, tug

A grass whip.

I just got new wheels for my whip.

Lewis whipped the boy twenty times.

3. QUIRK (noun)

A peculiar aspect of a person's character or behaviour; (with reference to a person's mouth or eyebrow) move or twist suddenly, especially to express surprise
or amusement

Synonyms : idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, oddity, eccentricity, foible

They accepted her attitude as one of her little quirks.

His lips quirked disbelievingly.

4. CONSORT (noun)

A wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch; Habitually associate with (someone), typically with the disapproval of others

Synonyms : associate, keep company, mix, mingle, go around

Queen Victoria and her consort, Prince Albert.

You chose to consort with the enemy.

5. EXCURSION (noun)

A short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity; A deviation from a regular activity or course; A movement of something along a path or
through an angle

Synonyms : trip, outing, jaunt, expedition, journey

An excursion to London Zoo.

The rm's disastrous excursion into the US electrical market.

Large excursions of the hip and knee joint.

6. CREDENCE (noun)

Belief in or acceptance of something as true; A small side table, shelf, or niche in a church for holding the elements of the Eucharist before they are

Synonyms : acceptance, belief, faith, trust, con dence

Psychoanalysis nds little credence among laymen.

A credence table.

7. CONTINUAL (adjective)

Forming a sequence in which the same action or event is repeated frequently

Antonyms : occasional, sporadic, temporary, momentary

Synonyms : repeated, frequent, recurrent, recurring, oft repeated

His plane went down after continual attacks.

8. FOLKSY (adjective)

Having the characteristics of traditional culture and customs, especially in a contrived or arti cial way; Informal and unpretentious

The shop's folksy, small-town image.

His folksy, direct style.

9. CRAVING (noun)

A powerful desire for something

Synonyms : longing, yearning, hankering, hunger, hungering

A craving for chocolate.
10. CREAK (noun)

A scraping or squeaking sound; (of an object, typically a wooden one) make a scraping or squeaking sound when being moved or when pressure is applied;
Show weakness or frailty under strain

Synonyms : squeak, groan, grate

The creak of a oorboard broke the silence.

The stairs creaked as she went up them.

The garden gate creaked open.

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