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Ms. Hill AdrianaHill@ciscomets.com
Dear Parents,
I am pleased to have your son/daughter in my Spanish class. I plan to make his/ her year of studying a foreign
language an exciting and memorable experience. Your child will learn the language and the culture of the Latin World.
I am from Panama City, Republic of Panama. I taught previously in Panama, Harris Road Middle School and Cox Mill High

I know you are wondering about the fairness of the class and how you can help your child to succeed in Spanish.
The student needs to:
1. Start working on their bell work assignment as soon as they enter the classroom.
2. Pay attention during instruction time and explanation of any activities.
3. Participate in class activities (group activities with specific tasks and instructions given to each member of the
group, learn songs, and play games).
4. Review the core vocabulary at home at least for 10 minutes (the core vocabulary will be uploaded to a quizlet
account and written in their interactive notebook).
5. Complete homework at home. Complete projects at home if needed. The student will not have homework every
day. Any late work can be turned in up to 4 days late (10 points will be taken away for each day of late work).
6. Stay on task in class. I will be sending emails by the second time I notice your child is off task. These tasks could be
any group activity, teaching instruction time, etc.
7. The students are required to keep a well-organized interactive notebook that we will put together in class, this
notebook will be a project grade. The students will need to bring to the Spanish class, a notebook just for Spanish,
color pencils, glue stick and scissors for the interactive notebook and other mini projects that will be done in class.
This interactive notebook will take the place of a textbook, also they will write important dates and
announcements (quizzes, test, homework, etc.) in the back of this notebook.

The parent needs to:

1. Check the interactive notebook every day.
2. Review and have fun with your son/daughter learning a new language, use the words and expressions
studied in class at home instead of English. For example, when you see your child after school instead of
saying, how are you? You could say Cmo ests?
3. Use sticky notes and label items around the house.
4. Listen to appropriate Spanish music. (You can translate the lyrics into English to be aware if it is appropriate or
not, the popular song Despacito is not appropriate).
5. Use Spanish subtitles when you are watching a movie.
6. Send me emails for any questions. Just be aware I do not respond to emails after 8:30 pm.
7. Check for any reflective note or essay written for misbehavior in their interactive notebook. Please read and

Grading: Tests and projects 50%, Quizzes 30%, Homework and Class Participation 20%.
I expect this to be an exciting and fulfilling year in your childs foreign language experience and I am looking forward to
meeting you.

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