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SAS Data Review Case Study Historical

Data Review
There are 3 datasets (attached in zip file below) to do the analysis
Sales Data: It contains monthly NRx & TRx (Jan15 Dec15) at product level for different
physicians (Please note that year_month format is yyyymm. Ex. 201505 represents May 2015)
Calls Data: It contains monthly calls data (Jan15 Dec15) at product, physician level and
primary, secondary & tertiary calls
Segment Data: It has specialities for the different physician Ims_id

1. Import sales, calls and segment datasets

Hint1: Use DELIMITER = 09x to import tab delimited files

Hint2: Calls data contains calls as a character column with NULL values. Replace NULL with 0 and
convert the calls variables into numeric.

2. Create a master data set (by merging sales, calls & segment data)

Hint: Different datasets need to be merged at different granularity. <very important>

3. Mark (create flags) the various records of Novolog 2015 from the master dataset per the following
venn diagram

Hint: Full outer join would be needed

Novolog TRx writers (Unique physicians with

Novolog TRx in 2015)

Unique Physicians D C
Novolog Called On (Unique
with Favourability B physicians that have any
Flag = A
Novolog calls in 2015)

4. Calculate Levemir brand decile based on 2015 TRx

5. Answer the following question (based on the venn diagram, decile, brands and overall)
Data processing Rules:
Assume Favourability Flag = 'UNKNOWN' for a physician, if not given
Assume SPEC GROUP = ' OTHER' for a physician, if not given
Wherever there is no mention of months, consider aggregate for 2015
wherever only calls is mentioned, all types of calls (Primary, Secondary & Tertiary) are to be

HDR Case Study Data.zip

Venn Diagram (Novolog) Questions:

Q1. What is the average Novolog TRx of physicians in Group B?

A. 1,981
B. 111
C. 1,881
D. 91

Q2. How many Novolog calls (= Primary + Secondary + Tertiary calls) are received by physicians in
Group C?

A. 974
B. 1,174
C. 1,074
D. 874

Q3. What is the average Novolog NRx for physicians having Novolog NRx but no Novolog calls?

A. 42
B. 22
C. 12
D. 32

Levemir Decile Questions:

Q4. How many physicians are there in Decile 6 for Levemir?

A. 56
B. 54
C. 50
D. 52

Q5. What is the total Levemir secondary calls received by physicians in Levemir Decile 3?

A. 2,020
B. 1,980
C. 2,120
D. 2,080

Q6. What are the total Levemir PDEs (Wt.: P1 = 1, P2 = 0.3, P3 = 0.1) for Decile 5 physicians in

A. 1,036
B. 2,036
C. 1,536
D. 536

Q7. What % of total Levemir calls are delivered to physicians in Levemir High Decile (D8 D10)?

A. 3.3%
B. 4.4%
C. 5.3%
D. 2.0%
Q8. Which Levemir decile has the highest ratio of physicians with favorability flag = FAVOURABLE
to favorability flag = UNFAVOURABLE? (Hint: Ignore deciles with infinite ratio)

A. D9
B. D8
C. D7
D. D10

Victoza Questions:
Q9. What is the total Victoza NRx of physicians in PCP Specialty in Feb 2015?

A. 1,147
B. 1,247
C. 1,347
D. 1,047
Q10. For Victoza, which month has the highest TRx for physicians whose IMS_IDs have 4 digits?
(without appending zeroes)

A. December
B. February
C. September
D. August

Overall Master Data Questions:

Q11. How many unique physicians have both TRx & calls (any types) in year 2015 (across all

A. 2,311
B. 1,311
C. 1,411
D. 1,211

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